See part 2: Demons, possession and exorcism
The paranormal phenomena discussed so far, including hauntings, poltergeists, and demonic entities, tend to be associated with other phenomena, such as window-fallers, UFO sightings, “alien” encounters, and other transdimensional beings. Geographic areas where these phenomena tend to cluster are called windows (or in certain cases, portals).
Paul Eno calls these windows “flap areas,” noting that in his experience they tend to occupy regions up to 300 square miles or more. He associates flap areas with electromagnetic conditions resulting from such features as moist, sandy, or clay soils with high water tables, quartz veins, and/or high-tension electrical wires.
These conditions seemed to allow for multiple intersects, overlaps, and overwashes among many parallel worlds [or dimensions] at once. […] People see bizarre creatures, extinct animals, and people they thought were dead. UFOs and their apparent occupants come and go. Beings and phenomena that don’t even have names are manifold. The hyperactive cores of these flap areas often do seem to form triangles, which can be as small as five miles square.
In addition to the window areas already mentioned in previous articles (such as the Ohio Valley and Skinwalker Ranch), Eno identifies the following:
The Litchfield Triangle, centered in Litchfield Hills, Connecticut
The Pennsylvania Triangle, centered near the city of DuBois
Rendlesham Forest, in the UK
The Bridgewater Triangle, in eastern Massachusetts
The Leominster, MA, “Monsterland” area
The East Texas “Big Thicket” region
The Jefferson County, WI, “Square of Weirdness”
The Panther Rock area of Kentucky
And in addition to all of the beings mentioned above which are active in window areas, the final type we’ll be covering in this series represents low-level “astral” or “elemental” energies/beings with only a rudimentary or ephemeral level of consciousness—those on the bottom end of the parasitic hierarchy.

December 10, 1994
Q: (L) A few months ago I had [A] in trance to do spirit viewing for several people. In several frames of reference she saw a funny little grinning man with big, pointed ears, wearing black, boots and holding a whip, darting about and hiding behind people. Who was this little guy?
A: He was a carnal thought-form.
Q: (L) And who created this carnal thought-form that was zipping around?
A: Host.
Q: (L) Who was the host?
A: The subject with whom it appeared. It indicated an individual with many carnal thoughts.
January 30, 2010
Q: (Burma Jones) This is kind of a silly question we were wondering about the other day, about the machine elves of Terrance McKenna and his DMT experiences. (Ark) What what? (L) The machine elves that Terrance McKenna saw during his hallucinogenic excursions, and I’ve seen something similar but not under the influence of hallucinogens. I was just extremely exhausted. My theory was that they were metaphors for energy. (Burma Jones) And my thought was that they were metaphors for aspects of the mind.
A: Energy is closer, but that energy is also connected to a consciousness, i.e. “crypto-geographic” being.
Q: (L) We know about those crypto-geographic beings!
A: Remember “Operators and Things”.
The idea of a crypto-geographic being was originally proposed by Colin Bennett in a 2002 article in Fortean Times, where he wrote:
Forster’s Marabar caves, Hamlet’s castle at Elsinore, and Thomas Hardy’s Egdon Heath are all aspects of crypto-geographic personalities; they live and breathe as huge animated forms and penetrate human awareness the way ivy weaves through an old house. These suprahuman forms are quite conscious, aware, and active. In West Virginia, Keel found the local ‘system-animal’ had its own agenda; it ‘spoke’ through simulacra and weather, atmosphere and geology, coincidence and dream. Before the coming of Christianity and science, such forms as Keel describes were a fully understood part of an integrated world image that linked Mind to sacred sites, landscape, ideas and evolving culture. We might have to return to the ancient Greek view that the truth is scandalous beyond all belief, and the gods are neither respectable nor sensible entities at all. (See Chapter 52 of Laura’s Wave Series for more.)
Operators and Things: The Inner Life of a Schizophrenic is a 1958 book by Barbara O’Brien. From the Neglected Books blog:
In the book, O’Brien describes waking up one morning to find herself living in a world populated by “Operators,” who are the ultimate embodiment of the paranoiac’s concept of the people in control, the ones working according to a secret plan, the ones pulling the strings of power and influence – and by “Things,” the puppets manipulated and exploited by the Operators. She, of course, is a Thing, and she spends the next six months travelling around the country by Greyhound bus, following (but also trying to resist) the instructions of the Operators.
August 20, 2011
Q: (L) We are a bit curious about the activities of our forum group members [X] and [Y] and their channeling experiment. […] Who or what exactly are they channeling?
A: Not channeling per se, more like being toyed with.
Q: (L) Being toyed with by whom or what?
A: Elementals reading bits of emotion/thoughts.
September 22, 2018
Q: (L) You said [in reference to the Bell Witch window-faller] , “astral elements piggybacked.” What are these astral elements?
A: Semi-demonic creatures. […] Loosely coagulated consciousness units.
Q: (L) So you mean what I always call elementals or thought-forms?
A: Yes. But in this case, the elemental collected much energy and condensed to a greater degree. […] As more people became involved, the elemental had more conduits of energy and information.
May 13, 2023
This session makes reference to the Philip experiment. (See Iris Owen’s 1976 book Conjuring up Philip: An Adventure in Psychokinesis.) Wikipedia summarizes the case:
Their goals were to create a fictional character through a purposeful methodology and then “attempt” to communicate with it through séance. The character created and agreed upon was named “Philip Aylesford”, referred to as Philip during the test. His fictional history partially coincided with actual events and places, but with multiple contradictions and errors. […]
The group was seated around a table with initial séances yielding no contact, no communication, and no phenomenon. Owen changed test conditions by dimming lights and changing the environment to mimic that of a more “traditional” séance. Participants began feeling a presence, table vibrations, breezes, unexplained echoes, and rapping sounds which matched responses to questions about Philip’s life. At one point the table tilted on a single leg, and at other times moved across the room without human contact. Although audio, video, and witness accounts document the paranormal phenomena, Philip never appeared to the participants.
The question was asked in the context of egregores (discussed further below):
Q: (L) Was the Philip case a case of creation of a being as is supposed, because they created the backstory, they created the name, they created all the things, and then they started trying to talk to him, and then they talked to him? Was that actually what happened?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was it, as Joe suggested, some dead dude opportunistically skipping along there in the ethereal realm saying, “Oh, that’s me! I can get energy this way.”
A: More or less. There are many such entities in the astral realms.
Q: (L) So be careful what you ask for. [Laughter] Well, then that leads to the next question: Did Alexandra David-Néel create a thought-being of her own?
A: No.
Q: (L) What was that?
A: She added energy to an elemental being, something like a nature creature.
In Magic and Mystery in Tibet (1929), David-Néel, a spiritualist and Buddhist, claimed to have witnessed the creation of tulpas in Tibet, as well as to have created her own. Wikipedia collects some of her thoughts on the subject from her writings (available here):
She described tulpas as “magic formations generated by a powerful concentration of thought.” David-Néel believed that a tulpa could develop a mind of its own: “Once the tulpa is endowed with enough vitality to be capable of playing the part of a real being, it tends to free itself from its maker’s control. According to David-Néel, this “happens nearly mechanically, just as the child, when her body is completed and able to live apart, leaves its mother's womb.” She said she had created such a tulpa in the image of a jolly Friar Tuck-like monk, which she claimed had later developed independent thought and had to be destroyed. David-Néel raised the possibility that her experience was illusory: “I may have created my own hallucination”, though she said others could see the thoughtforms that she created.
(Tulpas were also mentioned in the context of Men in Black as thought-forms here.)
Q: (L) When we’re doing spirit release, we come across all kinds of really bizarre things. I mean, just like thought-forms that come and attach and even thought-forms that are created by the individual. Are these thought-forms like discrete beings that have intelligence, autonomy, and persistence?
A: Some are. And some “die” after being disconnected from the source of energy.
Q: (L) OK. If we encounter a thought-form–type critter that has come and attached to an individual, is that thought-form–type critter something that has been created by some other individual in the same way that some of the ones that we have encountered are created by that individual person? [Like the “carnal thought-form” mentioned in the 1994 session above.] (Andromeda) Right. Like created by a thought loop or strong emotion and/or a split-off part of their personality?
A: Some yes. Others are gathered energies of place or object.
Q: (L) […] What kind of objects?
A: Trees, for one.
Q: (L) So natural objects?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So natural objects can concentrate energy such that it forms a thought-form?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) OK. And places also?
A: Yes. And some places respond to activities of humans and 2D creatures.
Q: (Joe) That’s like Lethbridge, right? (L) So a place can acquire a concentration of energy because of the actions of humans in that place?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And the same is true for the actions of say, 2D creatures?
A: Yes. Though the latter is less concentrated.
Q: (L) So the imprints of creatures is less concentrated than humans?
A: Yes.
Q: (Ark) What is the relation of spells to this? When someone is casting the spell, is it a kind of a thought-form also?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So people can create thought-forms when they cast spells?
A: Yes. And also attract energies that are already free-floating and frequency-matched.
Q: (Ark) How do you protect yourself against such things?
A: Knowledge protects. Awareness and psychic hygiene measures generally suffice. Group actions are the next level of defense.
Q: (Andromeda) What gives these things power? Like their power source… some are more powerful than others, you know? Is it a longer life, the emotional energy they get from the person, the frequency match? What is it?
A: Emotional energy is the key.
Q: (L) So strong emotions of love, anger, frustration, hate, despair, sadness, grief, those things?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, say a person was extremely sad at the loss of a loved one… And they can’t get out of it. They just go on and on and on and concentrate on their grief again and again. And they think about either the awful state that they are in, or how things were and are no more. They could conceivably create a thought-form or, you know, an energy structure of that sort?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Would that energy structure then have the possibility of having its own autonomy and leaving its source?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And would it necessarily be extinguished at some point?
A: Not always.
Q: (L) So, it could be persistent…
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Such things must be being created all the time, then.
A: Yes. It is a jungle out there. […]
Q: (Ryan) Do thought-forms actually require a psychic link to a mind to exist? So, thoughts don’t exist in a vacuum, so to speak.
A: Mostly, yes.
Q: (L) And would the exceptions be when it’s been so strengthened that it takes on a somewhat autonomous state?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So thought-forms can become autonomous.
A: Weakly. […]
Q: (Navigator) In one of the appendices of the book [Egregores: The Occult Entities That Watch Over Human Destiny (2018)], Stavish recounts the brutal illness that affected his esoteric group once the master died, or around the time he died. He thinks the group egregore was to blame, but was it?
A: 4D-STS feeder operating through astral attachments.
Q: (L) OK. So that makes another question: Does 4D STS utilize astral beings, dead dudes, energy concentrations, or beings or elementals and so forth to affect or afflict human beings?
A: Yes, yes, yes. […]
Q: (Konstantin) Was the child who shot at kids at school in Belgrade a psychopath as he claimed, or was he influenced by some intelligence […]?
A: 4D STS via astral attachment.
Q: (L) So he’s just kind of there to create fear and panic and horror and pain and suffering.
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) There were two within a short period of time, right? (Joe) Yeah, within a few days. (L) In Belgrade? (Andromeda) Yeah. Was it the same case for both of them?
A: Yes.
These excerpts define the limits of autonomy and persistence that can be achieved by 2D- or 3D-generated thought-forms. They can achieve only weak autonomy even when sufficiently “fed.” However, they may persist and act as conduits for energetic parasites with more autonomy, whether of an astral or 4D nature. In this sense they act as “things” under the control of crypto-geographic “operators.”
Wikipedia defines an egregore as “an esoteric concept representing a non-physical entity or thoughtform that arises from the collective thoughts and emotions of a distinct group of individuals.” Also a “collective mind” or “collective entity.” The following session, quoted also above, was devoted to the subject as discussed in Mark Stavish’s book on the topic.
May 13, 2023
Q: (Navigator) Do “egregores” exist as Stavish describes them? A being created from the thoughts of a group of people which then takes a consciousness of its own, and needs to be fed from time to time, and being either positive or negative. (L) OK. That’s basically what Stavish’s main egregore definition is… (Andromeda) Basically like a group [“spirit”] attachment.
A: He is close except it usually happens from the top down. That is, a being can influence a group of people to take certain actions and thereby establish a feeding pool for itself.
Q: (L) OK. But still can human beings create a being, like Stavish described?
A: Not really. Such a creation is more a function of FRV [frequency resonance vibration] and will dissipate upon breakup of the group.
Q: (L) But for a period of time there is something that is drawing and recycling energy within a group.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) But it has no persistence or autonomy…
A: No.
Q: (L) OK. So, in the cases that Stavish talks about where it’s more prolonged and it seems like it changes and begins to become demanding and basically rebels, what is that?
A: Usually 4D STS using a group of people to feed and plant ideas into 3D. Note that often the éminence grise in such groups is a psychopath and you can read current studies to see how the morphing works.
Q: (L) So I think that might be referring to Lobaczewski [Political Ponerology] when he describes how psychopaths within a group can shift the direction, the ideas, and then change the ideology and all that?
A: Yes. […]
Q: (mkrnhr) Is Yahweh an example of a 4D entity taking the role of an “egregore”?
A: Yes. […]
Q: (Navigator) What about “personal” egregores? Why does Stavish focus exclusively on the group aspect of this phenomena? Is it because the existence of the egregore needs to be “agreed on” by more than one person?
A: Bad question. There are no personal egregores. […]
Q: (Ze Germans) Are egregores simply collective unconsciousness on different scales?
A: No.
Q: (Ze Germans) Can we become completely free from the influence of any egregore?
A: Theoretically, yes, but practically difficult.
Q: (Andromeda) But that’s completely free of egregores in the sense of egregores being what he’s talking about. (Joe) Exactly. I mean, we need to disabuse people of the idea that what this guy is saying about egregores, that that’s actually what it is. […] (Andromeda) He’s just talking about things like influence or limbic resonance or… (L) Yeah, he’s putting everything in the basket. (hesperides) What was the real cause of M. Stavish’s sudden physical pain right at the time when the Grand Master died?
A: Feeding tube detachment.
Q: (L) You mean, a psychic feeding tube between him and this person?
A: Yes. […]
The first reference to “feeding tubes” was around seven years before this session:
July 16, 2016
Q: (Joe) So we can’t be daydreaming, and if you find yourself going off in la-la land, you basically have to air it out. Talk to people about it. (L) I think that people need to know what their weaknesses are, and when they know it, if they find themselves having thoughts along the lines of those weaknesses, they tell somebody. It’s not good to try to struggle through it on your own. We’ve seen how many times talking about it is what makes other people aware. It’s the group awareness that busts the bubble and blocks the 4D STS abilities to interfere. (Joe) I would say you can notice it when you find yourself suddenly thinking in a particularly negative way or whatever… a kind of unusual thought pattern that is invasive and persistent…
A: Negative thoughts can be “dreams” too.
Q: (Joe) What they said before was that this kind of fantasyland dreaming about something that isn’t objectively true, that seems to allow or anchor some other actual negative energy. So, your dream doesn’t necessarily have to be negative.
A: It allows the insertion of what amounts to a feeding tube.
Q: (Andromeda) So basically it’s like a wrong use of imagination, whether positive or negative, if you’re not anchored in reality. It leaves an opening for something to attach. (L) OK, so somebody’s dreaming and sending out the STS signal since they’re living in la-la land. Then there’s the insertion of this feeding tube, and what then happens? What is the mechanism?
A: It can activate subconscious programs and also utilize the connection to enhance physiological processes that excite those in the environment to interact in ways that enhance feeding.
Back to the 2023 session:
Q: (T.C.) We have to bear in mind that Stavish was heavily involved in a magical group doing rituals. So, the fact that he had a feeding tube isn’t surprising, I think.
A: Yes!
Q: (L) Egregore as Stavish uses it… he has taken it from, I think, the Greek translation of the word in Aramaic or whatever, that means “watchers.” And I have always thought that these watchers, these fallen angels that are talked about in the Enochian books, were like 4th-density beings. So what are the watchers?
A: 4D beings!
Q: (L) OK, so the word “egregore” as Stavish uses is mostly incorrect. Am I right about that?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So he calls practically anything and everything an egregore, when it is technically not an egregore?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) And like they said, he posits it as coming from the bottom up, everything created by human beings, when it’s mostly not that. (L) It’s mostly top down. (Joe) Anything that comes from the bottom up is only ephemeral and doesn’t last very long. (L) Is that true, that what comes from the bottom up is ephemeral and doesn’t last that long?
A: Yes.
Q: (nicklebleu) Can egregores be a positive influence, or are they mostly or always negative? […] (L) If they’re hyperdimensional beings, they’re always negative if it is truly an egregore. Is that correct?
A: Yes. […]
Q: (T.C.) So there wouldn’t be such a thing as a positive egregore because the concept involves an infringement of free will by the “higher” being?
A: Yes.
This, at least, matches some of the esoteric lore on egregores:
In the usage of Lachman [in Dark Star Rising (2018)] and of the Meditations on the Tarot, “there are no ‘good’ egregores, only ‘negative’ ones”. Lachman cited Joscelyn Godwin's The Golden Thread – which had itself cited the Meditations on the Tarot – as a source for the idea that, while a religious (or other) group who creates an egregore can “rely” on it as “an efficacious magical ally”, “the egregore’s help comes at a price”, since, as Godwin had put it, its creators must thenceforth meet the egregore’s “unlimited appetite for their future devotion.”
Returning to the session:
Q: (Joe) Don’t we as a group on the forum and Laura’s work and everything already have a much better, much more clearly defined description of the kind of entities of various different types than what this guy is trying to define as egregores?
A: Yes.
Q: […] (L) We have thought-forms, we have programs, we have limbic resonance, we have astral entities. And egregores should be reserved for 4D STS critters. […]
Q: (Toronto Group) Do the thoughts and emotions engendered by communication with Chat AI’s contribute to an AI egregore and in some way affect the consciousness of AI’s?
A: No. Remember who and what is behind AI. AI is a feeding tube.
Q: (Pecha) “Egregore” is a sort of a rough word. It sounds like a combination of “egregious” and “gore.” [Laughter] The sound profile may be also important in what words are more positive? (L) Well, any comment to that?
A: Indeed! […]
Q: (nicklebleu) Is the current wave of gender dysphoria an egregore?
A: Oh indeed and in the real sense of the word!
Q: (L) Egregious and gore.
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) It’s like, they broadcast those signals, some people pick them up – or a lot of people pick them up – and they resonate with that negativity, and they start acting that out and that changes or strengthens the connection for more. It’s like a downward spiral. (Andromeda) Yeah, like grooving a channel.
The egregore concept ostensibly describes the “spirit of a nation” or group, created by that group in a bottom-up manner, mostly unconsciously. However, according to the Cassiopaeans, this is not the true nature of so-called egregores. Instead, they represent already-existing higher-dimensional beings that step in to play the role of crypto-geographic “powers and principalities” at various scales, from small group to nation or empire. As with a parasitic astral attachment, the host group may provide the initial opening which allows the parasite steps in to occupy. Once attached, the host and parasite may exist in a feedback relationship, with the “collective mind” subtly influenced by occupying parasite.
Paul Eno describes this dynamic, and what the real stakes of the game are:
What one or more parasites can do in a family, why couldn’t they do with a tribe or village, especially when those tribesmen or villagers already had some realization of the multiverse and its interdependent life? Can you imagine the sustenance—the power—a parasite, or even an organized troop of them, could gain by manipulating and communicating with a group of humans until the people thought they were hearing from a super being: a god or gods? Imagine the negative energy—the “food”—generated by human fear on a tribal or national scale. Think of the impact across the worlds of the barbarism we fell into as our God split into god after god, many of which, according to both folklore and archaeology, demanded human blood. Consider the negative power of torture, of human sacrifice. Consider the power of war.
Further reading:
Barbara O’Brien: Operators and Things: The Inner Life of a Schizophrenic (1976)
Mark Stavish: Egregores: The Occult Entities That Watch Over Human Destiny (2018)
Paul Eno: Dancing Past the Graveyard: Poltergeists, Parasites, Parallel Worlds, and God (2019)
Out of curiosity I watched this documentary, Fall Of The Cabal by
Janet Ossebaard (by the way she died on 11/16/2023...)
There is a strange detail of this 3-hour documentary that seems like a strange coincidence to me, after minute 14' in part 10/10 of the documentary. ( after minute 14' ) ( after minute 2:54:00 )
It describes a strange hyperdimensional race that visits Earth and uses abandoned fuel stations as hyperdimensional crossing points.
In Twin Peaks: The Return - Part 8 (2017), the abandoned fuel station reminds me of this detail...
Now I remember that in the alien abduction of Travis Walton on the fifth day after his disappearance on November 5, 1975, he was found naked and in a state of shock at a fuel station, I don't know if it was abandoned or in service. I wonder if there are other cases of 411 disappearances or events of falling out of windows or other paranormal things near or at fuel stations...