In The NASA Conspiracies (2011) Nick Redfern relates two accounts that contains several of the window-faller features noted in two previous collections. Desiree Shaw, daughter of Frank Shaw (who worked as an archivist at NASA’s Johnson Space Center), told Redfern of her father’s strange encounter in 1986 at the Center:
While walking to his car that night, he had seen, to his complete and utter horror, perched on a nearby building, a large man-like figure that was utterly black in color, and that seemed to have a large cape draped across its shoulders and back, with two huge wing-like appendages sticking out of each side of the cape. … Shaw gained the very distinct impression that the beast was actually relishing that it had been noticed, and was even seemingly deriving some form of deranged, evil pleasure from the fact that it had struck terror into the heart of Shaw. He could only stand and stare, frozen to the spot in complete, abject fear.
He later learned from a superior that this wasn’t the first such case.
Indeed, a secret file on the matter had reportedly been opened some months earlier; primarily because on one occasion, in the same location where the winged fiend had been seen, the remains of two dead and horrifically mutilated German Shepherds had been found, their bodies drained of significant amounts of blood.
At the Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico (of chupacabra fame), Frank Drake once had to investigate a guard’s report of “a sinister-looking man dressed in a black cloak” seen walking the perimeter. The guard thought it was a vampire; “a cow was found dead on a nearby farm, with all the blood drained from its body.”
Like these examples, many of the window-fallers listed in the previous collections are seen relatively sporadically, or only over a relatively short period of time. Some are even apparent “one-offs.” But other cryptids have been around much longer and are seen much more regularly. Two of the most famous, the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, for instance, have been reported for centuries, with variations on Bigfoot reported worldwide. Interestingly, the Cassiopaeans do not explicitly refer to either as window-fallers, suggesting that, while they may share certain features with window-fallers, they may have features differentiating them to some degree.
Loch Ness Monster
October 23, 1994
Q: (L) [One of my kids] wants to know what the Loch Ness Monster is.
A: Serpent. 40 feet long average. There are 51 in the lake. They live in underwater cavern system and are leftovers from pre-cataclysmic times.
Q: (L) Are there any huge monsters at the bottom of the ocean?
A: Giant squid about 1,000 feet long. There are about 20,000 of them more or less.
Q: (L) Are there any leftover dinosaurs in the jungles of Africa or South America?
A: No.
March 13, 2021
Q: (Joe) Why is it that the Loch Ness Monster and other similar creatures that are said to exist – and which the Cs said exist – have never been seen and documented like other animals that live on this planet? (Artemis) Didn’t they say like they’re out of phase with our reality or something?
A: Transdimensional.
Q: (Artemis) They’re here but they’re not here. (L) Is it something about the creatures’ own frequency that causes it to blink in and out of our reality?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it living in kind of like a time warp or something like that?
A: Yes.
Dr. Jason Reza Jorjani presents this as an explanation in his book Closer Encounters (2021), ascribing the phenomenon to spatiotemporal distortions caused by “hyperdimensional” UFO bases in such locations.
Q: (Joe) Does it have to do with the belief of the observer as well?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Kind of like Flight 19, I guess. (Joe) Well, they said before about the Loch Ness Monster that they were like plesiosaurs left over from the last ice age. (L) And the last ice age was most likely a different cosmic environment, you know? (Artemis) Is there a way to free the poor Loch Ness Monster?
A: No.
Q: (Andromeda) Is he eating well? (laughter)
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) What does he eat?
A: Whatever it wants!
Q: (Joe) It eats whatever it wants, including people! (Andromeda) That’s what I was wondering. Does it eat people? (laughter) […]
A: Mouth too small. Vegetarian for the most part, but not exclusively.
While the first session gives the impression of a relict species, the second implies that there is more going on with Nessie than meets the eye, with some window-faller features. One of the first to propose a paranormal nature for Nessie was John Keel in 1970:
[W]e can not exclude the possibility that some of our Swamp Slobs and lake creatures might be temporary psychic projections; mindless manifestations of energy. Such projections could take almost any form when viewed by limited human perception. … The “reflective” factor … could even play a part and the entity might construct itself from images in the witnesses’ minds. Thus, when the proper witness (percipient) is in the right place (“window”) at the right time (“flap” period) almost anything could take place. If this is the case, then the percipient actually sees what he later describes. (The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings)
More recently, Nick Redfern has devoted a book to the topic: Nessie! Exploring the Supernatural Origins of the Loch Ness Monster (2016). In an Amazon review, William R. Hancock writes:
It is also to be noted that Ted Holiday’s notion [in his 1973 book The Dragon and the Disc: An Investigation into the Totally Fantastic] of Ness monsters being “transitory” and “ghostlike” or “some kind of manifestation” was in some ways verified in the late 1970s and 1980s by the Remote Viewing (RV) programs “Grill Flame” and “Star Gate” operated by U.S. Army Intelligence (INSCOM; Intelligence & Security Command) under co-ordination by the CIA and the Pentagon’s DIA. INSCOM RVers used some subjects over and over again as “calibration” targets for their viewing focus. Among such was the Loch Ness Monster. And what did INSCOM decide about the Loch Ness beasties? That they were NOT real biological entities. That they seemed to be transitory manifestations. That they MATERIALIZED ... and DE-MATERIALIZED. That they weren’t IN the loch at all times (perhaps “summoned” at intervals?). And they very much LOOKED....when IN their apparitional form....quite like the PLESIOSAURS many people take them to be (as remnant “survivals”).
As with Nessie, most researchers have theorized that Bigfoot is simply a flesh-and-blood ape or relict species. Keel thought there were at least two different types: an animal of some sort, and a paranormal being. The paranormal hypothesis has only started getting more attention in the field in the last decade or two (see the sources listed below). As Joshua Cutchin writes in Where the Footprints End (2020):
Bigfoot sightings are riddled with such accounts: tales of disappearing entities, strange lights, three-toed tracks, trackways simply ending in snow-covered fields; mimicry and shapeshifting; bulletproof wild men; even stories where bigfoot seem more akin to poltergeists, ghosts, Old World faeries, and witches than living creatures.
The Cassiopaeans seem to imply something in between the two options, sharing features of both. The first reference to Bigfoot was made without prompting, in response to a seemingly unrelated question:
October 9, 1994
Q: (L) Was Mars ever inhabited?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) By whom?
A: By those you now know as Sasquatch or Bigfoot.
Q: (L) Do they now live on this planet as a result of being brought here by other beings?
A: They are transitory. Do not inhabit on a permanent basis.
Mars will be discussed in another collection. In the Law of One, Ra had also claimed Bigfoot were the survivors of a planetary catastrophe in our solar system, but from the planet which is now our asteroid belt (which they refer to as “Maldek”), not Mars. Like Keel, they also claimed there were multiple Bigfoot types, one of which matches their description of a window-faller (i.e. a “thought-form”):
January 27, 1981
Ra: […] there are two races which use the second-density [i.e. animal] form [on Earth]. One is the entities of the planetary sphere you call Maldek. […] They dwell within your deeper underground passageways and are known to you as “Bigfoot.” The other race is [designed to offer] appropriately engineered physical vehicles [for humans] in the event that there is […] nuclear war. […] These are beings which exist as instinctual second-density beings which are being held in reserve to form what you would call a gene pool in case these [bodies] are needed. […] These [bodies] of the second race dwell in uninhabited deep forest. There are many in various places over the surface of your planet. […] we would not call these Bigfoot, as they are scarce and are very able to escape detection. The first race is less able to be aware of proximity of other [beings], but these beings are very able to escape due to their technological understandings before their incarnations here. These entities of the glowing eyes are those most familiar to your peoples.
[This last sentence seems to refer to the alleged second race, but contradicts what they said just previously about them, that they are “very able to escape detection.” Glowing eyes are fairly common in Bigfoot reports and thus may better apply to the first race, or the third, as glowing eyes are also a common feature of window-fallers.]
Ra: […] There are three types of Bigfoot […] The first two we have described. The third is a thought-form.
Whether Bigfoot’s current appearance matches the bodies they allegedly had on Mars is still an open question in the Cassiopaean material. Joe McMoneagle remote viewed ancient inhabitants of Mars as giant humanoids, but not of the hairy variety. Ra claimed that the Bigfoot body type was a karmic choice—that Bigfoot has a third-density consciousness inhabiting a second-density body in order to alleviate the karmic burden of destroying their planet by warfare.
The Cassiopaean session continues:
Q: (L) Well, how do they come and go?
A: They are the slaves and “pets” of the Lizard beings [i.e. 4D STS “Reptilians”].
Q: (L) How did the Sasquatch get here from Mars?
A: Brought by Lizard beings but they do not inhabit Earth.
The UFO connection to Bigfoot is real, but not ubiquitous, and ignored by many UFO and Bigfoot researchers. While anomalous lights are commonly associated with Bigfoot sightings, structured craft are less so. However, plenty of such cases have been documented over the decades. They are the subject of veteran researcher Stan Gordon’s 2010 book Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook. Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner quote 15 such cases in Where the Footprints End in which Bigfoot is observed “aboard, emerging from, or entering UFOs.” In some, Bigfoot was observed being dropped or lowered from flying lights or saucers. Cutchin writes: “A small subset of stories suggests, if a connection between bigfoot and UFOs indeed exists, the creatures are subservient to the Ufonauts.”
Timothy Good quotes the following account in his 1998 book Alien Base:
My earlier book Alien Liaison [1991] devotes a chapter to the remarkable events experienced by ‘Jim’ [Evans], a former US Air Force security officer, his family, and others, at their ranch in Colorado, beginning in 1975. Those events included cattle mutilations, sightings of a ‘Bigfoot’ creature and disc-shaped objects, and an eventual encounter with two quasi-human beings, who seemed to be in charge. The encounter took place late one night. […] ‘They were approximately five feet six inches tall,’ he reported. ‘They had on tight-fitting clothing, you know, like a flight suit.’
[…] They were very fair, had large eyes and seemed perfectly normal, completely relaxed. They had blond [short] hair with something over the head. The thing that impressed the most was the eyes ... Their facial features were finer. They were almost delicately effeminate [and] completely self-assured.
During the meeting, with the aid of a box-like device, the beings demonstrated their complete control over the Bigfoot creature, which, regardless of whether such creatures are indigenous to Earth or not, implies that they are used in subservient roles.
In Glimpses of Other Realities Vol. 1 (1993), Linda Moulton Howe published this 1983 account from Ron and Paula Watson of Mount Vernon, Missouri:
A couple were puzzled by bright silver flashes coming from a pasture across the road from their farmhouse. Grabbing a pair of binoculars they were startled to see two small silver suited humanoids that appeared to be “running” their hands over a black cow that was lying on its side, not moving. The small beings moved their hands in odd jerky movements and suddenly the cow rose straight up and floated with the beings into a silvery cone-shaped object on the ground nearby. The object’s surface was like a mirror and reflected everything around it. Standing by a ramp on the object was a tall reptilian figure that had glaring eyes slit by vertical pupils resembling a snake. Standing on the other side of the craft was a taller and heavier hairy creature resembling a Bigfoot type being, that also had vertical yellow slits in round green eyes. As soon as the being entered the object with the black cow, it disappeared.
Redfern (2010) also relates a story from Bruce Weaver, whose grandfather told him of an alleged document at Brooks AFB detailing the recovery and analysis of a strange humanoid body recovered in the woods near the John H. Glenn Research Center during a period of intense UAP activity (small, fast-moving orbs of light). From the description, it was a Bigfoot type: nine feet tall, powerful muscles, short coarse brown hair. According the autopsy, the creature had 32 teeth, human-like vocal chords (there are many reports of Bigfoot imitating animals and human voices – see more below), and, within its lower left arm “was embedded some form of small, metallic device that NASA medical specialists concluded was very likely a type of highly advanced tracking device and/or transmitter.”
Q: (L) Why have Sasquatch been seen in remote places throughout history?
A: Put there for menial slave tasks.
Q: (L) Does that mean that whenever Sasquatch have been seen that there is a Lizard nearby?
A: No.
Q: (L) What menial tasks might they be doing?
A: Collecting samples.
A few reports collected by Cutchin are relevant. In one, two Bigfoot were released from a glowing red UFO which had landed on a hillside in Atascadero, CA, in 1993. The Bigfoot were observed taking “soil samples before the craft vanishes into the sky.”
In two others, Bigfoot abducted children, taking them aboard their respective craft: “in June 1979 a Washington witness recalled a childhood memory where large, hairy hominids took him aboard a craft, all the while controlled by shorter extraterrestrials.” In Ontario in 1969, two 14-year-olds claimed a Bigfoot grabbed them, took them onboard a saucer, and they were examined and implanted by smaller beings. “The entire time their captor watched from a chair, wires stretching from its hairy head to a nearby machine.”
In The Brimstone Deceit, Cutchin writes: “What is certain is that people the world over tell legends of giant, smelly, hirsute wildmen, fond of abducting women and devouring human flesh.” In Footprints, he further writes, “Hairy hominids worldwide allegedly kill every type of livestock” and have a notoriously adversarial relationship with dogs.
Q: (L) Why has everyone who has ever come in contact with Sasquatch commented on the awful odor of them? Why do they stink?
A: Organic functions.
Q: (L) What is it about their organic functions that makes them stink?
A: Sweat.
As John Keel wrote in The Complete Guide: “For now we can only conclude that the Abominable Snowman is using the wrong kind of soap.”
In his book The Brimstone Deceit: An In-Depth Examination of Supernatural Scents, Otherworldly Odors, and Monstrous Miasmas (2016), Cutchin points out that Bigfoot smells, while not mentioned in all sighting reports, are still very common. However, the descriptions vary widely, the only commonality being that the stench is unbearably bad. Descriptions of the odor(s) compare it to “wet dog, urine, skunk, feces/manure, garbage, cabbage, musk, sweat, body odor, and, naturally, sulfur. … A majority of these smells fall under the larger umbrella of ‘decaying odors,’ though one could argue that the true unifying factor is the presence of sulfur”. Some of the descriptions can be humorously descriptive. The witness descriptions are sampled from Cutchin’s book:
Cow manure and skunk; a mixture of rotten eggs, spoiled potatoes, and urine; rotten fish and human feces, “but a lot worse”; wolverine musk, body odor, and decaying garbage; vomit, feces, sweat and rotted meat; a moldy horse smell or a strong garbage smell; a rancid, putrid odor like stale urine; pungent, ammonia, horrible B.O.; a cross between a skunk and sewage; a bit like garbage, a little bit like musky cologne; “essence of Gym Locker #3”; locker-room effluvium; latrines and stale sweat and something left dead for a week in the summer sun; a dirty, sweaty man who hadn’t had a bath in a few years; burning rubbish and the sweat of a hundred high-school football teams; bad body odor, like someone had never used deodorant and was out sweating for days on end; a musky urine, burned hair type odor; rotten eggs mixed with sewage and sulfur; the strongest male body odor I have ever encountered; a horrendous fart.
The smell is often so bad as to make the eyes water, trigger a gag reflex, or even vomiting; and it can linger for long periods of time. It is also unique: “It’s got a smell all of its own.” A medical doctor said he had never smelled anything like it.
Bigfoot researchers have proposed a number of possible explanations for the smell, categorized by Cutchin as combinations of endogenous/exogenous and intentional/unintentional. Body odor would be an example of an endogenous unintentional cause. As Cutchin points out, there is “sufficient evidence” for each hypothesis. More on Bigfoot odors below.
November 19, 1994
Q: (L) In the Ann Haywood case which is supposed to be a case of demonic possession or obsession, who or what are the beings that are afflicting this woman and her family?
A: 3rd-density section “B” energy anomalies same as “poltergeist.”
Q: (L) The case that is described in the book The Haunted, about the Smurl family, with quite a bit of phenomena occurring in their house including the sighting of a Bigfoot-type creature, what is the source of the phenomena in that case?
A: Same.
The idea of a third-density (i.e. human) energy anomaly will be discussed in another compilation on ghosts, poltergeists, and other such phenomena. On the topic of Bigfoot, however, Cutchin points out in his work that so-called “Class B” reports (as named by the BFRO) may not be what they seem. Such reports are classified as such because, while they feature certain characteristics of Bigfoot sightings (such as wood knocks, tossed rocks, vocalizations, odors, etc.), no Bigfoot is actually seen visually. However, these features are all typical of poltergeists. The only difference is that poltergeist phenomena typically occur in a home, and “Class B” phenomena occur outdoors, typically in the forests. This leads Cutchin to propose calling this phenomenon a wildnisgeist, essentially a wilderness poltergeist.
May 13, 1995
Q: (L) Susan has been experiencing a situation that I experienced in the past. She perceives a misty presence in her room. What is the source of this presence, this fog?
A: Entity ID “code.”
Q: (L) And what kind of entity is it?
A: Sublinear Yeti-like.
Q: (T) What does sublinear mean?
A: Scrambled identifier of channel mechanism.
Q: (T) Are we talking about encryption here?
A: Close.
October 21, 1995
Q: (L) There were five humans inside [a crashed UFO claimed to have come down near Roswell on July 1, 1947]? […] (L) Why were those humans in the craft?
A: Retrieval and study specimens, two Bigfoot types.
July 15, 2000
Q: Now, in this second [Roswell] crash where you said that there were two Bigfoot types: were the Bigfoot types also dead?
A: Yes.
November 28, 2009
Q: (A*) Can I ask a mini-question? When L* was here, the one with the glasses, she said she heard a metallic screaming outside of her house. What was it that was screaming outside of her house?
A: Yeti.
Q: (L) Did you finish watching those Arthur Clarke shows? There’s one of them in there where they talk about a Yeti – Bigfoot – and they have a guy that has a recording of one. It is the creepiest thing!
The episode is available below, with the recording featured at approximately 15:00.
Ron Morehead and Al Berry also recorded Bigfoot vocalizations (the “Sierra Sounds”) in the 1970s. The sounds are also featured in David Paulides’s documentary Missing 411: The Hunted from 2019.
August 29, 2015
Q: (Galatea) They claim that lots of transdimensional creatures like Bigfoot and Mothman go after menstruating women. Is this true?
A: Sometimes, yes.
Q: (Galatea) So why is that?
A: Egg harvesting.
Q: […] (Galatea) I’m guessing they take the eggs to make clones or do some genetic stuff?
A: Close enough.
Timothy Renner writes in Where the Footprints End: “[In The Rebirth of Pan (1983), Jim] Brandon notes bigfoot creatures seem to have ‘an uncanny ability to locate women who are experiencing their menstrual periods’.”
May 23, 2020
Q: (L) Remember that the devil is supposed to be accompanied by the smell of sulfur... and Bigfoot! (Niall) And window-fallers. (Joe) It’s a chemical byproduct of trans-density movement?
A: Yes.
This answer isn’t entirely consistent with the answer given previously, which related the Bigfoot odor specifically to its organic functions, i.e. sweating. However, given the range of smells associated with Bigfoot, it is possible that multiple explanations may be correct, in this case an exogenous unintentional source. In The Brimstone Deceit, Cutchin makes the following proposal:
odor could provide a clue as to which Sasquatch are biological and which are paranormal. It seems that burning odors, along with sulfurous smells, are more common in High Strangeness Sasquatch sightings. By contrast, more animalistic odors—smells of ammonia, feces, wet dog—are detected with Sasquatch exhibit more traditionally primatological behavior.
Alternatively, Bigfoot may just have the misfortune of having terrible B.O. in addition to carrying around a paranormal stench of sulfur on occasion.
Regardless, this latter possibility matches Dr. Simeon Hein’s theory that such sulfurous odors are a product of a type of chemical transmutation that may occur within “coherent matter,” i.e., the ball lightning or anomalous lights associated with Bigfoot and other paranormal phenomena, and which the Cassiopaeans have said are “transdimensional portals made manifest” (2013-5-28).
In The World’s Weirdest Places (2012), Nick Redfern relates an account from Rendlesham Forest of a cat- and dog-like window-faller from 1983. According to the witness, Jane Jennings, “Suddenly, the beast began to lose form, and took on ethereal and translucent appearance, before finally fading away into absolute nothingness amid a powerful odor eerily reminiscent of brimstone.”
April 8, 2023
Q: (Ursus Minor) How many Bigfoot or Sasquatch are there in the US and Canada as of today?
A: They are trans-density and some come and go. But close to 1,000.
As Stan Gordon says in this 2022 interview: “These things might be interdimensional. … There’s a physical and a non-physical component to it. They come and they go. They’re here and they’re gone.”
On August 8, 2015, a question was asked about an alleged photograph of the Bishopville, SC, “lizard man,” a probable window-faller first reported in 1988. According to the Cassiopaeans, the picture in question was faked. However, this is not the case with all sightings:
Q: (Heimdallr) We wanted to ask about this recent photo that a woman took in South Carolina of a supposed “lizard man.” Is this something that is real, or was it faked?
A: Faked.
Q: (Andromeda) It was too clear. […] (L) So, have there ever been any real sightings there? […]
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Have there been any recent sightings?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So the phenomenon is not just as simple as being faked?
A: No.
Q: (L) So there is something going on there, and there may be some real exhibits of some sort?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) But in this particular case, no. Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So there is something going on there, there are real sightings going on there. It’s more than energy.
Further reading and watching
John Keel: The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings (1970/2002)
F. W. Holiday: The Dragon and the Disc: An Investigation into the Totally Fantastic (1973)
Stan Gordon: Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook (2010)
Kewaunee Lapseritis: The Sasquatch People: And Their Interdimensional Connection (2011)
Joshua Cutchin: The Brimstone Deceit: An In-Depth Examination of Supernatural Scents, Otherworldly Odors, and Monstrous Miasmas (2016)
Nick Redfern: Nessie: Exploring the Supernatural Origins of the Loch Ness Monster (2016)
Rosemary Ellen Guiley (editor): “Paraphysical Bigfoot and the UFO Connection,” in FATE Presents: Planet Bigfoot (2019)
Joshua Cutchin & Timothy Renner: Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon – Volumes I & II (2020)
Simeon Hein: Dark Matter Monsters: Cryptids, Ball Lightning, and the Science of Secret Lifeforms (2022)
Ronald Meyer & Mark Reeder: The Bigfoot Alien Connection Revisited (2022)
Documentary: A Flash of Beauty: Paranormal Bigfoot (2023)
Next: Part 2 – Men in Black
As a boy delivering papers next to an endless forest in BC I saw Bigfoot, but it was fleeting, like he/she disappeared as the shivers were travelling up my spine, like it was interdimensional. All that to say I haven’t problems with such accounts.
Recently , on a TikTok or Twitter or Facebook short scroll I saw the most fascinating clip- possibly to fake but costly, as in Hollywood costly. It haunted me and it sounds like Frank Shaw’s gargoyle sighting. My very also very esoterically-steeped friend was stumped as well. The post no longer exists but it’s a large winged person scampering over a steep church dome in Europe, with zero signs of any tether. Grainy zoomed-in video