Other-Dimensional Window-Fallers Part 2
The Bell Witch, Peruvian pelacaras, and the Petrozavodsk phenomenon

See Part 1: The Beast of Gevaudan, Spring-Heeled Jack, Mothman, and other paranormal cryptids
Summarizing Part 1, window-fallers can take various forms, but their physical manifestation is ephemeral, intermittent, and transitory, and dependent on the mutual link between their consciousness and ours. They need energy from our world in order to stay here, which is provided by the consciousness of the humans with which they interact. For most this takes the form of fear, but for some, apparently, animal blood. The windows through which they fall are opened because of “weaknesses” or electromagnetic wave bursts along the “frequency border” or curtain between realms.
September 22, 2018
Q: (L) Well, as a result of my genealogical exercise, I encountered […] Betsy Bell of the famous Bell Witch case. […] There are actually two little books. There’s one written by the son of the family, the brother of Betsy Bell who was the eyewitness. Then there’s another book written by this guy M.V. Ingram called An Authenticated History of the Bell Witch, which was written in 1894. I was just absolutely astonished by the details of this case. It’s like Skinwalker Ranch and Mothman rolled into one! It’s the creepiest thing I’ve ever read. So, we were wanting to ask a few questions about the Bell Witch case. Is that OK?
A: Ask away.
Q: (L) OK, let me read a little passage, this is in 1817.
Mr. Bell, while walking through his corn field, was confronted by a strange animal, unlike any he had ever seen, sitting in a corn row, gazing steadfastly at him as he approached nearer. He concluded that it was probably a dog, and having his gun in hand, shot at it when the animal ran off.
Some days after, in the late afternoon, Drew Bell [the son] observed a very large fowl, which he supposed to be a wild turkey, as it perched upon the fence, and ran in the house for a gun to kill it. As he approached within shooting distance, the bird flapped its wings and sailed off, and then he was mystified in discovering that it was not a turkey, but some unknown bird of extraordinary size. ...
Betsy walked out one evening soon after this with the children, among the big forest trees near the house, and saw something which she described as a pretty little girl dressed in green, swinging to a limb of a tall oak.
Then came Dean, the servant, reporting that a large black dog came in the road in front of him at a certain place, every night that he visited his wife Kate, who belonged to Alex Gunn, and trotted along before him to the cabin door and then disappeared.
These strange apparitions, however, passed for the time unnoticed, exciting no apprehensions whatever.
(L) Well, right there at the very beginning it sounds like classic Mothman almost. Window-fallers. (Artemis) And in a corn field? How creepy! (L) Children of the Corn! So, what were these people witnessing when these manifestations began?
A: Fourth-density window-fallers.
Q: (L) Well, if they’re 4th-density window-fallers, that suggests that there was a window that had opened up for them to fall through, right?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) I asked Niall to check on any possible geological or any other kind of events at the time. What were the results? The New Madrid Earthquake was when? (Niall) 1811 or 1812. (L) […] What was the impetus for the opening of the window?
A: The Earth was still settling and did so for many years after. This creates good EM conditions for breaching of the curtain. In this case there were also some astral elements piggybacked on the faller phenomenon.
Q: (L) So when you say, “astral elements”... (Joe) Hang on... I think the earthquake happened... (L) When was the eruption of Krakatoa? (Pierre) I think it was 1813? (L) So Krakatoa, I think, was in 1818 or something? You gonna go check? There was possibly a lot going on then!
A: Indeed. The Earth was in stress!
Q: [Pierre returns] (Pierre) It’s not 1818, Krakatoa erupted in 1883. (L) There were probably other things happening, but we don’t know what they were because there weren’t many people living around there to observe or record them. OK, let’s come back to the astral thing. You said, “astral elements piggybacked.” What are these astral elements?
A: Semi-demonic creatures.
Q: (L) How can you be semi-demonic?! (Artemis) They just don’t go full-on demonic! [laughter] (Joe) They’re only demonic at nighttime.
A: Loosely coagulated consciousness units.
Q: (L) So you mean what I always call elementals or thought-forms?
A: Yes. But in this case, the elemental collected much energy and condensed to a greater degree.
Q: (L) Well, let me go to my little book again here... So, they gave it a name: Kate. And I’m sure that by giving it a name, they helped it condense even more and gave it energy. So, it says:
Mr. Bell now felt a strange affliction coming on him, which he could not account for. It was stiffness of the tongue, which came suddenly, and for a time, when these spells were on, he could not eat. He described it as feeling like a small stick of wood crosswise in his mouth, pressing out both cheeks, and when he attempted to eat it would push the victuals out of his mouth.
John Bell endured such things for a long time, perhaps a year or more, hoping that the disturbance would cease, charging his family to keep the matter a profound secret, and they were loyal in their obedience. As frightful as were the demonstrations, not a single neighbor or friend outside of the family had any knowledge of the facts until the affliction became insufferable, when Mr. Bell, in strict confidence, laid the matter before James Johnson and wife, narrating circumstances, insisting that they should spend a night at his house, hoping that Mr. Johnson could throw some light on the mystery. The wish was very cordially acceded to, and at the hour of retirement Mr. Johnson led in family worship, as was his custom, reading a chapter, singing a hymn, and then offering prayer. He prayed very earnestly and fervently for a revelation of the cause, or that the Lord would remove the disturbance. As soon as all were in bed and the lights extinguished, the frightful racket commenced, and presently entered Mr. and Mrs. Johnson’s room with increased demonstrations, stripping the cover from their bed. Mr. Johnson was astounded and sat upright in bed in wild amazement; but he was a man of strong faith and cool courage, and recovering from the confusion he collected his wits and commenced talking to the spectre, adjuring it to reveal itself and tell for what purpose it was there. The effect of the entreaty convinced Mr. Johnson that the demonstrations came from an intelligent source of some character, but beyond this he had no conception whatever. He however insisted that Mr. Bell should let the matter be known, and call in other friends to assist in the further investigation. This was agreed to, and there was no end to the number of visitors and investigations. Kate, however, developed more rapidly, and soon in answer to the many entreaties, commenced talking, and among the first vocal demonstrations, repeated Mr. Johnson’s song and prayer offered on the night of the first visit, referred to, word for word, personating the old gentleman, assimilating his character so perfectly that no one could distinguish it from his voice and prayer.
Kate ... made great pretensions for religion taking Mr. Johnson for a model of Christianity, calling him “Old Sugar Mouth,” frequently observing, “Lord Jesus, how sweet Old Sugar Mouth prays; how I do love to hear him.” Kate delighted in Scriptural controversies, could quote any text or passage in the Bible, and was able to maintain a discussion with the ablest of theologians, excelling in fervency of prayer and devotional songs – no human voice was so sweet. Kate made frequent visits to North Carolina, John Bell’s old neighborhood, never absent longer than a day or an hour, but always reporting correctly the news or events of the day in that vicinity. With all of these excellent traits of character, Kate behaved badly toward visitors and all members of the family except Mrs. Lucy Bell, to whom the witch was devoted, declaring that “Old Luce” was a good woman, but manifesting very great aversion for “Old Jack” – John Bell, Sr. He was most detestable and loathsome in the eyes of Kate, for which no cause was ever assigned. But the witch often declared its purpose of killing him before leaving the place.
(L) Alright, so why was this creature/elemental so averse to John Bell and favorable towards his wife? And why did it determine to kill him?
A: The elemental fed on the suffering of both, but more particularly the wife.
Q: (Joe) That’s interesting. It’s out for the husband, but what about the effects on everyone in the family as a result of him being tormented and it getting worse and worse? Everybody’s suffering! (L) Yeah, the wife was suffering terribly. She even got sick at one point and almost died. (Joe) The part when they said that after many entreaties to speak, eventually it did... What the hell did they want it to speak for? If something is running around slapping you and gnawing on the bedposts, I don’t want to hear from it, ya know? (L) So here... it says:
Kate the witch never slept, was never idle or confined to any place, but was here and there and everywhere, like the mist of night or the morning sunbeams, was everything and nothing, invisible yet present, spreading all over the neighborhood, prying into everybody’s business and domestic affairs; caught on to every ludicrous thing that happened, and all of the sordid, avaricious meanness that transpired; divining the inmost secrets of the human heart, and withal, was a great blab mouth; getting neighbors by the ears, taunting people with their sins and short-comings, and laughing at their folly in trying to discover the identity of the mystery. Kate, however, held fast to Christianity, and was a regular fire-eating Methodist while associating with “Old Sugar Mouth” and his son, Calvin Johnson; was a regular attendant at Mr. Johnson’s prayer meetings, calling the amens, thumping on the chairs, and uttering the exclamation “Lord Jesus.”
People now concluded that a good spirit had been sent to the community to work wonders and prepare the good at heart for the second advent. Kate’s influence was something like that exercised over a “whiskey-soaked town” by Rev. Sam Jones at the present day, only more forceful. ...
Citizens of the community soon learned to respect Kate’s presence and councils, as they feared and abominated the witch’s scorpion tongue. Everybody got good; the wicked left off swearing, lying and whiskey drinking, just as people do now for Rev. Sam Jones. The avaricious were careful not to covet or lay hands on that which belonged to their neighbors, lest Kate might tell on them. ...
No incident out of the regular routine of every day transactions occurred that the witch did not know all about the affair, and would tell the circumstance to someone in less than an hour.
What a great factor in politics this warlock would be at the present time?
(L) [laughter] Yeah... So, what the hell kind of a “thing” can... It was everywhere at once! It was telling on everybody! It’s just insane. (Artemis) It was like a 6-year-old gossipy kid.
A: As more people became involved, the elemental had more conduits of energy and information.
Q: (Pierre) Does it suggest that it was a 2-way street and that the involvement of people believing in it was a necessary condition for this entity to get this information?
A: Yes absolutely!
Q: (L) I don’t think it was so much believing in it, but being attracted to it. (Andromeda) Fascinated by it. (L) If you really understood what it was, you’d be wanting to cut off the energy, assuming that that’s even possible... When you’re talking about a situation that’s partially caused by environmental factors... (Andromeda) What do you do? (Joe) It can take off and harass someone else. (L) Look at Mothman. Look at the Skinwalker business. Good grief! (Pierre) I think there’s another factor. Those window-fallers take advantage of this Earth upheaval to enter 3rd density. Why did this entity go to this family? Because they were juicy?
A: Location was beneficial to the energies.
Q: (Pierre) So they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. (L) Well, it’s true that having that kind of... I mean, jeez! If you could have that kind of information... (Joe) No... It’s not a one-way street in that respect. It’s not free.
A: Remember free will and the necessity to choose from what is inside.
Q: (Joe) And I’m sure they have no problem lying to you. (L) Yeah, that’s true. It sure did lie! You’d never know. (Joe) It could start telling the truth and then throw in lies once it has your trust. (L) Well, have we had enough on the Bell Witch? We have a pretty good idea of what was going on. Wait, why did it end?
A: The energies of the location dissipated.
Q: (Artemis) Andromeda was saying it could manifest physical objects? (L) Oh, absolutely. It did everything! But then of course it was taking all that energy from those people. OK, next question? (Joe) What caused the shutdown of the solar observatory in New Mexico last week?
A: Funny you should ask.
Q: (Joe) Bell Witch Part 2: The Return? [laughter]
A: Not that severe, but similar and due to similar causes: unsettled EM energies. Precursor waves.
Q: (L) So they had some kind of phenomenon there, and it freaked people out. It could have even manifested something like Mothman or something similar. And then people freaked out and they called in the FBI. God knows what…
A: Human-looking creatures and various electronic anomalies creating panic among the few in the know.
Q: (Pierre) The Cs said “precursor waves,” so it means the main wave is coming? (L) Precursor wave... I mean, they were talking about earthquakes. […] (Niall) So this means more of this kind of thing might be coming. (Pierre) Yeah, that’s what I mean. And there was stuff in the sessions years ago about New Mexico going to 4th density first and curving roads looking like they are straight and vice versa.
A: Indeed, some of that was experienced.
Q: (L) And when they were seeing human-looking creatures, what does that mean? Were they apparitions or creatures, or...? (Artemis) What did they look like?
A: Visual and semi-solid manifestations of persons known to be elsewhere.
Q: (L) So like bilocation or something.
A: Similar.
Q: (L) So they were getting like time-warp or density-warp effects or something.
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) It wasn’t really a window-faller type of phenomenon. (L) It was like a foretaste... a foretaste of glory divine! […] (Joe) We were just saying it’s sort of like bleedthrough. If somebody in the solar observatory was talking to someone a thousand miles away, and then they were walking in the hallway just after and thinking about the person, they’d see the person – like a ghost. And the official story was that a janitor had child porn on his computer. (L) And they evacuated a facility for that – for a week?
A: The story is as full of holes as the dimensional barrier!
Further reading
Nick Moretti (editor): The Bell Witch Anthology: The Essential Texts of America’s Most Famous Ghost Story (2008)
Sara Scoles (Vice): “How (and Why) the FBI Mysteriously Shut Down a Federal Solar Observatory” (Sept. 21, 2018)
Matthew Reisen (Albuquerque Journal): “A year after Sunspot Solar Observatory saga, life is nearly back to normal” (Sept. 9, 2019)
Russell Contreras (AP): “Man indicted in child porn case that closed Sunspot Solar Observatory in New Mexico” (Aug. 9, 2020)
June 22, 2019
Q: (Joe) Chernobyl: Was the explanation of how the explosion actually happened, was that the only factor involved? Was that actually how it exploded?
A: Mainly.
Q: (Joe) What was the Mothman doing there?
A: Awareness suppression.
Q: (L) I guess that means that... (Andromeda) He helped cause the accident? (Joe) He had an influence over the minds of the people...
A: Yes.
Further reading:
L.J. Charleston (news.com.au): “The frightening supernatural story of the Black Bird of Chernobyl” (June 15, 2019)
Nick Redfern: Mothman & Other Flying Monsters: Nuclear Nightmares & Armageddon (2023)
June 24, 2023
Q: (Joe) So did something actually land in that Hispanic family’s backyard on that night?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) What do you mean partly?
A: Hyperdimensionally and momentarily.
Q: (Joe) Was it kinda like a window-faller-type event?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) There was what we believed to be a fireball around the same time. Was that an actual fireball that was seen in the sky?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Was it in any way related to the opening of the window?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So the fireball fell, the window was opened, and something was seen momentarily?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Is that something that happens frequently with fireball sightings, or is it a less frequent phenomenon?
A: Rather often.
Q: (L) Alright. (Andromeda) They open windows, or they come through windows that are already open? (L) The fireball blows the window open and then something comes through.
Further reading
David Charns (8 News Now): “Las Vegas family claims to see aliens after several report something falling from sky” (June 7, 2023)
George Knapp (8 News Now): “‘100% they’re not human,’ Witness details alleged alien encounter in Las Vegas” (June 8, 2023)
George Knapp (8 News Now): “Las Vegas alien 911 call not hoax, sources say; so what happened?” (June 15, 2023)
Jim Moret (Inside Edition): “Did Aliens Land in the Backyard of This Las Vegas Home?” (Sept. 12, 2023)
September 23, 2023
Q: (Alejo) What was it that attacked the Ikitu town in the Amazonian region of Peru a couple of months ago, where villagers claim it was aliens? (Andromeda) I think that was shown to be miners, illegal miners or something, wasn’t it? (Joe) That’s what they said... Spooky.
A: Window-fallers! Expect more!
Q: […] (Keit) What exactly happened on September 20, 1977, in the northern regions of the USSR and Finland, that later was called the Petrozavodsk phenomenon? What was it? […]
UFO and paranormal phenomena in USSR
PETROZAVODSK Phenomenon (Petrozavodskoye divo) – an anomalous phenomenon that occurred around 4 a.m. on September 20, 1977, and was accompanied by mass UFO sightings in the northern regions of the USSR and in Finland.
The most impressive sightings were made in Petrozavodsk, where a huge jellyfish-like object was reported by random night passersby to have hovered over the city.
The eyewitnesses first saw the appearance of a bright star that slowly moved from west to east. The visible diameter of the “jellyfish” is estimated to be several more than 100 m, and the hovering altitude of 5-7 km.
It passed strictly along Lenin Street, the main street of the city, then stopped, increased in size and took the shape of a luminous jellyfish, while showering the city with many thin ray-like red “hollow jets”, which gave the impression of heavy rain.
Apparently due to the action of these "jets" in the morning, round holes were found in the windows of the upper floors of the houses. Melted glass "tortillas" were lying on the window sills.
Physicists could not identify the chips, the physical nature of these rays was also unclear, since even a powerful laser does not produce such an even, crack-free chip. Rarely at such an early morning, cars were stopped by stalled engines under the influence of this "something".
After hovering over the main street the UFO moved to the port area on Lake Onega, hovered over the dry cargo ship “Volgobalt” and repeated irradiation for 10-12 minutes. Then it departed upwards over the lake.
The reports about these observations leaked to the press, before and after that did not publish information about UFO sightings. In addition to this object in neighboring settlements eyewitnesses saw dozens of other unidentified objects.
That was from Izvestia, Pravda, Soviet Russia, 1977-9-23. (L) 1977. Wow, that’s bizarre! Alright. What the heck was it?
A: Mass transfer between densities.
Q: (L) Are you suggesting that it was a chunk of 4D that was transferred to 3D?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) A “chunk of 4D”? (L) Well, how else are you going to put it? A mass transfer of what?
A: Status.
Q: (Approaching Infinity) Like 4D status?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was it like a ship?
A: Similar but would not be seen as a “ship” on 4D.
Q: (L) Was it alive?
A: Something like that.
Q: (Joe) Was it to do with transferring, creating a variable 4D environment beneath the area of Finland or Russia?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is this something that’s just kind of really hard to conceptualize in our reality?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) What was the purpose of it? (Chu) Here is the image. [On-screen]
(Gaby) And why did it happen? (Joe) Is that a picture or a drawing? (Niall) It looks like a photo [top-left]. (Andromeda) Is it like a symbol of a type of energy status? (Niall) It looks a bit like that lightning that happened... (Andromeda) The sprites... (Joe) What was the purpose of it?
A: No purpose. The conditions allowed the transfer. Those of 4D involved were surprised as well.
Q: (L) So in other words, like a grand window-falling event without an actual window-faller?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Well, you know, it’s a weird world! (Keit) Is the Molebsky triangle in Russia an anomalous zone similar to the Skinwalker Ranch?
A: Close.
Q: (Keit) What is the nature of the phenomenon?
A: Thinning of the “veil”.
Q: (Keit) What is the nature of what was happening there?
A: Energetic transfers.
Q: (L) Was it like a portal?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Bizarre.
Timothy Alberino traveled to Peru to investigate. He summarizes the events and provides a debrief of his time there, along with interviews, in the following video report:
The pelacaras (facepeelers) are described as gliding and leaping (“inhumanly agile”), quick to appear and disappear, large (7 to 8 feet tall, very large footprints), terror-inducing, and firearms have no effect. Unlike the more monstrous window-fallers, these are humanoid, armored, helmeted, and travel using what appears to be advanced technology. But despite their name, the victims of their attacks survive with only relatively minor scratches, though one of the victims interviewed was diagnosed with PTSD. So despite their size and apparent strength, like other window-fallers, they may not be as physically effective as they are feared to be. The terror they induce is very real, however.
The phenomenon has followed the river from Peru into Brazil, where villagers report attacks by “luminous beings.” Brazilian UFO researcher Rony Vernet has tweeted updates about his own investigation. Part 1 features video recorded by a villager of a UAP which chased him while he was riding a motorcycle at Sororó Community, near Itapipoca City. Part 2 features another video recorded at the surface of a dam in the city of Hidrolândia. Part 3 features pictures of a pig mutilation and exsanguination and an interview with the farmer.
January 13, 2024
Q: (Oxajil) In 2016, footage surfaced from Bashkortostan, Russia, showing people in a car being chased by something. What was chasing them?
A: Usual window-faller. We warned about increasing frequency of such encounters.
Q: (Mr. Cyan) Have a question – it is related to beings sighted in the Kerinchi-Seblat national park in Sumatra, Indonesia. There are many paranormal, strange myths or legends about this park (tiger men, hauntings, portals, and the Princess Guardian of the Glass Lake, to name a few) – and one of them is the “Orang Pendek” – or Short Man in English. According to the locals (in my conversations with them) these are 4-5-foot bipedal creatures that look like a cross between a man and ape. Their feet are facing backwards – and they are very strong and able to lift large weights. The locals are afraid of them and call them cursed beings, where if you encounter one (which is rare), all sorts of strange things start to happen to you and your family. It sounds a lot like the bi-density Bigfoot (but they seem smaller in height). What exactly are these creatures? Do they come in through portals located near the Park?
A: Window-fallers from both 4D and other dimensions including astral.
Q: (L) And then there was another part of the question. Do they come in through portals located near the park?
A: Yes. Volcanic regions generate portals.
March 9, 2024
Q: (Approaching Infinity) In an early session you said that Admiral Byrd expected only to encounter “an encampment of detached Nazis” in Antarctica during Operation High Jump. What did he actually encounter?
A: Cannibal window-fallers.
Q: (L) That was pleasant. (Approaching Infinity) In 1988, Byrd’s son Richard Byrd Jr. died mysteriously at the age of 68. He was found malnourished and dehydrated in a vacant warehouse after having been missing for three weeks. He had been en route to Washington for an event ceremony in honor of his father. What happened to him?
A: SPA. Link was established by his father.
April 27, 2024
Q: (Ryan) Why do 3D window-fallers fall through one window but not another? For example, why haven’t there been reports of Chupacabras in Europe? What relates the consciousness of a window-faller to a specific locator?
A: The consciousnesses of those located at the locator.
Q: (L) So, in other words, the reason they have Chupacabras where they have Chupacabras is because it’s suitable for the consciousnesses of people that receive it. And that’s what relates the consciousness of a window-faller to a specific locator: the consciousnesses of those located at the locator. Oh God, that’s just... [laughter] There’s leprechauns in Ireland, there’s swamp monsters. It just depends on where you are. And of course, I’m sure it has something to do with the environment. I mean, you have a swamp and of course you’re gonna think about creepy swamp monsters rising up with green slime dripping off of them. (Joe) And in Ireland it’s going to be little men with ginger beards drinking beer dancing around the tree! [laughter] (L) Hoarding their gold. (Andromeda) Where does that come from? (Joe) That’s just Irish people.
July 6, 2024
Q: (Ben) In October, 2023, a swab was taken from a sheep carcass found in the UK and it was analyzed. A large black animal had been witnessed near the carcass. A DNA sequence almost identical to one in leopards was found. Was this a genuine finding of material from a leopard feeding on the carcass?
A: Close.
Q: (Ben) Are the many reports of “big black cats” in the UK sightings of window-fallers?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So that’s why it’s close. It’s not... (Joe) Are there some actual panthers or leopards roaming around in the UK for a number of years?
A: No.
Q: (L) So all of them are window-fallers?
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) And they’re able to leave traces of DNA, I guess.
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) That’s interesting.
A: They are temporarily “real”.
Q: (Joe) And they have the same DNA as big cats from 3D.
A: Close.
Two authors who make a case for the supernatural status of the mystery big cats are Merrily Harpur and Nick Redfern:
Nick Redfern: Three Men Seeking Monsters: Six Weeks in Pursuit of Werewolves, Lake Monsters, Giant Cats, Ghostly Devil Dogs, and Ape-Men (2004)
Merrily Harpur: Mystery Big Cats (2021)
The phenomenon isn’t limited solely to the UK, however. See, for example, Shadow Cats: The Black Panthers of North America (2018) by Michael Mayes.
It has been suggested that some of our paraphysical monsters can materialize only during electrical storms; that they somehow draw upon the energy in the air during such storms. … we cannot exclude the possibility that some … might be temporary psychic projections; mindless manifestations of energy. Such projections could take almost any form when viewed by limited human perception. … The “reflective” factor … could even play a part and the entity might construct itself from images in the witnesses’ minds. Thus, when the proper witness (percipient) is in the right place (“window”) at the right time (“flap” period) almost anything could take place. If this is the case, then the percipient actually sees what he later describes. It was very real to him. But it did not really exist at all and all the bloodhounds, helicopters and sheriff’s posses in the world would not be able to find the creature. —John Keel, Complete Guide, p. 309
Further reading
Skinwalker Ranch has been the site of a whole host of paranormal phenomena: UFOs/UAP, cryptids (shadow beings, dog-man), electromagnetic anomalies, poltergeist phenomena, the “hitchhiker effect”:
Colm Kelleher & George Knapp: Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah (2005)
James Lacatski, Colm Kelleher & George Knapp: Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: An Insiders’ Account of the Secret Government UFO Program (2021)
James Lacatski, Colm Kelleher & George Knapp: Inside the US Government Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations (2023) – especially chapters 17 and 19
I have been told a number of interesting stories about other worldly creatures in Indonesia. Paranormal experience seems not only a cultural phenomenon but also part of fairly common individual experience there. The interesting connection here is that Indonesia has more active volcanoes than anywhere else and also has quite a lot of seismic activity. This would translate into loads of electrical activity, and perhaps lots of open windows as discussed.