The article on cattle mutilations introduced the topic of alien nutrition, specifically blood and emotion as sources of food, as well as the phenomenon of human mutilation. Both topics are rarely discussed in ufology. Aside from brief mentions, chapters, or articles devoted to human mutilation, for instance, a book has yet to be devoted to the subject. As for the broader topic of alien nutrition, it wasn’t until Joshua Cutchin’s 2015 book A Trojan Feast: The Food and Drink Offerings of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch that the subject received a comprehensive treatment.
The Cassiopaean material has discussed both topics since the early sessions in 1994. For instance:
November 6, 1994
Q: (L) So, when you are 4th level you neither eat nor defecate in the regular way?
A: Correct.
In his 1992 book Secret Life, David Jacobs had observed:
“Do aliens eat or drink?” The evidence seems to suggest that they do not. Abductees never see aliens eat. […] There are no discernible […] solid and liquid waste elimination apparatus. […] They do not appear to breathe or to ingest food and water …
Or, as one of his abductees, Lynne Miller, related to him (in 1998’s The Threat), her abductor had told her directly: “We need no human consumption of the matter that you eat.”
A few different methods of feeding are described in the sessions. In this article we will discuss the first: energetic feeding.

The Loosh Hypothesis
The idea that certain non-human beings “feed” on human emotion came up in the series on window-fallers. As John Keel put it in The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings:
The phenomenon feeds on fear and belief; sometimes it destroys us altogether, other times it leads us upwards into the labyrinth of electromagnetic frequencies which form a curtain between us and some other unperceived reality. From time to time the playful inhabitants of that other world climb through the curtain in the areas we call “windows,” and they stalk us to drink our blood and create all kinds of mischievous beliefs and misconceptions in our feeble little terrestrial minds.
The above was first published in 1970. The idea of supernatural beings that feed on human emotion is much older, but Keel was one of the first to ascribe such dietary tendencies to the beings behind “the phenomenon.” Spanish Jesuit and priest Salvador Freixedo expressed similar views. Scott Corrales writes:
The late Jesuit thinker proposed existence of a “hierarchy” of superhuman and subhuman beings native to other levels of existence that sometimes intersect with our own. Some of the more powerful beings enter our reality at will, interacting with us through various mechanisms, which we have come to describe as apparitions, visions, miracles, etc. The chilling part of his line of thought is that, despite their seemingly unlimited power, these godlike entities to want something from humans: they desire the subtle radiation produced by the human brain in either ecstasy or in pain, as well as the energy released through the burning of animal and vegetable material. UFOs are the latest manifestation of this order of entities that can truly be called our overlords. One can understand why such a disclosure would truly terrify the population, as opposed to a statement regarding sentient creatures from another planet.
In 1985, out-of-body experiencer (and Stargate Project collaborator) Robert Monroe described organic life as an all-encompassing economy of energy: “Loosh.” He wrote about receiving a “thought packet” in mythic form that began:
Someone, Somewhere […] requires, likes, needs, values, collects, drinks, eats, or uses as a drug (sic) a substance ident[ified as] Loosh. (Electricity, oil, oxygen, gold, wheat, water, land, old coins, uranium.) This is a rare substance in Somewhere, and those who possess Loosh find it vital for whatever it is used for.
Faced with this question of Supply and Demand (a universal law of Somewhere), Someone decided to produce it artificially, so to speak, rather than search for it in its “natural” form. He decided to build a Garden and grow Loosh.
This emotion or radiation was said to be released at death. After various experiments, a method was developed to produce a steady supply of high-quality Loosh:
From experience, the Collectors have evolved an entire technology with complementary tools for the harvesting of Loosh [from human beings]. The most common have been named love, friendship, family, greed, hate, pain, guilt, disease, pride, ambition, ownership, possession, sacrifice—and on a larger scale, nations, provincialism, wars, famine, religion, machines, freedom, industry, trade, to list a few. Loosh production is higher than ever before ...
This caused Monroe to ask himself: “Was every thought and action we took guided—no, directed and controlled just to produce more Loosh, whatever that was, for a breakfast table or a fuel tank in a Somewhere?”
In December 1907, in a lecture on “The So-Called Dangers of Initiation”, the occultist Rudolf Steiner anticipated these ideas, stating:
Spiritual worlds are round the human being […] These worlds relate to the usual sensory world like the world of colours and light to […] the blind human being; and there is a world that is much higher than what the blind person experiences if […] colours shine to him from the darkness. […] However, these worlds are not only worlds of paradise and bliss, […] but they are also worlds that can be dreadful for the human being, dangerous because of their facts and beings. […] The one is not possible without the other. […] Imagine a human being who is near a powder magazine without knowing it. He knows nothing about it. However, suddenly he comes to know it and he gets immense fear thinking that he could be busted in the air if the powder magazine explodes. Outdoors nothing has changed; nevertheless, his life has changed. The only thing that is different from before is that he knows about the danger now. This knowledge distinguishes him from that who knows nothing. That applies also to the higher worlds. […] Yes, immense dangers lie in wait for the human soul in the worlds of which the human beings have no idea. […]
Your thoughts are inserted as something real in the spiritual world. […] Indeed, fear and anxiety, such negative feelings are something that puts the human being in a fateful relation to the spiritual world. For in the spiritual world there are beings to whom fear and anxiety emitted by the human beings, are welcome nourishment. If the human being is not afraid and does not fear, these beings are starving! […] If the human being emits fear, anxiety, and panic, these beings indeed find welcome nourishment, and they become mightier and mightier. These beings are hostile to the human beings. Everything that feeds itself from negative feelings, from fear, anxiety and superstition, from hopelessness, from doubt, are powers in the spiritual world that are hostile to the human being, and that make cruel attacks on him if and when they are fed by him. Hence, it is necessary, above all, that the human being who enters the spiritual world, makes himself strong against fear, anxiety, hopelessness, and doubting.
More recently, paranormal investigator Paul Eno has proposed something similar: energetic parasites as the beings behind such phenomena as demonic possession, poltergeists, and “aliens.” On the topic of such parasites’ food source, he writes:
Parasites seem to be very good at finding food sources. […] their livelihood is gained entirely by riding or reaching from world to world to feed upon the likes of us […] But precisely what are they “eating”? Apparently, some sort of negative energy produced by humans. All I know is that they thrive on whatever energy we put out when we’re divided, stressed, frightened, angry, and full of hate. When we’re united, calm, happy, and full of love, parasites not only lose their food supply, most seem repelled.
Here is an excerpt from his 2018 lecture “Aliens and Exorcism: Why Do UFOs Turn up in ‘Possession’ Cases?”
Along these lines, UFO researcher Joe Murgia writes that in his opinion: “Part of the phenomenon consists of a parasitic entity that feeds off negative emotions from humans in order to survive.” In 2017 Tom DeLonge (of To The Stars) told Jimmy Church: “These creatures […] potentially don’t have souls. They are like clones and they worship their own technology to some degree, but they feed off fear and negativity.”
Nick Redfern devoted a recent book to this topic: Paranormal Parasites: The Voracious Appetites of Soul-Sucking Supernatural Entities (2018). There he includes cases suggestive of energetic feeding involving a number of supernatural beings, including various window-fallers (black-eyed children, Bigfoot, Mothman, shadow people), beings from folklore (“hungry ghosts,” vampires, djinn, incubi, succubi), and “aliens” (Men in Black, Grays). “They feed upon us,” he writes. “Like bloated, paranormal leeches, they suck us dry as they seek to fuel themselves with our psychic energy, high states of emotion, sexual energy, and human life force.”
In a 1994 discussion with Art Bell, abductee and researcher Karla Turner said:
Turner: “My best opinion is that it is some form, metaphorically speaking, of farming. We are a source for certain...somethings, qualities, or physical materials or energetic energy patterns, I have no idea. Although, all of those are possible, given the data of the abduction reports.”
Bell: “Hopefully, we are not as cows are to human beings.”
Turner: “Well, hopefully, but realistically speaking, that’s not out of the realm of the data possibilities. If our cows began to develop, say, self-consciousness, and they begin to perceive their situation more accurately, we would have a big problem on our hands. We would certainly have to change our methods of interacting with the cows.”
According to the Cassiopaeans, the hyperdimensional beings we call aliens indeed “feed off” human emotions (1994-9-30) or “negative energy” (1994-11-26), such as fear and terror, in order to “fuel their energy” (1994-10-9). Echoing Monroe’s Loosh narrative, they said:
July 30, 1994
A: You are energy. There is an energy that comes from [the] soul and body connection […] Maximum matter and energy transfer [occurs] during transition [i.e. a slow, painful death].
October 22, 1994
A: Extreme fear and anxiety builds up [negative energy] which fuels the beings that you speak of in that they draw from that and produce a sort of a fueling energy which keeps them going as one of their forms of nourishment based on their metabolic structure.
The so-called Collins Elite held similar views. This group in the U.S. Department of Defense first came to light in 1998 thanks to Ray Boeche and Linda Moulton Howe (and later Redfern’s 2011 book, Final Events). They held that the UFO phenomenon was demonic and that:
[…] the human soul is, in essence, a form of supernatural energy—a form of energy that the NHEs [non-human entities] digest, rather than torment at the will of the devil. The bleak conclusion of those in the know in the Pentagon was that our souls are the food of the NHEs.
In Paranormal Parasites, Redfern also finds this idea in Whitley Strieber’s Communion (1987), where he describes “how abductees experienced their souls being ‘dragged’ from their bodies during abductions. Strieber himself was told by his abductors that they ‘recycled’ human souls.” If the Cassiopaean material is correct, souls themselves are not consumed (and cannot be in this manner). Rather, it is the energy released as a sort of byproduct that is harvested.
The Cassiopaeans go so far as to say that the human race was “genetically altered” in the distant past for such “feeding purposes” (1994-10-7). Redfern proposes the same:
In light of all this, and taking into consideration the stories of the genetic manipulation of early humans in the distant past, one has to wonder if we were deliberately engineered to be the cattle of someone else. Is the earth just one big farm?
Some means by which “aliens” feed in this manner include inspiring disinformation “intended to create fear and resistance” (1994-10-16), mass-casualty disasters like the Black Death (2011-2-13), the specific instructions for animal sacrifices (1997-6-7), as well as the induction of mental illness:
October 25, 1994
Q: (L) In a general sense, in the majority of cases, what is the cause of paranoia or schizophrenia?
A: Lizard [i.e. Reptilian] manipulation of energies […] to feed off the negative results.
The energy released through orgasm can also serve as food:
December 10, 1994
Q: (L) […] a man named Wayne Cook did some work with dowsing and he found out that the human body, after sexual climax, dowses the same pattern as a dead body. Why is this? (T) Draining of energy.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) OK, where does the energy drain to?
A: To the ether. […]
Q: (L) Is it possible, during this activity, for Lizzies or other beings to be hanging around and be drawing this energy?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is that, in a general sense, what often happens?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is this one of the reasons that sex has been promoted and promulgated in our society to such an extent…
A: Yes, yes, yes.
January 7, 1995
Q: (L) Let’s go back to a question I asked in another session on this same subject: what happens to our energy at the point of orgasm? Where does that energy go?
A: Drains to 4th-level STS.
Q: (T) Is this a manifestation of the Lizards feeding off of us?
A: STSers there retrieve it.
Q: (T) So, orgasm is a 3rd-density manifestation of the 4th-density consumption of 3rd-density energy?
A: One of their methods.
Though with the following caveat:
September 19, 1998
Q: […] my understanding was that it is not sex, per se, that was bad, but rather the drive for self-gratification that was feeding STS.
A: True.
Redfern begins his book with a discussion of Wilhelm Reich’s “orgone energy,” suggesting that supernatural beings feed on this sexual energy. He cites the common appearance of “cryptids” (such as Bigfoot, Mothman and “goat-man”) at Lovers’ Lanes, while couples are isolated and in the process of having sex (often near the act of orgasm). He writes:
Paranormal encounters that have a significant sexual aspect attached to them are highly common, and particularly those cases that involve the depletion of human energy by supernatural creatures. From the incubus, the succubus, and Lilith of millennia ago, right up to today’s encounters in Lovers’ Lane locations, the angle of sex is ever-present…
There is also a large sexual component to alien abduction.
The energies produced by our technologies also serve as food:
March 21, 2015
Q: (L) So, basically by having so much technology, microwaves, and all that kind of stuff, we’re basically feeding entities in other realms and enabling them to enter ours?
A: Pretty much! Fun for materialists galore!
Redfern suggests that the common experience of batteries inexplicably draining during paranormal encounters (such as at Skinwalker Ranch, among other window areas) may also be an manifestation of energetic feeding.
May 13, 2023
Q: (Toronto Group) Do the thoughts and emotions engendered by communication with Chat AI’s contribute to an AI egregore and in some way affect the consciousness of AI’s?
A: No. Remember who and what is behind AI. AI is a feeding tube.
Different alien groups (which will be covered in depth in a future series) feed in different ways, however:
21 January 1995
Q: So, do the Grays feed on emotions?
A: No. […] They send them to Lizards. […] Transfer energy through technology. […]
Q: (T) Are the cattle [mutilations] giving off enough emotion for the Grays to feed this to the Lizards also?
A: No. That is physical only, you see, Lizards and Grays only need physical nourishment while “visiting” 3rd level, not when in natural realm, 4th density, there they feed on emotions only.
Interpersonal dynamics are another means by which this energy can be transferred, in which case individuals can act as organic “portals” for this feeding:
May 3, 1997
Q: Is it true that being in the presence of such people, that one is under the influence of an energy, an emanation from them physically, that befuddles the mind and makes it almost impossible to think one’s way out of the situation?
A: It is the draining of energy [to 4th-density STS] that befuddles the mind. […]
Q: They drain our energy from us and 4th-density STS harvests it from them?
A: “They” do nothing!!!! 4th-density STS does it all through them!
September 14, 2002
Q: (V) Did we ask if 4th density drains energy from [organic portals]?
A: We have indicated that 4D STS drains through OP’s.
Such intermediaries are not always necessary, however:
July 16, 2016
Q: (Joe) What they said before was that this kind of fantasyland dreaming about something that isn’t objectively true – that seems to allow or anchor some other actual negative energy. So, your dream doesn’t necessarily have to be negative.
A: It allows the insertion of what amounts to a feeding tube.
Q: (Andromeda) So basically it’s like a wrong use of imagination, whether positive or negative, if you’re not anchored in reality. It leaves an opening for something to attach. (L) OK, so somebody’s dreaming and sending out the STS signal since they’re living in la-la land. Then there’s the insertion of this feeding tube, and what then happens? What is the mechanism?
A: It can activate subconscious programs and also utilize the connection to enhance physiological processes that excite those in the environment to interact in ways that enhance feeding.
May 18, 2019
Q: (L) The next one I have [on this list of practices to protect oneself against hyperdimensional manipulations and harm] is conserving energy and not feeding STS dynamics.
A: Big one again and one of the most difficult because STS uses many tricks and traps to suck people into negative dynamics so that they become food.
May 13, 2023
Q: (Navigator) Do “egregores” exist as [Mark] Stavish describes them? A being created from the thoughts of a group of people which then takes a consciousness of its own, and needs to be fed from time to time, and being either positive or negative. […]
A: He is close except it usually happens from the top down. That is, a being can influence a group of people to take certain actions and thereby establish a feeding pool for itself. […] Such a creation is more a function of FRV and will dissipate upon breakup of the group.
Q: (L) But for a period of time there is something that is drawing and recycling energy within a group.
A: Yes [but it has no persistence or autonomy]. […]
Q: (L) So, in the cases that Stavish talks about where it’s more prolonged and it seems like it changes and begins to become demanding and basically rebels, what is that?
A: Usually 4D STS using a group of people to feed and plant ideas into 3D. Note that often the eminence grise in such groups is a psychopath and you can read current studies to see how the morphing works. […]
Q: (Navigator) In one of the appendices of the book, Stavish recounts the brutal illness that affected his esoteric group once the master died, or around the time he died. He thinks the group egregore was to blame, but was it?
A: 4D-STS feeder operating through astral attachments.
Reptoids may use such “spirit” or “astral” attachments to effect their purposes (1994-10-25).
Finally, there is this:
January 13, 2024
Q: (Approaching Infinity) Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp recently released a video from Iraq taken on a base in late 2017 of a strange jellyfish UFO that was visible only on thermal camera. It resembles many other videos people have taken over the years. The video itself has been confirmed as legitimate by a soldier who was stationed at the base who said they referred to it as the spaghetti monster. What was this object?
A: 4D energy being that feeds on human suffering.
Redfern connects several of the illnesses suffered after paranormal encounters with this energetic feeding, e.g. anemia, ulcerative colitis, weight loss. He cites the case of Albert Bender (of Men in Black fame), who experienced migraines, severe stomach pains, faintness, and memory problems after his encounter:
As the Men in Black got closer, Bender started to feel sick. Nausea overwhelmed him and an odor of sulfur filled the attic. Worse still, Bender felt himself becoming weak. His energy levels plummeted like those of a diabetic […] He was freezing cold and the shakes had suddenly set in. Even in his hazy, sickly state, Bender couldn’t fail to see something that chilled him to the bone: the weaker he got, the brighter and more fiery the eyes of the terrible trio got. […] Albert Bender was, bit by bit, being eaten—devoured, even.
Interestingly, “the Men in Black also demonstrate an aversion to conventional food and liquid.” Redfern cites cases of MIBs puzzled by foods like Jell-O (and awkwardly trying to drink it), steak (ordered but left untouched), and beer. Experiencer Jo Ann Koch “got weaker and weaker” after her MIB encounter, “and was quickly admitted to the hospital when [her] hemoglobin went down to 6. [She] had an emergency transfusion of two pints of blood.” (This will become relevant in the next part.)
In reference to faerie folklore, Redfern quotes Patricia Monaghan: “Within every substance on earth is its foyson … the foyson of food is its nourishment, and it was this, Irish folklore contends, that the faeries stripped from food when they stole it. The milk might remain there, creamy in the milk pail, but without its foyson, it had no nourishment left.” Cutchin’s above-mentioned book focuses on all aspects of food and paranormal experiences. On foyson, he writes:
Parallels to the foyson concept can be found with the Arabic djinn, which “eat human food, stealing its energy.” Food without its foyson is unfit for human consumption. Evans-Wentz, in his seminal The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries, was told that food left for faerie offerings was “not allowed to be eaten afterwards by man or beast, not even pigs… The underlying idea seems to be that the fairies extract the spiritual essence from food offered to them, leaving behind the grosser elements.”
He cites a 1970 Chilean case that echoes a common feature of cattle mutilations, “where a small creature was seen gliding through a family’s livestock pasture”:
The next day, ten of their llamas were found exsanguinated. The family attempted to cook one of the animals, but the meat tasted foul; even the vultures who ate the remaining carcasses were seen to vomit, and the family had no choice but to burn all that remained.
Are exsanguinated and mutilated cattle also robbed of their foyson?
In light of the silence surrounding these topics, Nick Redfern concludes: “denial, dismissal, and ignorance of the agenda of the paranormal parasites has allowed these things to operate in our world. This gives them carte blanche to do whatever they want, when they want, and how they want.”
"The only way to victory is through the strength of your consciousness. When genetic or
other manipulations are being performed on abductees, the Grays expect them to cringe in
fear, and derive a second-hand high from the intensity of the emotions expressed. If
instead of cringing in fear, an abductee can put his or her mind elsewhere, focusing
attention on dynamic protective imagery of a religious or mystical nature, it decreases the
gratification that the Grays are getting from their second-hand high, and it confuses them.
Center the consciousness on something so different from what they expect that it puzzles
From: The Dulce Book by Branton, Chapter 34