See Part 2: Psychic projectors from the Nation of the Third Eye
June 24, 2023
Q: [In his book The Extra-Dimensionals (2016), John DeSouza writes: “They are no longer gathering data and collecting soul prints. They are, instead, now forming a ubiquitous constant and inescapable presence everywhere in human society as they prepare for the Next Shift yet to come.”] (happyliza) The preparations can just as easily be for an invasion of the millions in Earth’s center and various places on Earth too. Also the motherships, both of which the C’s have talked about. (L) So, I think that’s probably what we’re looking at. Is that true? That it’s preparation for an invasion from underground and from motherships carrying – what do they call ’em? The Nephilim-type things?
A: Yes.
For this next question, recall the discussion about Courtney Brown and the idea that aliens will first be revealed as “Martians,” as well as Jorjani’s thesis that the ancient Martians are our human progenitors:
Q: (Joe) Are [the “aliens”] going to reveal themselves as some kind of descendants of a former civilization on planet Earth that went to some other planet and inhabited it hundreds of thousand years ago and now they’re coming back? So they’re technically humans.
A: Close!
Eric Norman summarizes some of the claims about the “Under-People” as follows:
After God leaves the earth, it is believed that the “new people” will arrive to lead the faithful in a conquest against evil. These “new people,” perhaps a mixture of surface and inner earth mating, are described as “strong, assured and knowledgeable.” At the same time, the “King of The World” will lead his millions of subjects up from the cavern cities and establish social order, religious understanding and peace on the surface world. Evil will be vanquished, Peace will reign.
In his book, Our Paradise Inside the Earth [196-], author Theodore Fitch reports his belief that flying saucers come from inside the earth and their occupants purposely spread false stories to protect their place of origin. Such white lies would prevent possible hostilities between the surface nations and the inner world.
“... They say they know all the secrets of every government. They say they are of higher intelligence and authority. Since they are our superiors they have authority over us. They claim to be experts in mental telepathy. They claim to come from an antediluvian race [such as Atlantis and Lemuria] ... they claim they are a race that has not fallen as we have. They say we should have a world government. They say we should get rid of bombs and armaments.
“They say that all their efforts are for peace ... [and] our peace is due to their efforts in our behalf, and that they saved us from being plunged into a suicidal nuclear war, and that we should look to them for guidance.”
Fitch also described a Communist-type of economic system in the subterranean world, with an elimination of all class distinctions. Rich and poor are unknown in the inner earth, he reported, and all products are fairly distributed with perfect equality through common ownership.
Australian contactee Frank Howard was one of the first to claim the beings with which he was in contact admitted to deception regarding their allegedly extraterrestrial origins, telling him it was out of fear of invasion from some warlike race or nation (ironically, this would also appear to be a deceptive statement).
American contactee Howard Menger told Timothy Good “that he grew skeptical of their professed ‘Venusian’ or ‘Martian’ origin, speculating that they may have been from Earth, the remnants of a highly advanced civilization.” In his book Earth, Good quotes Menger as saying, “It’s possible they don’t want us to know that they live here on this planet, that they would throw us off the track by telling us [they come from] Venus or Mars.”
July 29, 2023
Q: (Ze Germans) How many humans/humanoids from the underground civilization are on the surface of the Earth at the moment? […]
A: Varies with circumstances, but average is about 2 to 2.5 million.
Q: (Andromeda) Walking around up top. (Joe) And do these people know who they are? I mean…
A: Of course!
Q: (Joe) OK. And do they have a mission that they’re aware of? Do they know why they’re walking around?
A: Indeed. Usually acting as “handlers” or agents provocateur.
Q: (Joe) So from our perspective, their mission, it would be nefarious?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are there any of them running that show over there in Ukraine?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are there any of them handling members of the U.S. government?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Handling high-level members of other governments?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Handling leaders of different types of, like, media or whatever, like influencers and such?
A: Yes. Yes. Yes.
Q: (Joe) Are any of them on YouTube?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) With large-follower channels?
A: Yes. […]
The idea of human-looking beings “walking among us” goes back to the contactees of the 1950s and prior. In light of the above, these accounts may actually apply to the bi-density humans occupying these underground cities and facilities (more on which further below). Some examples:
Leo Dworshak, who reported encounters with human-looking aliens going back to the 1930s, wrote in 2003: “And they told us that twelve people from their galaxy live full-time on our planet Earth. These people live among us, but we cannot tell they are different from us.”
Stefano Breccia wrote, on the Italian “Amicizia” humanoids (more on this case below): “They lived most of the time in their huge underground bases, but some of them lived among us, inside our society, playing every kind of role in it.”
June Crain, who worked at Wright-Patterson between 1942 and 1952, told investigator James E. Clarkson in 1997 that the scientists and engineers there “fully believed” that humanity had been contacted. “And there was even some of them [who] said we have them among us. And they have our shape and form and look just like ordinary people.”
Nick Redfern’s source “John” (discussed in the article on Area 51) told him that “the vast amounts of documentation [to which he had access] ran from 1943 to 1968 and were focused on the history of the U.S. government’s knowledge of—and even interaction with—alien entities who were not just visiting us but clandestinely living on Earth among us.”
As for the political aspect, Good cites a 1967 publication of the Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (founded by Meade Layne) which included “an article on the infiltration of the U.S. government by aliens, based on a lecture by one Gordon Shandley.” Richard Dolan received such a report from Elaine Douglas, who told him “about her research in which she had learned of human-looking non-humans within the United States intelligence community, including as I recall the CIA. She didn’t tell me if she knew how prominent they were, but I know she was impressed by the likelihood that this was true. Elaine was one of the most intelligent and analytical people in the UFO field.”
In 1973, Pat Price gave Hal Puthoff papers relating to some remote viewings he had done (discussed below), which included this: “It comes to mind that these ‘people’ [in a facility under Mt. Hayes, Alaska] have infiltrated all government in sensitive positions, not to control government, the processes or people, but rather to be in positions of power to stop politically any activity that may produce a result that could cause discovery.”
Australian researcher Moira McGhee gives several examples from her work with contactees. Her friend Millen Le Poer Trench, the wife of the 8th Earl of Clancarty, associated with “D,” a “Visitor” integrated into human society: “‘D’ had met and interacted with a couple of young university students, who became influential world leaders later on.” The controversial Bob Dean “said some of these Visitors are living and working incognito among us. These upset the US Military more than any other species. They were very concerned that infiltrating aliens, ‘who looked so human, […] could walk down the corridors of their own HQ, even the Pentagon, or White House, without being detected.’”
In a recent interview, Dr. John Brandenburg related a similar account: “I was working in D.C. at a different agency where I had a big, big security clearance, and this guy came to me at my office. He says, ‘You know, I’ve been talking to some people who are dealing with aliens from outer space. They’re worried because there are people down here on this planet that they think are aliens but they can’t tell them from human beings.’”
In 1978, Frank Howard wrote (adapted from his original verse format): “Yes, there surely is an Inner-World, within this little Planet, and although this fact is knowledge to selected groups and leaders of the outer surface dwellers, it has been a closely guarded secret, right down through the Ages for some reasons quite apparent, and for certain other reasons which would give to some, advantage over those who had no knowledge on this all-important subject. Great activity is centered round this Planet’s polar regions by most of the major nations; who have well established bases fitted with the best equipment to be made by modern methods: And we know this concentration of activity we speak of, is not for the special purpose of the study of the penguin and its breeding grounds and habits.”
Q: (Joe) Is part of their mission or agenda to prepare the global population for revelation of aliens?
A: Partly, but also involved with depopulation agenda.
This suggests that the World Economic Forum (WEF) program, described by Michael Rectenwald in The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda (2023), may be similarly inspired. The skeleton of their goals go back to ideas developed in the early 1970s. They use the euphemism “population control” for de-population in their documents, and their agenda includes de-industrialization, total digital surveillance, transhumanism, “global governance” (i.e. increasingly centralized world government), corporate monopolization and “stakeholder capitalism” (which concentrates wealth and power under the pretext of climate change).
Touching on the potential wider purpose of this political infiltration, McGhee writes:
There is reason to suspect that some Visitors had an initial ‘Plan A’ to aid a particular race or society (such as the Nazis, or others later) to manage Earth as a de facto World Government. […] Is there any truth at all in the allegations that since World War 2, more than one species of alien has covertly penetrated deep into the politics of various First World countries via their large, powerful corporations? Of course, if all humans were conveniently microchipped, our Visitors would not only know who was their ‘property,’ it could also produce a compliant population.
As she points out, if the one goal of the “Visitors” is to prevent our self-annihilation (for selfish or altruistic reasons), one means of doing so would be through a single, “albeit harsh, dictatorial authority.”
Q: (Joe) So these people were born underground?
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) And raised underground?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) And then appeared as adults on the surface, got a job…
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) And who made them?
A: Lizards in cahoots with STS Orions.
Q: (Joe) So these are human beings. They’re functionally the same, as human as other human beings? Like biologically the same as other human beings, or not?
A: Some genetic tweaks. Most were harvested from human mothers and incubated.
Q: (Gaby) So this is part of the hybridization program that some experiencers or abductees recall?
A: Yes.
In Alien Agendas, Richard Dolan cites the FREE Study, which found that the most highly represented alien reported by “experiencers” is the human type (45%). (By contrast, only one third reported seeing the highly popularized Grays.) Hybrids were reported by 20%. He concludes: “It does appear there are at least two specific type[s] of human-looking beings who are not from our civilization. Those humans who have been seen and commented upon since ancient times through the early 20th century, and the hubrids as described by Dr. Jacobs.”
Christa Tilton quotes an anonymous 1983 letter sent to APRO. At one point it says: “Cimarron witness [Myrna Hansen] saw aliens & military types together in underground installation—tanks with organs in them—she was told they were making humanoids ([Larry] Fawcett says [Betty] Andreasson was told this too—this was not in either book [on her case]).” Bennewitz, probably based on his investigation of Hansen, also concluded that they were “making humanoids” underground.
Suggestions of a hybridization program (to be discussed in a future article) emerged early in the abduction literature: according to Bullard, 8% of pre-1978 reports contain them, compared to 5% in the period 1978-1986, and 12% post 1987 (after David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins brought them to greater attention). Jacobs first heard reports of hubrids (i.e. fully human-looking hybrids) in the early 2000s. He describes them as follows:
Hubrids represent the end point of the human hybridization program. They are indistinguishable from humans in every way except neurologically; they can speak orally or use telepathy and, most important, they can neurologically control humans. It seems they have one main function—to live on Earth undetected, blending seamlessly into society.
While the phenomenon predated his work, Hopkins popularized the connection between abductions and “vanishing pregnancies” (aka missing fetus syndrome). McGhee describes several such cases, adding that her female abductee/contactees are often diagnosed with reproductive issues like missing ova and ovarian cysts (in one case, the fetus was gone but the placenta remained). In 1981 Hal Puthoff wrote a letter to Flying Saucer Review:
[…] perhaps “other-dimensionals” begin entry into our realm during the process of birth, and those that abort for some reason or another end up participating in a reality that is closely tied to the physical realm, both with regards to their own personal form, and with regard to the desire to interact with us—sort of “half-made-its,” as it were. (This idea has some parallel to the catholic tradition that unborn or stillborns go into limbo.) [It also echoes faerie lore.]
McGhee comments on genetic “tweaking” as follows:
In the case of the families I have followed through several generations, it seems as if some form of reproductive genetic enhancement was possibly performed via the sperm of the original male ancestor (often when he was in the military). […] Since World War 2 there have been cases which suggest that abductees are being carefully chosen, and subjected to some form of genetic enhancement or alteration. In some cases, governments seem to be aware of this and monitor subjects from an early age.
She quotes a letter from an Australian contactee, Penny, sharing her conclusions on the phenomenon:
While scientists search for life on other planets and pose questions of whether we’re down here alone or not, the alien has encroached on mankind in a very obscure and non-intrusive way. This form of invasion cannot be fought by our military. We are not equipped to defend ourselves.
Invasion and adaptation go hand-in-hand. Genetic engineering is very high on the alien agenda. We hear about abductees seeing hybrids and having eggs taken from them, not to mention their embryos being removed. It is ignorant on our part to assume that they need us or our DNA to survive, or for that matter that they are the hybrids. Dipping into the human gene pool might give the alien the genetic make-up to adapt and multiply.
In other words, you might say the alien has landed, genetically speaking.
This will be discussed in more detail in future series on the alien agenda.
Q: […] (Caesarea) Are some of the hybrids re-inserted into women on the surface, so they are born “normally”?
A: Yes. […]
The phenomenon most suggestive of the above scenario is “anomalous pregnancies,” in which abductees find themselves unexpectedly pregnant. In these cases, the abductees are convinced that such children are somehow connected with their abduction experiences, whether as hybrids or somehow genetically altered (sometimes such progeny are referred to as “star children”). In one case included in Extraordinary: The Seeding (2019), the abductee was a lesbian who had no opportunity even for an unplanned pregnancy.
This aspect features in the account of Dan Sherman, who was told by a military superior that he had been part of a program in which he and others had been genetically tweaked during abductions while in their mothers’ wombs. The purpose was to provide them with a special ability allowing them to psychically communicate with aliens. While Sherman never saw any documentation of his superior’s claims (or aliens), he was trained to develop his ability and utilized it for a period of time in an “above black” program, part of which involved receiving details about recent abduction events.
Timothy Good writes: “In 1921, Albert Cole, then seventeen years old, was told by his 340-year-old (!) alien friend that, as early as 1904, the aliens replaced a hundred terrestrial babies and infiltrated their own.” (This was related to Dr. Berthold Schwarz in 1977.)
Q: (Possibility of Being) Do they know good and evil the same way as we would understand it?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) Are they – from our perspective – very much like mind-controlled beings in that sense? They don’t have much free will?
A: Yes. And much like very efficient psychopaths.
The idea of “very efficient psychopaths” suggests that these individuals not only lack a conscience, but are also conscientious and self-controlled (in contrast to criminal psychopaths, who are irresponsible and impulsive), and would have the ability to present a very convincing “mask of sanity.” That is, their psychopathy would not be immediately apparent to those interacting with them. They may present as “normal,” or even saintly, while in reality they are manipulative and callous, and lack normal human emotions and values.
Jacobs’s “hubrids,” however, may not match this description. He writes: “Human emotions are sometimes of concern to aliens. In one abduction event, an alien told the abductee that the emotional needs of humanoid hybrids constituted a serious control problem that the aliens had not fully understood before they embarked upon their reproductive program. If this account is correct, hubrid emotions may be a significant challenge for the aliens.” Though later in the book he writes:
As polite, innocent, guileless, and unsuspecting as hubrids can be, their neural abilities differentiate them sharply from us. Hubrids use neural engagement to control human actions when it suits them. […] Their overwhelming “humanness” seems to weaken their alien abilities, but even weakened abilities are more than enough to be effective. Conversely, abductees cannot read hubrids’ inner thoughts and, consequently, we do not know whether they have the full range of human emotions.
Eric Norman summarizes some of the features of Richard Shaver’s undergrounders: they “were responsible for much of the evil in the world,” “they performed most of their harassments by telepathy, rays, and other remote-control devices from their subterranean home,” and “they became sadistic, unfeeling degenerates.”
Q: […] (Joe) Where do they live normally when they’re not on the surface? Where did they grow up and stuff?
A: Underground bases.
Q: […] (Ursus Minor) Who or what is making Netanyahu push Israel to the brink? (L) […] Is that something along the line of what these underground handlers would be doing?
A: Yes and also mind manipulation.
Q: […] (Joe) How long have these underground psychos been interfering with human affairs in this way?
A: Thousands of years.
Q: (L) That reminds me, remember when I asked the question about Sargon of Akkad? And they called him a deep-level punctuator. Is that what a deep-level punctuator is? Somebody who comes up and does stuff?
A: Yes.
Q: […] (Joe) Makes an impact. […] (Niall) Did someone like him, Sargon of Akkad, thousands of years ago, emerge from a high-tech base and play a consciously evil role on the surface where he pretended to be an ancient?
A: They would be educated and trained in congruence with the society of the time. Memory wipe before implantation of mission. However, in earlier times the tech was not adequate so that the outcome was not always certain.
Q: (L) So you’re saying that when they would take people and they would have them in underground bases or whatever, they would behave and dress and converse and everything, and the environment was matched to the environment on the surface more or less?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And before they would send somebody out and in some situations they would wipe their memories or, I mean… Are we talking about something that they would do when they were children and then send them to be raised in some way?
A: Some.
Q: (L) And then you say that the outcome wasn’t always certain because the tech wasn’t adequate. You mean the manipulation tech, the hybridization tech?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) The controlling-of-them kind of tech?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Why was that tech not adequate? I suppose maybe you had to have a certain infrastructure on the planet of technology in order to control them on the planet…
A: Yes.
Q: (L) OK. And then there’s the other thing… Was it also partly because the bloodline had not been purified enough?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And you say the outcome wasn’t certain. What do you mean by the outcome of their plan? What do you mean that it wasn’t always certain?
A: Some of the subjects were not sufficiently “evil”.
Q: (L) So in other words, they would maybe turn good and turn on their creators and masters?
A: Yes.
Q: […] (Joe) Is [Michelle Obama] one of those underground people?
A: No.
Q: […] (Joe) Is [Barack Obama] an underground person?
A: No, not smart enough.
Q: […] (Pecha) Do these undergrounders have more advanced psychic powers compared to the surface population?
A: Usually, yes.
McGhee writes: “Some witnesses claim multiple meetings with extraterrestrials as human as we are – just more evolved and with advanced telepathic abilities.” She cites her friend Rosemary Decker as writing:
Old texts, from China across India, from Persia into the Near and Middle East, describe others looking so much like us that when dressed like us, they often pass in our streets unnoticed. […] From countless reports, both ancient and modern, one characteristic that stands out is telepathy, which bypasses the emotional complex and goes directly mind-to-mind.
Bruno Sammaciccia told Good that an underground base was built at a certain location in Italy “so that when the men came to within thirty kilometers of it, they would be able to communicate with the aliens by telepathy.” This has shades of Thor’s Pantheum and the excerpt from the Law of One included in the previous part, as well as the technology described by Pat Price below.
In addition to their telepathic skills, these beings are almost universally reported to be stunningly attractive and intelligent, either white-skinned or “tanned,” and often blond and light-eyed. The notion of the underground/alien race being somehow superior to ordinary humans crops up repeatedly, for example in the Amicizia case. Good writes that in 2009 an informant told Nikola Duper: “The Friends are our elder brothers. They are human. Indeed, in comparison it’s we terrestrials who are less than human.”
Q: (thorbiorn) What languages do the undergrounders speak?
A: Different based on where they are assigned.
Q: (Aiming) Are there individuals in the underground race who have the potential to wake up and follow their own free will?
A: At this point, hardly at all.
In Top Secret Alien Abduction Files, Nick Redfern writes: “Those who have reported such [military-abduction] experiences describe being taken to underground installations, where they are interrogated and questioned about their encounters. Military personnel reveal to the abductees the government’s belief that the aliens are creating ‘underground armies’ of abductees who, when fully mind-controlled by the aliens, will one day turn upon the rest of the population.”
Q: […] (Josi) What did the woman see, who made a scene while getting off a plane in Dallas by saying “That MFer is not real”? [Updates here and here.]
A: Flipped out from the energy of one of the hybrids.
Q: (thorbiorn) Is there a way of discovering these types of undergrounders from studying their biographies if they are public people?
A: Not likely, but tiny details might give clues, but never enough to make a convincing case.
Q: (Joe) Would it be true to say that none of them, these hybrids/underground people, are notable public figures?
A: No.
Q: (Possibility of Being) Do they span the different races?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) So some of them we would know if they were to tell us that one of them was such a hybrid person.
A: Yes.
Q: […] (Andromeda) Are there any clues that we can look for?
A: Not a useful path.
Q: (L) Yeah. So in other words, following that line of questioning is not useful. Is it dangerous?
A: Yes.
Q: […] (Possibility of Being) I have a question. I’m not going to ask what it is, but if there is anything specific about them that is possible to recognize?
A: They are “human” in appearance, but the energy is different to those who are sensitive.
In Keep Out!, Nick Redfern writes that according to Walter Bosley, a former U.S. Air Force Intelligence operative whose father served in the Air Force and who worked on the space program, his father had been briefed to the effect that the Roswell entities and their craft “come from inside our planet. Their civilization supposedly resides within a huge underground system of caverns and tunnels beneath the southwest portion of the United States.” Additionally, “They are human in appearance; so much so that they can move among us with ease with just a little effort. If you get a close look, you’d notice something odd, but not if the person just passed you on the street.”
Q: […] (Possibility of Being) Do they recognize each other?
A: Yes. […]
Q: (Ze Germans) Are Rothschilds undergrounders as well?
A: Not at present.
Q: (L) Was the original?
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) Are there some of them who don’t know who they are? Like their memories have been wiped and new ones implanted?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) They are just useful idiots, for some point… (L) I guess it depends on the kind of mission they’re assigned to, what their parameters are. Every situation is probably different. (Neema) How much control do these underground “handlers” have in Russia?
A: Much less.
Q: (Neema) Is Vladimir Putin aware of them?
A: No.
Q: (RedFox) Do Earth changes (sinkholes, volcanoes, earthquakes) affect the underground bases?
A: No.
Q: […] (Ryan) Are the underground psychos responsible for all the historically high-level STS secret societies?
A: No.
Q: […] (Caesarea) Were the underground mountain structures remote viewed by Pat Price and Joe McMoneagle for [the U.S. remote viewing program] associated with the underground people being discussed?
A: Partly but distorted.
Price identified four such bases: Mt. Perdido (Spain), Mt. Hayes (Alaska), Mt. Zeil (Australia), Mt. Inyangani (Zimbabwe). Mt. Zeil is a UFO hot-spot and right next to Pine Gap, the probable site of an underground military base. Mt. Hayes is also a UFO hot-spot and in the center of the “Alaska Triangle,” a window area with many mysterious disappearances. Mt. Inyangani is also the site of such disappearances. Price described the undergrounders as looking “like us, homosapiens, except for the heart, lungs, blood and eyes. He reported that the sites were highly protected from discovery, mutually supportive, and had very high technology. He also noted that they used ‘thought transfer for motor control of us.’”
See the following two videos which summarize the remote viewings:
March 9, 2024
Q: (Nienna) I have a question about the Dark Pyramid underground in Alaska. Former counterintelligence agent Doug Mutschler in 1992 heard about China detonating a nuclear device underground and it was so massive an explosion that the shock-waves went all of the way to Alaska where the geologists studying the shock waves found an underground structure shaped like a pyramid 80 kilometers [north]west of Mt. McKinley in Alaska. He waited for the news station to air the story again the next day for further information on it, but there was nothing. So he went to the local station that had aired it to get the information from them, but was told by the station manager that they had never run a story like that. However, upon leaving the station a junior editor told him that they had indeed run the story, but afterwards, two men came and took all information about the pyramid and left.
Mr. Mutschler tried to find out more information about it but was stopped every time and told not to continue. In 2012, he contacted Linda Moulton Howe to see if she could find anything about it. She reached out to see if anyone had any information about it and a man called her and said that there was an underground pyramid, larger than the one at Giza. It’s 550 feet from the bottom to the top, made of solid black stone and it’s believed to be very, very ancient. Some people claim that it’s millions of years old.
Upon further investigation, she talked to someone whose father was supposedly flown to the site and said: “The pilot told my dad the Alaska site was ‘every bit as hush hush as the Manhattan Project.’” The pilot also told him that it was not a nuclear device; it was not made by man; nobody is supposed to know this place even exists. “This thing is some kind of power generator and it’s thousands of years old. It’s made out of stone like a pyramid. They don’t know where it came from, who made it or how it works. But it can generate enough power to power the whole North Slope, all of Alaska, and probably the whole country of Canada!” – Bruce L. Pearson, New Jersey
(L) OK, so: Is there really a pyramid underground in Alaska? If so, are the reports about it accurate?
A: No and no.
April 27, 2024
Q: (Nienna) This is a follow-up question from the dark or black pyramid that was asked last session. There are a few people in the area, where this underground pyramid is said to be, that say they think something is there because of an area that is fenced in with a couple of watch towers or something similar on the property. So, my question is, is there something there in that area southwest of Mount McKinley and what some say is the Alaskan Triangle? Is there something there?
A: Yes.
Q: (Nienna) If so, what is it?
A: Entry/exit to underground facility with attendant magnetic anomalies. Similar to Skinwalker Ranch.
The map below shows the alleged location of the dark pyramid (left marker) and its proximity to Mt. Hayes (right marker), site of one of the underground bases remote viewed by Pat Price and Joe McMoneagle. The location is 181 miles (291 km) from Mt. Hayes, and 49 miles (80 km) from Mt. McKinley aka Denali (center marker).
Q: (Nienna) Why is there so much still coming out recently about the dark or black pyramid?
A: Smoke screen.
Concidentally, on May 4 The Why Files recently devoted a program to the pyramid:
In the video where remote viewer Joe McMoneagle described the distortions in distance...he doesn't feel like he can go in a straight line, like he's folded over...it's got a memory.
When I heard that the first time a few days ago when I first went through this, it stuck with me. And now, I just spotted in the first chapter of the "Bringers of the Dawn" the Pleiadians were saying that we don't know time, that time is much vaster than we realize.
"Time is greatly misunderstood in third-dimensional reality: you believe that time is measured in minutes or degrees. Time is much vaster than you realize. In actuality, time codes and plays with information, allowing you to move into realities simultaneously by stretching, distorting, curving, and twisting time around ("folding over")..."
This matches! McMoneagle said, "it's got a memory." And the Pleiadians said, "time codes and plays with information."
What that tells me is, time has its own consciousness. Because we, as McMoneagle found, interact with it and it interacts back with us.
What do you think? Have the Cassiopaeans said anything about this? as time being a consciousness that plays with us, that has a memory, like a physical body, is sensitive to the thoughts of us and responds to our thoughts, creating what we're thinking, even if subconsciously, or just beneath conscious thinking, because it's so sensitive. Similar it seems is time itself.
Let me know what you think.
There's another thing I wanted to share, but I kept hesitating because it's really strange. Nevertheless, I thought of it again, and it has to do with the "time" aspect... which may have been part of what the hindrance to Humanity was, to get out of here, out of 3dTime.
Saturn, from what John Lamb Lash describes in his Fallen Goddess Series in Nine Sessions, is the main control center of the Archons. And everyone knows that "time" is connected with Saturn. So...
You've heard of Suzanne Spooner? She just has a way, in her QHHT, of drawing out the predators, letting them feel right at home to come out and tell it all. A few years ago I listened to it, but can't find it anymore. It had to do with what she titled, something Designers...where it was described to us through a client that they created "time" and that they are going to destroy "time" as well. That's what they said, and you know you can't believe everything someone says.
Nevertheless, this one session Suzanne did, called "A Conversation with an 11th Dimensional Being" https://youtu.be/Ri1zsnfltMU is so strange, and it was the only one similar to the Designer videos (which were really strange). But this 11th Dimensional being said they created that lady on the couch, Suzanne's client, that she's only a prototype. Haha. In Theresa Talea's book "Eternal Humans And The Finite gods" it says that the Anu or Anunnaki were in the 11th Dimension, the Lizards and Snakes were in the 10th dimension, and the Elohim were in the 12 dimension. When the Anu attacked the Lizard/Snake Stargate to steal it from them, the Liz/Snk fought back eventually and took it back. The Anu-nnaki went crying to the 12 D Elohim asking them to destroy the Liz/Snk, but they told them they don't destroy anyone, and that they should look at themselves because they're acting like their enemy. That got them into a 2-yr old tantrum so that they threatened and used death-science technology on them, which blew up the 12th dimension and almost destroyed the entire Milky Way galaxy, but for the help of good beings out there beyond this galaxy. Since then, the Anunnaki took over control of the lower part of the galaxy, what was left of it, and their enemy all the time were the Dragons and Snakes.
This Suzanne Spooner video session with that robotic sounding thing on the couch, sounds like them. The Anunnaki. What's more is, I was studying "The Paraphrase of Shem" back then when I first heard this session, and I found many, many things in parallel with it. I was astonished. Too detailed to describe here, and I've already made this a bit long. I apologize. These beings are most likely those Aryan, light skinned light hair, yellow eyes, Anunnaki's from what I've heard that they look like.