In the video where remote viewer Joe McMoneagle described the distortions in distance...he doesn't feel like he can go in a straight line, like he's folded's got a memory.
When I heard that the first time a few days ago when I first went through this, it stuck with me. And now, I just spotted in the first chapter of the "Bringers of the Dawn" the Pleiadians were saying that we don't know time, that time is much vaster than we realize.
"Time is greatly misunderstood in third-dimensional reality: you believe that time is measured in minutes or degrees. Time is much vaster than you realize. In actuality, time codes and plays with information, allowing you to move into realities simultaneously by stretching, distorting, curving, and twisting time around ("folding over")..."
This matches! McMoneagle said, "it's got a memory." And the Pleiadians said, "time codes and plays with information."
What that tells me is, time has its own consciousness. Because we, as McMoneagle found, interact with it and it interacts back with us.
What do you think? Have the Cassiopaeans said anything about this? as time being a consciousness that plays with us, that has a memory, like a physical body, is sensitive to the thoughts of us and responds to our thoughts, creating what we're thinking, even if subconsciously, or just beneath conscious thinking, because it's so sensitive. Similar it seems is time itself.
The C’s have made many references to time, but I don’t think they’re referred to time as a “being.” We’ll probably do some articles on the references to time some time in the future.
Thank you. Yes, this subject could be further looked at. I have been studying the Cassiopaean Logs, and they said that when Mankind was still free and in a higher state of being, there was no "time," and they also had a whole brain. But, they said that Man lost faith, and I would assume it was while watching our guardians fighting against the dark force/lizards, that they must have lost faith, because then they were taken over, and the good guys had to back down, and I assume because if they didn't, the lizards had threatened to destroy the entire planet (which we've seen has occur in different parts of the solar system), so then Mankind was sucked down into their fallen system where "time" suddenly existed, and their brains were split by the change in frequency...they also said that some type of laser light was used to perform the operation on the whole of Mankind, which seems to be that they're talking about collective consciousness, rather than individual persons being force operated on.
Anyway, great stuff. I just love learning from you all because things are coming together for me in my own understanding very much now. I would like to share this video by Quantum Businessman where he interviews Sonja (a lady that has a very strong "seeing" ability). It's called "Symphony of Realities Podcast Episode 34 - Remote Viewing Atlantis"
And the reason why I'm sharing it here, is because at this part 1:06:50 they talk about a place in Antarctica where there are basalt walls that have their own consciousness, they can read the being that enters in order for that being to be able to see through their eyes, because species have different set-ups in their forms for their eyeballs viewing. And these huge black walls, that are, to us, THINGS, are actually living sentient or programmed entities? It so strange, but you'll see what I mean when you listen to this part. Also they put a clip in of Linda Moulton Howe describing what she was told of these black walls.
Oh, and one more thing. I was doing a lot of reading of the Cosmic Awareness newsletters, and it said somewhere that beings came down into the stone structures, like say those on Easter Island, in order for them to become used to the 3rd density. This may be similar to the black basalt crystalline walls, where entities either entered into them, or were programmed into them to do that specific purpose?
There's another thing I wanted to share, but I kept hesitating because it's really strange. Nevertheless, I thought of it again, and it has to do with the "time" aspect... which may have been part of what the hindrance to Humanity was, to get out of here, out of 3dTime.
Saturn, from what John Lamb Lash describes in his Fallen Goddess Series in Nine Sessions, is the main control center of the Archons. And everyone knows that "time" is connected with Saturn. So...
You've heard of Suzanne Spooner? She just has a way, in her QHHT, of drawing out the predators, letting them feel right at home to come out and tell it all. A few years ago I listened to it, but can't find it anymore. It had to do with what she titled, something Designers...where it was described to us through a client that they created "time" and that they are going to destroy "time" as well. That's what they said, and you know you can't believe everything someone says.
Nevertheless, this one session Suzanne did, called "A Conversation with an 11th Dimensional Being" is so strange, and it was the only one similar to the Designer videos (which were really strange). But this 11th Dimensional being said they created that lady on the couch, Suzanne's client, that she's only a prototype. Haha. In Theresa Talea's book "Eternal Humans And The Finite gods" it says that the Anu or Anunnaki were in the 11th Dimension, the Lizards and Snakes were in the 10th dimension, and the Elohim were in the 12 dimension. When the Anu attacked the Lizard/Snake Stargate to steal it from them, the Liz/Snk fought back eventually and took it back. The Anu-nnaki went crying to the 12 D Elohim asking them to destroy the Liz/Snk, but they told them they don't destroy anyone, and that they should look at themselves because they're acting like their enemy. That got them into a 2-yr old tantrum so that they threatened and used death-science technology on them, which blew up the 12th dimension and almost destroyed the entire Milky Way galaxy, but for the help of good beings out there beyond this galaxy. Since then, the Anunnaki took over control of the lower part of the galaxy, what was left of it, and their enemy all the time were the Dragons and Snakes.
This Suzanne Spooner video session with that robotic sounding thing on the couch, sounds like them. The Anunnaki. What's more is, I was studying "The Paraphrase of Shem" back then when I first heard this session, and I found many, many things in parallel with it. I was astonished. Too detailed to describe here, and I've already made this a bit long. I apologize. These beings are most likely those Aryan, light skinned light hair, yellow eyes, Anunnaki's from what I've heard that they look like.
In the video where remote viewer Joe McMoneagle described the distortions in distance...he doesn't feel like he can go in a straight line, like he's folded's got a memory.
When I heard that the first time a few days ago when I first went through this, it stuck with me. And now, I just spotted in the first chapter of the "Bringers of the Dawn" the Pleiadians were saying that we don't know time, that time is much vaster than we realize.
"Time is greatly misunderstood in third-dimensional reality: you believe that time is measured in minutes or degrees. Time is much vaster than you realize. In actuality, time codes and plays with information, allowing you to move into realities simultaneously by stretching, distorting, curving, and twisting time around ("folding over")..."
This matches! McMoneagle said, "it's got a memory." And the Pleiadians said, "time codes and plays with information."
What that tells me is, time has its own consciousness. Because we, as McMoneagle found, interact with it and it interacts back with us.
What do you think? Have the Cassiopaeans said anything about this? as time being a consciousness that plays with us, that has a memory, like a physical body, is sensitive to the thoughts of us and responds to our thoughts, creating what we're thinking, even if subconsciously, or just beneath conscious thinking, because it's so sensitive. Similar it seems is time itself.
Let me know what you think.
The C’s have made many references to time, but I don’t think they’re referred to time as a “being.” We’ll probably do some articles on the references to time some time in the future.
Thank you. Yes, this subject could be further looked at. I have been studying the Cassiopaean Logs, and they said that when Mankind was still free and in a higher state of being, there was no "time," and they also had a whole brain. But, they said that Man lost faith, and I would assume it was while watching our guardians fighting against the dark force/lizards, that they must have lost faith, because then they were taken over, and the good guys had to back down, and I assume because if they didn't, the lizards had threatened to destroy the entire planet (which we've seen has occur in different parts of the solar system), so then Mankind was sucked down into their fallen system where "time" suddenly existed, and their brains were split by the change in frequency...they also said that some type of laser light was used to perform the operation on the whole of Mankind, which seems to be that they're talking about collective consciousness, rather than individual persons being force operated on.
Anyway, great stuff. I just love learning from you all because things are coming together for me in my own understanding very much now. I would like to share this video by Quantum Businessman where he interviews Sonja (a lady that has a very strong "seeing" ability). It's called "Symphony of Realities Podcast Episode 34 - Remote Viewing Atlantis"
And the reason why I'm sharing it here, is because at this part 1:06:50 they talk about a place in Antarctica where there are basalt walls that have their own consciousness, they can read the being that enters in order for that being to be able to see through their eyes, because species have different set-ups in their forms for their eyeballs viewing. And these huge black walls, that are, to us, THINGS, are actually living sentient or programmed entities? It so strange, but you'll see what I mean when you listen to this part. Also they put a clip in of Linda Moulton Howe describing what she was told of these black walls.
Oh, and one more thing. I was doing a lot of reading of the Cosmic Awareness newsletters, and it said somewhere that beings came down into the stone structures, like say those on Easter Island, in order for them to become used to the 3rd density. This may be similar to the black basalt crystalline walls, where entities either entered into them, or were programmed into them to do that specific purpose?
There's another thing I wanted to share, but I kept hesitating because it's really strange. Nevertheless, I thought of it again, and it has to do with the "time" aspect... which may have been part of what the hindrance to Humanity was, to get out of here, out of 3dTime.
Saturn, from what John Lamb Lash describes in his Fallen Goddess Series in Nine Sessions, is the main control center of the Archons. And everyone knows that "time" is connected with Saturn. So...
You've heard of Suzanne Spooner? She just has a way, in her QHHT, of drawing out the predators, letting them feel right at home to come out and tell it all. A few years ago I listened to it, but can't find it anymore. It had to do with what she titled, something Designers...where it was described to us through a client that they created "time" and that they are going to destroy "time" as well. That's what they said, and you know you can't believe everything someone says.
Nevertheless, this one session Suzanne did, called "A Conversation with an 11th Dimensional Being" is so strange, and it was the only one similar to the Designer videos (which were really strange). But this 11th Dimensional being said they created that lady on the couch, Suzanne's client, that she's only a prototype. Haha. In Theresa Talea's book "Eternal Humans And The Finite gods" it says that the Anu or Anunnaki were in the 11th Dimension, the Lizards and Snakes were in the 10th dimension, and the Elohim were in the 12 dimension. When the Anu attacked the Lizard/Snake Stargate to steal it from them, the Liz/Snk fought back eventually and took it back. The Anu-nnaki went crying to the 12 D Elohim asking them to destroy the Liz/Snk, but they told them they don't destroy anyone, and that they should look at themselves because they're acting like their enemy. That got them into a 2-yr old tantrum so that they threatened and used death-science technology on them, which blew up the 12th dimension and almost destroyed the entire Milky Way galaxy, but for the help of good beings out there beyond this galaxy. Since then, the Anunnaki took over control of the lower part of the galaxy, what was left of it, and their enemy all the time were the Dragons and Snakes.
This Suzanne Spooner video session with that robotic sounding thing on the couch, sounds like them. The Anunnaki. What's more is, I was studying "The Paraphrase of Shem" back then when I first heard this session, and I found many, many things in parallel with it. I was astonished. Too detailed to describe here, and I've already made this a bit long. I apologize. These beings are most likely those Aryan, light skinned light hair, yellow eyes, Anunnaki's from what I've heard that they look like.