See Part 1: From Agartha to the Deros to the Cryptoterrestrials
August 31, 1996
Q: (L) I noticed […] when we were discussing the origin of the Celts, that the question was asked, by me: were they in any way superior to the indigenous people of this planet? And the remark was that they were sturdier in some way. And then I commented that they didn’t appear to be sturdier than, say, some of the big black people, because Celts are very fair, and very thin-skinned looking, and very delicate. It just seemed to me to be kind of an odd remark to make. However, the response that I received, which I didn’t pick up on at the time, which blew me out of the water, was that they were sturdier, but not necessarily on the surface […] So, does that surface mean surface of their appearance, or does that surface mean surface as in underground? That’s my question.
A: Both.
Q: (L) Now, in talking about these large underground cities or enclaves that we’ve talked about on a couple of occasions, it has been said that these beings come and actually may take human babies. I mean, this is like faerie lore, legends of different kinds of creatures that come and steal people’s babies, and they go and live underground, and sometimes one or another will escape. Is this what we’re talking about here? These kinds of situations, these underground cities and caves and civilizations and so forth?
A: Vague.
Q: […] (T) Are the Celts part of these underground civilizations?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And they came to the surface some time ago…
A: No.
Q: (L) No, they came here, and they were taken underground…
A: No.
Q: (L) No, well, what’s the story?
A: Went.
Q: (L) They went underground? Is that it? (T) When did they go underground?
A: Several occasions, the most recent being, on your calendar: 1941 through 1945.
Q: (L) That’s when they went underground? 1941 through 1945?
A: Last episode of mass migration, mostly Deutschlanders.
Q: (T) Underground. We’re talking underground, as in under the surface of the Earth. Is this what we’re talking about?
A: Antarctica. Under there. […] Entry port.
Q: (T) They went underground in Antarctica, they built a large underground base there. This is […] where the German territory was claimed, it’s in that section that’s south of…
A: Yes, but they entered through their constructed base, as instructed, then were assimilated.
Q: (L) They were assimilated into the population already existent? Underground cities, underground bases?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, they didn’t build them, they entered into them as instructed, and were assimilated into the population?
A: They did build a base.
According to Michael Salla, Richard Wilson and Sylvia Burns claim they saw classified documents regarding Nazis in Antarctica while researching Secret Treaty (1989). They wrote:
The Germans in the scientific community knew the war was lost as early as 1942. They decided to establish a plan for continuing the dream of the Third Reich despite the war. They decided that the establishment of a separate society founded on Nazi principles of genetic purity was the answer. [In 1945 the Kugelblitz] was blown up by SS personnel and the scientists, plans and engines were shipped out of Germany to the South Polar regions, where the Germans had maintained underground construction activity since 1941. […] The Germans also sent their “Aryan elite” children and other elements of their society to the underground base. General Hans Kammler, who disappeared in April 1945, was instrumental in the evacuation operation, as was General Nebe. There, the Germans developed a eugenic society that apparently is limited to a specific number of people. They’re still there.
Such rumors began shortly after the end of World War II.
Q: (T) Well, they’d have to keep expanding! Now, you said instructed… (L) Instructed by whom? (T) They were instructed to go there?
A: Those identifying themselves as “Antareans.”
Q: (L) And who are the Antareans?
A: STS humanoid Orion linkage.
Q: […] (V) Mutant race! (T) Yes! Those that were part of the creation…
A: No.
Q: (L) What is an STS humanoid Orion linkage?
A: An STS race from Orion that is humanoid.
[Part of tape seems to be missing here, questions in brackets are reconstruction.]
Q: [Something about who or how they got hooked up with the Nazis. Probably a question related to the group that “handled” Hitler.]
A: The Thule Society originated contact.
Q: [Something about them “waiting to take over the world.”]
A: Waiting?
Q: [Terry’s question about what Admiral Byrd may have seen over the Pole.]
A: Yes, but he was led to believe he was chasing what amounted to merely an encampment of detached Nazis.
Q: [So Byrd must have seen something and was then led off the track…]
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What do these guys plan on doing?
A: This is where “the Master Race” is being developed.
Q: (L) And what is the time-frame they have planned for this activity?
A: Never mind.
The occult ideas of the Thule Society, the underground Antarctic Nazi base, and its relation to Byrd’s Operation HIGHJUMP will be covered in their own future compilation. In the meantime, here is Mr. Mythos’s summary of the narrative as it has developed over the decades:
In Under-People, Eric Norman quoted Brad Steiger and Joan Whritenour as writing:
The Nazi champions of the Hollow Earth hypothesis […] had complete confidence in their mystical vision, and they were also convinced that the representatives of a powerful, underground secret race emerged from time to time to walk among man. Hitler’s plan to breed a master race of Nordic types was set in motion to appease his fanatic desire that the Germanic people would be the humans chosen to interact with the supermen in the mutation of a new race of heroes, demigods, and god-men.
Since at least Bulwer-Lytton, the idea has been that the underground is currently, and has been, the home of a “master race,” not necessarily that one is being actively developed there. More recently, Dr. Jason Reza Jorjani in his 2021 book Closer Encounters wrote:
American scientists, moguls, and politicians of Anglo-Saxon ethnic extraction defined these eugenic traits in terms of the quintessential qualities of the putatively superior “Nordic” race, which the Germans later rebranded as the “Aryan” race. The goal of this Eugenics program was the artificially assisted evolution of eugenically bred Nordic people into a so-called “Master Race” […] of Supermen [...]
Nazi Germany became a Frankenstein’s laboratory for this eugenicist Nordic elite […] At this point [the end of WWII], their occulted society […] became a full-fledged Breakaway Civilization […] They had a planetary-scale civilization on Earth in distant antiquity [through time travel], and their endurance of its collapse also makes them survivors of “Atlantis.” They have survived in vast underground bases and undersea cities [including under Antarctica].
Jorjani ties UFOs and their occupants to this group, concluding that the underground human population is responsible for many if not most UFO/“alien” sightings (including Roswell), and that they are in conflict with a more paranormal/Fortean “phenomenon.” The Cassiopaeans, in contrast, assert that most such sightings are truly alien in nature, and that this “phenomenon” controls the underground human population. The “master race,” according to them, is an alien project and connected with the idea of hybridization (discussed more in the next part).
September 21, 1996
Q: (T) Is there any significance to the ID4 movie?
A: Sure.
Q: (L) What was the primary intention of the makers of this movie? The primary message that they attempted to convey?
A: Infuse thinking patterns with [planchette swirled a few times here] concept of aliens.
Q: (L) Was there any particular slant on aliens, per se, that was seen as desirable in the making of this movie?
A: Slant?
Q: (L) Slant, in other words, did they wish to present them inaccurately to confuse people, to present them as something to be feared and fought against, or to make them appear so completely erroneous, so that when actual aliens do appear, that they will not be perceived as negative?
A: Infuse.
Q: (L) Infuse. Just the concept, the concept of aliens in general. OK…
A: Part of a larger project.
Q: (L) And what is this project?
A: Called “Project Awaken.”
Q: (L) And who is behind, or in charge of, this project?
A: Many.
Q: (L) Who are the primary group, groups or individuals? I’m sure you’re not going to give us individuals, but just the grouping.
A: Thor’s Pantheum. [Pantheum is the Latin spelling of “pantheon,” referring either to a temple to the gods, or a carving of them.]
Q: (L) And what is Thor’s Pantheum?
A: Sub-select trainees for transfer of enlightenment frequency graduation.
Q: (L) What is enlightenment frequency graduation?
A: Think! […] Self-explanatory.
Q: (L) Well, is this group STS or STO?
A: Both.
Q: (L) OK… (T) Are they working at cross purposes?
A: No.
Q: (T) They’re working together? Bipartisan?
A: No.
Q: (J) Are they aware of each other? Working on this?
A: Yes.
Q: (J) Are they screwing each other up? (L) No, that’s going in the wrong direction…
A: There is more to all of this than you could dream.
Q: (T) […] Who are they? Thor’s Pantheum. […]
A: An army of Aryan psychic projectors.
Q: (T) Well, that explains a lot more than Thor’s Pantheum of sub-select trainees! An army of psychic projectors. (L) And what do they project?
A: Themselves… right into one’s head.
Q: […] (L) Is anybody subject to this projecting?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And, when they project themselves right into someone’s head, what does that someone perceive?
A: Inspiration.
This was followed up on recently, where this projection was called “thought-form transmission,” like broadcasting thoughts “and depending on the receivership of the individual, that determines what gets picked up” (2023-5-13).
Q: (L) Inspiration to what, or to do what?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Yes? To do what, to do something?
A: And…
Q: (L) To do something, and to understand or perceive something, is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (J) To believe something? (L) Yes. So, how many are in this army?
A: 1.6 million.
Q: (L) When they’re doing this projecting into someone’s head, where are they projecting from?
A: Mostly subterranean.
Q: (L) Subterranean, so these are the people of the tunnels, the underground bases and all that sort of thing. Are they 3rd- or 4th-density beings?
A: Both.
Q: (T) Let me back up to a question here. If they can do all this projecting on their own, what was the point of the movie?
A: No, you misunderstand… This is an intense activity, directed towards influencing the high-level creative forces.
Q: (T) Projected against? Because this movie, if you’ve been following the reviews and the people talking about it, this movie has had more repeat business than any movie in years and years and years and years. People have seen it ten and twenty times! (L) Was there something subliminal in the movie? That opened something? (J) That’s a good question!
A: Sure.
Q: (L) And was this subliminal activity with the movie designed to create an opening for this further…
A: Not for you, but for others.
Q: (L) Why? Do you mean me, personally, or us as a group? (T) Well, the movie didn’t affect me.
A: Group.
Q: (L) What made us immune?
A: You already have the knowledge.
Q: (T) The movie wasn’t meant for us; we already know. The movie was meant for all of those who don’t understand.
A: Say hello to Gene Roddenberry. […]
Q: (L) In other words, say hello to him because he was doing that sort of thing a long time ago?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is Gene Roddenberry one of these people from Thor’s Pantheon?
A: No.
Q: (L) Why did you bring up Gene Roddenberry? (J) Because he was doing it in Star Trek?
A: Yes. […]
Like Bulwer-Lytton, Roddenberry was a Rosicrucian (as were, notably, famous ufologists J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallée). In the mid 1970s, after the original Star Trek series aired, Roddenberry became involved in a group channeling an alleged ET source calling themselves “the Nine.” The group, which formed in the 1950s, included figures such as Andrija Puharich, as well as a Du Pont, an Astor, and a Forbes. For more on the Nine, see Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince’s The Stargate Conspiracy: The Truth about Extraterrestrial Life and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt (2001) and Peter Levenda’s Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft, Book 1: The Nine (2011).
Note also the description of Roddenberry’s posthumous series Earth: The Final Conflict: “Early in the 21st century, a race of aliens, the Taelons[…], travel to Earth and take up residence in limited numbers. The Taelons possess highly advanced technologies, many of which they share with humanity, seemingly out of generosity and good will. As a result of these advances, disease, war and pollution are nearly eliminated within three years of their arrival. Despite this, some question whether the Taelons’ motives are as benevolent as they appear, and a resistance movement forms to halt the Taelons’ ever-growing influence on humanity.” “The resistance soon learned that the force that sustains the Taelons are breaking down, and they are using humans as test subjects in experiments to help save their species.”
Q: (L) What are these high-level creative forces that are needing to be influenced, or desirable of being influenced?
A: Those in the creative arts.
Q: (L) So in other words, I see, this group is using their projecting ability to influence those in the creative arts to do creative things that will therefore influence the people on the planet. Is that it?
A: Yes.
For a full-length treatment of Hollywood’s portrayal of UFOs and aliens, and its shifting and competing narratives (benevolent space brothers, malevolent invaders), see Robbie Graham’s Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact from Fantasy in Hollywood’s UFO Movies (2015). In reference to the 1955 film This Island Earth, which depicts “Earth scientists being abducted by Nordic aliens” from a dying world, Graham writes:
How do we account for such specific abduction-related details in movies from the 1950s? A CIA strategy to test public reaction to the troubling “truth” of alien contact, or to sow the seeds of fear? Perhaps it’s a case of our timeless collective unconscious being channeled through the creative writing process, with focused screenwriters unknowingly anticipating a future UFOlogical development, or tapping into an existing albeit as yet unreported one?
In Keep Out!, Nick Redfern writes that, according to Richard Shaver, “telepathically delivered tales of a horrific nature were beamed” into his mind, “all relative to the Deros, their penchant for human meat, and their underground cities.”
Q: (L) And these individuals are in the underground tunnels, and you say that they are both STS and STO.
A: We did not specify “tunnels,” you did.
Q: (T) They said… how did they put that? Subterranean… (J) Mostly subterranean. (T) … Underground. In other words, underground, as in resistance fighters–type underground, underground as in …
A: No.
Q: […] (L) Subterranean as in literally under the ground?
A: Yes.
Q: […] (L) Can we say that they are stimulating people in a positive way?
A: Maybe.
Q: (J) Can we say that they are stimulating people in a negative way?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) So, there’s probably a little of both. And you say that we are immune to it because we already have knowledge. Now, when you say we have knowledge, do you mean just knowledge in particular about aliens and alien realities and alien potentials and so forth?
A: Yes.
November 23, 1996
Q: (T) Is the book Courtney Brown wrote, Cosmic Voyage [1996], concerning the Martian population…
A: It is true that there are underground bases on Mars, but they are Orion STS.
Q: (T) Are there Martians as portrayed by Courtney Brown?
A: Not exactly. He is portraying the Orion STS as the Martians.
Q: […] (T) Did Courtney actually do remote viewing to obtain the information in the book?
A: Not really. Not needed.
Q: (T) Does this mean that the whole story is concocted on his part?
A: Semi. Elements of it are factual. […]
Q: (T) Is Courtney able to do remote viewing?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) But he did not use it with this book?
A: No.
Q: […] (L) Where did he get his information?
A: Secret sources. Agents of the “nation of the third eye.”
Q: (J) What or who is the “nation of the third eye”?
A: Terran civilization under the surface.
Q: (L) […] Have the Aryans been glorified as the “master race” because they are more suited to living underground?
A: Close. All types there are “Aryan.” […]
According to José Benedito Bogea, whose abduction account is related in the previous part, the underground inhabitants “looked very much alike, all about thirty years old […] There were no black people and no old people. Most were light-skinned and had eyes of different colors, blue, brown. The women were pretty and had long blond hair.”
Q: (L) Did the underground civilization develop on its own?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it managed or manipulated by Orions as well?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are these “managers” Orions from other densities?
A: Yes and no.
Q: (L) I don’t understand. Are there some that are 4th and some that are 3rd?
A: The human types there are “bi-density.” […] Grays and Lizards are 4th density. They can “visit” 3rd density, but they must keep returning to 4th in order to “regenerate.”
Q: (T) Are you saying that the human/Aryan types can exist as long as they want in any density?
A: In 4th and 3rd.
Q: (L) They can move back and forth, existing with equal ease on either density?
A: Well, not with “equal ease,” because 4th density is easier, naturally.
Q: (T) So, the information Courtney Brown was given to write this quasi-fiction book, is about the Aryans and not about the Martians?
A: “Martians” is easier to understand for the less well-informed, not to mention any discussion of the densities!
Q: (T) Absolutely. Martians are easier to accept. A lot easier to understand than densities!
Q: (L) OK, “third eye.” What is this?
A: That is what they call themselves when pressed for an explanation by surface types, such as yourselves. They were the inspiration for Masonic lore and Illuminati, too.
In late 1947, Ray Palmer (of Shaver mystery fame) published an article by “Alexander Blade” called “Son of the Sun” in Fantastic Adventures. This was a pen name for Millen Cooke, an early contactee (similar to the early theosophists, her source being a fully materialized “Tibetan Lama”) and associate of Meade Layne. (Incidentally, she and her husband married on advice received via a Ouija board.) Håkan Blomqvist writes: “Even though Millen Cooke claimed to have received many years of instruction from the Tibetan I have never found any book or teachings resulting from this contact. The only exception is her article Son of the Sun.” The article, which was written a few months before Kenneth Arnold’s famous “flying saucer” sighting, says:
We are already here, among you. Some of us have always been here, with you, yet apart from, watching and occasionally guiding you whenever the opportunity arose. […] We have been confused with the gods of many world-religions, although we are not gods, but your own fellow creatures; as you will learn directly before many more years have passed. […] Our principal symbol appears in the religious art of your present civilization and occupies a position of importance upon the great seal of your country. It has been preserved in certain secret societies founded originally to keep alive the knowledge of our existence and our intentions toward mankind. […] Some of you have seen our ‘advance guard’ already. You have met us often in the streets of your cities and you have not noticed us. But when we flash through your skies in the ancient traditional vehicles you are amazed.

Another possible allusion: one of the Rosicrucian mottoes is VITRIOL: Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem (“Visit the interior of the Earth; by rectification thou shalt find the hidden stone”).
Q: (L) Does this “third eye” designation have a connotation of third-eye abilities as we understand them?
A: Psychic.
Human-looking aliens (“Nordics”) and hybrids (especially David Jacobs’s “hubrids”) are almost universally reported to be highly telepathic, a feature shared with fictional or semi-fictional accounts of the underground race.
Q: […] (T) Is the time-table that [Brown] has given correct?
A: Close.
Q: (T) So, the powers that be are going to follow this time table and present the Aryans as Martians?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are the Aryans going to present themselves as Martians?
A: Initially. In order for the Terrans to get used to the idea of EBEs [extraterrestrial biological entities].
Jorjani’s thesis echoes this narrative. For him, the Aryans are the Martians. After developing spacetime-distorting craft (i.e. time machines) in the late 1800s and the first half of the 1900s, the they went back millions of years in time, to Mars. When they were forced to flee the planet, they took refuge on Earth, eventually becoming the Atlanteans of legend. If something like this scenario is presented as a propaganda narrative in the future, it would arguably align with the above motive: ancient humans who occupied Mars may be perceived as an easier pill for the masses to swallow.
Q: (T) But, they are not the good guys. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
A: Some of the “good guys” are identical in appearance. [I.e. 4D service-to-others.]
Q: (T) Is this a subterfuge on the part of the Aryans so that they can slide in quietly and take over?
A: No, they do not need that at all. It is a way for the “government” to introduce everyone to the new reality of the existence of intelligent life all over the place, not just here.
Q: (T) So, they have their own agenda, but it is not what Courtney presented in the book.
A: It does not matter. The book is a somewhat altered “New Reality 101.”
April 12, 1997
Q: In some of the ancient carvings of the Olmecs, they were always carved with a cleft in their foreheads. Did this represent an actual physical cleft?
A: Designation in the artwork is for “the nation of the third eye.”
June 21, 1997
Q: I notice that Sargon the Great is sort of an unknown person in historical terms. He is the first great “Akkadian” king of Sumeria, but no one knows exactly where the term “Akkadian” came from nor where “Akkad” even was. Who was this Sargon?
A: Deep-level punctuator.
This concept will be returned to below and in the next part of the series.
July 12, 1997
Q: In this underground bases book I have been reading, there are two old miners telling a story about falling through a hole in a mine into a city of gold with mummified soldiers sitting around a huge table, and a 98-foot-tall, solid gold statue. I would like to know if this was just a story these guys made up?
A: Fable.
Q: So, they did not fall through a mine shaft into a city of gold in the Panamint Mountains?
A: The area around Death Valley does have many underground mysterious mysteries, but many have heard the legends.
July 19, 1997
Q: Why is the rooster, or the crowing of the rooster, associated with the idea of underground cities, civilizations, or bases?
A: What causes the rooster to crow?
Q: Light. But, how is light related to an underground city?
A: ’Tis not just light, but the emergence of light from the depths of the darkness.
Q: Are there such things as “Deros,” as described in this underground bases book?
A: Detrimental robots.
Q: Are Deros part of the underground city/bases scenario?
A: Yup.
July 26, 1997
Q: During the time that all that mess was going on over in Scotland with Wallace and the Bruce, the Templars were being dissolved in France…
A: Dissolved?!? We think not! They merely went “underground.”
Q: Is that literally or figuratively?
A: Why not both?
Q: Well, there are Templar organizations that some Masons claim to be in contact with.
A: And where do you suppose these are?
Q: Underground?
A: Bingo!
Q: […] What did happen to the Templar fleet?
A: Sail to underworld.
Two possible references to the undergrounders:
July 18, 1998
Q: (T) Just a thought: having UFT [unified field theory] and being able to manipulate different fields within it, creates different effects. So, as we understand it in the apparent present state of science, we have to spin something in space in order to create gravity. But, with the UFT, one small offshoot is that one could create real gravity without spinning anything. So, the problem of weightlessness is really already solved...
A: Elementary my dear Terry, elementary.
Q: (T) So, this whole thing with the space station and all the trouble they are having re-adapting to gravity when they come back, is all a game...
A: When you “let the cat out of the bag,” you create an entire feline “nation.” [“Nation of the Third Eye”?]
August 15, 1998
Q: (L) Who was the author of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion?
A: Source is “Aryan” in nature. [“All types there are ‘Aryan’.”]
Q: (L) Was it written to make the Jews look bad, or to cast blame on them?
A: Some.
Q: (L) Was it also written as a disguised protocol for the Aryan plan to take over the world?
A: No.
This excerpt may also be relevant:
April 15, 2000
Q: (L) What stone was Nicholas Roerich returning to a temple when he made his trek into Siberia?
A: Stone was diamond from Persia.
Q: (L) What kind of UFO was it that he sighted at the time [in 1927] that he made the dedication of this temple; considering also that this was on the direct line of Tunguska?
A: UFO was a probe.
Q: (L) Was it there because they were there, or was it unrelated?
A: Related.
Q: (L) What was the significance of this diamond?
A: Energized.
Q: (L) By what?
A: Not by: for.
Q: (L) Energized for what?
A: Link.
Mr. Mythos describes Roerich’s 1925–1929 expedition and its underground connection below:
May 4, 2002
Q: (L) I want to ask about this book I was reading [Darkness over Tibet (1938)] about this guy, T. Illion, who traveled to Tibet and found this underground city and interacted with these strange beings. Was this an actual trip this guy made in a traditional 3rd-density sense?
A: It is a disguise for conveying truths of a spiritual nature as well as a depiction of 4th-density realities.
Q: (L) Did he physically travel to Tibet?
A: No.
Igor Petrov, in “Darkness over Illion or the Enigma of the Wandering Philosopher,” writes: “Researchers of Theodore Illion’s biography face two questions: the mystery of his origins and his 1934 journey to Tibet. Only the second one can be answered with some certainty: with the stated means and route of travel, he had no chance to spend at least a couple of months (let alone eight) in Tibet and learn the Tibetan language and writing on the spot: on July 5 he was in Istanbul, and already on December 15 in Stockholm.”
Q: (B) Sounds like he gained some inner awareness and used a story to convey it. (L) Did he travel anywhere?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did he travel somewhere else and get this information and then accurately portray it as being centered in Tibet?
A: Yes.
Q: (B) Were his travels in 3rd density?
A: Yes.
Q: (B) Is it important where he traveled?
A: Yes.
Q: (B) Well you know what the next question is. (Laughter) What would be his destination? Where did he travel?
A: Siberia.
There is no record of a trip to Russia, except for Illion’s claim to have briefly crossed the Soviet border into Tajikistan in order to enter Tibet. He explicitly denied knowing the Russian language (despite proficiency in many others), though the name Illion may suggest a Russian origin, especially if it was in fact a patronymic (Iljin) and not a surname. For whatever reason, he was contradictory and vague about his origins, and the first thirty-plus years of his life lack any documentation.
Q: (B) Does it have anything to do with the spot in Siberia or Russian mountains that has the electromagnetic labs or whatever it was that they were discussing before?
A: Close.
Q: (A) Well still the question is: in the book he said he knew the Tibetan language.
A: He did.
Q: […] (L) Was the place that he really traveled to a place that was positive that was telling about a place that was negative?
A: Yes.
April 27, 2024
Q: (Altair) In one of the previous sessions, the C’s said that Theodore Illion (author of Darkness over Tibet) didn’t visit Tibet but traveled to Siberia. Was this part of Siberia the Altai region?
A: No. He did not make it that far.
Q: (Altair) If not, what part of Siberia did he travel to?
A: Western edges.
Q: (Altair) When did he do so?
A: 1936 or so.
Illion’s known whereabouts for the years 1935 and 1936 have a gap between November 1935 and July 1936.
August 17, 2003
Q: (Perceval) What’s the relationship between the Mossad and the Rothschilds?
A: Mossad is a “brainchild.” […] The lines blur. Rothchilds are similar in a smaller way to Sargon. Deep-level punctuator.
Q: (L) What is a deep-level punctuator?
A: One who emerges from seeming obscurity to “make a mark” on history. Don’t you wonder where they come from. Think “deep.”
Q: As in underground bases?
A: Well, what a concept!
Q: (L) Is this where Helen [of Troy] came from?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So no wonder nobody can figure who… Is this the story of Demeter and Persephone? Are they talking about going to bases underground in the myths of the underworld?
A: No. Mixing up concepts… but good try!
April 9, 2011
Q: (L) Who excavated the underground cities at Derinkuyu and Kaymakli in Anatolia?
A: Refugees from Northwestern Europe following cataclysms.
While not directly related to these structures, the Law of One (1981) contains a short series of questions dealing with underground cities and bases that may be relevant, as well as providing some history of how channeled sources presented such ideas prior to the Cassiopaeans. The last statement is reminiscent of Thor’s Pantheum (see above):
Questioner: Is the Earth solid all the way through from one side to the other?
Ra: […] You may say that your sphere is of an honey-comb nature. The center is, however, solid if you would so call that which is molten.
Questioner: And the honey-comb nature—are there third-density incarnate entities living in the honey-combed areas? Is this correct?
Ra: […] This was at one time correct. This is not correct at this present space/time.
Questioner: […] are there any inner civilizations or entities living in these areas that are some of the other than physically incarnate who do come and materialize on the Earth’s surface at times?
Ra: […] As we have noted, there are some which do as you say. […] There are also bases […] in these areas[…], both positive and negative. There are abandoned cities.
Questioner: What are these bases used for by those from elsewhere?
Ra: […] These bases are used for the work of materialization of needed equipment for communication with third-density entities and for resting places for some […] small craft. These are used for surveillance when it is requested by entities. Thus some of the […] teachers of the Confederation speak partially through these surveillance instruments along computerized lines, and when information is desired and those requesting it are of the proper vibratory level the Confederation entity itself will then speak.
August 29, 2015
Q: (Ark) Maybe this Flat Earth theory is created to distract from the Hollow Earth theory? (Pierre) It can be flat and hollow. (Laughter)
A: No there is more “truth” to the “Hollow Earth” theory!
Q: (L) As in underground bases and 4th-density planes of existence under the Earth?
A: Yes.
March 21, 2020
Q: Are they going to haul out those soldiers from all eras in storage underground, since they wouldn’t have to arrive from the sky, but from under our feet? […]
A: That is for fourth density, assuming they survive!
Q: (L) So in other words, there’s a chance that all of those soldiers they’ve been creating and storing up could be wiped out, too?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Would that be by virus?
A: Some.
Q: (L) How about Earth changes?
A: Some.
Q: (Pierre) Cometary impact? (L) Well, that goes with Earth changes.
A: Some.
February 25, 2023
Q: (Joe) Are the official Russian stats about the number of Ukrainian soldiers who’ve been killed or injured so far accurate?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Have there been any abduction-type events going on in this conflict like they talked about in Vietnam?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So they’re abducting soldiers off the battlefield?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) That’s creepy. (Joe) They talked about abducting them from Vietnam, reanimating them, and putting them back in different places.
Next: Part 3 – The deeper state and the cryptoterrestrial takeover
I got this information that maybe I could explain in a metaphorically graphic way,
some facts that may or may not be related to the “Aliens - Clandestine & Co.”
"The Occult Symbolism Found on the Bank of America Murals"
Official Version of the Mural:
Another “different” version of the mural:
"In Conclusion
The Bank of America frescoes are yet another example of the elite’s agenda being “hidden in plain sight”. These giant images, on display for all to see, but designed to be understood by few, describe the philosophy of the elite rulers, their occult knowledge and their plans for the future. As it is the case for all works of art, it is possible to interpret these paintings on numerous levels and to come up with different conclusions. It is, however, difficult to ignore the recurrent themes found in the”Sinister Sites” described on The Vigilant Citizen: prevalent occult symbolism, the heralding of a “new era”, contempt for the profane masses, a celebration of repression and war, etc. When comparing the Bank of America frescoes with the art of the DIA and the Georgia Guidestones, we can find a definite consistency in their symbolism, their tone, and their message. This leads me to believe that the same group is behind all of those sites and many more. Whoever they are, we know a few things for sure: they are extremely rich, extremely powerful and they don’t really like you … because you are not one of them."
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The Vigilant citizen version, I agree 60%, I think there is much more to interpret,
For example the black sun could perhaps be an annular solar eclipse that happened or happened.
The woman in the cube could be a woman protected/enclosed by a frequency fence, which is related to the annular solar eclipse, or maybe not.
The stairs seem to me like stairs that go to heaven.
The giant that sleeps underground, could be human beings underground that sleep...