See Part 3 – The ‘deeper’ state and the cryptoterrestrial takeover
September 23, 2023
Q: (Approaching Infinity) In the last session, the C’s said that the number of undergrounders operating on the surface varied between two and 2.5 million. What is the total population of undergrounders, both underground and on the surface?
A: 4.6 mil[lion].
In a mediumistic session on November 22, 1947, Mark Probert relayed the following to Meade Layne (published in 1962): “(Q. of size of underground population) I would say several millions. Oh, yes, they are humans. Yes, there is some contact, but mainly through their secret organizations. These people as a whole are much more healthy than those of the surfaces…”
In 1978, contactee Frank Howard wrote (in verse): “Many many million people / Dwell within these inner caverns / In their towns and inner cities, / In environment that has been / Artificially created. […] There are, as we’ve said beforehand / The ‘descendants of the ancients’ / Living now beneath the surface / In the great labyrinth of caverns.”
Q: (Approaching Infinity) How many undergrounders are still in hibernation?
A: Varies. Some come in and out.
Q: (L) Do they go into hibernation when they’re tired or when they need to recover from something?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they go into hibernation to prolong their lives?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) […] I mean, one would think that if you’re in hibernation, you couldn’t make a decision about not being in hibernation, right? (Andromeda) Right. Unless you set the timer beforehand. (L) Yeah. Alarm clock. Or somebody else is there to make the decision. (Approaching Infinity) What was the initial impetus for going underground 14,000 years ago?
A: Comets. [The Younger-Dryas impact event occurred around 12,850 years ago.]
Q: (Approaching Infinity) In the 1996-9-21 session, you said Thor’s Pantheum was both STS and STO like the quorum and the description of the Nordic covenant [both will be covered in future articles], which sounds like both sides are involved in influencing creative types, but they are not technically working together. But if Thor’s Pantheum is located mostly underground, does that mean that some are STO?
A: Yes.
Q: (Approaching Infinity) Since the projecting is only mostly done underground, are the ones who aren’t underground, the STO ones?
A: Can be both. Your thinking is too black and white.
Q: (L) Is it because STS and STO can, in a sense, coexist in similar physical space without intermingling or being maybe… not even seeing each other? I mean, is it because their frequencies are different? Something like that?
A: Close.
Q: (Approaching Infinity) Is our understanding of Earth’s strata so poor or is the deepest one actually so deep in the liquid outer core [a reference to the claim that the deepest underground city was 3,108 miles underground]? (L) Is any of it in the liquid outer core?
A: No.
Q: (Approaching Infinity) What about the ultra low velocity zones which are [solid areas] on the barrier between the molten metallic outer core and the rocky mantle at around 2,000 miles below the surface?
A: No.
Q: (L) So they’re not there. (Approaching Infinity) Since tunnels would seem to be subject to earthquakes and a very long trip down, plus would have to pass through the mantle, is the primary means to access these cities via 4D?
A: Now you are getting closer.
Q: (L) So that suggests that underground spaces, bases, whatever, partake to a great extent of a hyperdimensional reality. Is that the case?
A: Yes.
See the series on underground trans-density bases.
Q: (L) So the things that we are concerned about in terms of, say, people going down in caves and getting an earthquake and the rocks fall on top of you and close forever are not really a concern for these types of structures. Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: […] (Ze Germans) Do descendants of “undergrounders” who stay on the surface usually inherit their genetic tweaks and are they being programmed by 4D STS with some new mission?
A: Yes.
This may be connected to the fact that abductions tend to follow certain bloodlines in a generational manner. Moira McGhee, for instance, has tracked abductions in some families for three generations. She writes: “Most were of British birth or descent, with some connection to the Isle of Man, and male fathers or grandfathers in the military or secret service. Nearly all had a similar ‘blood-line’ or could trace their lineage back to the aristocracy.”
Q: (Ze Germans) How many descendants of undergrounders are there on the surface of Earth at the moment and what percentage of them are psychopaths? (L) How many descendants of undergrounders? Well, that would be quite a lot. I mean, because if they’re like descendants, you have two parents, you have four grandparents, you have whatever. It could be like millions of ’em. Multiple millions. Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) How many of them are psychopaths?
A: Same as regular population. Many of you are such descendants!
Q: (L) I mean, if they’ve been popping up out of the underground for thousands of years, how are you going to avoid it? (Ze Germans) Was Adolf Hitler an undergrounder or a descendant of one?
A: No.
January 13, 2024
Q: (Jones) Do bloodline 4D STS [i.e. humans with alien genetics] have something that is similar to an additional vagal break giving them more control over their heart rate?
A: Yes.
Q: (Jones) This would mean that they are less likely to lose awareness by being in a sympathetic or dorsal vagal state when under stress?
A: More is implicated than that!
Q: (L) So it’s more than just giving them control over their heart rate?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does it mean they have like the ability to put themselves into something like suspended animation?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did it have something to do with their ability to prolong their lives?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Are we talking about undergrounders here?
A: Yes.
Bruno Sammaciccia, of “Amicizia,” told Timothy Good: “Our friends then told me that inside their base, gravity was twenty percent less than usual; therefore, one could move more easily [and] the heart beats with less strain.” Leo Dworshak reported that while his encounters recurred over decades, the same beings never appeared to age. McGhee cites a case from Australian researcher Warren Aston from 1940 in which the beings told the witness they were several hundred years old.
March 9, 2024
Q: (Approaching Infinity) Were the Nordic-looking aliens, in at least some of the contactee cases from the 1950s, actually Aryan undergrounders?
A: Yes.
The contactees were a phenomenon mostly of the 1950s in which witnesses claimed close encounters with human, Nordic-appearing UFO occupants. These “space brothers,” with flowing blond hair, stunning features, and sporting space-age, skin-tight, one-piece uniforms (often accentuating said features), usually invited the witness for a tour or ride in their flying saucer. They shared a philosophy of peace on Earth, warning against nuclear weapons and berating humanity for its warlike nature. They also offered predictions of future wars and environmental catastrophes. A fringe phenomenon at the time, few “mainstream” ufologists took them seriously, seeing their claims as too outlandish and preferring to stick to reports of UFOs sighted from a distance.
Joseph P. Farrell cites the case of Reinhold Schmidt, who recounted a 1952 encounter in which the occupants spoke English to him with German accents, but were overheard speaking among themselves in “very good High German.” After summarizing a history of the contactee movement, Jorjani writes: “It is a pattern which leaves no doubt about there being some connection between the ‘Nordic’ appearance of the tall white UFO pilots on the one hand, and the Fascist ideology of the ‘Master Race’ on the other hand. […] Were the Contactees tasked with presenting a falsely benevolent image of these Nordics?”
As Redfern shows in his book Contactees, many of these early figures were seen as security threats by the FBI because of their political beliefs. After all, the “space brother” message included total disarmament and banning nuclear power. As McGhee writes, this was an absurd request (especially given the social status of most of the contactees):
Understandably, the military cannot relinquish their weapons programs unless all the other countries also agree. Large corporations are not willing to abandon new innovative technologies or power and profits just because they may be misused by our population, and who is to determine which are beneficial or not? Further, these ethical celestial humans, if their message was widely spread, could cause their earthly brothers to adopt them as de-facto leaders, thereby defecting from their own political and religious spheres.
Redfern quotes Jim Moseley, who wrote in 1955:
Let us give some very serious consideration to the many alleged space men being called to the public’s attention—all of whom invariably tell us of the dangers of war and the exploitation of atomic energy. No one desires peace any more sincerely than we do, but let us remember too that it is part of the Communist ‘peace line’ to frighten the American people into ceasing our atomic experiments. It is quite possible that some of these ‘space men’ are unwittingly playing into the hands of the Communists.
Or was it vice versa? Moseley also told Redfern: “Adamski and the Contactees represented an early hippy philosophy of the time […] A lot of what they were saying merged into the mainstream of liberal thinking at that time. So, in that way, it was a very significant movement.”
There is also a fascist thread. George Hunt Williamson, an associate of George Adamski, had earlier been associated with the “Silver Shirts,” followers of American fascist and occultist William Dudley Pelley, who preached that the white race came from outer space.
Another possible case involving undergrounders is the Italian “Amicizia” or “Friendship” case introduced above, which spanned 1956 to 1990. The human-looking “Friends” claimed to have deep underground/undersea bases in the region. (As in other descriptions of underground bases, the lighting is odd, with no identifiable source, as if the air itself is luminous.) The Friends allegedly ranged in size from “tiny” to around 10 feet tall. Stefano Breccia claimed that the man in the photo below was one such “Friend.” These beings allegedly told their first contacts: “This is a critical time in human history. We are not here to conquer because there is nothing to conquer. We have been on Earth for many centuries, living in secret bases around the planet.”

We asked about this photograph soon after this article was first published:
April 27, 2024
Q: (Approaching Infinity) How tall was the man in this photograph?
A: 9.6 feet.
Q: […] (Approaching Infinity) Was he one of these underground humans as claimed [by the Amicizia group]?
A: Yes. […]
Q: (Approaching Infinity) Were these guys some of the undergrounders that we’ve been talking about in previous sessions?
A: No. […]
Q: (L) It says that these are people who live underground. Do they actually live underground on Earth?
A: Not exactly. Dimensional portal.
Q: (L) So, it’s kind of, like, maybe something similar to the Green children? Y’all know the story of the Green children that appeared in England, I think it was? […] OK, here we go: the Green children of Woolpit. Two children of unusual skin color who reportedly appeared in the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England. In the 12th century, children found to be brother and sister, of generally normal appearance, except the green color of their skin. They spoke an unknown language and would eat only raw, broad beans. Eventually they learned to eat other food, etc., and lost their green color. [(Chu) Well, the children said here that they came from another land where the sun never shone and the light was like twilight. (L) It sounds like they came from underground. (Chu) Yeah, everything there was green. (L) They said they were from “Saint Martin’s Land.”] Well, while we are on it, did the Green children really happen?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Were they similar to this? They came from another dimension?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) So, this giant guy, Mr. Kenio… They say they live underground because they transfer through a portal to another dimension that just happens to be situated physically below the surface of Earth or something like that? (L) It may be coincidental at the moment that the portal is there. […] (Joe) So, what was the purpose of this contact with these giant guys in shorts?
A: Coincidental interaction between dimensions.
Q: (L) But these were just fairly kind of normal-looking people, only like giants and dwarfs or whatever?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Were they on a different 3rd-density dimension then?
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) So that’s why they could stay here. (Joe) Yeah. And so, they’re basically benevolent then, they just come and hang out?
A: Neutral.
Q: (L) Well, it doesn’t sound terribly benevolent if they get this guy to build this big estate, and then they just stop showing up. But then that would be kind of normal in human interactions, too. (Joe) Have we ever met an undergrounder?
A: Several.
Q: (Chu) Can you name one? [laughter] (Niall) Who pops into mind? (Joe) I’ve got one in mind, but can we have initials? [laughter]
A: No dice!
Q: (L) So we have to figure this out and learn to spot ’em?
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) They don’t all look like giants or dwarfs, then.
A: No.
Q: (L) All right. Have we ever encountered a person who’s been replaced or who’s a walk-in?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) That’s creepy. (Andromeda) And I’m guessing all these people that come from this underground or other dimension know that they’re transiting dimensions?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) And the ones we met have been here with an agenda of some type?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) But they never achieved their agenda.
A: No.
Good writes:
Most of the aliens with whom Bruno liaised had blond hair, and a few, black with a blueish tinge. Hair and eyelashes were thicker than ours, and some of the men sported stiff beards. “Their eyes are gray, blue, and some black with a blueish tinge.” […] Mating is the same as on Earth, though apparently they often use a form of artificial insemination and the child is born in a special device.
The following sources deal almost exclusively with such humans/“humanoids.” Redfern provides a comprehensive history of the early contactee movement. Good and McGhee’s books detail multiple accounts spanning the 1900s and early 2000s, including Amicizia. Jacobs’s book focuses on the recent development of “hubrids,” as revealed in his own work with abductees. And Dolan has a chapter devoted to the subject in his recent book.
Nick Redfern: Contactees: A History of Alien-Human Interaction (2009)
Timothy Good: Earth: An Alien Enterprise (2013)
David Jacobs: Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity (2015)
Moira McGhee: The Alien Gene: Interactions Between Humanity and Visitors to Planet Earth (2020)
Richard Dolan: Alien Agendas: A Speculative Analysis of Those Visiting Earth (2020) [Chapter 2]
Q: (Approaching Infinity) Were the mythical white and bearded civilization teachers like Viracocha and Quetzalcoatl deep-level punctuators?
A: Yes.
Q: (Approaching Infinity) What about Oannes?
A: Lizzie.
Citing Colin Wilson, Jorjani writes: “The Mayans and other Pre-Columbian American civilizations all described their civilizer-gods as white people of gigantic stature. They also believed that the builder gods, who laid the groundwork for their civilization, would someday return to them. Quetzalcoatl, the ‘Feather Serpent,’ also known as Kukulkan or as Votan […] and Viracocha to others in Mesoamerica, was a bearded white man with red hair.”
Q: (Ursus Minor) When Germans went underground before 1945, who were they assimilated by? Subterraneans or an alien race?
A: The two are cooperating. “Aliens” run the operations.
There are artificial facilities (bases and cities) both underground and under the oceans, the deepest of which is 3,108 miles (5,000 km) below the surface. This would place at least this deepest structure close to the boundary between the outer and inner cores. (The outer core is thought to be fluid iron and nickel, the outer inner core hot iron with extreme pressure.) The temperature averages 68 degrees F (20 degrees C), and light is provided via magnetic resonance, a feature that seems to be shared with the interior of alien craft.
However, these bases, and access to them, are not strictly physical in the 3D sense, but bi-density or trans-density in nature. It is not as simple as there being a cavity or cave in the molten cores or mantle, and the deep underground structures presumably exist primarily in, and are accessible via, 4D. Pat Price and Joseph McMoneagle remote viewed some of these structures, but their viewings were distorted, perhaps due to their trans-density nature. (Elsewhere, the Cs have said remote viewing is inaccurate when the target is 4D; see 2002-9-28.)
This underground civilization developed “on its own,” originating when humans (presumably “Kantekkians,” the subject of a future series) went underground due to cometary bombardments, and the cities have been occupied approximately for the last 14,000 years (i.e. since about a millennium before the Younger Dryas impact event). A major source of inhabitants, at least in recent centuries, has been military personnel killed or missing in action. By this means, key personnel can be replaced via duplication or moved underground. There have been several episodes of “mass migration,” the most recent of which was during WWII, when Germans went underground using an entry port located in Antarctica. They “entered through their constructed base, as instructed, then were assimilated” into the underground population. Prior episodes involved Celts and Templars. Associated use of underground tunnels, and alien activity, has been going on since before 1947, “but in a much less intensive form” than after that year.
“Enough wars have taken place to effectively create [an] entire new ‘underground race’ of humans, both from direct capture followed by ‘reeducation,’ and spawning activity [i.e., normal sexual reproduction, the offspring of which have never seen the surface, and hybridization] using these persons and others.”
“Most” of these people have souls. Inhabitants are not necessarily active; at least a portion are kept in stasis in “hibernation tubes,” and come out only for specific purposes. The inhabitants are “both” 3D and 4D. While 4D Grays and Lizards can only “visit” 3D, the human types underground are “bi-density,” and can persist in both 3D and 4D environments, though 4D is “easier.” They are managed or manipulated by “Orions” (i.e. 4D STS Nordics). In contrast to those transferred underground or born there, a number were “made” by “Lizards in cahoots with STS Orions,” as part of the alien hybridization program. They are similar to humans but with “some genetic tweaks”; sensitive people may be able to sense that their energy is different. “Most were harvested from human mothers and incubated.” They are “much like very efficient psychopaths.” Other hybrids are re-inserted into women on the surface to be born normally.
Underground activities and groups include “Deros” (Richard Shaver’s “detrimental robots,” probably in reference to Grays, which according to the C’s are cybergenetic beings) and “Thor’s Pantheum” (whose name suggests the pantheon of Norse/Nordic gods). Thor’s Pantheum is an army of 1.6 million “Aryan psychic projectors,” operating mostly underground, who beam “themselves” through “thought-form transmission” to creative types (e.g. writers and artists) on the surface. This is “an intense activity,” “directed towards influencing the high-level creative forces” for the purpose of transferring “enlightenment frequency graduation” as part of “Project Awaken.”
This civilization refers to itself as the “Nation of the Third Eye” (a reference to their psychic abilities) “when pressed for an explanation by surface types.” They were an inspiration for Masonic and Illuminati lore, and their agents were sources for some of remote viewer Courtney Brown’s information. The cleft in the foreheads of ancient Olmec statues is a designation for this group.
“Deep-level punctuators,” like Sargon of Akkad, Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, Helen of Troy, and the original Rothschild(s), emerge from this civilization “from seeming obscurity to ‘make a mark’ on history.” Punctuators, some of which are children when they arrive on the surface, are “educated and trained in congruence with the society of the time,” including language. Their memories are wiped prior to mission implantation. The technology for this (as well as for producing the correct genetics) has advanced with time, prior to which it sometimes produced subjects that were insufficiently “evil.”
There is a total of approximately 4.6 million of them, 2–2.5 million of which operate on the surface at any given time. They are aware of who they are (in contrast to at least some deep-level punctuators, who have their memories wiped) and usually act as “handlers” or agents provocateur, influencing high-level politicians, world events, media personalities and popular culture. Some are public figures. They have operated in this way for “thousands of years,” and their agenda includes promoting depopulation as well as preparation for revelations or disclosure of alien life.
The ultimate purpose of this race is to replace us, because they can be controlled “completely.” The plan is for them to emerge after this planet transitions to fourth density. By 2023, the program had seemingly progressed to the point that individual undergrounders had hardly any potential to wake up and follow their own free will.
In The NASA Conspiracies (2011), Nick Redfern describes a contactee case suggestive of some aspects of the above scenario. On October 29, 1973, P.T. McGavin, who had worked on NASA’s Gemini program as a contractor, had an experience near Aztec, New Mexico. He had traveled there on a compulsion. After waiting on the mesa for hours that night, he encountered a triangular UFO, from which emerged a tall, blonde, long-haired man in a gray one-piece suit. This man, who told him his name was “Gavon,” told McGavin that his race had been discreetly contacting people across the planet since 1947. They were few in number, but used technological trickery to give humanity the appearance that there were many of them, and that they were all-powerful. WWII and the development of nuclear weapons had inspired them to take a more hands-on approach.
On the drive back to Colorado after this encounter, McGavin himself “could not shake the disturbing feeling that he had just been brilliantly used and exploited by a being that was wholly deceptive in nature and did not have our best interests at heart. There was something about Gavon, McGavin recalled, that was not only too good to be true, but was also very unsettling, although he admitted he could not quite place what it was that he found so disturbing.”
After telling some of his old colleagues from the Gemini program about this experience, he received a call from someone claiming to work with NASA on security-related issues (his friends denied telling this man). Redfern describes their exchange when they met:
Despite what McGavin had been assured by his supposedly cosmic visitor, Callanan advised him that Gavon and his small band of comrades were not aliens from some distant galaxy at all. Rather, they represented the last vestiges of a very ancient and very terrestrial race, that—tens of thousands of years ago, had an advanced but isolated civilization that was responsible for the legends of Atlantis and similar stories, but who were forced to retreat into huge, carved, underground caverns when they were faced with an overwhelming, ever-growing, violent problem that was quickly infesting the whole planet. That problem was us: the human race, said Callanan. […] our presumed extraterrestrials were nothing of the sort. Rather, they had been here all along, trying to find a way to take back the world that had once been theirs, and extinguish their most hated foe—us—once and for all in the process. […] genetic problems and general ill health had forced this humanlike race to try and interbreed with us […] to ensure they remained free of detection, the beings constructed false stories that they were from distant star systems.
In Alien Agendas, Richard Dolan presents the following speculative scenario in response to the question as to why they look like us:
My best answer at this time[…]: that our species was monitored and enhanced in our distant past, and the reasonable possibility that some of our ancestors were taken and adopted by whomever was visiting. […] They would also probably have key genetic enhancements, including better health and longevity, and most likely mental capabilities, including a greater mastery of their own consciousness and some form of telepathy. […] Another possibility is that such humans remained here on Earth all along. In this scenario there are several possibilities. One is that there would be a group of them that lived together, perhaps alongside or in communication with their alien superiors. […] Maybe some were enhanced to some degree and inserted back into human society, either with or without the knowledge of who they actually were.
Thank you for breaking all this down and with links and references to other works. It helps greatly in what is a complex topic and the summary at the end of it all, is great.
Excellent! Thank you for this serial on The Undergrounders!