In the discussions on session participants and their possible abduction histories, several potential purposes for abductions were given in the responses:
to “study” the mind of the abductee, including for the purpose of reviewing and monitoring their “knowledge,” as well as their interactions since the previous abduction (elaborated on in part 4)
to install a “tap” on their emotions as a feeding source
to “program” them for self-destruction; to “defuse, confuse, misuse energy”; and to be used as unconscious agents
These are in addition to the other purposes found in the abduction literature, such as being used as sources of reproductive cells and hosts for genetically tweaked or “hybridized” fetuses – to be either born naturally or permanently removed at some point in their gestation.
In this light, abduction appears to be a kind of cosmic counterintelligence program. Individuals who are perceived as potential threats or “leaks” are identified and neutralized, and those with a service-to-self vibrational frequency who can be useful are “recruited.” Potential threats are monitored to determine what they know and what they have revealed to whom.
In January 1981, around the time Bennewitz was still working on “Project Beta,” the Ra channeling introduced the idea that the purpose of abduction is mind programming:
Ra: There are two types of landings. In the first, entities among your peoples are taken on their craft and programmed for future use. There are two or three levels of programming. First, the level that will be discovered by those who do research. Second, a triggering program. Third, a second and most deep triggering program crystallizing the entity thereby rendering it lifeless and useful as a kind of beacon [this “robotization” will be discussed in part 6b]. This is a form of landing.
The second form is that of landing beneath the Earth’s crust which is entered from water. Again, in the general area of your South American and Caribbean areas and close to the so-called northern pole. The bases of these people are underground.
This also raises the possibility that the primary purpose of UFO sightings, especially “close encounters,” is abduction and the attendant programming. David Jacobs suspected this, writing in The Threat (1998): “the evidence strongly suggests that the majority, if not all, of ‘close encounter’ UFO sightings are the beginnings or endings of abduction events. Even high-level sightings may be indicative of abductions.”
One of Moira McGhee’s subjects (“Ruth”) recalls a contact experience from 1943 where she was reminded of an earlier experience in 1934. A human-looking being told her regarding that experience: “You were with your friend and her family who were ‘ours’; we programmed you then for the first time.” McGhee also quotes Karla Turner, who felt that “experiencers were being programmed for some future scenario.” Jacobs’s abductees, many of whom “believed they had ‘information’ stored deep within them that might eventually be called into use,” revealed they will have “special duties” during “The Change,” including “crowd control.” He writes: “The aliens could, as many abductees have told me, activate a mental ‘switch,’ causing chosen trained abductees suddenly to become field workers in the final phase of the program.”
Budd Hopkins first encountered this in the Linda Cortile case in the early nineties (published as Witnessed in 1996):
It was almost as if the UFO occupants allow her to be herself most of the time […] And yet it seems that whenever they need her, the aliens can throw a mental switch, as it were, transforming her into a fire-breathing environmentalist, railing at her fellow human beings […] and effortlessly speaking an alien language. […] Linda Cortile’s alien subservience was merely the first of what I now regard as a previously overlooked feature in at least some abduction cases. To date, four other people I have worked with have separately recalled being used by the UFO occupants within their ship to shepherd and control other abductees, as if they had no choice and were willingly acting as allies of their captors. […] All felt both a deep-seated anger and a sense of profound humiliation after their experiences, in which they realized their wills had somehow been overridden.
In Taken (1994), Karla Turner related an experience from “Beth,” in which she “felt as if her head was being ‘opened’ and her brain removed, all without any sensation of pain.” After she was “all put back together again,” she “realized that mentally she was different. Her thoughts and reactions to everything were changed, it seemed.” Another abductee, “Angie,” was told “that her children and others so chosen would conquer the world through mastering the power of insinuation.”
In 1988, John Keel wrote the following in Disneyland of the Gods:
In the 1960s I discovered to my astonishment that sleepers are common in the UFO phenomena. […] ordinary people report being employed to carry out all kinds of missions, but have no conscious memory of those missions when they return to their normal lives. In contactee terminology they are said to have been “used.” […] I have examined contactees who were keyed to fall into a trance when they saw a certain written symbol ... usually a Greek letter, or combination of Greek letters. They believed they had seen these letters painted on the side of a spacecraft. […] Silent contactees who suffered some form of UFO contacts years ago, even as children, can become sleepers and experience periods of temporary amnesia throughout their lives without ever relating them to their first UFO contact. The minds of some percipients are too unstable to adjust to this kind of overt tampering. […] The frightening thing about all this is that each new UFO wave may bring more people under the hidden control of this phenomenon. We have no way of estimating how many sleepers there may be after forty years of UFO sighting. And we have no way of finding out the triggers in use. We can say that almost every person who develops an obsession with UFOs has been subjected to some form of processing at some time in his life.
Most recently, cell biologist Bruce Rapuano has elaborated on a range of possible functionalities potentially associated with alien implants, including remote communication, memory control (selected amnesia, creation of screen memories), control of one’s state of consciousness, and control of free will/personal autonomy.
December 3, 1994
Q: (L) Could [subjects of experiments like Michael Persinger’s exposed people to EM fields in a sensory deprivation chamber] also be subjected to further programming by aliens through this method?
A: Yes.
February 11, 1995
Q: How does the control mechanism work with these two [J.W. and Mike F.] since, obviously, they would both be quite amazed to hear this [i.e. that they are used as unwitting agents], if not, in fact, go into complete denial?
A: Waves are transmitted into their minds which stimulate pre-coded implants. They are monitored. When they are exposed to truth, the waves are generated to prevent their reception and to strengthen pre-coded thought patterns of resistance.
This description is consistent with Rapuano’s description of the probable technology used in alien implants, as summarized briefly in part 4, specifically the manipulation of magnetic waveforms in the brain using metamaterial transceivers.
January 7, 1996
A: It is up to Pat, the extent she wishes to retrieve and divulge, the many unusual experiences that were met, by Pat, with unusual indifference.
Q: (P) […] We were 13 miles North of Camp David. […] And, we built a barn in 1982 and had bought the house in 1976, and never, in all the years that I lived there, did I ever notice these planes until we built the barn. If I had a stick in my hand, I could have touched them, that’s how low they flew. Right over my barn. The same day every week. And there was always two of them, and they never had a single marking on them. And, they were propeller planes. And I wondered: what in the hell is this country doing flying planes, unmarked, propeller driven, and so low, over this area? This continued until we moved from that house. So, these planes came twice a week from 1982 until 1989. […] Well, after the first couple of times, I sort of just said: “Well, there are the planes.” So, what else is new?
A: Indifference. […]
Q: (P) We knew they were flying under radar. Now, that I am thinking about this, nobody else ever talked about these planes. It was like we were the only people that ever saw them, or people who were at our house saw them too. My best friend who lived right up the road never saw them. I asked her: “Did you see the planes?” and she said “What planes?” I mean, she was seven acres away and nothing in between!
A: Unusual experiences mount!
Q: (P) Vic also noticed these things and he would always say – he was less indifferent than I was – he would say: “what in the hell are those planes and what are they doing?” (L) Why was Pat so indifferent? (P) Well, it didn’t affect my life, except that I was damn mad that it upset my horses. But then, the horses got used to them too, and they became indifferent! [Laughter] Well, they came so often, twice a week – “it’s Wednesday, the planes will be here!” […]
A: You see, Pat is resistant due to experiences, things don’t “phase” her easily, programming, etc.
Something like this apathy has been mentioned several times so far in this series. Rapuano ascribes this direct alien control via implants, and writes:
In many (but not all) purported UFO abductions of humans, alien beings appear to rob the abductees not only of volition but also of any curiosity regarding the reasons for their behavior (i.e. complete acquiescence toward their alien captors). They go along with whatever is done to them without freely choosing to do so and without any motivation to question what the purposes of the program are or offer any resistance to it.
Turner relates how “Anita” woke up one night to see “a multicolored triangle moving against [her] bedroom wall.” She thought, “A mandala, how pretty,” then immediately went back to sleep. For Turner this commonly reported apathy is “apparently a programmed response.”
January 13, 1996
Q: (P) How could I be used to monitor personnel when I never noticed anything as being unusual?
A: Very complex, in fact, parallel subject. Pat is “locator probe” for the purpose of monitoring those in her midst. Telling is not important, reading is. Besides, most of the work performed did not involve conscious awareness.
Q: (L) Is this still going on?
A: Partly, but also, Pat could be used as a probe to monitor all events taking place at JPL and other laboratories by examining aural imprints of her husband and others with whom she was acquainted. All events leave permanent imprints upon aural energy fields.
May 3, 1997
Q: You once said that Pat Z. was like a monitor, that wherever she went, she monitored aural frequencies for whoever had put the implant into her. Was this an unusual situation?
A: Most likely.
May 25, 1996
Q: (L) What is the percentage of programmed people?
A: 2 out of every 100.
Q: (L) How many are programmed by human means?
A: 12 percent of the .02 [sic] percent. [Note that the C’s elsewhere say that everyone is subject to other, more prosaic forms of human programming, e.g. familial and cultural.]
Recall that the figure 2% was also given for the number of people with implants. Later sessions make reference to a particular type of mind programming (the so-called Greenbaum method). In that context, the C’s asked: what if the victims of such programming “are preprogrammed to ‘go off’ all at once, and some ‘malfunction,’ and go off early?” (1996-8-17). They also said: “The programming is mainly intended to produce erratic behavior, for the purpose of ‘spooking’ the population so that they will welcome, and even demand, a totalitarian government” (1996-10-5). In Operation Trojan Horse (1970), John Keel wrote:
What all this really means is that someone or something actually has the power to completely possess and control the human mind. Human beings can be manipulated through this power and used for both good and evil purposes.
We have no way of knowing how many human beings throughout the world may have been processed in this manner, because they would have absolutely no memory of undergoing the experience, and so we have no way of determining who among us has strange and sinister “programs” lying dormant in the dark comers of his mind.
Suppose the plan is to process millions of people and then at some future date trigger all of those minds at one time? Would we suddenly have a world of saints? Or would we have a world of armed maniacs shooting at one another from bell towers?
Echoing this, Virgil Armstrong wrote in The Armstrong Report (1988):
Victims of abduction continue to go through the rest of their life in some form of discontent, whether it be mental, psychological or physical. The perpetrators could care less; most likely they have implanted some type of subliminal programming which can be used to their advantage later.
The negative forces have and will attempt to brainwash us into thinking differently; they can program us subliminally to telepathically respond to their wishes. Some time in the future, they will most assuredly try to use us to exercise their control.
June 19, 1999
Q: Eve Lorgen had a question as to how one can go about deactivating the programs of the Lizzies and their human cohorts such as have been described by yourselves and others?
A: In order to “deprogram,” one must first be aware of the programming.
Q: How does one become aware of the programs?
A: Knowledge, knowledge does what…?
Q: Are you saying that simply knowing about them is the key?
A: Once you have the knowledge, you have broken open the veil! How does one get the knowledge?
Q: I don’t know… how?
A: When those most intimately familiar effectively telegraph.
Q: Telegraph as in some sort of electronic signal or simply communicate the information?
A: Latter.
Q: What kind of information specifically?
A: Triggers.
Q: It will trigger something?
A: Programming keywords.
Q: Oh, you mean learning about the trigger words will open up the knowledge of the program so that a person can then deactivate it?
A: Close.
Q: So, I should get in touch with this woman who has this study of programming and get her book and this will help me to know what sorts of programs I may have?
A: It may lead there. Network with those most familiar with the process.
Q: Well, so far, you are the ones who are most familiar with the programs and have been best able to communicate these things.
A: Maybe the best, but not the only.
May 4, 2002
Q: (B) Now, there was a discussion about psychopaths and seemingly being born that way, and a reference was made to mercury content in vaccines and Laura said that there is a distinct possibility that inoculations mentioned may directly affect the brains of infants and turn them into [sociopaths/characteropaths, which can result from certain forms of brain damage]. […]
A: Such inoculations are designed to make the nervous system more “appropriately tuned” to 4D STS “downloads” and manipulation. […]
Q: (B) Mention was made in private correspondence about people that finance COINTELPRO operators, disinformation artists, that such financiers generally prefer not to take a risk and insist that legal action that might force this disclosure must never take place. Is there some validity to this in the V.B./ J.W. thing?
A: Not in their case. They are truly “alien” agents with no consciousness of being controlled. Thus no human intermediary is needed. 4th density saves money this way!!
September 14, 2002
Q: (Montalk) I don’t know if this has been addressed before, but what are some possible causes of intermittent ear ringing? […]
A: Monitoring as well as picking up programming signals and also some background “universe” noise.
Q: […] (Montalk) What process is responsible for creating the actual ringing noise?
A: Partly “interpretation” by neural processes that, at some level, recognize the potential and issue symptomatic warning.
Q: […] (Montalk) Does the frequency of sound have any significance? (C) Yeah, ’cause sometimes they’re waahs, they’re soft, there’s different tones you know, sometimes it’s in the right ear, sometimes the left ear.
A: Observe and you may learn your own internal “code.”
Q: […] (Ark) But the interesting question is can one somehow disturb this monitoring? Is it something physical that can…
A: Sure, the issue is to cover the many frequencies and shifts. White noise makers deal with some but not all!
Q: (Ark) I was wondering if a shot of whiskey beat it. Like, you know, when I had this experiences in Göttingen and the advice was… (L) A shot of whiskey! […]
A: In some cases a shift in chemistry also means a shift in susceptibility, but not a cessation of the activity.
Polly, one of the abductees featured in Karla Turner’s Taken (1994), described “a squealing sound sort of in my head” which she associated with an implant she felt she acquired at age four.
February 22, 2010
A: Sue is not a conscious agent, but is hostess to the tools of the “trade”.
Q: (L) What do you mean by, “tools of the trade”?
A: Energies that vector as well as transmit and receive.
Q: (L) Is this like a physical implant?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was she planted in Bob’s life just to come and spy on us?
A: Not so much you as Bob.
Q: (Burma Jones) Because of his work with [a government agency]?
A: And more. […]
Q: (Mr. Scott) OK, so he’s not just a little quiet scientist…
A: He is, but recall Pat Z.
Q: (L) Pat Z. She was just in the secretarial pool at Fort Detrick, married to one of their researchers – a physicist, Victor Z. who also did some pattern recognition work for the Mars probe – and the C’s said that she had an implant that they used to watch her bosses and her husband and his bosses through him via her. (Perceval) An implant by whom? […] (L) I don’t know if we ever asked if hers was military, or if it was like alien.
A: At some levels they are the same.
Q: (L) So are you suggesting that Bob also has an implant to watch the people around him, or is it that she learns about them through him, like at a remove?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So why didn’t they just put an implant in him?
A: Strong willed.
Q: (L) But obviously, being strong willed doesn’t mean that you can’t be gotten to through your emotions. […]
A: Exactly. It should be a lesson to many; it is also a tale as old as time.
Q: (L) So Sue’s behavior was influenced by signals?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, you know, that’s a really bad situation, because if a person is basically kind of innocent, and say they’ve been implanted for some nefarious purpose, and then they fall in love with someone and there is a lot of emotional involvement all around, it’s like that person has been innocently duped and used. It’s really more of a tragedy than any fault of their own that they’re being used as an unwitting agent.
A: How come Sue “fell for” Bob? […] Programming, not real emotion.
As Jacobs writes in UFOs and Abductions, Budd Hopkins “found that abductees were being profoundly manipulated even to the extent of aliens choosing abductee children to be friends with each other and, when they got older, sexual partners.” Hopkins first identified this phenomenon in 1991, in the Linda Cortile case. As children, Linda and Richard (one of the security/intelligence officers who witnessed her 1989 abduction) both had an “imaginary” friend of the other sex. During dreams two tall blond men would take the young Linda to meet and play with a boy she would later learn was Richard. Richard recalled the same scenarios. Each developed an infatuation/obsession with the other throughout their adolescence and into young adulthood, though they didn’t meet in real life until after the 1989 abduction. (Richard’s partner, Dan, also developed an unhealthy love obsession with Linda after the shared 1989 abduction experience and suffered a psychotic break.)
In 1994, Karla Turner published Ted Rice’s story in Masquerade of Angels. As a child, Rice found himself similarly obsessed with a girl at his school after an apparent shared abduction. In his case (like Dan’s), his love for her was unrequited, even during a brief relationship when they were somewhat older. He is convinced the purpose was to feed on the negative emotions generated by his suffering before the “spell” was finally broken years later, in young adulthood. Eve Lorgen wrote a book on the subject, where she included the Cortile and Rice cases, called The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships (1999), and a follow-up in 2012: The Dark Side of Cupid: Love Affairs, the Supernatural, and Energy Vampirism.
Some years later the C’s downplayed the prevalence of the love bite scenario, saying: “all the effects can be easily produced with microwave manipulation of consciousness and emotions along with the normal interactions of social programming and psychopathology” (2014-12-13). In other words, sometimes a love obsession is just a love obsession.
Q: (Perceval) Was [Sue] abducted to install her implant?
A: Oh yes. Why do you think she is so resistant to the topic of aliens and UFOs? It has been programmed into her.
Q: (L) I’ve seen people like that. They are so violently opposed to even consider the possibility and then, if they have to consider it for some reason, they don’t want to talk about it. It’s like an unbreakable program. And then you find out that they’ve got weird things going on in their lives, and you figure out that they themselves must have been abducted. But even if you show it to them, cite the facts, the evidence, the witnesses, nothing penetrates.
A: It can’t. It has a fail-safe program.
Q: (L) In other words, they can’t be gotten through to at all. If they acknowledge that as a possibility, they’ll lose their mind or something?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And I guess at some level they know it, so their rejection of it is more or less self-defense. They are people who can never know or acknowledge the truth about reality, by design. That’s really sad.
Virgil Armstrong made a related observation: “Why is it that after all the abductee suffers and experiences, he or she can turn around and say: You know, they’re not really that bad. Why indeed, unless the abductees are programmed and brainwashed to do so?” Terry Lovelace recalls saying, during a hypnotic regression conducted by Air Force intelligence: “They took me lots of times and made me forget it all. But they wanted me to remember just a little when I was a kid. So, I would recognize them when I grew up. I was programmed to see them as my space brothers, and I had to keep their secret. […] I was groomed.”
Q: (Bubbles) Is it possible that some of us have implants like Sue?
A: No. […]
Q: (L) Well, this scenario that has been described about Bob and Sue and us suggests either time travel or, as Burma Jones said, that they’ve got a whole lot of women floating around that are preprogrammed and prepared to be activated and used when and where needed. So, which is it?
A: Both.
The Linda Cortile case also suggests a possible time travel component. Otherwise, the chances of Richard being in the right place, time, and profession to witness the abduction in the presence of multiple international leaders (presumably the intended audience) seem unlikely. Hopkins noted this unlikelihood, writing:
Richard, Linda, and the third man [the UN S.G.] were connected virtually from the beginning, having been systematically abducted together again and again from childhood on, no matter where they lived. “Poppy,” the third man […] was somehow brought together with Richard in a professional context. Despite various family and professional moves and different lifestyles, all three distantly connected individuals were reunited one night in lower Manhattan.
Other Abduction Features
November 6, 1994
Q: (L) I have drawn a sort of conclusion about some of the activities of the Lizzies and their abductions through the Grays and so forth, and it seems to me that these excessive numbers of exams – gynecological, reproductive or whatever exams – might possibly be a screen for a process that is used to extract life force or energy from the human being, through the basal chakra, the sexual chakra, as I understand where the life force enters in. Is this idea correct or on track?
A: Close. […]
Q: (L) By what means do they do this through these gynecological exams? Is there some technical activity they undertake?
A: Yes. Too complex.
Q: (L) Are these supposed memories people have from their abductions of these exams just screens of procedures used to take life force from them?
A: Yes.
Abductee Karin Wilkinson writes: “The uncomfortable truth is these alien beings are obsessed with sex. […] The alien offenders attempt to recreate every aspect of our sexual experiences to better understand and utilize sex and sexual energy. They are especially interested in the fear and control facets of sex, as well as the fertilization aspects. This mirrors the occult practice of sex magic.” Karla Turner made similar observations, noting that these features are often held back by abductees out of embarrassment, or by researchers worried about the credibility of their findings.
Q: (L) Do they take twins, or one of a pair of twins, and raise one artificially?
A: Have done so. […]
Q: (L) Is this done frequently?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is the purpose of taking one of a pair of twins?
A: Study to determine which is best soul receptacle: one of twins or clone. [Laura’s note: This raises the question as to why the choice has to be either. Is there some connection between clones and the original body and one twin and another that is vital to the purpose of the Lizzies?]
Q: (L) Do these twins they raise, do they raise them on their ships or in their enclave wherever they are?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And do they treat them well?
A: Open.
Q: (L) Do they teach them a great deal?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they do this to test the brain capacity of the human being?
A: And other reasons.
Cutchin devotes a section of Thieves in the Night to “Vanishing Twin Syndrome,” “when one unborn child in a multifetal pregnancy seemingly disappears within the womb” – also an old faerie changeling motif. He cites a case recorded by Caryl Dennis in which a birth produced two umbilical cords, one of which “looked healed over, like an amputee’s stump.” When the child was nine and asked by her father if she knew she was supposed to be a twin, she responded: “Yes Daddy, I know. I know where my twin sister is; she’s on the spaceship and I talk to her all the time.”
Q: (L) Was I one of a pair of twins?
A: No.
Q: (L) For what purpose are they trying to decide which is the best receptacle, the clone or the twin? Receptacle for what?
A: Future project.
Q: (L) To do what?
A: Switch physical realities.
Q: (L) And who is going to switch physical realities? Are they going to enter into bodies they have prepared for themselves and force human souls to enter into their bodies?
A: No.
Q: (L) They are going to enter into the bodies themselves so that they can switch their reality?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, they are preparing a bunch of soulless bodies into which they can enter in themselves?
A: Will try. [This idea will be expanded upon in future articles on the alien agenda.]
October 22, 1994
Q: (L) Is the amnesia related to UFO abductions deliberately induced or is it a product of the mind’s inability to deal with the event?
A: It is an equal commingling of both.
Q: (L) The part that is deliberately induced, how is that accomplished?
A: By using a cosmic energy flow to influence memory function through a combination of spiritual and chemical interaction.
Q: (L) Can you be more specific?
A: Being more specific would be in another way less specific, but a good way to put it is altering the flow of electromagnetic energy in the brain. Electromagnetic energy, electromagnetism, is the life force that exists within all that evolves through long-wave or short-wave cycles.
In a section called “Controlling Human Memory During Missing Time,” Rapuano writes:
There is scientific evidence that a form of neural inhibition can be engaged either during memory encoding or else during memory retrieval to limit the retention of unwanted memories. […] Of those [abduction] experiences that have been hypnotically retrieved, very few reveal a completely clear narrative that begins with the abduction and ends with return to the site from where they were taken. Many describe incomplete, disjointed or often confusing episodes or fragments […] that strongly suggest an alien interference with encoding that prevented the consolidation of initial memory traces.
Also, before being uncovered through hypnosis, so many abduction memories remain completely inaccessible even after countless exposures to numerous potential cues […] This suggests that retrieval mechanisms had also been deliberately suppressed. […] This could be accomplished by using a neural implant to directly stimulate specific brain regions, possibly in tandem with a telepathic forget instruction to facilitate the inhibition of encoding.
December 3, 1994
Q: (L) In the establishing of an ongoing connection between an abductee and the abductor, what methods or techniques are used? Is it a psychic bond?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Is it formed technologically?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) There are so many stories of the “gazing” process where the alien controls that abductee by staring into their eyes and the abductee feels full of love and harmony and thereby thinks that the experience is beneficial. This makes me wonder just exactly what is the purpose of this “gazing”?
A: Hypnotic.
Q: (L) Does it also form a bond?
A: Yes.
On this gazing, Jacobs writes in Walking Among Us: “Using ‘neural engagement’ […], abductors can elicit emotions ranging from fear to hatred to love to sexual response.” Commenting on Jacobs’s work, Rapuano observes: “It certainly appears that during Mindscan the aliens often use something like virtual reality to explore human emotions,” adding:
[…] when seen in their alien anatomical form, the abductors frequently demonstrate the capability to exercise a profound control and psychic dominance over their human captives by creating a deeply rooted personal connection with them. […] More than one UFO abduction investigator has obtained evidence that connection through the eyes seems to play an important part in the evolution of this process. This suggests that Mindscan is involved in the development of the relationship. Of course Mindscan could have been used to implant such feelings and memories by instructing a CBI to activate ensembles of neurons in the limbic system […] as well as in the hippocampus […] Realistically, the cultivation of such an interspecies connection is probably nothing more than an expediency whose objective is to calm and induce compliance in an unwilling and often terrified experimental subject. […] the “relationship” with an alien handler may amount to nothing more than technologically-assisted psychological grooming.
June 3, 1995
Q: (T) Is the fact that there are very few abduction cases – at least I read about, and I’ve read quite a few of them – during thunderstorms, have to do with the thunderstorm interfering with the EM, so that the abduction would be much harder to do, therefore they don’t bother doing it?
A: No.
Q: (T) Can abductions take place during thunderstorms?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is there a possibility that thunderstorms possibly enhance this activity?
A: No.
Q: (T) So third-density EM disturbances don’t disturb fourth density?
A: Can.
Q: (J) Can they control it? (T) Well, I haven’t read very many things about abductions during storms. (L) Well, I have read about a few, enough to break it as a rule. (T) Is there some reason that it isn’t happening as often during thunderstorms? (J) They don’t want to get wet.
A: Can you drive a car during the rain?
Q: (J) Yes, but if it is raining really hard, you avoid it. (L) Is there any particular reason why more abductions and UFO sightings occur at night?
A: Not correct.
Q: (L) So, you mean there is as much activity in the daytime as there is at night?
A: Yes.
November 13, 1999
Q: What chemicals are stimulated in the body to cause this paralysis?
A: That is not the method used.
Q: What is the method used?
A: Electronic wave diversion.
Q: They are diverting the electronic waves of our brain or our physiology?
A: Closer.
One of the metamaterial properties highlighted by Rapuano is the ability to project and cancel magnetic waveforms at a distance. By projecting canceling waves to specific brain regions, specific motor signatures can be effectively “turned off” using such technology.
April 15, 2000
Q: (A) What is interesting is how do those who are trying to get these people, to abduct them, how do they spot them? How do they get the information? By following the bloodline, or by some kind of monitor you can detect from a long distance – and they can note that “here is somebody of interest” or “here is somebody dangerous” or “let’s abduct this one” or whatever. How do they select? Do they search the genealogies or is it some kind of remote sensing?
A: Now this is interesting Arkadiusz, as it involves the atomic “signature” of the cellular structure of the individual. In concert with this is the etheric-body reading and the frequency resonance vibration. All these are interconnected, and can be read from a distance using remote viewing technology/methodology.
Q: (L) Can it be done in a pure mechanical way without using psychic means?
A: At another level of understanding, the two are blended into one.
Q: (T) Computerized psychic remote viewing, maybe. Like artificial intelligence. Maybe a mind connected to a computer?
A: That is close, yes.
November 21, 2015
Q: (Alana) When we did the health and wellness show on death, we talked about what’s been reported that when people who have had a near death experience, afterwards they have these weird experiences with electricity. Their watches stop working, sometimes they blow light-bulbs when they walk through a room, and things like that. And I remember that when I read about…
A: Generally due to enhanced energy flow thanks to channels being opened by transit.
Q: (Alana) Is that why people who get abducted have the same electric…?
A: Yes.
Q: (Alana) It’s like what we said on the show: When you go to a different realm, it’s kinda like more charged, and then you come back, you’re kinda like… (L) Not only have you transited through some kind of conduit, you’ve come back through it, and you’ve brought something with you, or made a connection or something. Is that it?
A: Yes.
See the discussion of poltergeist phenomena in reference to abductions here. Marden and Stoner also highlight the pervasiveness of paranormal activity surrounding abductees, pointing out that most researchers “have been unwilling to examine [this connection] seriously.”
This here:
"Q: (L) They are going to enter into the bodies themselves so that they can switch their reality?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, they are preparing a bunch of soulless bodies into which they can enter in themselves?
A: Will try. [This idea will be expanded upon in future articles on the alien agenda.]"
Reminds me of the QHHT session Suzanne Spooner did with a "prototype." The session is called "A Conversation With An 11th Dimensional Being."
The thing I was always wondering in this session was; who is this body that Suzanne is talking to? Does she have a stolen fragment of someone else's soul in her body to keep her alive while those 11th dimensional aliens fidget with her boring bug car to try to make her a racing car so that one day they can 'drive' it?
Here's the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ri1zsnfltMU&t=3913s
I also wondered whether those 11th dimensional beings are the Anunnaki. And are they "worms" or "squiggles" floating around in space or in the Earth environment?
man sorry that took me so long to read, been busy. I probably need to re-read it honestly. i like this, " A: Can you drive a car during the rain? ". Its probably not gonna come out right but this makes so much sense on how at some level is is just using a fuckin screwdriver to these fucks, but they also operate on the higher planes at the same time, body and souls if you will. I'm very interested in magic and would call my self a practitioner. there is this rule in all magic that there are 3 levels to a good "spell", magical working. the here level, physical world, the here but not here, etherial world aroung us, and the "gods" level above us. you have to be working in all those at the same time to for it to work properly, notice i said properly shit works in all the levels with or without the other. Just wont be what you really want or need. Seems they have to do that when they abduct us. As Velma would say, "jenkies, i think i found a clue". and I'm sure yall know this but to those that don't. If you haven't noticed this a "curated" info. Some call it paranoid, i call it on point. I can feel the "steerage" in what they say. I think "close" means your on the right track lets change the subject before they get to the knowledge. food for thought. Anyways really good I'm excited for part 6. And I am curious have you talked to the C's about Magick and psychic abilities. maybe you have i just haven't looked. Thanks Harrison . I'm upgrading today and i know on The Higherside Chats you talked about the private community. I'm very interested to learn about that looking forward to it thanks again