While not every alien abductee reports also experiencing military abductions (MILABs), every abduction investigator has at least a handful of MILAB cases in their files, according to Dr. Helmut Lammer and Marion Lammer. In his introduction to the Lammers’ book, MILABs: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction (1999), Richard Sauder lists the main elements of such experiences: “extra-judicial detention at the hands of secretive military units; involuntary sedation; narco-hypnosis; rude interrogations; implants; and intrusive medical examinations.” The Lammers add the following details:
Activity of dark unmarked helicopters, the appearance of strange vans or buses outside the houses of abductees, exposure to disorienting electromagnetic fields, drugging, transport with a helicopter, bus or truck to an unknown building or an underground military facility. […] MILAB abductees describe elevators, hallways, generators, conference and medical rooms. […] Usually there are physical after effects, like grogginess and sometimes nausea after the kidnappings. […] the abductee reports that the kidnappers give him or her a shot with a syringe.
Whereas alien abductees report examinations by aliens in “round” sterile rooms, MILAB exams are reported to occur in normal “rectangular” rooms. Victims are not mentally paralyzed but physically tied down.
Most MILAB abductees remember that they were interrogated concerning their alien abduction experiences by military personnel. The doctors or scientists are mostly dressed in white lab coats and show a primary interest in implants and/or gynecological examinations.
The Lammers also quote Dan Wright’s summary of MILAB features culled from the Abduction Transcription Project:
A hangar with UFO-like craft(s);
One or more cubical-like rooms within a very large underground room or cavern;
Military officers with name tags and other identifiers removed from their uniforms;
Use of drugs to elicit responses from abductees;
Berating the subject to relate what he/she was told or shown by aliens;
Brainwashing the subject to believe afterward that the interrogation did not happen.
The Lammers identified cases only in North America. (Eve Lorgen includes a Scandinavian case in her book The Dark Side of Cupid.) Another element often reported is aliens and humans working side by side (several examples of which can be found in Karla Turner’s Taken). For instance, Katharina Wilson reported a non-human “wearing the same jump suit that his [human] escorts were wearing.” David Jacobs believed that the humans reported in such experiences are actually “human-like alien hybrids dressed in military-like clothes and uniforms,” and not actual U.S. military personnel. As we’ll see below, this may be the case, but only in a subset of such experiences.
The Lammers offer three hypotheses for MILABs:
Military/intelligence mind-control and behavioral experiments, e.g. the creation of “hypnotic couriers” or “Manchurian candidates” for intelligence-gathering purposes. The Lammers found “indications of sensory deprivation experiments, liquid breathing experiments, experiments on electromagnetic stimulation of the temporal lobes, brain research and implant research.” They think this category was probably related to memories of pre-1980s MKULTRA programs.
Medical/genetic experimentation/research, possibly related to genetic engineering. Such accounts feature what appear to be human clones as well as “genetically altered animals.” (Lorgen’s subject “Maarit” believes her MILABs are related to illegal and/or black-project pharmaceutical-medical trials.)
Monitoring of alien abductees for the purpose of information gathering, including implant removals and interrogations about the aliens, their technology, and “abduction-related parapsychological phenomena.”
The third category appears to have first been documented in the 1980s. Several such cases reportedly occur on either the same night or the night after alien abductions, which led some researchers to dub them “re-abductions” (or ReAbs). The Lammers cite one case in which the victim’s abductors interrogated her, saying such things as, “What have they taught you?” and “we’ll come back as many times as it takes until we find what we are looking for.” The abductors asked another, “Michelle,” who the aliens were. She answered, enigmatically, “They are us,” though she herself didn’t believe this to be true. (She told an investigator she could have told them all about the Grays, but she “wasn’t allowed to tell them about the other [race].” She could not consciously recall anything about this other race.)
After Terry Lovelace’s 1977 abduction experience while working as an Air Force EMT, he experienced a military interrogation with several of the features that would later be associated with MILABs. He was taken, fully conscious, to an AFOSI site on base to be interrogated about his experience. A psychologist (who identified himself as Major “Brad” Brownfield) injected him with a yellow liquid (which he believes may have been Sodium Pentothal or a similar “truth serum”), hypnotized him, and attempted to glean details of what he experienced during his abduction, as well as to determine if he had taken any photographs during the encounter.
The interrogator did not sound shocked at many of the details Lovelace shared, and even had terms for some of his experiences, such as “alien apathy” and “alien amnesia.” However, he showed concern over a few details, including the presence of what appeared to be uniformed military personnel inside a mothership. Lovelace attempted to resist the post-hypnotic suggestions to forget the details of the session, and succeeded in retaining his memory of most of the interrogation. If “standard” MILABs only started occurring in the 1980s, Lovelace’s interrogation may represent an early version of the protocol.
March 4, 1995
Q: (T) Are any of [MILAB-experiencer Leah Haley’s] memories of abductions by Grays screen memories of abductions by the government?
A: No.
Some statements Haley recalled during her MILAB experiences, from her book Lost Was the Key:
The man with the blue shirt seems to be in charge. He said I’m a troublemaker and they’re going to shut me up.
He said, ‘You didn’t see a spaceship. Do you understand? You did not see a spaceship.’ I told him that I knew it was a spaceship and I didn’t care what he said. I knew what it was. […] He said to the man in blue, ‘Yeah, I see what you mean.’ Then I told them the only way they’re going to shut me up is to kill me. […] He said if I didn’t cooperate, if it was necessary, that’s exactly what they’d do.
He says, ‘She knows too damn much. How are we going to handle this?’
Some of her military abductors seemed sympathetic, remarking that she had a right to know what was going on. One of her abduction memories included having been aboard a UFO that was disabled and shot down (perhaps with an EMP weapon) near Eglin Air Force Base in Florida in August 1988. She was recovered on the beach and then taken back to the hotel she had been staying in. In the early 1990s, Haley found evidence that some of the individuals surveilling her worked for NASA and the Air Force.
Haley often received what she interpreted as telepathic messages from a “silent voice.” She was never certain what the source of these communications was. On one occasion, when she was “verbally protesting the blockage of [her] memories,” she was told: “You are being monitored too closely by our opponents [i.e. the U.S. military/intelligence]. Your remembering would be detrimental to our mission.” (Similarly, Lovelace’s alien liaison told him: “You know things and you have seen images of things that are crucial to [the aliens’] shared agenda. They are important to both your government and to my [alien] hosts. You are not aware of their importance and you can’t discern which memories are sensitive and should not be disclosed.”)
Haley’s experiences seem to support hypothesis #3, in which certain factions of the U.S. military and intelligence community are aware of the alien presence and attempting to learn what abductees know about it. MILAB victims like Haley express understandable outrage at the violation of their rights. From the military’s perspective, it is also understandable that they might view abductees as enemy spies (even if unintentional) under the control of a potential alien adversary—sleeper agents and collaborators. The abductees themselves would be seen as potential threats, especially if the primary purpose of abductions is actually mind-programming for future use, as the Cassiopaeans suggest. Because of the secrecy surrounding the phenomenon, such factions cannot openly acknowledge their motives to abductees and would naturally choose to conduct such operations covertly.
By 2011, Haley had revised her position on alien abduction, telling researcher Jack Brewer “they do not exist.”
“The most important thing about my case,” she said, “is that my memories were of alien abductions, and that after spending thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars and years and years and years of research trying to find evidence that alien abductions occurred, the only evidence I found is of human-instigated mind control.”
Christa Tilton also suggested such a thing in her 1991 monograph on Bennewitz, writing:
As more time goes by, I am beginning to question my own beliefs in alien abductions. Why couldn’t people like ‘The Aviary’ be involved in certain projects which might involve producing holographic projections to select people who feel they are UFO alien abductees? It is just another way-out theory, but one we must look into and fast!
November 15, 1997
Q: (T) Are these ideas – the [mind] programming that is […] described here, that was described by Laura’s subject, that is described in the Karla Turner book, and that is making something of a stir in other arenas – is this within the realm of the military abduction scenario, or covert operation abductions? Are these all related to human abductors rather than alien?
A: Yes, to some extent.
Q: Yes, well, S. described her abductors as being military guys and not aliens… (T) Yes, and she was taken out there by Anclote to the little base….
A: No coincidence, the former Stauffer Chemical plant nearby!
Recall the C’s statement that 12% of mind-programmed individuals are programmed by humans. One of the initial aims of MKULTRA and related programs was the creation of a “hypnotic courier,” an individual with a “split personality” who could act as a spy without the subject’s conscious awareness. The Lammers speculate that one purpose of military mind control is to create such spies for the purpose of running counterintelligence against the alien abductors. (Judging by the cases on record, at least a portion of the above 12% must be programmed by both aliens and humans.)
July 31, 1999
Q: Could it be possible that, using this technology [which was involved in “mind programming and psy-warfare” experiments that resulted in temporary materializations], the U.S. government, or secret government, has been doing abductions on human beings that the victims think is an alien abduction?
A: Maybe in some cases, but the technology is not comparable.
In her second book, Unlocking Alien Closets (2003), Haley writes that she did some research into MILAB debunkers, including John Alexander’s wife Victoria. She “researched who their spouses were, what kind of work they were doing, what organizations they belonged to, and the names of their colleagues. It took only a short while to learn that they were scientists or retired military personnel deeply involved in studies of ESP, remote viewing, reality manipulation, psychological warfare—and mind control and non-lethal weapons, including the role of sex in non-lethal warfare.” This led her believe there was a connection between these people and the MILAB phenomenon.
Haley also recalls an experience at the outset of which she initially interpreted as an alien abduction, until she could perceive stitches around the eyes of the “alien” face in front of her. She concluded that the being was in fact a woman in an alien costume. If we bracket abductions that may be strictly related to “mind programming,” it appears that there are two more or less distinct MILAB scenarios: one involving humans that appear to be working directly with non-human intelligences, and another that involves humans attempting gain intelligence on them from abductees (perhaps posing as aliens in some cases).
If the re-abduction scenario is true, the abductors must have the ability to know who has been abducted and when. One possible means by which they have done so was provided by Dan Sherman, author of Above Black: Project Preserve Destiny – An Insider’s Account of Alien Contact and Government Coverup (1997). While Sherman never saw anything directly proving the existence of aliens or UFOs while working in special access programs for the Air Force and NSA, he claims to have been trained in a telepathic communication technique, one part of which included receiving details on recent abductions. These information packets contained a subject code identifier, date and time (one to three days prior to receiving the message), latitude and longitude within the continental U.S., and details such as “potentiality for recall,” “residual pain,” “nerve response curve,” and “body normalization.”
July 22, 2000
A: […] Before one is prepared to hear about abductions, one must be properly conditioned. This includes proper level of awareness to the complex mechanical nature of abduction! […]
Q: (L) I had a call from Vincent Bridges who informed me that the Wave series was really creating a stir. It seems that he has had a connection to this Dr. Hammond of the Greenbaum lecture fame, and also had a number of exchanges with Andrija Puharich, and it is Vincent’s contention that the UFO phenomenon, the alien abduction phenomenon, and the many and varied other things we talk about and study and discuss, are a product of super-advanced technological, human-controlled mind-programming projects using the technology of Puharich and Tesla. Yes, it is supposed to be so advanced that they can not only read minds and control minds, but that it is, in the end, merely human-engineered programming. Is he, even in part, correct?
A: Well, there are elements of the phenomenon which may be connected to human, 3rd-density STS engineering, but by and large, this is not the case.
As we will see in a future series on alien and government interaction, there are many factions in the “black” world. Some, as mentioned above, may view NHI as a potential threat. Others may be collaborating with them. Some of the collaborators may also see them as a potential threat and be attempting to gather intelligence on them. This raises the issue of the MILAB experiences in which aliens are seen working with humans. While Jacobs thought the humans in such scenarios were hybrids, the C’s provide another possibility: that they are in fact human military personnel who have been “recruited” from MIAs and KIAs and “programmed for service,” as discussed in the series on undergrounders. If true, this MILAB category may simply represent a type of alien abduction in which the victim is taken to an underground 4D facility and not abduction by official U.S. military personnel.
Interestingly, Leah Haley shares an experience that might support this scenario. During one of her early hypnotic regressions with Dr. John Carpenter, she recalled a MILAB in a large underwater base that seemed like a “parking garage for spaceships.” She saw a military man in green fatigues and somehow knew his name was “Larry Mitchell.” In February 1995, Omni magazine published an article on Haley. The journalist had contacted the Pentagon about this detail:
Tammy McBride at the POW/MIA office at the Pentagon […] conducted a search for one Larry Mitchell, a name that appeared on a soldier’s uniform in the underground alien facility Haley described under hypnosis. McBride found three Larrys and one Lawrence, all with the last name Mitchell. All four were killed in action in Vietnam. All bodies have been recovered.
Haley herself was unsure of the precise date of this experience, speculating that it could have occurred during the Vietnam war. However, reading this with the C’s transcripts in mind suggests another possibility: that Larry Mitchell really was killed in action in Vietnam, and subsequently duplicated.
Haley’s “silent voice” had something else relevant to say:
It said that some bad aliens and the [military abductors] were working together on cloning projects. […] The goal was to clone human beings who would replace our world leaders without us ever suspecting a thing. […] The voice said that the human-cloning project had been successful, and that I could no longer assume automatically that a person is who he appears to be. […] I wondered if the black helicopters that had been seen around pastures where cattle mutilations had taken place, the black helicopters that had plagued some abductees, and the scoop marks that abductees had received were connected somehow to covert cloning experiments. [The C’s affirmed this latter idea in November 1994.]
So far we have three ideas relevant to MILABs from the sessions: 1) that governments did not (and probably could not) use screen memories of aliens during MILABs (at least in the case of Leah Haley, and at the time these sessions were conducted); 2) that the technology used during certain mind-control and psy-war operations is not comparable to that used in alien abductions and that only in rare cases might such an experience be mistaken for an alien abduction; and 3) that “by and large,” human elements are not involved in the alien abduction phenomenon. A session two years later seems to contradict these points.
September 14, 2002
Q: (L) I had a thought the other night after I read Dolan’s book. He was talking about this government technology for mind control and so forth, and how the government or the military was trying to cover up the alien presence and interactions, what they were really up to and what they were really doing, and I came to this idea after reading all of these cases. What is evident is that there were apparently abductions and landings and contact stories from very early on in the so-called UFO phenomenon. What I thought about was the fact that Budd Hopkins and Whitley Strieber promoted in their books – mostly Whitley – the image of the Gray alien as the standard American abductor. After the publication of these books all American abductions seemed to follow the pattern of the Gray alien abduction. However, it is primarily an American phenomenon. Most other places in the world don’t have little Gray aliens with bug eyes. So, what I want to know is this: is the Gray alien abduction scenario: a) a screen memory, b) a creation of the American military mass mind-programming project in order to acclimate people to certain conditions, circumstances and interactions, c) something else, or d) are they really just Gray aliens abducting everybody?
A: You have stumbled upon an interesting question indeed. As we have noted previously, physical abductions are rare. Not only that, some abductions do not end with return of the victim. Now, what do you suppose you would do to cover up this fact? You might “create” a lot of abductions that end with return and “no harm done.”
Q: (L) That wasn’t one of my answer selections! Does this mean that the abductions reported by the people that Budd Hopkins worked with followed by Whitley Strieber were staged?
A: Close enough for horseshoes.
While Hopkins and Strieber are responsible for popularizing the now-standard image of the Gray alien, the vast majority of Hopkins’s subjects (and Strieber himself) fall into the “PTSD” category of abductees mentioned below, as opposed to the subjects of researchers like Dr. Richard Boylan and Dr. Steven Greer. Also recall previous comments about Hopkins and Strieber and the comment that Grays are the most frequent abductors. If these ideas can be reconciled, it is possible that 1) the “aliens” themselves are “staging” such abductions by over-using the Gray as a screen memory, 2) the military/intelligence community has technology that is primitive but effective enough to create convincing alien screen memories in some cases, or 3) such “no harm done” accounts are deliberate disinformation by human agents spread to muddy the waters.
In Messengers of Deception (1979), Dr. Jacques Vallée quotes from a conversation he had with a certain “Major Murphy,” a retired U.S. intelligence official. Murphy told him, among other things, that UFOs might be “psychotronic devices” that could “emit radiation that caused paralysis and hallucinations as [they] flew over an area.” He claimed the capability exists “to create artificially both the UFO sightings and the effects reported by contactees,” and that some human group may have “solved the UFO problem” and weaponized this technology. “If someone is using this technology, we can assume they have also mastered pharmacology, the use of drugs to distort the memories of witnesses, the use of mind control to suggest stories, to plant fake observations.” It is conceivable that any such group would also be “recruited” into the “underground” secret government, blurring the lines between them, and distinguishing them from other military-intelligence groups who lack access to the same technology. This may account for the two types of MILABs mentioned above.
Q: (L) OK, what would get us closer?
A: How about several varieties of experiences including government experiments. Did you ever notice how some cases exhibit extreme trauma and some do not? Same general story, but one is related with deeper sensation of reality, and another is not. Why do you think so many “abductees” are able to accommodate the experience, while some result in ruined lives?
Whether or not abductees are able to accommodate the experience seems to depend on the sample studied. The abductees who came to researchers like Hopkins, Druffel, Turner and Yvonne Smith almost all did so because of the terror and trauma they were experiencing. “UFOs and nukes” researcher Robert Hastings describes abductees as persons who were “almost without exception, severely traumatized by their encounters and generally have had nothing but bad memories and a sense of dread relating to them.” His own experiences mostly fell into that category.
Contrast with the subjects of researchers like Boylan and the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiences (FREE) study, which found that 70% of self-reported experiencers (N=2,279) of “various forms of contact experience (CE) with a non-human intelligent being (NHI)” reported the experiences had “changed their life in a ‘positive way.’” However, even this study suggests there is something very different about such “positive” experiences when compared to typical alien abductions:
Further, the majority of subjects did not report events typically associated with the traditionally held beliefs regarding the “alien-abduction” phenomena. That is, the results suggest that the reported CE with an NHI is largely non-physical and can occur via telepathy, during an out-of-body experience, being floated into a “matrix-like” reality, as well as through physical interaction on board a craft. Consequently, the results suggest that a non-physical (“contactee”) CE is distinctly different from a physical (“abduction”) CE and should be studied as separate but interrelated anomalous events. In fact, the CE associated with a UAP is not the predominant form of CE, and sighting a UAP is not necessarily associated with a CE.
In other words, these experiences seem to resemble “consciousness abductions” or even “etheric abductions”/“virtual reality experiences” (with associated screen memories). Regardless, such experiences seemingly do not include “events typically associated” with alien abductions, as shown by this figure from the study.
Q: (L) So you are saying that some of them are not really being abducted. They’re just having something projected into their mind. So how long has this been going on?
A: Over 30 years.
Q: (L) That would be back to the [early] 70’s. [The significance of this date will be covered in future articles.] And so where did Whitley come up with his Gray aliens… and how does this relate to Grays as cybergenetic probes?
A: There really are “Grays.” But not nearly as ubiquitous the gov would like you to think.
This might suggest that those with access to this information in special access programs would prefer to keep human-looking aliens (or reanimated humans) under wraps. One reason for this is obvious: such a revelation could easily be imagined to spark a wave of public paranoia and “alien hunts.”
Q: (L) So with Whitley telling everybody how it happens and what they look like along with contouring of the blanket EM mind control field or whatever, with the beaming out of a mind-programming wave – whatever it is – they’re able to make a whole hell of a lot of people – everybody who is susceptible – think they are in contact with Gray aliens. What is it that makes some people susceptible and not others?
A: Most generally that they are not organic portals.
Q: (L) So that leads to our other question: do organic portals ever get abducted?
A: No need.
Q: (L) So they’re using this, in a sense, as a weeding mechanism?
A: More or less.
Q: (L) So those people who declare firmly, that there is absolutely, never has, never could be, any evidence of abduction, could be OP’s?
A: Generally speaking, yes. […]
Q: (V) Well, a souled person who has their faculties about them with knowledge is not going to get abducted either? (L) I don’t think that’s necessarily a logical conclusion. (V) Not necessarily? Well, I thought they told us that once your knowledge level increases you will no longer be abducted. (L) I don’t think that this was the actual conclusion. Yes, it is true that if your knowledge increases then you have an idea what’s going on. And most especially, if your mind is strong enough not to be susceptible to these mind control waves, you can certainly put an end to that nonsense. But, that doesn’t mean that you would not be physically abducted if those 4th-density dudes or the government decided to do it because that has nothing to do with battling mind control waves. I mean if they really want to get to you they’ll send somebody into you life who is an OP and they’ll come to you thorough that person. […]
(C) Last fall I believed I was abducted, and I actually have one memory of it, of a Gray, you know, while I was laying on a table. I also had physical signs on my body of an abduction. I’m curious as I’m hearing this: was I being abducted by Grays that really exist or was that like the government mind control making me think that I was? […] I had pain in my uterus area, I had pink eye, missing time, I felt like I got run over by a train. I had all these physical symptoms of something really bad happening and then one memory of being on a table with this Gray standing in front of me. (L) Do you suffer from post-traumatic stress? (C) Not that I know of. (V) No panic attacks? (C) No anxiety or panic attacks. (V) I think if somebody is getting hauled out consistently for most of their life they’re going to be pretty jumpy about everything. (L) Loud noises. (C) Oh yeah, like every loud noise, everything freaks me out, makes me jump, it’s like abnormal reaction to loud noises and… (V) Do you remember what was being done to you while you were on the table? (C) Well, I slipped into the memory when I least expected it. You know, once I realized what was happening, that I am looking at a Gray, I just kind of freaked out and got really scared and I snapped myself out of it. So I had no idea what was being done. But I know that I felt completely under control, like calm, like I wasn’t scared on the table, like he was making me not be scared, like he was controlling me. But in seeing that, being numb, I got scared and pulled out of it. I’m just wondering if that actually happened, if I really was abducted by real Grays, or mind control was going on.
A: How about real abductions, but not necessarily by “Grays.” They are very popular screens.
Q: (V) OK, if not Grays then who?
A: Ask her brother!
Q: (C) OK, well he’s claiming that he’s being abducted by the government agents. So if that’s who he thinks is abducting him, does that mean that’s who’s abducting me? (L) Either that or he’s saying that it’s happening to him, while the one who is really being abducted is you, and he’s saying it because he is part of the screen. Projecting, reflecting. Talk about diversion. (C) What are they saying? (Andromeda) Maybe he’s being used to divert attention. To access you… one way or another. (Ark) So I understand it’s probably some kind secret government activity that she is involved in, right? (L) Seems to be so. (Atreides) Is there a criteria for what they project? Is there a certain reason why they pick certain screens? Some people have experiences with reptoids and others have experiences with mantid beings and other different types of aliens. Is there a particular reason why they choose such a screen? Is it to play on a person’s emotions or a person’s perspective, or is it simply the way the person’s mind deals with…
A: Reptoids and mantids are not screens.
The charts below (from Bullard’s study) show the frequencies of various occupant types seen during abductions for three periods of time. They show a slight increase in reports of “standard humanoids” after 1987 (from 64% to 71%). Reptilians were fairly consistent over all three periods (2%, 0%, 2%), and insectoids saw a rise from 0% to 5%.
In contrast, the FREE study found a much higher prevalence of human/Nordic types, as well as other types:
"MILAB exams are reported to occur in normal “rectangular” rooms."
[..]"Whereas alien abductees report examinations by aliens in “round” sterile rooms,"
That could be natural space distortion in the alien "dimension" that abductees are dragged to, I think. Essentially: same cubical space, square room as MILAB, but opened up in "multi-dimensional directions" as per basic laws of 4th Density: the aliens home / natural living environment.
So the 3rD Density abductee (from 3D Earth) sees the room as opened up in 4D: "round" with the correct quotation-marks in the article here, because the square space of the implant-surgery room of the aliens appears to open up in directions and extend outward - as a 4D hypercube versus a 3D cube - into a "curved open room" which (especially from the inside) feels and looks exactly "round", I think, thus the correct grammar punctuation in this article.