"MILAB exams are reported to occur in normal “rectangular” rooms."


[..]"Whereas alien abductees report examinations by aliens in “round” sterile rooms,"

That could be natural space distortion in the alien "dimension" that abductees are dragged to, I think. Essentially: same cubical space, square room as MILAB, but opened up in "multi-dimensional directions" as per basic laws of 4th Density: the aliens home / natural living environment.

So the 3rD Density abductee (from 3D Earth) sees the room as opened up in 4D: "round" with the correct quotation-marks in the article here, because the square space of the implant-surgery room of the aliens appears to open up in directions and extend outward - as a 4D hypercube versus a 3D cube - into a "curved open room" which (especially from the inside) feels and looks exactly "round", I think, thus the correct grammar punctuation in this article.

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I think it might be simpler: alien abductions and exams take place typically in literally round rooms (circular, like the disc-shaped craft). MILABs take place in military bases, mundane or underground.

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