This here:

"Q: (L) They are going to enter into the bodies themselves so that they can switch their reality?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, they are preparing a bunch of soulless bodies into which they can enter in themselves?

A: Will try. [This idea will be expanded upon in future articles on the alien agenda.]"

Reminds me of the QHHT session Suzanne Spooner did with a "prototype." The session is called "A Conversation With An 11th Dimensional Being."

The thing I was always wondering in this session was; who is this body that Suzanne is talking to? Does she have a stolen fragment of someone else's soul in her body to keep her alive while those 11th dimensional aliens fidget with her boring bug car to try to make her a racing car so that one day they can 'drive' it?

Here's the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ri1zsnfltMU&t=3913s

I also wondered whether those 11th dimensional beings are the Anunnaki. And are they "worms" or "squiggles" floating around in space or in the Earth environment?

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man sorry that took me so long to read, been busy. I probably need to re-read it honestly. i like this, " A: Can you drive a car during the rain? ". Its probably not gonna come out right but this makes so much sense on how at some level is is just using a fuckin screwdriver to these fucks, but they also operate on the higher planes at the same time, body and souls if you will. I'm very interested in magic and would call my self a practitioner. there is this rule in all magic that there are 3 levels to a good "spell", magical working. the here level, physical world, the here but not here, etherial world aroung us, and the "gods" level above us. you have to be working in all those at the same time to for it to work properly, notice i said properly shit works in all the levels with or without the other. Just wont be what you really want or need. Seems they have to do that when they abduct us. As Velma would say, "jenkies, i think i found a clue". and I'm sure yall know this but to those that don't. If you haven't noticed this a "curated" info. Some call it paranoid, i call it on point. I can feel the "steerage" in what they say. I think "close" means your on the right track lets change the subject before they get to the knowledge. food for thought. Anyways really good I'm excited for part 6. And I am curious have you talked to the C's about Magick and psychic abilities. maybe you have i just haven't looked. Thanks Harrison . I'm upgrading today and i know on The Higherside Chats you talked about the private community. I'm very interested to learn about that looking forward to it thanks again

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There are several references to rituals and some particular magical practices in the sessions, usually in the context of what Ra might have called "black magicians." But for the background on all that, I would recommend reading the Wave Series in its entirety.

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thanks i got it pulled up now

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