See Part 2 – Personal cases involving session participants
According to the Cassiopaeans, the act of abduction is service-to-self (STS) by nature, and by extension so are the abductors (Grays, Reptilians, Nordics, etc.). By contrast, those oriented towards service to others (STO) do not abduct people:
September 30, 1994
Q: (L) Do the “good guys” abduct people?
A: No. They may contact and voluntarily transport. [See also 1994-10-9.]
This was the M.O. of the contactees’ “space brothers” (primarily during the 1950s and prior to the public emergence of the abduction phenomenon): a friendly greeting followed by an invitation onto their craft for a tour of the solar system (and perhaps an even friendlier sexual encounter). However, while STO beings may not abduct, it does not necessarily follow that STS beings cannot also “contact and voluntarily transport.” While Ra, for example, claimed that George van Tassel and Daniel Fry were contacted by STO beings, they also claimed that van Tassel was subsequently contacted by STS.1 The Cassiopaeans have also said that at least some of the early contactees encountered STS “undergrounders.”
As Christian abductee Karin Wilkinson writes in Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest (2023): “Anyone taking someone against their will is NOT benevolent.” The terror and PTSD suffered by many abductees reinforce this point. Timothy Good, in Earth (2013), records this from Puerto Rican abductee Maria Rivera:
I think it is fair to say that those beings have tagged, branded, and are actively tracking abductees like myself. […] They’re quite awful creatures and have no regard for humanity and animals living on Earth. To them, we’re just a science project. I could be wrong, but I think the creatures cured my cancer because they need a healthy specimen for their experiments. [Preston Dennett has collected around 300 such healing cases.]
American abductee Terry Lovelace writes in Devils Den: The Reckoning:
We take for granted human qualities like mercy, empathy, love, and ethics. […] Alien entities might view our world as so unsophisticated that human life is insignificant to them. They may treat us the way we treat microbes under a microscope slide. They might destroy civilizations the same way we discard a petri dish loaded with living spores. It’s a sobering thought.
They are not benevolent space brothers. They have an agenda alright, but it’s not a cure for cancer or to give us a new source of energy to replace petroleum. Their agenda is purely pragmatic. They are 100% goal driven.
According to Ann Druffel, by 1987 her database of 200+ abductees “contained only a few who considered the abducting creatures as benevolent.”
Wilkinson describes her own experiences (consciously recalled without the aid of hypnosis):
They kidnapped me, terrorized me, and raped me. They ripped babies from my womb. They manipulated my body to the point of utter destruction and disintegration. They tortured my mind to the point of suicidal thoughts. But they failed to destroy me.
UFO abductees are not treated with kindness. The alien entities can control thoughts and emotions. They cause physical and emotional pain and trauma and have the technology to leave you without a memory of their actions. Brutal torture and visceral trauma are the order of the day for abductees. No one knows, notices, cares, or believes. Nights are plagued with nightmares, fear, and sleep paralysis. Children are groomed and trafficked; fetuses are stolen. There is no place to hide. There is no freedom.
Wilkinson describes typical abduction phases: an initial feeling of dread, the “Oz factor” (unnatural silence), small humanoids in the room, induced paralysis, being taken through the window or ceiling, losing consciousness, awakening on a cold metal table, examinations (and/or tours and tasks), then waking up in bed, sometimes with pajamas inside out and bloodstains on the sheets.
After years of such torment, Wilkinson found her way “back to God” and realized that calling on the name of Jesus put a halt to the abductions. However, she found that this did not work for all Christian abductees, or even for herself earlier in her life. The Cassiopaean perspective on the subject supports these mixed results.
The earliest sessions are equivocal about protection from or resistance to abductions, suggesting these are possible but perhaps difficult if not impossible in certain circumstances. The C’s repeatedly stressed several concepts relevant to why abductions occur, why they occur most often with impunity, and what can be done:
July 16, 1994
Q: (L) Do any of the rituals we perform provide protection against further abduction?
A: Don’t need protection if you have knowledge.
September 30, 1994
Q: (L) Is there any way we can disconnect these [emotion] taps [installed via abductions]?
A: Keep channeling and meditating.
Q: (L) What does the channeling do to break the tap?
A: Informs.
October 9, 1994
Q: (L) Is there any way we can prevent [abductions]?
A: Knowledge channel.
October 28, 1994
Q: (L) OK, during the period of time I was getting the hassle from the metaphysical church group, my pool was green. Was this symbolic of the attack I was under?
A: Yes, but you left yourself open by association and buying too many concepts without careful examination. […] investigate before buying and practicing in future okay?
Q: (L) Investigate what? Ideas?
A: Yes. And concepts and especially practices.
Q: (L) The ideas of candle burning, salt, sage, shamanistic rituals and so forth? Is all this useless?
A: Maybe. [More on these substances below.]
Q: (L) Is sage not useful?
A: You are learning; remember when we say “good no ritual”?
Q: (L) In other words, your knowledge and your strength which comes from your knowledge and knowing is the point and the protection [as opposed to protection from an external source or mechanical ritual]?
A: Precisely. This is extremely important.
February 25, 1995
Q: (L) Is there any knowledge that [the abductors] might find during a review that might cause them to stop the abduction?
A: Open.
Q: (L) Are there any people, who, by virtue of their knowledge, do not get abducted?
A: Maybe.
Free Will
July 30, 1994
Q: (L) Is there any way we can prevent […] abductions?
A: No.
Q: (L) Why?
A: It would interfere with universal law of free will and service to self.
Q: (L) […] Can’t we stop it?
A: Not likely. They have more power than you.
Even a low likelihood suggests a possibility. If the poor odds are due to a power imbalance, gaining certain knowledge may even the odds. Part of this knowledge may include awareness of the principles mentioned here: free will and service to self. STS beings are free to violate others, but their victims are also free to learn how to make themselves “unpalatable.” Until that knowledge is gained, preventing abductions may be impossible for all intents and purposes.
December 5, 1994
Q: (L) Would you please elaborate on the concept that alien abductions are “the scourge of God” and are manifested so that consciousness may grow and differentiate itself by a refusal to accept negative experience within the delusive material world?
A: Nonsense!
Which is not to say that such growth and refusal may not be an unintended result of such abductions.
February 11, 1995
Q: (L) You have said on occasion that free will is the most important law of consciousness in creation. Why can we not exercise our free will and refuse to be abducted and experimented upon?
A: Those who abduct are exercising their free will in doing so.
Q: (L) Why does their free will have precedence over our free will?
A: Why does your free will have precedence over density 2 and 1 beings [i.e. animals/plants and raw matter]?
The above restates and clarifies the power imbalance. Just as animals have very little freedom to prevent human predation, so the nature of our reality prevents humans from having much power to prevent hyperdimensional predation. While conducting a hypnotic regression on a subject, Tony Dodd found himself conversing with her abductor: “There was an air of condescension to the voice, as though it was talking down to someone of much lesser intelligence.” He asked the being what gave them the right to do what they do. It responded: “We have every right. Do you not do these things to your lower animals?”
November 26, 1994
Q: (T) Why did they tell me that I gave them permission to do it when they abduct me?
A: “Bullshit!”
Q: (T) If I tell them it’s bull, will they leave me alone?
A: No.
Commenting on the case of Linda (#14), whose abductors told her “You agreed to this,” Terry Lovelace says that statements like this are “documented in perhaps a hundred emails I’ve received from others. The question is, was this agreement made in this lifetime? Or was it perhaps made from the other side in preparation for this life?” Alternately, was a form of “consent” coerced in childhood?
Recall the use of “lures” mentioned here. “Aliens” often appear in a form seemingly designed to disarm young children: animals (circus monkeys, owls, deer, raccoons, cats, opossums), clowns, dolls, glowing orbs, Disney characters, “clothes on a hanger” (see Lovelace, The Reckoning). Hopkins shares a darkly humorous account of another variation on this “deeply disorienting persuasion”:
More indicative of the sheer persistence of the aliens’ strategy, however, is a case in which an abducted child was told, “We’re your real parents.” The child demurred. “No, you’re not. My real mommy and daddy are sleeping down there in their bed.” The resourceful alien then retreated to his backup position: “We’re your parents’ best friends,” he replied, without missing a beat.
March 11, 1995
Q: (T) [By virtue of humanity aligning itself with STS as opposed to STO,] we gave 4th-density STS permission to do whatever they wish with us?
A: Close.
Q: (T) So, when they tell us that we gave them permission to abduct us, it is this they are referring to?
A: Close.
One possible interpretation of this is that even if we may not have given them explicit permission, we are a part of their hierarchy. We participate in it without much awareness, just as our food sources do within “our” world. Simply by existing in a service-to-self state, we implicitly accept the rules and potential risks of predation, just as we risk rape and murder by virtue of living in a society with rapists and murderers.
October 14, 1995
Q: (L) Is there not something internal that prevents them from going too far during an abduction, i.e. like maybe […] a “guardian angel” or protective energy, and then they try to put an implant in, and then create a situation where they can bypass that… Oh, I know! Is this what Michael Topper was writing about in his article, “Channels and the Positive/Negative,” where he talks about the “obedience factor” of the STS? If they can get you to obey something, you have given your permission.
A: Close.
Topper describes this factor in reference to Whitley Strieber, who related being admonished by his abductors to give up sweets, as well as being shown a vision of a man being tortured because “he failed to get you to obey him and now he must bear the consequences.”
[The Law of One’s] Ra entity characterizes a prototypical tactic of the Orion Crusaders, that of “bidding”. […] “Bidding” is a contest of will, serviceable in determining the pecking order of the [abductors], and in rendering [the abductee] enslaved through intimidated compliance of its own free will. It is a command of obedience, precisely such as that issued without explanation against Strieber’s lust for sweets. Its sole purpose is to bend the subject into accepting the command, the actual content of the order being largely beside the point […] To possess a legion of “servants” in these subtle regions is an actual nourishment […], a kind of psychic “food-chain pyramid”.
[…] we find the Strieber entity virtually paraphrasing the earlier Ra recitation re the modus operandi that identifies the Negative polarity, in its suggestion that the failure to exact obedience on the part of the [abductor] bears punishable consequence. […] it is a continuing illustration of the way in which the Negative polarity extorts the desired obedience — and thus soul capture — through manipulation of [Love].
Lovelace provides a possible example of this bidding, performed on him as a child:
They chose to appear in a way I would find less threatening and adults would find impossible to believe [i.e. as masked circus monkeys]. Their hope was to take me voluntarily if possible, without a grown-up or my sleeping sisters involved. This is a mystery to me. I know these beings could have taken me without my consent as I would find out later. Why ask me to agree to go with them? I guess these beings have rules they abide by if a child is young. I will never understand.
As in some cases of demonic possession there may be an element of the abductee “inviting” such experiences, whether consciously (e.g. by engaging in certain “contact” protocols) or unconsciously (through a naive response to such “bidding”). Both may serve as a kind of “standing invitation” for the abductors to do as they please. UFO sightings may serve a similar purpose, with the witness’s curiosity and willingness to engage (e.g. by flashing lights at the UFO in an attempt to communicate) providing the invitation. (Note also the folkloric tradition about vampires requiring permission to enter their victim’s home.)
A few years after the majority of these sessions, Ann Druffel published How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction (1998), the result of around ten years of research and the first book devoted to the subject. (In 2019, Kathleen Marden published Extraterrestrial Contact: What to Do When You’ve Been Abducted, including the chapter “When You Want It to Stop: Coping Strategies and Resistance Techniques.”) Out of several hundred cases, Druffel collected around 70 abductees who reported success to some degree in using one or more of a number of resistance techniques, which they most often stumbled upon intuitively. She categorized them as follows:
Mental struggle
Physical struggle
Righteous anger
Protective rage
Support from family and close friends
Metaphysical methods
Appeal to spiritual personages
When Druffel published her first article on the subject in 1988, she received push-back. Many researchers said it was simply impossible to resist abductions. Any such abductees must simply “believe” they had been successful (perhaps having been deceived in this regard). Others, like Richard J. Boylan, said they shouldn’t even try, because the ETs are just trying to help us evolve. Why attempt to stop a good thing? Another even thought it unethical, because subsequent failure might compound the trauma. Thomas Bullard shared his own thoughts with Druffel, telling her that “most experiencers probably never try to resist, but that those people who keep or regain some presence of mind appear best able to succeed.” He thought this presence of mind “may well be the key to resistance success.”
When asked why one participant was abducted less often than another, the C’s responded: “You fight it” (1994-10-9). The first four of Druffel’s techniques can be classified as forms of fighting:
Mental struggle (#1) is a “strong, internal, silent struggle, directed toward moving one small part of the body, usually a finger or toe” during the initial paralysis stage of an abduction. This requires sustained willpower, and when paralysis is broken, abductees report the abduction halts and the entities disappear.
Physical struggle (#2) involves the threat or use of physical violence against the abductors, usually prior to the onset of paralysis. This may involve lunging, throttling, threatening postures, punching (as in the case of Travis Walton, who punched a Gray), or brandishing weapons. For Druffel this suggests that the entities (Grays in this case) are either physically weaker than humans, or physically vulnerable when in our realm.
Righteous anger (#3) “often builds up after repeated visitations and abductions, but the anger must be focused toward asserting one’s rights.” Druffel notes that it is “best combined with strong commands, either verbal or mental, such as ‘Go away!’ ‘Leave me alone!’ and so on.” It must be deliberate and controlled, focused on the source of anger. “Diffused anger is never effective as a resistance technique.”
Protective rage (#4) is used to protect others who cannot protect themselves, especially young children. It involves the “repeated verbal rejection of the entities,” using one’s voice “strongly and assertively” to hurl curses and other rejecting statements at the intruders.
Many abductees are reportedly successful in stopping abductions as they are attempted, but fewer have succeeded in stopping them altogether. “Robert Nolan,” for example, was able to reduce the frequency of his abductions through intuition combined with mental and physical struggle. Another researcher told Druffel that righteous anger might work temporarily, but that abductions invariably resumed.
November 2, 1994
Q: (V) When I called on the hand of God [during an abduction], did that help?
A: No.
Appeal to spiritual personages (#8) apparently works for some but not others (e.g. Wilkinson, mentioned above). Lovelace, for instance, appealed to St. Mary and St. Michael as a child, unsuccessfully. Druffel says that in the cases where it works, “strong faith” is required.
November 26, 1994
Q: (T) If I shut [the implants] off will they continue to abduct me?
A: No.
Q: […] (L) There is another aspect here. Knowledge breeds awareness which gives you the ability to detect it when they try to influence you in very subtle ways so that you can begin to control your mind and resist early on and that is the key.
A: Close enough.
Intuition (#6) is helpful in sensing the approach of the beings or the onset of an abduction experience, at which point other techniques can be utilized, such as righteous anger, protective rage, and metaphysical methods. Certain techniques work best, or only work, in the early stages of an abduction, for instance either before paralysis or before apathy and calmness are externally induced. During the abduction “capture” phase, the following techniques are apparently effective:
abductee detects invisible presences, feels anxiety and begins to lose conscious will (intuition, mental struggle, physical struggle, righteous anger, appeal)
induction of paralysis (mental struggle, righteous anger, appeal)
entities induce calmness/apathy (struggle is impossible in this state)
Druffel’s subjects found the other techniques mostly useful between abduction experiences (e.g., protective rage, family support, metaphysical methods, repellents).
October 14, 1995
Q: (L) What is there about strength that makes one inaccessible to permanent abduction?
A: Strength is of character, i.e. if STO candidate, not likely to be victim.
Whatever the technique used, Druffel highlights some key prerequisites:
a strong instinctive or acquired sense of one’s own rights to “privacy and freedom from unwanted intrusion”
a sense of outrage when these rights are violated
confidence and relative fearlessness
November 13, 1999
Q: The melatonin is what enables [abductees] to be aware of what is happening by removing the blocks the aliens put in place?
A: Precisely.
Q: And, by becoming aware, do they have some chance of stopping the abduction process by their awareness?
A: Or more importantly, limiting the damage. Knowledge protects.
Druffel writes: “Knowledge invariably lessens trauma and anxiety.” This includes understanding “the intruders’ nature and motives enough to maintain a reasonably objective attitude toward them.”
August 20, 2001
Q: Is awareness the chief protection [against abduction]?
A: Yes.
Q: What is the best way to remove or undo programming?
A: Awareness and resistance.
Personal Case #1
The session on November 24, 1994, makes reference to a participant stopping an attempted abduction of her daughter, who had been seeing an “alligator face” at her bedroom window. Laura describes the circumstances, which occurred in 1982, in Amazing Grace:
After a series of such nightly events, I could no longer brush it off as just a nightmare. Since my own experiences as a child had affected me so powerfully, I was not inclined to deny the validity of what she had experienced. From somewhere deep inside my soul, an alarm was sounding: “Warning! Warning!” as if an ancient enemy had surfaced once again. There was a difference, however: I was no longer a child, and this was my own child under threat.
I was already developing a theory about why anything might work at all and it had more to do with suggestibility and belief than anything else. A child felt powerless in the adult world. Perhaps this was at the root of such events as night terrors and other similar, frightening events. The key, then, would be to give my daughter back her feeling of power in the situation. I also knew I needed to give it to myself. By dealing with her demon, I could also deal with my own.
After consulting with a friend, she taught her five-year-old daughter a “special prayer,” the 91st Psalm.
I told her that the prayer could keep alligators away, and if they appeared, all she had to do was start to recite it, and they would go away. […] Every night, when I tucked her into bed, we recited the psalm together, and it made us both feel better. I added my own prayers silently, and stayed with her until she went to sleep. […] For a while, it seemed to work. […]
At this point, things took an even stranger turn. Again, my little girl woke us up with her screams, but this time, as we frantically struggled to wakefulness, Larry and I both saw the figure standing in the corner of the bedroom. And we both saw it fade or dissolve into a shimmery sort of atmosphere. […] Her room was icy cold, even though it was summer. She informed us that the alligator was no longer outside the window.
The alligator had come into the house.
Soon after a disturbing experience at church, she renewed her effort:
[…] not even bothering to sit and work my way through it rationally to discover any reasonable basis for what I was going to do, I took out the metaphysical books again and read the directions for erecting protective barriers for one’s home. With my Bible and a large dish of salt over which I had recited – not nine, but seven – repetitions of the 91st psalm, I began the process of “cleaning my house”. My intention was to speak words into the atmosphere of my house, to announce my awareness of what was “out there” and to definitely and completely refuse it permission, thereby changing the vibrational frequency. As I walked from room to room, reading the 91st Psalm – followed by a clear statement “I know what you are, and I demand you be gone!” – I scattered the salt as a “holder” of the energy of my words. With all my heart, I imbued my words with my intent, motivated by love for my child, and a desperate desire to protect her and my family. There was a sense of outrage and violation that was driving me, and all of these emotions and intentions I directed into the structure of the house, and the space inside and out.
That night, she had a vivid dream of battling a fire-breathing dragon. She “fought him like the prince in the movie [Sleeping Beauty], right to the point where I was backed off a precipice and began to fall into endless blackness.”
As I tumbled head over heels into the abyss, sensations of futility overcame me, and a sense of grief and mourning for what could have been – what could have existed in the world – tore at my soul. I had lost and the dragon had won. The abject misery of this realization cannot even be conveyed in words. It was the grief of the universe, not just a single soul.
As I fell in that bottomless pit of hopelessness and despair, from somewhere deep inside me the word “No” formed and I was surprised to feel my descent slow ever so slightly. I looked for the word and its meaning again, and found it: “No.” It was imbued with deep meaning of refusal of despair, refusal of the state of hopelessness, and most of all, the refusal of the domination of the fear and terror evoked by the dragon combined with full awareness of its existence. I spoke it, and again, my fall shifted and slowed.
That was interesting. So I began to reach deep inside me for this “mind of awareness combined with refusal,” and to repeat over and over again, like a mantra, the word “no” encompassing this denial of subjection. As I chanted, I stopped falling and began to rise. I chanted “No!” louder and stronger, and my rise accelerated, and soon I was back on the level with the dragon, who seemed a bit surprised to see me again.
He looked as if he could devour me completely and finish the whole episode. His mouth was glistening with dripping, putrid slime. I stood my ground, uncaring of the fact that, in the next moment, I would be consumed. Looking straight into his eyes, full of righteous anger, fully aware of all his tricks and traps, I shouted “No!” over and over again, putting all the force of my will behind it. “No! Even if I die, you have not won because my soul is still mine!” There, with that hideous breath choking me, I exulted in the idea that even if he could destroy my body, he could never take away from me that denial of his power to make me afraid ever again.
And the strangest thing happened. Like a balloon, the dragon began to deflate and shoot and spurt and bounce from side to side, getting smaller with each spfffft sound, until nothing but an oily black object lay on the rocky ground of our battle, sinking into the rock from its own weight of evil.
Suddenly, I awoke. My heart was pounding with exertion and I was covered with perspiration. I felt exactly as if I had just literally and actually fought against a fire-breathing dragon.
November 24, 1994
Q: (L) How did I stop it [i.e. the above attempt]?
A: Knowledge is rooted in awareness.
Q: (L) So, my awareness is what stopped it?
A: Close.
Q: (L) When I had the dream about doing battle with the dragon, was that just a dream, an astral event, or an actual interaction with the Lizzies?
A: All three.
Q: (L) And what was their reaction to encountering my resistance to them?
A: Disappointment.
February 11, 1995
Q: (L) In a previous reading you stated that the Lizzies tried to abduct my eldest daughter and that I “stopped” it. At the time I should have asked, and am asking now: how, specifically, did I stop that activity?
A: Mental blocking, i.e. using 4th-density principles. […]
Q: (L) So, mentally blocking is our defense?
A: One of them.
Q: (L) And, I was galvanized to erect this shield around my child because it was my baby?
A: And you knew what to do.
This experience demonstrates the use of 7 out of the 9 techniques: righteous anger, protective rage, support from family members, intuition, appeal to spiritual personages (the use of Psalm 91), metaphysical methods (the dream/astral battle), and repellents (salt). After the use of the prayer resulted in only limited success, she intuitively employed the others, culminating in the dream, which itself employed an eighth technique: physical struggle. The only technique not employed in some form was mental struggle, which only applies to the paralysis stage of an attempted abduction.
Support from family (#5) can take the form of advice from parents, grandparents, or cultural tradition. As Druffel points out, it is important that close family members do not ignore or ridicule the abductee. “There is nothing like concerted group action.” She adds: “Perhaps the self-esteem and self-confidence of the person using [Protective Rage] builds a psychic shield over the home.”
Metaphysical methods (#7) are performed in an altered state of consciousness, like meditation. The main method is visualizing filling or surrounding oneself with white light. (Paul Eno says this “really seems to work,” and was one of the few useful things he learned from Ed and Lorraine Warren.) Druffel speculated that perhaps out-of-body-experiences could also facilitate protective skills, but did not have any such case examples.
Personal case #2
In July 1995, an experience the C’s subsequently referred to as an “eclipsing of realities” demonstrated several of these techniques, including mental and physical struggle. After lying down to sleep one night, Laura writes that “there was a sort of momentary blank-spot and I came to myself” with a sensation “like being thrown off a cliff.” She found herself in the process of being “floated out of bed, feet first, by three or four spidery creatures.” The following combines details from Laura’s two accounts in the Wave Series:
One of the creepy creatures was pulling on me by my ankle and I could distinctly feel a sort of cold fuzziness in the grip. The other two seemed to be trying to exert some kind of mind control on me, like trying to use their mental powers to make me submit. I was struggling and resisting and apparently had been doing so even while asleep because I found that my paralyzed arm [which had been severely injured the previous year] was extended up over my head and was locked on the brass headboard in a death grip and the bed was shaking and bouncing with the efforts of my resistance. It was virtually a tug of war and I wasn’t going to let go! [#2: Physical struggle.] All of my body, except for my shoulders and head which were anchored by my grip on the bed, was suspended in air and seemed to be being sucked toward a small window (which I could not possibly have fit through!) and there seemed to be a sort of beam of light coming through this from the outside of the house! The bed was shaking and bouncing with the struggle taking place.
I was certainly a bit groggy and disoriented at first, as anyone would be to discover themselves in the middle of a violent fight in which their body is participating, only they haven’t been at all aware of it. It felt like the effects of a sleeping drug was wearing off. As it did, I became more alert and thought to myself, “Oh ho! So abductions do really happen! And here I am, being abducted! Well, guess what? I don’t like this, I don’t want this, and I am not going to cooperate. If those creepy jerks abduct me, it won’t be with my assistance!” In short, I was mad as heck! [#3: Righteous anger.]
The creatures seemed to be aware that I was awake and things were rapidly going south. At this point, one of them placed his hand on my head and a powerful paralysis began to spread over me from the head down. This seemed to be causing my eyes to close forcibly, as though the powerful sleeping drug was being re-administered. I became very angry. I wanted to curse them. But it was impossible to resist this paralysis and that made me even madder! I was determined that, even if they had technology that could overcome all of my efforts of resistance, that at least I would give them a piece of my mind! I was going to have my say! I realized fully that I was somewhat helpless against this kind of technology but I still wasn’t going to give up. I was going to fight this sleep right to the last. I became even angrier and I threw down the mental gauntlet, so to say. I decided to “speak” to these creatures with my mind. I said, “You may be able to paralyze me and overcome my physical body, but I’ll fight you with everything I have, every chance I get, so don’t turn your backs on me or you’ll regret it!”
And then, with every bit of will I could muster, I struggled to curse them out loud. With enormous concentration, the only thing I actually managed to do was emit a strangled groan. It was not the defiant curse I was working on in my head, but anything was progress against the frozen sensation of my entire body. But as I did this, as I achieved even this small bit of mastery over a small part of my physical body, a strange thing happened. [#1: Mental struggle.] With the uttering of this sound, the creatures seemed to become confused and disoriented and began to chatter in strange clicking sounds to each other and they dropped me as though I had become a hot potato! They huddled together like frightened, twittering insects and sort of melted into a shimmery curtain thing alongside my bed. It was much like the mirage effect one sees on the road ahead when driving on a hot day.
My heart was pounding from real exertion. I can’t say that I was terrified because such a thing is beyond terror. And, I have always been a person who acts cleanly and efficiently in a crisis, so this was no different in that respect. What had been most useful was that I had the information from the Cassiopaeans because that certainly had a lot to do with not feeling terrified which is more often a reaction to the unknown. At least, to some extent, I had an idea of what I was dealing with, even if I preferred to believe that it had been a hypnagogic nightmare.
At one point, while I was fighting them, while the bed seemed to be bouncing and jerking, I was very conscious that it was not waking my husband up […] What was troubling me was that he was not been moving at all, not even to breathe. It struck me with horror that he seemed to have been “turned off” in order to prevent his intervention. That he could be turned off scared me half to death! I had no protection at all! Not only that, when I tried to tell him what had happened, he thought I was imagining it.
As I lay there, trying to figure out whether the event had really happened, or if it had just been in my own head, I realized that the evidence that something had happened was that my partially paralyzed left hand was holding the headboard. Heck, I couldn’t even lift that arm, much less hold anything with my left hand. And that I had been gripping and struggling for some time was pretty certain because of the way the hand refused to come open. I actually had to reach up with my right hand, uncurl my fingers from around the curling tubes of the headboard, and remove my hand and place my arm back at my side because I was unable to perform these small motions with that arm itself! Needless to say, I spent most of the night sitting up in a chair.
Note the “confused and disoriented” reaction of the “spidery” beings upon the successful use of mental struggle. Druffel writes that “numerous persons who use [mental struggle] successfully report back to researchers that the intruding creatures almost invariably react with surprise when human beings show resistance. […] If a witness confronts them self-confidently […] the creatures seem powerless against them.”
DeSouza reported similar confusion when his abductors could not pass him through the ceiling (see part 1b). And Lovelace quotes Gregory Perkins’s (case #26) use of mental struggle:
I wasn’t necessarily afraid, but damn if I did not fight anyway. You can feel their annoyance when you do not fully cooperate. Instead of feeling worrisome about their annoyance, for some reason, it eggs me on. Their agitation makes me do it even more. […] I fought incredibly hard and managed to start breaking their immobilization.
The last technique is the use of repellents (#9). Druffel cites several, almost all of which can be found in folklore traditions for protection against faeries and evil spirits. These include “the use of herbs, essential oils, flower essences, and specific substances,” such as pennyroyal, yarrow, St. John’s Wort, salt, iron, and magnets. (Joshua Cutchin also devotes a chapter to resistance and repellents in Thieves in the Night.) The Cassiopaeans’ few answers on the subject are dismissive but suggestive:
July 8, 1995
Q: (L) Is it possible to create resistance to abduction by generating sound? Like an internal sound? […] this article I was reading said that different people used several techniques where they think it has helped them to halt or avoid abduction by “aliens.” One is to generate an “internal” sound, a high-pitched “thought hum,” and another is to invoke angelic spirits such as the Archangel Michael, and another is to “Just Say No,” and these people think they have avoided being abducted thereby. Are any of these usable techniques?
A: Potpourri.
Q: (T) Sweet-smelling dried flowers are potpourri.
A: Sage, salt, ooohm, any other rituals you like?
Q: (L) In other words, nothing works? (T) It’s not going to stop them! I keep a heavy shield around the house and all that stuff and they still get through!
A: How about the hula hoop dance with green peppers stuck up your nose! [Laughter]
The reference to “internal sound” echoes one of the Tujunga Contact subjects, Lori Briggs, though she described it as low in pitch, not high. Druffel writes:
From earliest childhood, she had an instinctive realization of what she calls her “own sound,” a metaphysical technique she used to relax or meditate by concentrating on it and amplifying it at will. […] She consciously used her own sound against the creatures’ irritating [high-pitched] tone […] Lori described her own sound as being low in pitch […] an actual sound within her.
Another definition of potpourri is simply “a mixture of things.” Druffel wrote: “a combination of resistance techniques are often necessary to fend off the intrusive creatures permanently.” This response is either dismissive of repellents’ efficacy, or a hint that these may be effective primarily when combined with other techniques.
Note above the apparently successful utilization of salt (although in combination with other techniques) in personal case #1. In a recent session the C’s said that deep salt mines are “not useful for occult practices due to the salt which is cleansing,” and that “aliens” and other-dimensional beings do not like salt (2023-1-14). Druffel cites one women who claimed to block abductions by surrounding her bed in salt. And Cutchin cites Marden and Stoner’s experiencer study which found that 62% of abductees crave salt, compared to only 12% of non-abductees.
July 31, 1999
Q: Now, this guy here suggests that ceiling fans and other things can interfere with alien abduction or manipulation. Can electronic gadgets interfere with aliens coming through the density curtain?
A: No, but maybe a pin cushion would help.
Q: Why a pin cushion?
A: Why not?
Q: […] (L) Well, this guy suggests that tinkling wind chimes and garlic slices placed around the room, the rubbing of garlic into affected body parts, keeping the lights on, and so forth will keep aliens away. […] He says that when an abduction is imminent, place the hose on the ground, turn the water on and walk across it… that running water can block the aliens.
A: B.S.!
The reference to ceiling fans may originate from another case in Druffel’s book. Morgana Van Klausen “believed that leaving on the lights and ceiling fan helped deter the nighttime visitors.” Druffel wonders if perhaps the iron on the fan blades had something to do with that, but adds: “Whether or not the fans actually helped stop the visits or whether their use merely coincided with Morgana’s use of three other resistance techniques is not known.”
I find my self once in a while, in sort of a sleep paralysis. I sleep in complete dark so when this happens it feels like I don't see anything. I feel like I can't move and just try with my willpower to move my arm and turn on my hip, and in those situations I always find my self laying on back. I always as far as I know manage to move my arm and as soon as it happens I wake up.
Last time this happened about a week ago and when I woke up, I opened my windows to see if I will see a UFO or something, lol. Nothing, but when I looked at my watch it was 4:44 am. And that number 44, weird synchronicity keeps following me in my life.
And I usually crave salt.
Excellent article and thank you very much!!!
I hope next week to start reading the book you recommended by Ann Druffel in Spanish!!!
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"July 31, 1999
Q: Now, this guy here suggests that ceiling fans and other things can interfere with alien abduction or manipulation. Can electronic gadgets interfere with aliens coming through the density curtain?
A: No, but maybe a pin cushion would help.
Q: Why a pin cushion?
A: Why not?"
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Interesting and curious!!... LOL