I find my self once in a while, in sort of a sleep paralysis. I sleep in complete dark so when this happens it feels like I don't see anything. I feel like I can't move and just try with my willpower to move my arm and turn on my hip, and in those situations I always find my self laying on back. I always as far as I know manage to move my arm and as soon as it happens I wake up.

Last time this happened about a week ago and when I woke up, I opened my windows to see if I will see a UFO or something, lol. Nothing, but when I looked at my watch it was 4:44 am. And that number 44, weird synchronicity keeps following me in my life.

And I usually crave salt.

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Sometimes such phenomena might be “just” sleep paralysis. But a small number of abductees (like Robert Hastings, Bob Jacobs, and Raymond Fowler) do recall waking up at times like 4:44.

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Excellent article and thank you very much!!!

I hope next week to start reading the book you recommended by Ann Druffel in Spanish!!!

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"July 31, 1999

Q: Now, this guy here suggests that ceiling fans and other things can interfere with alien abduction or manipulation. Can electronic gadgets interfere with aliens coming through the density curtain?

A: No, but maybe a pin cushion would help.

Q: Why a pin cushion?

A: Why not?"

---- ---- -----

Interesting and curious!!... LOL

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Voodoo doll?? ;)

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Fair, sorry I'm just jaded I guess haven't seen much real altruistic benevolence outta these type things/entities. As Above So Below, I'm sure there are agendas at play just like in politics/ "philanthropists" here. I'm just wondering if extra dimensional "politics" might be the same. Maybe I'm over thinking it. my mind doesn't turn off much. not looking a gift grey in the mouth or nothing. Thanks yall take care

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That means... (I hope this is the idea that the Casses wanted to insinuate??...), that technique n.1 "Mental struggle" proposed by Ann Druffel in her book "How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction ".

Could it be imagining ourselves as Voodoo dolls, and all the psychological and physical evil that the Lizards & Co. can produce in us, for example, in an alien abduction, do they also receive it???... :)

P.S. : I don't know if it is a synchronicity of the "system" but today more than two hours ago I saw this video on WhatsApp from a dear friend:


Thanks to him, more than 19 years ago I met the Cass thanks to the famous "Pentagon strike 911" video. https://dai.ly/x2o433e


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Unless it is cleared up, it’s probably best to take the pin-cushion remark as just a joke. The other techniques mentioned are probably good enough, and have more support.

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Imagining myself as a voodoo doll :) reminds me a lot of this famous image:


P.S. : I forgot to include "maybe" another "system" synchronicity,

Also today, going through my Facebook memories, I came across this image that I posted 7 years ago. ;)


“If life turns her back on you, grab her ass.”

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My favorite part is "and you knew what to do". I'm telling yall, they are so fuckin scared of us the real us. love that knowledge is power shit, see we did figure some shit out already. aww man so much i could type forever it would probably only make sense to me. This shit lines up well though. I'm ready for implants, the next part not actual implants. knowledge is power keep telling folks thank so much yall. Next question, why do the C's tell us/Yall all this? Sorry skepticism has served me very well so far. Thanks.

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"Next question, why do the C's tell us/Yall all this?"

Here are two answers. One: "Because you asked." And two, like you wrote: knowledge is power, i.e. "knowledge protects."

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hell yea first like. here we go, thanks yall

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hell yea guys the first picture and caption is a great synchronicity for me. I'm all about taking it to these alien bitches and the fuckboy entities. We can were so much more then them that's why EVERYTHING has been scaring us stealing our blood fucking us for all of recorded history. Biggest trick is making us think we are the lower life forms. i was playing with my daughter when i seen the email this was out started It started me thinkin, got the Ol' Claircognizants going and the synchronicities. My daughter's name is Ripley. I mean her and her brothers are the whole reason for the quest for knowledge to give it to them so they wont be prey to these fuckin insidious things, so that picture is the fuckin shit. "They" see almost everything especially on the internet i imagine( Jacque Vale (sp?), member of "the Aviary", DARPA and the internet and all) i hope they see this and get fuckin scared. Once again thank yall and thank the C's for me.

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