See Part 1b: More famous cases
The Cassiopaeans largely affirm the overall directions that abduction research has taken over the decades, asserting that missing time does mask abductions, they are intergenerational, hypnosis can be effective in accessing these events and unmasking screening memories, and the beings are largely those types remembered consciously or via hypnosis. The abductors themselves seem to use a highly advanced form of hypnosis, with the ability to mentally control abductees, block or edit memories, or create realistic simulations of events by “restructuring” perceptions in real time. They are engaged in scientific experimentation, including biological tests/sampling, gamete harvesting, and ultimately a mass “hybridization” or genetic-engineering program.
They abduct those they perceive as threats and have the ability to change attitudes and “program” minds for their own purposes. Frequent interactions can have the effect of opening a “window,” facilitating a host of other paranormal phenomena. At least some aspects of the phenomenon involve other dimensions or “densities” of reality (contrary to many, like Jacobs, who view it as entirely physical in nature), and while military abductions do occur, at least in the case of Leah Haley, her memories of Gray aliens were not screens memories of human abductors.
Several transcripts cover questions asked by participants about their own potential abductions (whether remembered or not), or those of family members or acquaintances. The answers were not always consistent, but taken as a whole provide some possible generalizations about the nature of the phenomenon that mesh with conclusions reached by other researchers.
During the first session on July 16, 1994, the Cassiopaeans said that three of the participants had been abducted and gave the following totals for the number of times each had been abducted: 57, 56 (including the previous month), and 12. The answers as to the identities of the abductors were vague (but would become more specific over the months and years). When asked who was doing the abducting the response was simply “others,” who go by “different names.” And when asked what they did during these abductions, they answered: “Gave false memories. Made you inhibited child – headaches – sick at school.” Another individual seven years later was said to have been “abducted and suffering PTSD” (2001-12-19).
Many abductees report personality and health changes following abductions. Bullard cites 11 cases of negative personality changes, which included anxiety, depression, attempted suicide, becoming reclusive and lonely, nervous breakdown and inability to work, erratic and paranoid behavior, and one extreme case of decline into disarray (Dionisio Llanca):
Before the abduction he was hardworking and steady, apparently a rather dull and ordinary young man, but in the months following his abduction he changed jobs frequently and finally ceased to work altogether. He became engaged, then broke off the relationship; before long his parents kicked him out of the house and he was soon jailed for swindling.
In Devils Den: The Reckoning (2020), Terry Lovelace shares several more examples:
“Julia” (case #5) and her sister “Mollie” became “more serious and less playful” after their abduction. (Julia’s math skills also improved.) Mollie went from being carefree and outgoing to “sullen and withdrawn.”
“Tina” (case #6) developed a mystery immune deficiency, now struggles to keep on weight, and suffers “from debilitating migraines and full-body aches” almost daily.
“Linda” (case #14) also suffered from headaches for a period of time.
Many others (including Lovelace) found previously close relationships (e.g. close friends or family members) turn cold and distant immediately after a shared abduction.
The next week, on July 22, 1994, Candy wanted to know more details, but the Cassiopaeans refused, saying her “vibrations [were] not right at this time.” (Five years later, when another participant asked if he had been abducted the C’s again refused to answer, saying “the information would not be useful” at that point in his life – 1999-1-2.)
On July 30, she was told that one of her children had been abducted. Over the next two months Candy had four hypnosis sessions about her experiences; when again asked about her, the C’s confirmed that she had been abducted, but that at least some of the information in the hypnotic regressions was embellished, both consciously and unconsciously. (More details on Candy are available in the books Soul Hackers and High Strangeness.)
September 30, 1994
Q: (L) What was the purpose of [Candy’s most recent] abduction? What were the aliens trying to do with or to her?
A: Vaginal probe.
Q: (L) For what purpose?
A: Reproductive efficacy.
Q: (L) But Candy has had a hysterectomy.
A: They found none [i.e. no “reproductive efficacy”?]. […]
Q: (L) How many times has she been abducted?
A: 52. [The number had previously been 56.] […]
Q: (L) What were all the previous ones for?
A: Study mind and tap [i.e. feed off] emotions. […]
Q: (L) Is this [feeding] for our benefit?
A: No.
“Frank” is also discussed throughout the Wave Series, particularly in Petty Tyrants & Facing the Unknown. In the same September session, a new number was given: 53 (as with Candy the number was four fewer than the previous answer). This number was repeated on October 9, 1994, with the addition that the last time he had been abducted was when he was 23, implying that the abductions hadn’t been occurring “for quite some time.”
September 30, 1994
Q: (L) Why have they been abducting Frank?
A: Mind.
Q: (L) What about his mind?
A: Programmed by advanced powers. [Such programming will be discussed in more detail later in this series.]
Q: (L) Do they feed off Frank’s emotions?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is there any way to break that tap?
A: It is not continuous.
For a third participant, after an initial figure of 12 was given on July 16, about three months later they gave the number 17 (1994-10-9), then on November 2, 1994, repeated the number 12. An initial age of 3 (performed by “Grays”) was given on October 9, 1994, and the last time at age 22. A year and a half later, on April 24, 1996, they listed a range of ages from 2 to 44, implying that an initial abduction had taken place in the intervening time.
Several purposes for abductions were provided in these early sessions, including “for knowledge monitoring” (1994-7-30) and to install self-destructive “encoding” to forestall a potential “threat to reveal truth.” They determine such potential threats via “image aural reading” (1994-10-9). They also cause physical problems, e.g., inhibiting the thyroid (1995-2-11). Many abductees suffer autoimmune and other disorders. According to Kathleen Marden and Denise Stoner in The Alien Abduction Files (2013), 38% of their experiencer group has a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome or reactivated mononucleosis (compared to 1% of the general population).
Two more alleged abductions were mentioned briefly in other sessions. The first began with a question about a past experience in which a participant and a friend pulled off the road to switch drivers. The two walked around the car, got in and then apparently just “sat there for a very long time.” When asked about this, the C’s responded that an abduction occurred “due to the open state” produced by an ingested drug (1994-10-28).
The second involved an experience in which the participant woke up one night with the house surrounded by an extremely bright light. They later woke up reversed in the bed, with the bottom of their nightgown wet with water. Instead of being alarmed or concerned, they just crawled out of bed, turned around, crawled back into bed, and went back to sleep. (Such out-of-character indifference is commonly described in the abduction literature.) The C’s downplayed the possibility that this was just a vivid dream, confirming that the fact that the physical body was reversed and the gown was wet implied “an actual physical abduction” (1996-2-17).
A reference to a possible future abduction in the following session led to a short discussion on two individuals, Mike F. (a ufologist fraud) and John W.:
July 30, 1994
A: […] Mike and John have reported you.
Q: (L) Are they in cahoots with the aliens?
A: Not knowingly. […] Subconscious. Implants.
February 11, 1995
Q: OK, on one occasion you […] said that [John and Mike] were unconscious and unwitting agents for the Lizzies. This perhaps implies that they have been abducted. How many times has John been abducted and when did the abductions start?
A: He has been “contacted” or abducted 186 times beginning at age 4.
Q: What about Mike?
A: Are you ready for this? 446 times.
A few questions were also asked about children and abductions (e.g. 1994-7-30, 1994-11-2), including one which occurred during a UFO sighting (1995-6-17) and an abduction attempt that was stopped by the parent (1994-11-2).
October 16, 1994
Q: (L) Why did the Grays abduct V.?
A: To try to encode her to destroy herself.
Q: (L) Has she overcome this programming?
A: Hopefully. There is always room for error. Remember, free will is the most important law of consciousness in creation.
November 2, 1994
Q: (V) How many times have I been abducted?
A: 55. [Most recent was in] June.
Q: (V) Was that when I was perceiving being attacked…
A: Yes. […]
Q: (V) In June I had a dream where I was taken up and there were light beings and I was also a light being; I was trying on different clothes. I was led into a room where I was told I could write there and when I was told it was time to leave, I had shoes on that had written on them “Earth Star.” Was this an abduction?
A: Yes.
Q: (V) Talk about illusions, I thought that was a good thing! Was this a bad thing?
A: Subjective. [In another context they responded with the word “neutral” (1994-7-30).]
Q: (V) Who were the abductors?
A: Grays.
Q: (V) When I woke up I felt so tall and so electric. I thought it had been the best thing… that was my abduction in June?
A: Yes.
October 25, 1994
Q: (V) What were the red and green balls of light E. [her son] saw several months ago?
A: Grays probing.
Q: (V) Was he abducted at that time?
A: No.
Q: (V) Were the probes there because of him or because of me?
A: Him.
Q: (V) Has he ever been abducted?
A: Yes. [First time at age] two.
November 24, 1994
Q: Back in 1981 and 1982, my daughter A. frequently saw something outside her window that she described as an alligator, and she would wake up screaming and we would get up, and on one occasion we saw what seemed to be a figure standing in a corner by the closet. The whole series of events ended up with my having a dream in which I confronted a dragon…
A: Lizard.
Q: What were they doing at that time?
A: Scoping [for] potential abductees.
Q: And did they abduct anyone at that time?
A: No.
Q: Why didn’t they?
A: You stopped it. […]
Q: Have they tried to harass us since then?
A: Yes [by “garbling” a relative’s emotions].
Recently another reference was made to “scoping.” When asked about a personal sighting of a flying metallic sphere by a participant at age 19, the C’s responded that it was “scoping” him “for abduction,” and was successful at that time (2023-9-23).
November 19, 1994
Q: (T) Have I been abducted?
A: Childhood.
Q: (L) Has he been abducted since he was grown?
A: Maybe in level 3 [i.e. a “consciousness” abduction, to be discussed later in this series] […] but not physical as in childhood. […]
Q: (L) How many times has he been physically abducted?
A: 27.
Q: (L) How many times have they interfered with his consciousness by inducing an alpha state?
A: 196. […]
Q: (T) Will I continue to be abducted now that I have had this change of consciousness?
A: Open.
Q: (T) Are the same beings doing all the abductions or are there different groups?
A: Two groups. [Grays and Lizards.]
J., T.’s wife, had what the C’s called the “usual abduction experience” by the Grays the week before this session:
February 18, 1995
Q: (J) I had an experience last week where I woke up about 20 minutes after I had gone to sleep, screaming my head off, because there was something standing by the bed. What was that?
A: […] you indeed were taken! […]
Q: (L) What did they do?
A: Study update on psychic database. […]
Q: (T) Was J. startled and screamed at the sensation of passing through a window?
A: Don’t need windows. […]
Q: (T) The event seemed to have lasted […] 20 minutes, because I was in the living room watching the television while this happened. But, the experience that happened to her may have lasted longer or shorter in our perception of time, correct?
A: Yes.
Q: […] (J) Did I stop the abduction by screaming?
A: End, consciousness level border.
Q: (T) So, when I came into the bedroom, it had just finished?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) I had nothing to do with the ending of the event? Her screaming just alerted me.
A: You were diverted.
Q: (T) Well, that’s easy enough to do for me. I’m easy to divert! Give me a computer screen and I’m diverted.
A: All are.
March 18, 1995
Q: (L) Has J.’s brother ever been abducted?
A: No.
December 31, 1994
Q: (L) […] has Mark ever been abducted by aliens?
A: Yes, starting at age three. Do you remember “ghost at corner window” at 3 yrs old?
Q: (M) I remember something very vaguely. I think I told Frank the story. Something happened and I think I woke up screaming. I saw something. When was the last time?
A: At age 22.
Q: (V) How many times has Mark been abducted?
A: 23 times.
Q: (M) Will I be abducted again?
A: Yes.
Q: (M) When?
A: It depends on belief center.
Q: (L) I think it might depend on how much knowledge you acquire as to whether you will be abducted again or under what circumstances. […] Who abducted Mark?
A: Grays.
Q: (L) What was the purpose of Mark’s abduction?
A: To study his mind. He has a very strong mind and resolve. […]
Q: (L) Has Diana ever been abducted? [The woman whose hypnotic regression involving mantis-like beings was covered in the Wave Series.]
A: Yes.
Q: (L) When was she first abducted?
A: Age 2.
Q: (L) How many times?
A: 59.
Q: […] (L) Well, how many of these level-1 abductions?
A: 9.
Q: (T) How many were alpha-state abductions?
A: Two weeks ago felt “tingle.”
Q: (V) Well, two weeks ago was the night of the party at the book store in Tampa. (L) OK, has Luanne [Mark’s wife] ever been abducted?
A: Yes. […] 17 [times, starting at age four].
February 25, 1995
Q: (BP) Is G.B. a so-called abductee?
A: In more ways than one. […]
Q: (L) There are about 6 different kinds of abductions ranging from physical to telepathic contact and triggering.
A: And there are human abductions too.
Q: […] (J) Have humans abducted G.B.?
A: Up to G.B.
Q: (L) Remember the gal, no names mentioned, who was supposedly hauled off by the Sasquatch? She came over to my house with bruises on the backs of her legs. Under hypnosis, she described being hauled out by the military and suggestions were implanted to make her think she had been abducted by aliens. She even perceived the truck they drove her off in as an alien craft hovering over the lake behind her house. Was G.B. abducted from the place on Stratford?
A: Yes. [By] Grays. Examined.
Q: (L) Was that his first abduction?
A: No. [Started at] age three.
Q: (L) How many times has G.B. been abducted?
A: 175 times.
Q: (L) When was the last contact?
A: Last week.
Q: (GB) Fooled me. (J) Obviously they have. (L) They can. That is what they do. (GB) What is the agenda for abducting me?
A: You know a lot, don’t you? […]
Q: (TM) Where was I when I got the [implant] in my brain?
A: On travel sequence, in transit […] to some sort of gathering.
Q: (TM) I had in mind a particular time… I was hoping they would tell me something that would justify my suspicions.
A: You tell us. We see transit clearly, but it is unclear why so rapid through 3rd level. Time cycle was interrupted and we can’t see clearly due to cycle block.
Q: (L) Did you have missing time? (TM) Not that I am aware of. In fact, I got somewhere sooner than I should have. (L) Well, that explains why they said “unclear why so rapid through 3rd level.” (J) Did T.M. experience time acceleration?
A: You bet.
Q: (TM) What kind of vehicle was I traveling in?
A: Can’t see due to the cycle block.
Q: (L) What is a cycle block?
A: Too complex, but it involves a dome of frequency over subject.
Q: (GB) In a bubble?
A: Close.
Q: (BP) So, what they do is screw with our perception of time, they just yank you out, do what they do, throw you back in and if it’s faster, it’s faster, if it’s slower, it’s slower. Who gives a hoot. (L) Sloppy work.
A: Close. [These time errors will be covered more in future parts.]
Q: (J) Kind of like putting people back in the wrong cars or facing the wrong end of the bed, pajamas inside out, or whatever. (BP) People have woken up in different beds, in different houses, out in the woods, whatever.
A: Yes.
Q: (GB) When was the last time my wife was abducted?
A: Last week.
Q: (J) Were they both abducted at the same time?
A: Yes.
Q: […] (GB) When we were both abducted together, was it a physical or other abduction?
A: Soul abduction.
Q: (L) Did it occur during the night while they were sleeping?
A: Yes.
Q: (GB) What did they do during the soul abduction? What was the purpose?
A: Knowledge review.
Q: […] (J) Who reviewed the knowledge?
A: Lizards, of course.
Q: (J) It was like a download. […] (GB) Is this to elevate our knowledge, or to monitor our knowledge?
A: Both, but mostly monitor.
Q: (L) How could being abducted by the STS beings increase our knowledge?
A: Accidentally. […]
Q: (L) So, in other words, they may abduct someone to monitor their knowledge, but if the individual has achieved a certain level of knowledge, the abduction only serves to add to their knowledge?
A: Yes.
In addition to the 11 cases of personality disintegration cited by Bullard above, he also found 20 cases of transformation that “count as improvements or at least as no decline.” These included developing a hunger for knowledge (the most common), greater learning capacity and talents, new careers, diet and lifestyle changes. If the Cassiopaeans are correct, most of these positive reactions are unintentional. Others may simply serve the abductors’ purposes (e.g. new career, talents, diet, etc.).
September 16, 1995
Q: (RC) How many times have I been abducted?
A: 20.
Q: (RC) Were most of those in childhood or more recent?
A: Both.
Q: […] (RC) Within the past 8 years?
A: Yes.
Q: (RC) So most of them were within the past 8 years?
A: No. Just most recent.
Q: (L) Why have they abducted her less than some we have heard about?
A: Less?
Q: (L) Well, some people seem to have a lot more, and 20 does not seem like a lot.
A: Abductions take many forms. […]
Q: (RC) I was abducted while I was with [my old boyfriend]?
A: Well yes, but Israel biggest abduction [of her life]. […] Abduction with David was in South Africa.
Q: (L) What is meant by the biggest abduction was in Israel? [Abduction by Grays occurred in the Negev desert when she was pregnant.]
A: Physical retrieval. […]
Q: (RC) This makes sense because my migraines started in South Africa… I lost my virginity in the Negev… so that is probably when they started abducting me. It’s the whole sexual thing, right?
A: Yes.
October 14, 1995
Q: (L) OK, now we have a visitor this evening [T.K.], and he is really just kind of on the periphery […] of this subject, more or less, but he does have a couple of questions he would like to ask, and one of the questions is: has he himself ever been abducted by aliens in this lifetime?
A: Complex. […] Ships are vulnerable to ELF and “zero time transfer.”
Q: (L) So, are you suggesting that any abductions that took place, took place while he was on board a ship [in the Navy]?
A: Maybe. […] We see “Bahrain.”
Q: […] (TK) We were only in Bahrain one night. (T) That’s all it takes! (L) Like getting pregnant, you know! It only takes once! […] (J) Was he abducted?
A: Examined, as with all others on ship. […]
Q: (T) Was the Navy aware of what was happening?
A: Segmented.
Q: […] (TK) Some know and some don’t.
A: Yes. […]
Q: […] (L) Are all military personnel routinely abducted and studied by aliens?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are all military personnel routinely abducted and studied by the military itself?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is the classification that the person has to fall into in order to be abducted and studied by the military?
A: What makes you think “classifications” correlates with abductions?
Q: (TK) It’s not the classification, it’s gotta be the type of person… […]
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) And how easy it would be to influence….
A: Of course. […] And many other factors.
Q: (TK) It would have to have something to do with what they could do for the abductors. I mean, they have to be in a position to help them… […] (L) Is that a correct assumption?
A: Yes. STS. […] Vibrational frequency.
Q: (L) OK, so if the person has an STS vibrational frequency, that already predisposes them to abduction. Is that correct?
A: Some.
Q: (T) OK, that’s a factor. There’s more than one agenda involved with abductions. Are the military personnel that are being abducted, is that a specific agenda that is being followed?
A: Artificial classifications, such as military designations, are important to human groups only.
December 16, 1995
Q: (L) I received an e-mail from a fellow who experienced something similar to what […] you called an “eclipsing of realities.”
A: It was an abduction by cybergenetic probes whose origin, or more correctly, “station,” is the 5th planet around Betelgeuse, known as A. Hur in Orion Federation 4th-density STS.
Q: (L) What was the purpose of this abduction?
A: Screen for compatibility for placement on shune, platter, within Mark Status 3.
Q: (L) What does that mean? Placement on “shune, platter”?
A: It is a demarcation status for compatibility of future “worker” status.
January 7, 1996
Q: (L) Now, with all of us here, we would like to ask why the black, flying boomerangs showed up on the night Pat first came for hypnosis [see Amazing Grace]? […] If it is rare for it to occur in response to a hypnosis session, which person were the UFO’s particularly interested in?
A: It was not a person, but information that is hidden in the subconscious memory of Patricia.
Q: (L) Were they wanting to get this information?
A: No. To monitor what would be revealed.
Q: (L) Does this mean that Pat has information programmed into her before birth that she needs to access?
A: No. Abductions.
Q: (L) They wanted to see if anything would be revealed about their abductions of her?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) OK, since she is here, can we ask who abducted her?
A: Grays.
Q: (L) How many times has she been abducted?
A: 4. Snow scene was only 3rd density. […] Abduction which occurred there was strictly physical. […] The others were 4th density. 3rd-density abduction only occurs rarely, and is of great import. […]
Q: (P) Was my son abducted?
A: Frozen.
Q: (L) Why did they want Pat so bad that they would take her physically?
A: Do you have any ideas?
Q: (L) Yes, I have ideas. Maybe Pat has ideas and knowledge that she could access to work against these beings?
A: But real reason is more fundamental. […] Exposure. […] Government proximities!
Q: (L) Oh! When I was talking earlier about people who have someone working for the government, such people tend to be abducted more. And just because Pat was married to a scientist who worked at JPL doesn’t mean she knew anything. Does she know something?
A: Not what she knew. […] Because of proximity to consortium activity.
Q: (P) Was that activity in the tunnel? [Pat is referring to the underground base where her husband worked on secret research.]
A: Implanted for possible future activation.
Q: (L) So, because of your proximity to the people you were living around and interacting with, you had an implant designed to control you if need be. (P) Was this related to what was going on under the mountain? […]
A: Not locator, personnel are factored. […]
Q: (L) Was it her husband?
A: Perhaps.
Q: (L) Maybe that is why there is a higher rate of abduction among family members of government employees, so that they can be activated or controlled? (P) But my husband wasn’t really working on anything secret.
A: He had access to sensitive facilities.
Q: (L) Did he have a security clearance or was he friends with others who did? (P) I had a security clearance. (L) So, Pat had an implant put in. […] (P) Is that why I can’t remember anything?
A: Some.
Q: (L) Did you ever have headaches or nose or ear problems? (P) No, but I do have this memory problem in a big way. (L) What is the main part of the memory problem Pat has? Can you give us any more on that?
A: No.
Q: (L) So, can I say that this UFO appeared over my house on the night Pat was under hypnosis, to reinforce the implant so that she would not be able…
A: To monitor.
Q: (L) If Pat had revealed the details of her abduction, would there have been any repercussions?
A: Not in this case.
Q: (L) Are there cases when persons reveal details of their abductions, that there are repercussions?
A: Varied.
Q: (L) So, if Pat had gone to anyone, these craft would have appeared?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) You have already told us that this is extremely rare. Did Pat have an abduction experience of unusual significance?
A: 3rd density.
Q: (L) OK, what else was unusual?
A: Discover.
Q: (P) Does this have anything to do with Camp David?
A: Not the issue, its personnel!
Q: (L) Did you know somebody? Was it that she knew someone or interacted with someone in particular?
A: Many others! […]
Q: (L) Since Pat has only been abducted 4 times, can this mean that she is resistant to that?
A: No.
Q: (P) Isn’t that just my personality, that if it doesn’t affect me I don’t bother with it?
A: Yes.
Q: (P) I don’t get bothered about things that…
A: Shoot somebody in front of Pat, and she says: “Oh well, that’s life” so, to discover spectacular things, one must be patient and probe carefully, no hasty assumptions, please!! There is much to be retrieved, revealed, studied. [For more on Pat/“Pam,” see the Wave Series chapters 18, 21, 44, 45 and 64.]
September 21, 1996
Q: (L) Has he [A.] been abducted before?
A: No.
Q: (L) He’s never been abducted?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is there some plan to abduct him at the present time?
A: It does not work that way.
Q: (L) How does it work?
A: Too complex.
November 14, 1998
Q: (L) OK, [Bob] had a similar dream. He writes: “I am walking down a road at night alone with a destination, though at first I don’t know or think about where it is. There are a few cars passing me going only in the same direction, very slowly but I pay no attention to them. The road becomes a dirt road and then just a couple of ruts, but the worse it gets, the more cars are passing me. Then one car comes very close to me, and I think it bumps my arm. It is one of those little 3-wheel cars like you see in Europe, so this surprises me, but when I look behind it, there are a lot more just like it. When the car bumps me (didn’t hurt) a piece falls off it and I think that I will help put it back on for them, but the piece rolls all the way to where the car pulls off the road. When I get to the car, a woman gets out and she is looking up at the sky, but I realize that her eyes are closed. She is walking around the car and I see that she is going to bump into me so I say, ‘Whups, careful, careful.’ She opens her eyes and looks at me and says, ‘Why do you have to make things harder?’ I answer, ‘I’m not trying to make things harder on anyone, lady. I’m just trying to get home.’ I continue to walk and hear her saying something behind me, but I don’t know what because a MAN AND A DOG are crossing to the other side of the road. (I think this guy got into the wrong dream.) Our eyes meet but we don’t say anything to each other. He is tall and thin with a salt and pepper beard and doesn’t seem menacing. The dog just seems to be at the end of a leash, but I didn’t really look at it and don’t know what it looked like. They seem to be heading into the woods on the other side of the road and as I walk, the road turns left into a trail which runs parallel to the woods. I see the light from the man’s flashlight(?) and I realize that he is trying to get ahead of me and this is a threat so I start running. Then my alarm goes off and I wake up hearing Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ playing although I had turned the radio down so low that it was just a whisper and shouldn’t have wakened me at all.” (L) So, any comments about this funny dream that Bob was having? Especially the man walking the dog...
A: The dog is your friendly representative from “alien central.”
Bruce Rapuano, PhD, in Dominion Lost (2023), writes: “abductees have reported sightings of owls, deer, and other animals outside their home that were revealed through regressive hypnosis to be the beginning of an abduction episode. In many cases, it seems as if the images of animals had been projected into the minds of the victims as screen memories to mask the real alien kidnappers, the way our computers can change one face into another using deep fake technology.”
Q: (L) Are you saying that they were abducted and these dreams represent an abduction?
A: They could be a memory of one.
Q: (L) So, by becoming aware in a general sense, memories from the past may begin to surface? Even if it surfaces in these obscure ways?
A: Yes.
This is a common feature of the abduction “aftermath.” Memories will surface days, months, or years after the fact, either waking or in dreams.
November 21, 1998
Q: (M) He says: “I’ve had three experiences with aliens, who kindly provided me with silicon beads of some kind.” […] When and where was the last experience?
A: April and in sleep state. […]
Q: (M) In the dream about the “communication device,” was that a memory of a previous experience, or was it an actual experience that happened that night?
A: Reflection.
August 20, 2001
Q: Terri wants to know if she’s had some sort of programming other than socio-cultural programming?
A: Yes.
Q: Was she subjected to any sort of ritual Satanic abuse?
A: No.
Q: Was the programming done by 3rd-density beings or 4th-density beings?
A: 4th.
Q: What was the purpose of the programming?
A: To defuse, confuse, misuse energy.
Q: Was she abducted as a child?
A: Yes.
Q: How many times has she been abducted in her life?
A: 13. […]
Q: Were these physical abductions or soul-extraction replication abductions?
A: Both.
Q: How many actual physical abductions?
A: 3.
Q: By whom was she abducted?
A: Grays and Lizards. […]
Q: (T) When I was pregnant and lost the baby, was that part of some abduction experience? [Long pause.] (L) They don’t want to answer that. That’s a touchy subject for them. Did she have a baby that was taken by the STS aliens?
A: Very likely. […]
Q: Have any of her children been abducted?
A: Yes.
Q: Were these physical or soul-extraction duplications?
A: Mostly latter.
Q: […] (L) Has it happened since Terri has begun waking up to it as a possibility?
A: No.
Q: Is awareness the chief protection?
A: Yes.
Q: What is the best way to remove or undo programming?
A: Awareness and resistance.
Q: How many times has Vincent been abducted? [Laughter.]
A: 136. […]
Q: (T) How recently has he been abducted? Yesterday? Last week?
A: Hot popper [i.e. “recently”].
In sum, almost all the relevant adults about whom the question was asked were said to have been abducted (25 out of 27). Children of participants were less likely (4 out of at least 10). (This should not be considered a random sample, and the actual incidence of abduction experiences is probably much lower, as we’ll see, perhaps 2%.) Age of first abduction ranged from 2 to 4 years old. Three participants had their last abduction years previously, in their early 20s, while for others it was as recently as a week or month prior to the session in question. These numbers align closely with Bullard’s conclusions:
Abduction victims can be of any age from very young to very old, but one surprising discovery is that most abductees are young. Few people over the age of 30 experience a first abduction. Once a victim often means future experiences are in store, with ages of 6-7, 12-13 and 20 being especially susceptible. Even repeaters seem to fall out of favor as they age. […] After a peak in the 20s, instances of abduction decline and the drop is precipitous beyond 40.
Joshua Cutchin writes in Thieves in the Night: “Most reports suggest alien abductions begin around six or seven years old—through kidnapped infants are not unheard of.” The ages given by the C’s suggest they start even earlier, perhaps when they are less likely to be noticed or remembered.
The total number of abductions and/or “contacts” per person ranged from 4 to 446. Leaving out these two outliers, the range is 12 to 186. Just over half of the participants were said to have been abducted between 20 and 60 times over the course of their lives. While Bullard wrote his analysis before the repeat abduction phenomenon was well documented, Jacobs notes that over the period of 1999 to 2007, he personally examined over 100 abduction experiences of a single individual (“Betsey Nicholas”).