See Part 1a: Introduction, hypnosis and famous cases
November 19, 1994
Q: (L) Who abducted Betty Andreasson?
A: Grays.
Q: (L) Was the information that Betty Andreasson was given by these beings who abducted her screen information or false information […] for disinformation?
A: All of the above and some factual. […]
Q: (L) Where was Betty Andreasson taken to when she saw the phoenix in her abduction?
A: Another dimension of reality.
Q: (L) Is Betty Andreasson correct in believing that her experiences are positive and are bringing her closer to God? [She thought the aliens passing through walls must have been angels, for example.]
A: No.
Q: (L) Is Betty Andreasson deluded?
A: No. She is a victim.
The Andreasson case was studied in depth by Ray Fowler and published in a series of books. The phoenix experience is related in the first book, where he writes: “because of its uniqueness within UFO literature and its strong religious overtones, the phoenix episode was difficult to accept as a physical experience.” Bullard summarizes the event:
The family had just finished supper when a light appeared outside and a vacuum-like stillness descended on the house. Her father saw strange beings move with a leaping motion, then lost consciousness as did the other members of the household. Betty saw the short hairless beings pass through the closed door and communicated with them by telepathy. [The aliens wore patches bearing the image of a phoenix; other abductees recall a winged serpent.] Quazgaa, the leader, invited her aboard his ship and she finally agreed, leaping with them as she entered. She passed through a “cleansing device” and then received an examination, during which the beings seemed to remove a tiny object from inside her head. The beings then guided her to an enclosed chair and filled the space with a liquid while the ship flew to some otherworld. The first part of this world was barren, but a second part was lush and watery, with a city in the distance but no sun or definite horizon visible. She passed a mass of crystals and approached a brilliant, painfully hot light in front of which stood a huge bird [15 feet tall], actually a phoenix, since when the light dimmed the bird was gone, replaced by embers which cooled to ashes and a worm then crawled from the heap as the legend states. A voice she took to be God’s then spoke to her. She then returned to earth, but before she left the ship Quazgaa, his large eyes enlarged enormously, planted a message in her head.
During this “theophany” episode, the voice told her: “You have seen, and you have heard. Do you understand?” When she replied no, it told her she was chosen and used language implying it was the voice of God, which prompted an intense religious experience of joy and rapture.
December 31, 1994
Q: (L) What is the energy fueling Whitley Strieber and his work?
A: Grays.
Q: (L) He is an agent of the Grays?
A: No. Instrument of the Grays.
Q: (T) So, all his writing is compromised by the Grays?
A: Influenced by them.
Q: (T) Well, he says that too. (L) Well, he now thinks he has learned how to be a companion of God through these experiences.
A: Wolfen reflects Lizzie reality. [Wolfen is Strieber’s best-selling 1978 debut novel.]
Strieber’s writing vacillates between stark descriptions of the terror and abuse he suffered at the hands of his “visitors,” and attempts to understand and interpret these beings in “non-judgmental” terms that aren’t overly negative. For example, in his latest book, Them (2023), he can write the following:
When we cease to see gods, angels, fairy folk, and the rest, is this what is left—these strangely aggressive, elusive, and rather horrible entities? […] that this is their world and we are part of it?
Given what I have seen and lived with, I wouldn’t rule out the existence of beings who, because of their powers and how they exercise them, might as well be called demons. […] What if there is indeed something “wandering the world” and preying on us in ways that we don’t understand?
And yet follow up with statements like these:
[…] repeat contact can be harrowing if it is unwanted. But for those witnesses who turn toward the visitors and attempt to relate to them, there is often a long-developing relationship that goes from terror to acceptance to eventual companionship […]
[…] when we look at how they are exploiting us, it must be concluded that they are something much more like hunters, here to take advantage of the human herd as long as it lasts. […] that we are a prey species. […] But why would they do this? Is it that they are a house divided against itself and have two contradictory needs—one to use us and the other, perhaps, to relieve their own loneliness?
Judging from the stories I have discussed, there is an exploitative side to the close encounter experience, but also a possibility that this can be changed into something more desirable to us.
This tendency was already present in Communion (1987), as one Amazon reviewer observes: “He seems to constantly try to make a case that these creatures are simply misunderstood in their motives. It’s almost like he perceives abduction as a good experience and abductees are blessed with secret knowledge.”
Q: (L) We want to know, what kind of energy is behind Budd Hopkins?
A: Divergent.
Q: (L) Is he on the right track in his research?
A: Halfway.
Q: (T) Is the Linda Cortile case a set-up to discredit him?
A: No.
Q: (T) Everything that she says happened really happened to her?
A: In 4th density.
Q: (T) Well, all the abduction stuff was in 4D, but being pulled out of the apartment from the 17th floor or wherever it was, and being sucked up in the beam of the light, that actually happened to her?
A: In 4th density.
Q: (T) How did people in 3rd density see it?
A: Only those who were tuned in saw it.
Q: (L) Were there people there who did not see it?
A: Yes.
The abduction took place on November 30, 1989, from the 12th floor of Cortile’s Lower Manhattan apartment building. After their car engine died, two security personnel on the road below observed her body floating from the window within a beam of light towards a UFO. One of the men had been on Mikhail Gorbachev’s security detail in 1988.
July 8, 1995
Q: (L) Alright, now, reading about the Linda Cortile case, the woman supposedly abducted out of a high-rise apartment building, rumored to have taken place in the sight of [UN Secretary-General] Javier Pérez de Cuéllar and his bodyguards and driver. […] Was the man who witnessed this really Javier?
A: Yes, but not only one.
According to the driver, several other prominent world leaders observed the event, as they were all part of a convoy heading to a high-level meeting.
Q: (L) OK, of the two people who were supposed to be the bodyguards of the “VIP,” one of them exhibited some extremely bizarre behavior after this event. What was the cause of this bizarre behavior? Was it him trying to freak out Linda Cortile, or was he simply freaked out himself?
A: Simple shock.
Jorjani summarizes this aspect of the case in Closer Encounters: “The two men had their lives totally destroyed by the traumatic shock of this incident. What were world-class top-tier security men became two terrified souls sleeping with baseball bats in their beds and pistols by their side, or even putting a dummy in their own bed while sleeping in a guest room.”
Q: (L) So, he was having a hard time dealing with it himself. During the discussion of this case, it seems that this particular incident really involved a mass abduction, because a number of women in the neighborhood have subsequently claimed that they not only were abducted at the same time on the same night, but that during the course of time that they were being taken to this craft, they saw other women walking out on the street together. Was this, in fact, a mass abduction?
A: Some was hysteria.
Q: (L) Do mass abductions ever occur?
A: Open. [They later confirmed that they do, e.g. 1995-10-7, 2001-10-13.]
Q: (L) Did Linda Cortile make up any of this story?
A: Open.
Q: (T) Is Budd Hopkins ever going to come out with the story?
A: Open.
Hopkins eventually published a book on the case in 1996 called Witnessed. Researcher Yvonne Smith later wrote a book on a 1994 mass abduction, also with connections to world leaders: Coronado: The President, the Secret Service and Alien Abductions (2014).
March 4, 1995
Q: (L) Has the woman who is now known as Leah Haley – and I understand that she legally changed her name to protect her family – has she been harassed by the U.S. government, or it this a screen memory put in by aliens with concomitant confirmations?
A: Yes to question one and no to question two.
Q: (T) Are any of her memories of abductions by Grays screen memories of abductions by the government?
A: No.
Haley had published a book a couple of years prior called Lost Was the Key (1993). (A second book, Unlocking Alien Closets, was published in 2003.) A reviewer of the first book writes:
She claims to have been abducted several times by such human agents, who drugged and interrogated her to get information about the aliens. Why the military should be so interested in her experiences becomes obvious when she quietly drops a bomb on the reader, saying that she was inside a spaceship that crash landed after having been shot down by the U.S. Air Force.
MILABS (military abductions) are covered later in this series.
July 25, 1998
Q: (L) I read the new book [The Threat] by Dr. David Jacobs, professor of history at Temple University, concerning his extensive research into the alien abduction phenomenon. Dr. Jacobs says that now, after all of these years of somewhat rigorous research, that he knows what the aliens are here for and he is afraid. David Jacobs says that producing offspring is the primary objective behind the abduction phenomenon. Is this, in fact, the case?
A: Part, but not “the whole thing.”
Q: (L) Is there another dominant reason?
A: Replacement. […] You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and replacement… see?
By the time Jacobs published his next book, Walking Among Us, in 2015, he had come closer to such an understanding of the alien agenda; as he put it, “global integration resulting in takeover.” He writes:
Since 1998, I have found an evolution in some important abduction events. Many abductees are now being given new, additional duties. […] implementing “The Change” has now become almost a full-time occupation for many of them. […] It is clear now that integration into human society is the aliens’ primary goal. […] They do not talk about healing the Earth, or healing or enlightening humans, or joining together with humans in a cosmic community, or anything else that might help humans. They talk about sending aliens to Earth to live here undetected and eventually to supplant humans. […] It is possible that integration into human society may merely be a preparation for The Change. […] The Change may be a final, as yet unknown, event or series of events that will culminate in the aliens’ completion of their program. Whatever the final event is, it will be exclusively for the aliens’ benefit. [The Cassiopaeans describe this “Change” as “The Wave.”]
Christian abductee Karin Wilkinson said something along these lines in a recent interview promoting her book Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest (2023):
Interviewer: I’ve had two guests recently say that there are a lot of human-ET hybrids underground that they’re waiting to repopulate the Earth with. Is that what they’re doing or what do you mean by corrupting the bloodlines?
KW: So as humans, we have, as author and researcher Timothy Alberino says, the birthright to this planet. […] These entities want that birthright to Earth, but God gave us that […] If they are able to infiltrate the human bloodline then they can also gain access to the title deed to this planet and to the people. And if they can do it in such a way as to not be noticed – like these hybrids look human enough that they can just get away with having them, as Dr. David Jacobs says in his book, “walking among us” – […] then they can be used to deceive people too. They can be used to not just gain the title deed to this Earth – there’s enough of them – but to deceive people away from the truth: the truth about who we are, who our creator is and things like that. […]
Interviewer: So in your opinion their agenda is to take over the planet but they can’t because they’ve kind of got to do it a backhanded way or become us in a way so they can.
KW: Exactly.
Those disposed to see the phenomenon in a more positive light may still perceive hints of this agenda. In Passport to the Cosmos (1999), John Mack wrote:
The aliens seem to have lost their bodies, or at least have become less densely embodied than the human beings. Some abductees are informed that something went wrong biologically for the aliens as a result of an overstepping or technological hubris of the kind we are engaged in now on this planet, and like the angels, long to have a body.
Here is Strieber’s characteristic interpretation, from Them:
It may be that our visitors are here not to prevent a mass extinction from taking place but to help us manage it. I say this because their secrecy seems to contradict their warnings about our survival. They certainly want us to survive, but perhaps only a select group of us, and they will decide who that is going to be. […] It can be concluded that […] one of the things they are doing is extracting biological material necessary to preserve a sample of us.
He compares this vision with the extinction of the dinosaurs: “instead of starting anew, the catastrophe resulted in the appearance of new, more efficient, and more physically advanced creatures.” He doesn’t consider that those bodies may not be designed for us.
In 2017, former attorney general of Samoa and abductee Terry Lovelace had an encounter with the being who had been his liaison or handler since his childhood abductions. She told him that the hybridization program is “intended to preserve a piece of humanity.”
Stefano Breccia’s “friends” told him what the “CTRs” (their term for the “bad guys”) were up to. As Breccia told Timothy Good: “The reason the CTRs are here is to study us because they understand that there is a difference between them and us. They were created—I don’t know where—and distributed in the universe. They want to understand how to cover the gap between themselves and us…”
Q: (L) Well, that answered my other question about the objective. Well, here in the book, Dr. Jacobs says that there are ongoing abductions through particular families. I quote: “Beyond protecting the fetus, there are other reasons for secrecy. If abductions are, as all the evidence clearly indicates, an intergenerational phenomenon in which the children of abductees are themselves abductees, then one of the aliens’ goals is the generation of more abductees. Are all children of abductees incorporated into the phenomenon? The evidence suggests that the answer is yes. If an abductee has children with a non-abductee, the chances are that all their descendants will be abductees. This means that through normal population increase, divorce, remarriage and so on, the abductee population will increase quickly throughout the generations. When those children grow and marry and have children of their own, all of their children, whether they marry an abductee or non-abductee, will be abductees. To protect the intergenerational nature of the breeding program, it must be kept secret from the abductees so that they will continue to have children. If the abductees knew that the program was intergenerational, they might elect not to have children. This would bring a critical part of the program to a halt, which the aliens cannot allow. The final reason for secrecy is to expand the breeding program, to integrate laterally in society, the aliens must make sure that abductees mate with non-abductees and produce abductee children.” Now, this seems to suggest that there is a particular bloodline that is susceptible to…
A: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a “trial run,” and by now you see the similarities, do you not?
August 28, 1999
Q: (L) This idea that came out with Ted Rice [in Masquerade of Angels] was perfectly horrible. He said he remembered his grandmother being raped by a reptoid that pretended to be her dead husband, and that basically, the reptoids killed his grandmother.
Rice had been disturbed and guilt-ridden for decades after a traumatizing childhood experience. His beloved grandmother had come to visit from her farm when he was ten years old. They always shared a bed when she visited. That night, he awakened, sensing something in the room with them, but couldn’t move:
Something shifted then, and Teddy was suddenly aware of being at the foot of the bed. He saw both their bodies still under the covers, and now he could hear a voice. It was unfamiliar, deep and angry and male, and for a crazy moment he wondered if the voice could possibly be coming from him, since he didn’t see anyone else in the room. The words made no sense, however, but Teddy could feel the dangerous anger within them. A shift again, and he was back in his body, in bed and still unable to move. Grandy wasn’t moving, either. The man’s deep, frightening voice droned on, and Teddy fought to cry out at him to stop. His mouth wouldn’t work. He couldn’t raise his hand to turn on the bedside lamp, he couldn’t punch his grandmother in the back and wake her up, he couldn’t do anything but feel afraid. So he closed his eyes, and the next moment, it seemed, he opened them to see daylight streaming in through the lace-curtained window by the bed.
He awoke to find his grandmother in the kitchen with her bags packed—days before she had planned to leave. Before going to get ready for school, he asked her, “What was that last night?”
“What was what?” she replied, avoiding his gaze.
“Didn’t you hear it, Grandy?” he asked. “Who was that man? I woke up and heard him talking. I didn’t see him, but he scared me. Who was that?”
She reached out and enfolded Teddy into her lap. There were tears in her eyes when she finally answered him, and the young boy began to cry, too.
“That was the Devil, child,” she told him. “That was the Devil, but don’t you worry about it none. Your grandma took care of him, so don’t think about it any more.”
She kissed him on both cheeks and then put him back down on the floor.
Later that day, she was insistent on being driven home, despite the inconvenience to Ted’s parents. Shortly after the family made the trip to take her home the next day, while they were still at her farm, she died of a massive stroke. Ted blamed himself. This was one of the events suggestive of abduction that Bartholic examined under regression in 1992. At first, Ted saw his grandmother all dressed up that night, with “the beings” telling her how special and beautiful she was. Ted felt an alarm bell at this, and the words felt false as he said them. Bartholic told him to clarify his vision, which revealed a nightmare. His grandmother was complaining of a pain in the back of her head. He recalled being taken out of bed, and seeing a “lizard-like man” put a drill-like device to her head. “She got very angry, and I think she hit one of them because they were hurting her.”
“He told her that they put something into her head,” he said reluctantly, “and that if she doesn’t cooperate, it would kill her, and only they can stop it. She still refuses.”
At first he thought the argument was over a request for his grandmother to help some people who would come to her (she was a herbal healer). Again he went deeper and found what it was really about: “He told her he would have my soul.” His grandmother stepped between Ted and the being to protect him, telling the being she was not afraid of it.
“This reptilian man was talking about me, when we first got there. It had something to do with my being, and with the other group that had had contact with me. I’m not sure who the other group is. They wanted my soul, and Grandy protected me. She said, ‘Jesus will not allow you to touch this child or take him.’ That’s when he told her she would die.”
The beings then attempted to have sex with her, but she refused, telling them she had only ever slept with her (deceased) husband. That is when one of them adopted the form of her husband, gave her some mind-altering liquid, and raped her immobile body. As he finished, he reverted to reptilian form. They then attempted to force Ted to have intercourse with his grandmother, and to perform oral sex on one of them. (Incidentally, he described its genitalia as “more like a male dog” – “instead of just getting an erection, it seems to come out of an encasement like a gun” – a detail that matches another case of reptoid rape covered by Laura in the Wave Series, and the actual anatomy of alligators.)
Ted believes his grandmother’s stroke was retribution for her protection of Ted, and that the drill-like tool had installed something in her brain that caused the stroke two days later. However, as to the nature of these events, he is open to other possibilities:
“For a long time I wanted the rape not to be real. I wanted it to be an implanted suggestion, a hologram or virtual reality scenario. I even thought maybe they didn’t actually, physically rape us but somehow abused our spirits or souls instead, and the memory somehow came out that way under hypnosis. I wanted it to be anything but what it was.
“Then after months of torturing myself, I finally accepted the fact that it didn’t really matter, anyway, because the damage was done regardless, and it couldn’t be changed. I was so ashamed, humiliated, embarrassed, and eaten up with contempt and anger that I thought I would rather die than let anyone know what had happened, especially my family. But now I feel differently.”
Others have described Reptilians appearing in human form during sexual encounters. Marden and Stoner cite the case of Audrey Hewins, who “felt she’d been raped in her bedroom by a good-looking man that suddenly turned into a green lizard-like reptile resembling [the] Sleestak from the show ‘Land of the Lost.’”
Former ONI service member Matthew Roberts (who was present during the USS Roosevelt “Gimbal” event in 2015) experienced being raped by a being that adopted the face if an ex-girlfriend from 20 years prior (after cycling through several other familiar faces, as if the being’s head were a high-definition computer monitor).
Q: [Rice] came to see all of his psychic experiences and everything that happened to him as instituted and controlled by the Lizards. Is that, in fact, the case? Or, did he also have some good guys working with him?
A: Latter.
Ted’s life makes for fascinating reading. He is an extremely gifted psychic—a fact that took him years to accept about himself. After embracing this, he gravitated to New Age ideas, conversing with “spirit guides” and offering his services to clients. He notes that his alien encounters left him with distinctly different impressions than his regular encounters with “guides”—much more physical and disturbing. He developed symptoms of PTSD. However, his guides remained silent whenever it came to such things. Turner and Rice seem to think this implied that they were somehow extensions of the aliens, and Bartholic called Ted “designed.” While this may be true, there are other possibilities. His psychic nature may just have been shaped and exploited. His “guides” may have been beings of a different order, perhaps limited by their own lack of awareness and/or need to respect Ted’s own painful journey of discovery, or themselves deceived and controlled. And the negative encounters (which almost drove Ted to suicide at one point) may also have been designed to destroy him.
One of his experiences in the book might suggest the identity of that “other group” the reptilians were concerned about. At one point, Ted awoke to find himself in an unfamiliar location. A group of men, each different from the other, assembled. This council of sorts proceeded to give him some advice: to stop trying to please people and gain their validation. “You must not concern yourself with what other people think. You are here to do very important work. This over-concern with the opinions of others is holding back your progress.” This was arguably true, but Turner and Rice do not dwell on this experience or point out the possible connection.
Q: Did he, essentially, throw the baby out with the bathwater because of his work with Bartholic?
A: Close.
Ted himself was open to the possibility of some “good guys,” but thought it applied to another group of aliens who he had observed having some sort of confrontation with the ones who hurt him: “if they were really two opposing groups, what were they doing there together? They seemed to be sharing the premises. Not long ago, I read a passage in the Gnostic Gospels where Jesus talked about the good angels and the bad angels working together, Barb, and I think that’s exactly what is going on with the ETs.”
Ted currently appears regularly on a podcast with Stuart Eglington where he goes into detail about the events which would have appeared in Masquerade of Angels II, on which Karla Turner was working when she died.
June 24, 2023
Q: (L) Was Travis Walton revived by the aliens because he was accidentally killed by a plasma beam [as John DeSouza writes in The Extra-Dimensionals (2016)]?
A: Partly true indeed.
Q: (L) […] What part is true? He was revived by the alien beings? [Note that they said this also happened to Eddie Page.]
A: Yes. […]
Q: (L) Was he intentionally killed?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did they change their minds?
A: Orders came from higher.
Q: (L) So somebody up in the 4D-STS hierarchy ordered them to revive him and put him back?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Was he put back the way he was before?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) What changed? […] Was he missing something?
A: He was used for sperm harvesting and memories were wiped.
On November 5, 1975, Walton and a team of loggers spotted a UFO in the in the Apache–Sitgreaves National Forests in Arizona. Bullard summarizes the case:
When the object began to wobble the sounds grew louder and Travis started to flee, but a beam of light struck him in the head and chest, numbing him all over and throwing him to the ground. The men in the truck saw the light lift him a foot off the ground and knock him backwards a distance of several feet, then drove off in panic. […] when they returned Walton and the UFO were gone. For five days search parties failed to find Walton in the rugged wilderness area of Arizona where he disappeared, then about midnight on the fifth day he phoned relatives who then found him in poor physical condition [He had lost 10 pounds and was dehydrated.] and unaware of the duration of his absence. His memories of the abduction included awakening in the presence of large-eyed, hairless humanoids and lying on an examination table, then later a human man guided him out of the UFO into a huge hangar-like room. All in all Walton’s memories covered about two hours of time, and hypnosis by Dr. James Harder two weeks later added depth but no further breadth to these recollections.
Walton wrote a book about the experience: Fire in the Sky: The Walton Experience (1978, 1996).
Q: (T.C.) Might as well ask if [DeSouza] is Greenbaumed given the sort of “New Age programmer” installations that some Greenbaum victims get and his high strangeness experiences in his youth. Maybe such a programming could explain where he’s gotten some of his ideas from. (L) […] Is he Greenbaumed or something similar?
A: No, but he has been tracked and interfered with since childhood due to his FRV [frequency resonance vibration].
Q: (L) OK, so when he said in his description of his early attempted abduction experience at the beginning of the book that for some reason they couldn’t take him through, was that due to his FRV?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And his insights when he encounters many phenomena, being able to assess them and draw a correct inference, is also due to his FRV?
A: Yes.
This experience occurred when DeSouza was nine years old. He was playing a game, trying to stay awake for as long as possible. It was almost 3:00 a.m. when he felt suddenly cold:
I lost sensation in my body and became like a wooden plank. Yet, I sensed activity all about me. Several beings were skittering about the apartment in our bedrooms and although I could not see or hear them, I could sense them.
He then felt cold hands lifting his now weightless body from his bed toward the ceiling.
Then, I felt a thud. As the entities were attempting to bring me through the ceiling with them, the surface of my forehead and body proved somewhat solid—unable to pass through the barrier as the entities carrying me were easily passing through. There were more thuds as they kept trying to push, pull and force my body through the ceiling that they themselves were easily passing through. They were still trying to do it gently so as not to wake me but their consternation grew. Like floating engineers faced with an unexpected problem, they seemed to stand upon nothing and scratch their heads. Their frustration and the constant bumping of the front of my body against the ceiling dissipated the preternatural drowsiness that had gripped me. I was now fully conscious and was even able to turn my head a little. They lowered my still floating body midway between the floor and ceiling and left my plank-like body at this new location as they floated upward to analyze the ceiling that was obstructing them. […]
“What’s the delay?” said the two on the ground, without using words, to the two creatures that were testing the ceiling above me by passing back and forth through it. The two above me responded again without words again yet I could hear them clearly.
“Something’s wrong.”
[…] These two seemed like very limited beings with no real creative imagination for problem solving. They simply tried the same method that didn’t work, over and over again. This time, I turned my head all the way to see the other two entities holding my parents in stasis. They were both facing me this time. I saw them and they saw me. Two pairs of those deep soulless eyes peered at me and yet were unable to look into the deepest part of me. I perceived them signaling again to the two who held me. These were the last words I would ever hear from Extra-Dimensional beings:
“He’s Awake.”
My body slammed back into the bed. I was solid. I was heavy again and no longer frozen. I got up and looked at the ceiling and all around my bedroom. The two creatures that had been carrying me were gone. I perceived telepathic silence throughout the apartment. I looked through the doorway leading into my parent’s bed. The entities were gone.
April 27, 2024
Q: (Keit) On the 12th of July, 1984, while on board the Salyut-7 station, several cosmonauts encountered an orange cloud in the path of the station. As the station continued moving, it entered the cloud and the orange gas penetrated the station and engulfed the cosmonauts. Then they were blinded by a strong light, and when they were able to see again, they saw seven giant angelic figures floating in space in front of the station. The angels looked at them with an expression of delight and pure joy. After 10 minutes, the angels disappeared along with the cloud. The question is, what really happened to the cosmonauts, and who were the angels? […] (L) Did this event actually happen, at least, as reported?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did something happen? Did they see something?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What actually was happening?
A: Abduction and implanting of screen memory. […]
Q: (L) And what was the purpose of it?
A: Sampling to determine effects of space travel on physiology.
The Andreasson Affair
Raymond E. Fowler: The Andreasson Affair: The Documented Investigation of a Woman’s Abduction Aboard a UFO (1979, 2014)
Raymond E. Fowler: The Andreasson Affair Phase 2 (1982, 1994)
Raymond E. Fowler: The Watchers (1990)
Raymond E. Fowler: The Watchers II: Exploring UFOs & the Near-Death Experience (1995)
Raymond E. Fowler: The Andreasson Legacy (1997)
Betty Andreasson Luca and Bob Luca: A Lifting of the Veil (2017)
Whitley Strieber
Whitley Strieber: Communion: A True Story (1987, 2022)
Whitley Strieber: Transformation: The Breakthrough (1988)
Ed Conroy: Report on Communion: An Independent Investigation of and Commentary on Whitley Strieber’s Communion (1989)
Whitley Strieber: Breakthrough: The Next Step (1995)
Whitley Strieber: The Secret School: Preparation for Contact (1996)
Whitley and Anne Strieber (editors): The Communion Letters (1997)
Whitley Strieber: Confirmation: The Hard Evidence of Aliens Among Us (1998)
Whitley Strieber: Solving the Communion Enigma: What Is to Come (2011)
Whitley Strieber: A New World (2020)
Whitley Strieber: Them (2023)
Next: Part 2 – Personal cases involving session participants