Missing 411 and Other Mysterious Disappearances
Elisa Lam, Frederick Valentich, Marcia Moore and others

See Human Mutilations & Missing Children
In 2012, ex-law enforcement officer David Paulides released the first two books in his “Missing 411” series, which has grown in the intervening 12 years to include a total of 12 books and 3 documentaries. Missing 411 cases are mysterious disappearances in which the victims vanish without a trace. They are here one minute and gone the next, with little to no evidence of what may have happened to them. There is no good reason to suspect any of the “likely suspects,” such as murder, suicide, runaways, or a fatal fall. Their bodies are rarely found, and when they are, even the circumstances surrounding the find, or the bodies themselves, are curious. Cause of death is not clear. Even more rarely, the victims show up alive but are unable to account for their disappearance.
Paulides has now collected over 1,200 of these cases. To qualify, they must have some of the following features, which he calls “profile points.” In rural settings, the victim disappears or is found somewhere with “significant cover and difficult terrain,” and there are usually no witnesses. Missing toddlers, for example, are often found at distances and elevations impossible for them to have reached on their own. Many disappearances occur while picking berries, eating berries, or in the middle of berry bushes. They disappear most often in the mid to late afternoon (2:00 to 5:00 p.m.), just before it gets dark. If dogs accompanied the victim, they often also disappear, sometimes for good and sometimes returning. The weather often takes a turn for the worse, with storms hitting either during or just after the disappearance, “even when a storm would seem unusual,” hindering search and rescue. No tracks or footprints are apparent. Tracking canines “either refuse to track or can’t pick up a scent” in almost all cases where they are used. When victims disappear in an urban setting, they often do so from inside a building, either not activating home alarms, or their exit not captured on CCTV. There is often a point of separation at which they part company with others – “it appears as if the victim was being watched—and when they were vulnerable and isolated, the unusual happened.” Relatives are often insistent a crime has been committed.
In those rare cases where bodies are later found, they are often found in an area previously searched, mystifying searchers, as the area was often searched dozens of times already; it is as if the body had been conspicuously placed there. Bodies are often found in or near swamps and briar patches, and it is unclear how they would have gotten there. They are also often found in or near bodies of water and/or boulders and granite. They are usually found with at least one major item of clothing removed (e.g. shoes), or naked, regardless of the weather, including very young children incapable of undressing themselves. In the even rarer cases where they are found alive, they are found unconscious, lying on the ground, or in a semiconscious state, and when questioned later “have no recollection of how they went missing.” They often have missing time and cannot account for large periods of their disappearance. If details of their physical health are available, they are often said to be in good health but with a slight fever.
A disproportionate number of victims have a disability or illness. Hikers are the most common rural victims, followed by hunters and runners. Many of the victims are extremely intelligent (professors, physicians, physicists, business men), including a subset of intelligent and athletic college-aged men who go out drinking, only to somehow get separated from their friends and be found later dead in a body of water. (One of these victims was found with no blood in his body, and no obvious means by which it had been taken.) Victims are roughly 4 times more likely to be male than female, and toddlers and preschool-aged children go missing in the highest numbers. The ages with the highest representation are, for males, 2-6 years old and 21 years old, and for females, 2 to 5 years old. The numbers peak at 2 years old for boys, and 3 for girls. One returned child recalls being taken by a “kangaroo,” another “a doggy,” and a handful of others recall being taken by “bears.”
Many of the missing are of German descent. In Off the Grid, Paulides notes that most articles on missing persons do not mention the victim’s heritage: “When the heritage is named, however, the nationality mentioned most often is German.” He writes this in the context of Dr. Carl Risch, a German physicist who disappeared on May 8, 1965, in Antarctica.
Paulides has so far identified 63 geographical clusters of cases, several within national parks and forests. These include Yosemite National Park, CA (the largest cluster); Great Smoky Mountains National Park, NC/TN; Glacier National Park, MT; Crater Lake National Park, OR; Rocky Mountains National Park, CO; Mount Shasta, CA; Sierra Nevada, CA; Mount Rainier National Park, WA; and others. There are also time clusters. For example, there was a stretch of missing children in Pennsylvania from 1929 to 1967, followed by an 11-year lull and never approaching the previous numbers. The disappearance of college-age men jumped starting in 1997.
Below is a map of the major western U.S. clusters overlaid on the map of underground bases from a previous series. Note how the clusters follow the line from Mt. Rainier south through Mt. Shasta to just north of Los Angeles.

Recall also the connection Jason Reza Jorjani made between underground bases and Missing 411. He argues that that such disappearances are a result of the spacetime distortions caused by the technology in such bases, displacing the victims in time. As he puts it in Closer Encounters:
Subterranean and submarine UFO bases create local spatio-temporal anomalies that inadvertently disorient people who are wandering (unbeknown to them) in the environs of these hidden bases before they go missing. […] some of these people eventually come back into phase with their point of origin in space-time, although they are often dead by the time that they do so. […] Others never make it back, and we have evidence for their having gotten lost in another time. They leave behind objects that they had with them together with their own footprints, and these become shockingly anomalous parts of the geological record that mainstream archeology tries to disregard.
Just as with human mutilations, there appears to be a high-level cover-up in place to prevent any details or official acknowledgment of the problem from reaching the public. The National Park Service apparently does not keep lists of those who go missing in the parks. Paulides is convinced that the facts are known to high-level park service security. They either refuse to release certain documents via FOIA or quote prohibitively expensive rates for producing the requested data.
Missing 411 books
Eastern United States (2012)
Western United States & Canada (2012)
North America and Beyond (2013)
The Devil’s in the Details (2014)
A Sobering Coincidence (2015)
Hunters (2016)
Off the Grid (2017)
LAW [Land, Air, Water] (2018)
Canada (2019)
Montana (2020)
Idaho (2022)
Washington (2023)
Missing 411 (2017)
Missing 411: The Hunted (2019)
Missing 411: The UFO Connection (2022) [See also abductee Ted Rice’s thoughts on the documentary here.]
In the conclusion to Off the Grid, Paulides includes several pages of key statements made by people involved with the cases. Here is a handful:
“Search dogs repeatedly lost his scent in the same place, as if Richard had dissolved into thin air.” [Richard Hills, Alaska]
“He told me there were rumors aliens had taken Mr. Kirchner. […] something shiny had been seen in the sky at about the same time of his disappearance.” [Reinhard Kirchner, Arizona]
“Some of the searchers claimed they saw mysterious lights and heard engine noises in the distance.” [Carl Disch, Antarctica]
“One minute he was with them, the next he was gone.” [Damian McKenzie, Australia]
“It was just as though someone had come down from up above and zapped him up into a flying saucer.” [Ray Cassidy, New Zealand]
“It’s like she was abducted by aliens.” [Julia Madsen, New Jersey]
“They asked her what day it was. She said Saturday. Somehow she had lost an entire day.” [Ashley Laird, Oregon]
While Paulides is agnostic as to the cause(s) of these cases in his books, in the introduction to The Devil’s in the Details, he highlights a handful of parallels with faerie lore. Similarly, Joshua Cutchin devotes chapter 20 of his 2018 book Thieves in the Night to Missing 411, asserting: “The only extant tradition satisfying all of Paulides’s Missing 411 criteria is faerie lore.” This includes: inclement weather, berry-picking, trance-like states, a preference for boys, odd canine behavior, the vast distances traveled by the missing, the preference for intellectuals, clothing inversions/removals, bright clothing, face-down corpses, the importance of water and boulders, and, oddly, milk. Just as in faerie cases of old, Paulides quotes a couple Canadian cases in which nearby cattle are reported coming back to farmers already milked.
Cutchin concludes: “None of this is necessarily to say fae folk are perpetrating the cases studied by Paulides. It is apparent, however, that whatever the Fairy Faith describes may well be the same phenomenon behind Missing 411 disappearances.” Similarly, on the parallels between faerie and alien lore, he writes:
In reality, both the ETH [extraterrestrial hypothesis] and FFH [fairy faith hypothesis] are likely incorrect. Though one may be closer to objective reality than the other, both are restricted by superstition, influenced by their respective cultures, and fail to acknowledge that human beings may be wholly incapable of comprehending what seems to be a genuinely alien—in the “unfamiliar” sense of the word—intelligence. […]
The ETH and FFH are clearly attempts to describe the same set of phenomena. The similarities are undeniable. Whatever its true nature, the UFO-faerie phenomenon constantly recontextualizes itself, adopting culturally-appropriate representations when presenting itself.
Within the Cassiopaean material, that genuinely “other” phenomenon is described as a hyperdimensional non-human intelligence one level “above” humanity in terms of consciousness (and the food chain), and which takes the appearance of “aliens” (or “faeries”) to our lower-dimensional perception.
Permanent Abduction and Missing 411
Nigel Watson writes: “Even in the early days of ufology, some ‘serious’ writers were already willing to consider cases of human disappearances in the context of flying saucers. In 1954, Harold Wilkins considered the possibility of abduction in his book Flying Saucers on the Attack: ‘One wonders how many cases of mysterious disappearances of men and women in 1948–52 might be explained as TAKEN ABOARD A FLYING SAUCER IN A LONELY PLACE.’”
Only a few sources in ufology have covered the link between abduction and Missing 411, including Jorjani and Matt Hurley of badaliens.info. The Cassiopaeans describe a handful of abduction scenarios, which will be described in a future series. In brief, they distinguish between the typical abduction, in which one’s “soul imprint” is translated into a hyperdimensional copy of the self, which is manipulated there and then merged back into the original body; and “physical” abduction, in which the original body itself is taken. This latter form is most often permanent, i.e. the victim is never returned. The Cassiopaeans imply that Missing 411 cases fall into this category. The victims most often vanish without a trace. Rarely are they returned alive, and more often (but still rarely) their bodies are returned as corpses.
Marshall Vian Summers’s “Allies of Humanity” also discuss permanent abduction. In the already-quoted “second briefing” (2000/2005) they said:
You may wonder, where have all the people gone who have disappeared and not returned? […] we are talking about many people worldwide who have disappeared, without a trace, without a clue. We know this from studying the transmissions of your governments. We know this from what the Unseen Ones have told us. And we know this because this is evident in the Collectives’ intrusions in other worlds. Somehow, mysteriously, individuals begin to disappear at the early stages of these Interventions. And people who recognize that these disappearances are happening will think it is due to the normal but unfortunate circumstances within their own cultures. It will be explained in these terms.
[…] As a resource, you will be used, and when your usefulness is over, you will be discarded. This is how resources are used. Some are preserved. Some are used up. Just the way that you use resources in your daily life. […] should the Intervention take full hold and an occupation be established here completely, then the human population will be reduced into an efficient working class. How will this be accomplished without producing outrage and revolution among the human population? It will be accomplished through the disappearance of people. It will be accomplished by the isolation of those who are considered to be uncooperative or dissenting. They will be taken away, to be seen no more. And while there will be the appearance of normalcy in human affairs, behind the scenes everything will be changed and will be managed by a different set of powers. […] Some of those, we understand, who have not returned to the world were those who fought against them and were eliminated as a result. […]
In their attempt to breed a new leadership for humanity, a hybridized person, they need all of these biological resources that we are describing. […] So when someone asks, “What do they want?” The appropriate answer is, “They want your world and its resources. And they want you and your resources.” As we have said, this is the most hidden of their agendas.
The early sessions ascribe a few historical disappearances to such “permanent abduction”:
October 20, 1994
Q: What happened to Dale W. and Clarke S.? [Two Floridian men, one a retired Air Force major and B-52 pilot, who disappeared without a trace in October 1979.]
A: Abducted by aliens for experimentation.
Q: Were they killed through these experiments?
A: Yes.
An article from the Mid-Pinellas Evening Independent, January 1, 1980, referred to the area where Clarke and Dale were lost as the “Hudson Triangle” because there were three boats and six men lost there in about three months. The Coast Guard source who gave this name to the area reported: “These were really all-out searches.”
November 4, 1994
Q: (L) Do [the Nordics] ever abduct people?
A: Have but not too often. When they do, they do not give back.
In the interview linked above, abductee Ted Rice speculates that the Nordics are behind Missing 411 cases, based on one of his own disturbing experiences and especially given the prevalence of German victims.
November 19, 1994
Q: (L) What happened to Marcia Moore, who was working on drug-enhanced outer-space contact via altered consciousness?
A: Permanent abduction victim by Lizards.
Q: (L) Why?
A: Too close to truth.
Q: (L) Well, are we close to the truth too?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Will we be permanently abducted by the Lizards?
A: Knowledge protects.
Q: (L) But didn’t she have a lot of knowledge too?
A: Scrambled with drugs.
Before her disappearance on January 14, 1979, Moore, a then-famous yoga practitioner, had been experimenting heavily with ketamine and “brainstorming a project to ‘dematerialize’ herself.” According to her niece:
“She was one of the first to bring yoga to this country, and likely the first person to use the phrase ‘Age of Aquarius.’ Some of her conclusions have also been proven right. She intuited things that are being studied more rigorously, such as the use of hallucinogenic treatments for PTSD.” […] From an early age, Marcia was obsessed with the occult and reincarnation. “She was often misunderstood and far ahead of her time in fearlessly exploring metaphysics with new, sometimes controversial ideas.” […]
In 1981, her novelist brother, Robin, revealed his own theory to the UPI: “I don’t for one minute believe that my sister died a natural death. I think her demise was assisted perhaps by a cult we don’t even know about. Marcia was targeted by these people on several occasions.” He added that in 1977 Marcia had claimed that a “witches’ coven” was trying to off her.
The top portion of Moore’s skull was found 2 miles from her home in 1981.
For another potential case relevant to ufology, see that of Karl Hunrath and Wilbur Wilkinson in chapter 6 of Redfern’s Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind. The two UFO researchers disappeared without a trace, along with their plane, on November 10, 1953. In The Alien Gene, Moira McGhee writes that Tony Dodd “once claimed researchers and those who got too close to the truth often meet with fatal accidents or suspicious deaths.” She also cites some intriguing mass disappearances in chapter 1 of her book, e.g. an entire Eskimo community in 1932.
Q: (L) What happened to the Australian pilot Frederick Valentich?
A: He was taken by the Lizards and dissected.
Here is Australian journalist Ross Coulthart briefly summarizing the case in the context of UFOs and disappearing planes and pilots:
Paulides covers this case in LAW. Valentich was a 20-year-old Australian pilot who disappeared, along with his plane, on October 21, 1978. Paulides writes: “He filed a flight plan to travel to King Island via the Bass Strait flying by way of Cape Otway, west side of Melbourne. […] It appears he was simply flying to gain flight hours.” While flying, Valentich contacted air traffic control, reporting “a large aircraft” with four bright lights. The craft proceeded to “play games” with him, passing him and flying over his plane. He said, “it’s not an aircraft” and proceeded to describe it as “a long shape.”
…cannot identify more than it has such speed… it seems like it’s stationary. What I’m doing right now is orbiting and the thing is just orbiting on top of me also. It’s got a green light and sort of metallic like, it’s all shiny on the outside. […] It’s just vanished. […] That strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again… It is hovering and it’s not an aircraft.
At this point, his engine failed and air traffic control heard “metallic” sounds. There was no further contact, and Valentich and his plane were never found. His father later said Frederick “had believed in UFO’s and was moderately concerned about being taken.”

March 14, 2015
Q: (Andromeda) I want to ask about this David Paulides Missing 411 book. There’s this weird thing where when a lot of the missing people are actually found, they’re found missing shoes and socks. Why?
A: Glitches in transdimensional transference. Recall that this process includes something like flipping backwards and inside out through the realm curtain. Sometimes the trailing parts do not reassemble completely or correctly.
Q: (L) The trailing parts being feet! You’re going through a wormhole or something and you’re being flipped over and turned inside out to go to the other realm. Then they send you back, and it doesn’t always work. (Andromeda) Maybe it has something to do with the rubber on the shoes or something. […]
This feature, appropriately enough, is inverted in faerie lore. Cutchin writes: “Alien abductees regularly report their clothing mismatched or inside out [after an abduction]. Many ascribe these irregularities to simple extraterrestrial carelessness—another data point incongruous with their unlimited abilities—but recall how faerie enchantments could be dispelled by the inversion of clothing. Perhaps such wardrobe malfunctions go hand-in-hand with the transition from the Otherworld to our reality—a transition which can, perhaps, be preemptively forced by the inversion of clothing.”
Q: (Perceval) The other thing about the Missing 411 book is that the people who are disappeared and found again, it usually happens near berry bushes. […] (Andromeda) Yeah, what’s the connection with berries? They’re either near berry bushes, or picking berries, or they reappear with berries. (Galatea) Why berries?
A: Convenient markers for TDARM-type technology due to sound frequency.
Q: (L) Sound frequency of the word “berries”?
A: Yes.
Q: (Perceval) That’s how they mark places. […] (L) Yeah, there’s that sound thing. There were several cases of spontaneous human combustion where they had name similarities. So, there’s something about this transdimensional business locating itself via words or names which have frequency relating to sound or something. (Galatea) Does it have something to do with numerology and the frequency?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So it’s similar. It has to do with objects and sounds. (Perceval) It’s the location at that level… a locating device. (L) It’s a locator.
A: Yes.
Cutchin notes that in Irish faerie lore berry picking was “A dreadfully perilous act to engage in without adult supervision.” Native American “stick Indian” and “Thunderbird legends also underscore the danger inherent in berry picking.” And, as with faeries, “documented interactions between children and alleged extraterrestrials have taken place in proximity to berry bushes.”
November 7, 2015
Q: (Galatea) Ya know the story about Elisa Lam, the girl in the elevator who was hiding from something. Then she went out to talk to it, and she started waving her hands weirdly. So, I wanted to ask what did she see or what was she running from?
A: Golem!
Q: (Galatea) It looked like Gollum? (L) It’s a Jewish monster. (Pierre) Made from mud. (Galatea) It was actually a mud monster?
A: Close.
Q: […] (Perceval) Did she herself climb into the water tank [on the roof of the hotel, where her body was found]?
A: No.
Q: (Perceval) How did she get into that water tank?
A: Spacetime distortion.
Q: (Atreides) But a golem is an instrument of revenge created by someone to kill or protect somebody else. So, if it’s a golem, who sent it and why was it targeting a Canadian Chinese girl in Los Angeles?
A: Target practice. There is a reason that Galatea thought of it at this moment.
Q: (L) So, we’re talking about some kind of thing that blows open realm curtains?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And things come through?
A: Yes.
Q: (Atreides) So nobody sent the golem after her?
A: Not specifically.
Q: […] (Galatea) Wait, when Elisa Lam was moving her hands in this really bizarre way in the elevator video, why was she moving her hands like that?
A: Trying to persuade the creature to leave her alone.
Q: (Perceval) It was something that only she could see?
A: Yes.
Q: (Perceval) So, it kind of like created some kind of alternate reality around her, or she was transported into a parallel…
A: Partly.
Q: (Galatea) It was attuned to her specifically. (Perceval) A bleed-through, yeah. (Atreides) So, what did the golem-that’s-not-a-golem want from her?
A: Energy.
Q: (Galatea) Does that golem live in that specific place, or was that a one-time thing?
A: The location has useful energy patterns for such purposes.
The Cecil Hotel has a “disturbing, gruesome past”: “Since its construction in 1927 it has been the focus of suicides, murders, mystery disappearances and serial killers.” See also the documentary Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel (2021). Paulides covers the Lam case in Missing 411: A Sobering Coincidence, noting some additional oddities, including one relating to a contemporary tuberculosis outbreak in LA:
Let’s review this coincidence of time, space, and name. Elisa Lam arrived in Los Angeles on January 26, 2013. She’s found in a water tank on February 21, 2013. The LA Times reported on February 21, 2013, that an outbreak of a unique strain of tuberculosis has inundated downtown Los Angeles’ skid row that is so serious that the CDC was sending a team to assist. The test they use to diagnose victims is the Lam-Elisa. Is this purely coincidence? Is this even believable?
He also quotes a case covered by Christopher O’Brien in Stalking the Herd:
On the last Friday of June 2002, an event of truly strange characteristics took place in a field of locality of Suco, located to the west of Rio Carto, very near the border of San Luis Province. In the Cordoban locality, a well-known livestock producer respected by all his neighbors for his responsibility and honesty, found 19 dead animals within an Australian type water tank. Nine of the bovines were dead, according to subsequent medical-veterinary examinations, due to asphyxiation through immersion. The rest were alive, but affected by the low temperatures and near dead due to freezing. […] What no one could explain is how the 19 animals could have entered the enormous water tank, bearing in mind that they had to cross an electric drover [sic], then a 1.5 meter fence, and finally jump over the wall into the tank.
Q: (L) So basically, there are just people who have these things and who like sit in their little control booths or something, and… I mean like all these missing people in this Missing 411 book… Somebody is just frickin’ playing with the human race!
A: Yes.
Q: (Approaching Infinity) In this latest book [Missing 411: A Sobering Coincidence], they’re going after the best and brightest: athletes, young men that seemed to have promising futures, etc.
A: So, with all of this kind of knowledge, why do you not stay aware of what can be turned against you?
April 16, 2016
Q: (Galatea) In the Missing 411 book, before people vanish do they see people that they know? As in, do their abductors shape-shift into people they know?
A: Not usually, no.
Q: (Galatea) One kid said he was abducted by his aunt even though she wasn’t there with him. (L) So it can happen, but not usually. Maybe the strong-willed ones have to be lured in some way.
A: Yes.
Cutchin describes several lures in faerie lore employed to abduct children, e.g. music, dancing, play, calling their name. He adds: “The most unsettling tales involve faeries imitating a child’s parents.”
May 29, 2021
Q: (Joe) There has been evidence of GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) in the bodies of people who have gone missing and been found dead often in bodies of water, à la Missing 411. Humans produce minute quantities of GHB. Is this substances introduced externally in these cases or is produced internally but from without?
A: Internal and natural production, but induced externally.
Q: (L) So they have a method of somehow changing the brain chemistry and ramping up the production of this chemical, which is basically a date rape type of chemical.
Paulides discusses a possible link between GHB and alien abduction below:
For the Dyatlov Pass case, see the article on portals.
December 10, 2022
Q: (Joe) Just this past September, there was a very prestigious and well-thought-of English astronomer from Oxford [Thomas Marsh]. He was a quiet guy who was at the observatory in Chile. He’d gone there many times. This September he went there and they were gonna do their usual tour or whatever. After the first night I think, basically one or two nights after he was there, he went missing. He was missing for 50 days. He was only found in November a few kilometers away. It’s like a desert in Chile. That’s why they have these telescopes there. But according to the PhD student that was with him, he reportedly said to the police that the professor guy said something very bizarre to him. Then he criticized him for not being as dedicated to the cause as he should be. That was the day before he went missing. So, he just disappeared. And he was found 50 days later partly clothed and dead in the desert. It was talked about by David Paulides as a Missing 411 case. I was wondering if that’s what it was, or…?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Was it just random?
A: No.
Q: (Joe) It had something to do with the research he was involved in?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) He focused specifically on binary star systems.
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) I was wondering if he maybe had come up with some theory about a twin sun being…?
A: Yes.
Q: (Niall) Did he observe something?
A: Yes!!
Q: (Joe) And that was the “bizarre” thing that the student said to him?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) So he was basically silenced by…
A: Yes. […]
Q: (L) Anybody who can figure stuff out, they take them out! (Joe) But who takes them out?
A: Mostly human agents of chaos.
Q: (Joe) Was that the case with the astronomer?
A: No. Others are targeted for special operations.
Q: (L) Does it depend in some respects or in some cases on their vulnerability? Like, that they [the ones targeted for special operations] go off alone?
A: Yes.
January 14, 2023
Q: (Ze Germans) Why do so many Missing 411 cases involve people of German heritage?
A: They are used for genes.
See the previous part on human mutilation for more on this excerpt. Cutchin writes: “It has long been alleged individuals of Celtic or Cherokee ancestry are more likely to be abductees.” He quotes a study that found: “The respondents were 57% male, […] while a preponderance of participants were of Celtic/Irish, German, English, and/or Native American ancestry.”
April 13, 2024
Q: (Andromeda) About over a month ago now, a couple [in their fifties] from Beaumont de Lomagne [who] owned a bakery […] went with their daughter for a vacation to Madeira. And they both disappeared. (Joe) At three o’clock in the afternoon, they were on a walk along a coastal road […] on the north side. They said they were going to walk to the next town […] and they just disappeared. And they searched and searched […] (Andromeda) For two weeks! And it’s not a very big place. (Joe) It’s a pretty small island. (Andromeda) And after two weeks, they gave up the search. And then right after they called off the search in a place where they had looked already several times... (Joe) First the wife was found and then, a couple days later, the husband was found. (Andromeda) Right. But they had a hard time identifying the bodies at first, so they must have been pretty decomposed or whatever because it took several days for them to positively ID the bodies. One of the reports said that it was “gruesome” or something. (Joe) Yeah, and they didn’t really release a lot of information about it.
(Andromeda) But then anyway, we were thinking, maybe it’s a serial killer […] (Joe) The context is in the past three years, there have been four guys. Relatively young guys. One guy is in his fifties, but the other are all youngish – an English guy, a German guy, a Swiss guy – those three are all, like, super-fit runners who were there to run over the mountainous island. […] over the period of three years or so – three years spaced out, they all disappeared. (Andromeda) And nobody ever found them. (Joe) Four of them, yeah. French guy as well. […]
Paulides discusses the prior disappearances here:
(Andromeda) It’s 50/50 whether or not it’s like a serial killer or Missing 411. The thing that makes me lean toward Missing 411 is the fact that they had searched in the area several times. (L) And then found them... (Andromeda) Although a serial killer could possibly bring them and drop the bodies after. So it’s not conclusive at all.
A: Missing 411 gets our vote. Human mutilation involved.
Q: (L) You mean human mutilations as in similar to cattle mutilations?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And why did they put the bodies back then?
A: Arrogance.
Q: (Joe) And it’s the same for the other four guys who have gone missing there in the past few years?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So is that a Missing 411 site?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Well, David Paulides says there’s a pattern there with super-fit, white people...
A: Yes.
Q: (Chu) Well, these two weren’t super fit... (Joe) […] We know that from sessions about picking them for genetic experiments and all. (Andromeda) They pick differently. Sometimes it’s all people with disabilities, sometimes it’s super-fit people. But they have these, you know, themes.
May 18, 2024
Q: (Approaching Infinity) In the Missing 411 cases in which bright, athletic men go missing and turn up dead in water, there is medical evidence that many of them were alive for much of the time they were missing, and only died shortly before their bodies were found. What happened to them during the time they were alive, which sometimes lasted days or several weeks?
A: Food source.
Q: (L) Well they weren’t eaten.
A: Emotional food. Also breeding experiments.
July 6, 2024
Q: (Approaching Infinity) In 2015, in the context of Missing 411 cases, you said that berries were “convenient markers for TDARM-type technology due to sound frequency.” In the last session, however, you said TDARM tech wasn’t used in physical abductions. Since Missing 411 involve the permanent physical removal of the victim, what is the “TDARM-type tech” used in these cases and for what purpose? (L) OK, well first of all, I don’t think all Missing 411 cases involve the permanent physical removal of the victim. Approaching Infinity? (Approaching Infinity) It’s the vast majority, but correct. (L) OK, so the vast majority are just disappearing, gone forever. (Approaching Infinity) Yeah. (L) OK. But a lot of them are returned. OK. So what is the TDARM-type tech used in these cases and for what purpose? OK, wait a minute, now... There’s something else here. You said TDARM tech wasn’t used in physical abductions.
A: Physical abductions are not necessarily the same as 411 cases. Physical abductions were discussed in the context of “alien abductions.” 411-type cases are often done for different reasons. There is a certain element of opportunism present in the latter. In the former, there is usually a specific targeting and a purpose.
Q: (L) OK. So, in alien abductions, they usually target somebody and the various elements of an alien abduction come into play where the person is compelled to do something or feels something or whatever, and they are taken, I guess. In the 411 cases... (Andromeda) And usually returned. (L) Well, we’re talking about the ones where they’re actually physically abducted and not returned. (Andromeda) Right. OK. (L) And in the 411 cases there’s opportunism. (Chu) Like all the people running in a specific place or... (Scottie) Yeah, the people who go off into the wilderness are making themselves targets. (L) OK. Does that have anything to do with, I mean the opportunistic nature of it has something to do with the whole berry bush element... (Andromeda) Or certain other themes like being near water or in certain places or of a certain disability... (Niall) Or certain genetic heritage. (Andromeda) Yeah. One time it was athletic people, or Germans, or... (L) And so those elements relate to the technological aspect of it, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Whereas none of those things need to be present for a strictly targeted alien abduction. Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So then he wants to know: What is the TDARM-type tech used in these cases?
A: Do you have a week or so? And the ability to evade abduction yourself?
Q: (L) In other words, don’t ask that question. (L) If we said we had a week or so, would you tell us?
A: No.
Q: (Scottie) Well, they could have just said like, “the Abduct-o-Matic 9000” or something... [laughter] (L) The Abduct-o-Matic 9000?! Where do you guys come up with this? [laughter] (Andromeda) With certain settings. (Niall) Maybe Scottie just got that from the C’s... (L) Now they’re going to abduct you. They’re coming after you, Scottie! (Approaching Infinity) Laura, I’ve got just a comment on that because I like the response, but that wasn’t entirely what I was interested in. I'm just wondering... because the way TDARM tech has been described in the context of abductions is that they basically pull out your soul imprint and then remolecularize a body in 4D, and then demolecularize it and put the soul imprint back. I was initially wondering if the TDARM was basically used to demolecularize an actual physical body and take it away, or if there’s another purpose to it? (L) Well then ask that question. Is a TDARM-type tech—can it be used to demolecularize a living human body and remove it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And is that why they have such odd leavings at some of the sites, because the body has been kind of demolecularized out of its clothes or something?
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) Settings weren’t perfect. [laughter] (L) I tell you, it just gets deeper and deeper. OK. Are you happy, Approaching Infinity? (Approaching Infinity) Yes. (Joe) Do you have the ability to evade abduction yourself? (Approaching Infinity) Um, we’ll see... [laughter] (L) Don’t go wandering in the woods near berry bushes. […]
Q: (L) OK, next, Joe and Niall might have questions about Michael Mosley. Who’s Michael Mosley? (Joe) Remember that famous UK TV doctor who was in the Greek islands who went missing? […] (L) Yeah. And then he disappeared and then he was found someplace... (Joe) On a very small Greek island with few trees. He disappeared for five days and then was found dead five days later. (Niall) In a place they searched multiple times... (Joe) Right next to a holiday resort! Has all the hallmarks of Missing 411, but we just want to check. (L) Is this one of these 411 cases?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) And it was just opportunistic?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) So the fact that he was a famous TV doctor had no bearing on the event?
A: No.
“Natural” Causes
Several questions have been asked over the years about missing individuals in which the cause was stated to be more or less mundane, e.g. murder or accidental.
January 24, 1998
Q: On another subject, this little baby that is missing, Sabrina… the parents seem to be believable. Did aliens abduct the Aisenberg baby?
A: No. […] Accidental death. […] Dropped.
Q: Who dropped her?
A: Not to be revealed. You can figure it out!
On September 10, 1999, the Aisenbergs posted bond “on charges that they conspired and lied to investigators about the alleged kidnapping of the infant in 1997. […] The indictment suggests that the Aisenbergs know what happened to the baby, that they may be responsible for the infant’s death and that they had a long ‘family pact’ to conceal Sabrina’s real fate.” Police had wiretapped their home and captured several incriminating statements. However, in February 2001 “a judge ruled that investigators lied when seeking permission to place the wiretaps inside the Aisenbergs’ home and they were cleared of all charges against them. The judge stated that the wiretaps were largely unintelligible.”
May 2, 2015
Q: (L) Apparently, this girl [Kim Evans] had gone to Ecuador and was engaged in taking mescaline or something, and she had a breakdown or something [in 2013]. Then she left home, never to be seen again. […] She left with $400, a small suitcase, her passport, and… (Andromeda) She said she’d be right back. […] (L) Is this person still alive in the body?
A: No. […] Driven by voices [in her head] to expose herself to danger. […]
Q: (L) And what was the source of these voices?
Q: (L) Were these entities hanging around because of her encounter with psychedelic drugs?
A: Partly but she was also mentally and psychically vulnerable due to genetic factors.
Q: […] (Chu) What kind of danger did she expose herself to?
A: Places[,] people.
Q: (Perceval) Was she murdered?
A: Yes. [This cold case was re-opened by police five days after this session. Evans has still not been found.]
October 30, 2021
Q: (luigi rovatti) What happened to the Dutch girls Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon who disappeared while hiking the El Pianista trail in Panama on 1st April 2014? […]
A: Gone to 5D [i.e. died].
December 18, 2021
Q: (Niall) What happened to Noah Donohoe? [14-year-old who disappeared in Belfast in June 2020 under strange circumstances. His naked body was found in a storm drain although it’s a mystery how it got there.]
A: Underworld elements [i.e. organized crime]. […] Grooming gone wrong.
October 22, 2022
Q: (L) What happened to Jacobo Grinberg who disappeared on December 8, 1994?
A: He was involved in iffy financial dealings to fund his work and fell afoul of money men. […]
Q: (lainey) What happened to the missing Scottish hiker Finn Creaney? […]
A: Fell.
February 25, 2023
Q: (Joe) What happened to Nicola Bulley, the woman in the UK who disappeared from a river bank in Northwest England several weeks ago? They finally found her body in an area they had already searched several times. I was just wondering because it bears some of the hallmarks of a Missing 411 case. […]
A: Mundane. There may be an arrest.
There was a somewhat related arrest: a YouTuber who broadcast himself joining in the search and filming himself within the police cordon. The death itself was ruled an accidental drowning, with no evidence of injury prior to entering the water.
What an interesting and well documented series! Thank you so much for your work.
Excelent as always!!!
I wonder if cassiopaea.substack.com has an x.com account?