In his several books, Joshua Cutchin has followed the insights of John Keel and Jacques Vallée in highlighting the parallels between faerie lore and modern paranormal phenomena. Many traditional faeries bear strong resemblances to modern “aliens” and cryptids (notably, Bigfoot), with features also shared by poltergeists, witches, ghosts, and “women-in-white.”
Cutchin summarizes some key faerie folklore features in his book with Timothy Renner, Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon, Volume 1: Folklore (2020): “Faeries could be helpful or malicious […] Found in indigenous belief across the globe, they generally exhibit three key cross-cultural features: short stature, underground abodes, and a love for stealing children.”
November 6, 1994
Q: (L) The kids want me to ask about faeries. Are there such things?
A: There is such thing as all things in one reality or another.
In the collections on window-fallers (part 1 and part 2), one such reality was called the the “imagination sector of thought” or the “thought plane,” which manifests as alternate “dimensions.” Dimensions can be thought of as horizontal divisions of reality (whereas densities are more vertical in terms of their closeness to ultimate reality). These dimensions can be further subdivided. One such subdivision has been called the “astral,” commonly associated with dreams and out-of-body experiences.
In the Law of One, “Ra” referred to the source of window-fallers as the “lower astral” or “thought” plane. The astral plane as a whole is subdivided such that “Entities inhabit the various [inner] planes due to their vibrational nature. The astral plane varies from thought-forms in the lower extremities to enlightened beings who become dedicated to [teaching] in the higher astral planes.” Also referred to as the “inner planes,” they are associated with our density. According to Ra, the astral is also the realm of “discarnate entities.”
Similarly, according to the Cassiopaeans, the astral realms are more or less limited to our third density:
May 13, 2023
Q: (Ryan) Is the term “astral” merely an imprecise definition of hyperdimensional phenomena?
A: Yes and no. Astral is still partly restricted to 3D.
However, they differentiate the “astral” from the “thought” plane:
January 13, 2024
Q: (Ryan) Are the thought plane described in session 18 March 1995, the imaginal realm, and information field equivalent?
A: No.
Q: (Ryan) What is the relationship of the astral plane to any of these?
A: All are in a sense different dimensions.
Q: (L) Well, are the thought plane and the imaginal realm equivalent?
A: Close.
Q: (L) But are they different from the information field itself?
A: Yes.
Q: (Ryan) And is the astral plane related to these?
A: Not so much. Astral involves “emotions.”
Q: (L) All right. Is the information field like at a higher density than the thought plane?
A: Yes. […]
Q: (Mr. Cyan) Have a question – it is related to beings sighted in the Kerinchi-Seblat national park in Sumatra, Indonesia. There are many paranormal, strange myths or legends about this park (tiger men, hauntings, portals, and the Princess Guardian of the Glass Lake, to name a few) – and one of them is the “Orang Pendek” – or Short Man in English. According to the locals (in my conversations with them) these are 4-5-foot bipedal creatures that look like a cross between a man and ape. Their feet are facing backwards – and they are very strong and able to lift large weights. The locals are afraid of them and call them cursed beings, where if you encounter one (which is rare), all sorts of strange things start to happen to you and your family. It sounds a lot like the bi-density Bigfoot (but they seem smaller in height). What exactly are these creatures? Do they come in through portals located near the Park?
A: Window-fallers from both 4D and other dimensions including astral.
The Cassiopaeans also describe a range of beings inhabiting these realms in addition to the above window-fallers. We will start with perhaps the most famous paranormal entity.

November 7, 1994
Q: (L) How do UFOs affect the electrical systems of automobiles and so forth, and why is this phenomenon also associated with hauntings?
A: Electromagnetic pulse. Can be manifestations of hauntings also.
Q: (L) Would this indicate that both phenomena are originating from the same source or utilizing the same power?
A: Laura, do you not know by now that all these phenomena are interdimensional?
Q: (L) Is there something about moving from one dimension to another that creates this electromagnetic pulse?
A: Yes. Kind of like breaking the sound barrier.
For more on electromagnetism and its connection to a variety of paranormal phenomena, see the collections on windows and portals. Veteran paranormal researcher Paul Eno wrote: “When I was dealing with a haunted house and studied the surrounding region instead of just the house, why did I find that other houses were affected as well? When I investigated ghost cases, why did I keep running into reports of UFOs and even crypto-creatures?” Eno came to associate all such phenomena with alternate dimensions of the “multiverse,” and electromagnetic anomalies with what he calls “intersects” or “overlaps” between dimensions.
Q: (L) Who or what was the Bell Witch?
A: Connected spirit. Karmic.
Q: (L) Was this spirit connected to Betsy Bell or her father?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Why did this spirit so brutalize her father until he died?
A: Revenge for previous life wrongs.
Q: (L) Is it true, as Dr. Nandor Fodor suggested [in Haunted People (1951), with Hereward Carrington], that this was an aspect of Betsy Bell’s own personality which attacked her father because he had been sexually molesting her?
A: No.
These answers on the Bell Witch do not bear much resemblance to those given decades later, in which the phenomenon was described as an “elemental” that “fed on the suffering of both [husband and wife], but more particularly the wife” (see part two for more on elementals). Assuming there is truth to both sets of answers, it is possible that the “connected spirit” attached to the elemental in a manner similar to that described later on in the section on egregores.
Q: (L) Do Ann Boleyn and Catherine Howard haunt the Tower of London and Hampton Court?
A: Spirit reflection.
Q: (L) Is a ghost or haunting just an image imprinted in spacetime?
A: Sometimes.
Q: (L) Are there some cases where the actual spirit of the person hangs around causing phenomena?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can they do this for untold centuries?
A: Yes because there is no time.
January 13, 1996
A: […] All events leave permanent imprints upon aural energy fields. This explains, for example, some sightings and apparitions. “Ghosts” are sometimes merely spontaneous activations of the aural records of the natural surroundings.
This idea can be traced back at least to some of the forerunners of what became known as parapsychology, then called psychical research. Edmund Gurney and Eleonor Sidgwick proposed a kind of “place memory” in the late 1800s.
Proposed mechanisms for such recordings have included the air (Charles Babbage in 1838), “psychic ether” (H.H. Price in 1939), stone (as in “stone tape theory,” first elucidated in a 1972 BBC play), and electromagnetic anomalies (Michael Persinger and others, beginning in the late 1990s). The Skeptical Inquirer summarizes archeologist T.C. Lethbridge’s theory as follows:
[In his 1961 book, Ghost and Ghoul], Lethbridge hints that some memories may be connected with inanimate objects via “a sort of surrounding ether.” […] His often-repeated story about experiencing an apparition near a stream is repeated in his later book, Ghost and Divining Rod (1963). For this book, he develops this idea more thoroughly. Lethbridge does not contend that ghosts are supernatural but argues they are attributable to invisible fields that recorded an image of a person. He states these various fields of energy—around forests, mountains, and streams and even from the earth—are “scientific fact.” […]
Lethbridge cited the work of H.H. Price on place-memories. Price was a professor of logic at the University of Oxford and a former president of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR). In his presidential address for the SPR in 1939 titled “Haunting and the ‘Psychic Ether’ Hypothesis,” Price asserts that objects carry memory traces. […] Price contends that “psychic ether” is an intermediate medium between spirit and physical matter where images and memory traces are held. Crediting Raynor C. Johnson, Price connects these to hauntings saying ghosts (as people describe them) are not supernatural but that they are “traces . . . [a] result of the emotions or other experiences of some person who formerly inhabited the room, much as finger-prints result automatically from our handling of a wine-glass or a poker.”
Laura has written about Lethbridge’s work here, commenting that Lethbridge’s experiments “led to evidence that many things that are perceived as ‘hauntings’ or ‘ghosts’ are really just ‘recordings.’ At some point he thought about the fact that ghosts are often reported to reappear on certain ‘anniversaries’ which suggests that there are other cyclical currents that turn such recordings on or off or simply amplify them.”
The next several excerpts refer to participants’ own experiences with possible ghostly phenomena:
May 14, 1998
Q: The other night [my youngest daughter, aged 9] thought she saw a ghost. Did she?
A: Yes.
Q: Who was it?
A: Arnold Bailey.
Q: What was Arnold Bailey doing walking through my living room?
A: Exploring.
Q: Does he have any connection with this house or did he just drop in?
A: Connection.
Q: Why did he suddenly decide to explore here?
A: Worked here.
Q: Did he just recently die?
A: No. 1953.
Q: Is he happy with his explorations?
A: Neutral.
Q: Is he going to cause any problems?
A: No.
Q: Is he going to continue to hang around?
A: Maybe.
Q: Is he responsible for making the clock chime? [A mantel clock that belonged to my great, great-grandfather, and which had a completely severed spring, had suddenly begun to tick and chime.]
A: Yes.
Q: Why haven’t we seen him before?
A: Construction.
Q: So the work [on the house] is what woke him up or disturbed him?
A: Close.
August 20, 2011
Q: (L) Is there a ghost in our bedroom?
A: Yes.
Q: (laughter) (L) What kind of a ghost?
A: Priest.
Q: (L) And why does he hang around there?
A: More like an imprint that gets activated for “reruns” when the energies are right.
Q: (L) Is that what my dream was about last night? I was dreaming about the reality that happened to this priest? That his home was taken away brick by brick, all the furniture was removed, and he was left with nowhere to go?
A: Yes.
Q: (Ark) Is it this ghost that is causing sleeping problems and other problems?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So how do we get rid of the ghost?
A: Change the energy.
Q: (L) How do you change the energy?
A: Move the dressing table.
Q: (laughter) (L) Why?!
A: Mirror faces window.
Q: (Bubbles) So when the mirror faces the window, that does what?
A: Bounces waves of light energy.
Q: (Bubbles) So if we wanted to have a haunted house, we’d just need to have a bunch of mirrors facing the windows. (L) Not that simple! So these problems started after I moved the furniture around, didn’t they? (Ark) It’s possible. (L) After I put the dressing table where I put it. (Ark) What about the gravitational anomaly?
A: Imagination!
Q: (Ark) Because the bed feels like it’s at an angle and it isn’t. We measured. (L) I don’t think they’re saying that we imagined it. I think they’re saying that our imagination creates it because the awareness of the energy.
A: Yes.
July 22, 2012
Q: (L) OK, I want to know about this ghost I saw. Did I really see a ghost? [Seen in full daylight, riding a bicycle down our driveway.]
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And who was it a ghost of?
A: Soldier lover.
Q: (L) Somebody who loves soldiers?
A: No no no…
Q: (Atreides) The guy was coming here, he was… (Perceval) The lover of someone in the house at the time…
A: Yes.
Q: (Perceval) Was he German or French?
A: American.
Q: (Belibaste) And he was in love with who in the house? (Atreides) Did it have a happy ending?
A: No.
Q: […] (Belibaste) And he was in love with who, because at the time, it was the family with the son who visited us recently. (Atreides) Put two and two together. I mean, prying into people’s ancient love lives? (L) It was probably his mother.
A: Yes.
March 23, 2013
Q: (Belibaste) Question about the car crash that happened next to our house. First, what was the cause of the accident?
A: Psychic barrier fluctuation.
Q: (L) Within the person who had the accident?
A: No.
Q: (L) In the area where the accident was, or along that stretch of road?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So there’s a psychic barrier of some sort there. […] Is that related to the ghost I saw? [The bicycle ghost from the excerpt above.]
A: Partly, he uses it so to say.
Q: (Ailen) What kind of psychic barrier is it, and what caused the fluctuation? (Perceval) Well, what is a psychic barrier?
A: Clash point between densities due in part to your presence here.
Q: […] (Belibaste) Is it like when it was said in a previous session, like in New Mexico there were partial transitions between 3rd and 4th densities…
A: Close. You see, there are those who would seek to block or harm you, and those who stand guard in an energetic sense which is close to the limit of permitted assistance at this point, though that may change along with conditions.
Q: (L) So in other words, this poor guy just got caught in the crossfire?
A: More or less, though his own frequency played a part.
Q: (Belibaste) Because his frequency was closer to the one who could potentially harm us. […]
A: Yes.
Q: (Ailen) What caused this fluctuation in the psychic barrier?
A: Intensification of general planetary flux. […]
Q: (Belibaste) What was the name of our ghost? Was it Michael?
A: It is mostly a replay. So no need of a name.
Q: (Andromeda) So it’s not really like a ghost or spirit. It’s a replay like a recording. (L) Funny that it happened along that drive, where the water flows. (Perceval) Lethbridge.
A: Yes.
May 28, 2013
Q: (L) Did A*** really see a ghost in the house recently?
A: Imprint brought on by electromagnetic fluctuations. Get used to those […]
July 16, 2016
Q: (Galatea) Is our upstairs hall haunted, or are the things we see and feel just recordings?
A: Latter.
July 4, 2020
Q: (Artemis) How is Penelope doing? [Penelope the cat, who had passed away the previous month.]
A: Still around and playing. She communicates with Pikabu [another cat].
Q: (Artemis) So it’s true that cats see ghosts and spirits and otherworldly things?
A: Yes.
January 30, 2021
Q: (Artemis) Oxajil wanted me to ask about her kitty. I was going to ask if there’s anything you can say about her kitty that might help Oxajil?
A: Kitty is now a guard.
Q: (L) So her kitty has become a guard in the astral realms?
A: Yes.
Recall the prior reference to “those who stand guard in an energetic sense.” As mentioned above, in the Law of One the astral is also the realm of discarnate entities. This would include “earthbound spirits,” as well as, according to Ra, those who have died and need healing before moving on to contemplation (fifth density in the Cassiopaean cosmology) and reincarnation. (The afterlife state will be dealt with in future collections.)

Poltergeist means noisy ghost. The phenomenon has several recurrent features, including: fear, audible knocks, scratching, and “rappings,” anomalous vocalizations (screams, breathing, whistles, laughter, animal noises) and foul odors, objects moving of their own accord, sometimes flying across the room (like “thrown” stones and small objects), or appearing and disappearing (apports and disapports), electrical interference (such as appliances malfunctioning or lights turning on and off), animal reactions, spontaneous fires, sexual and physical assaults (pinching, tripping, biting, hitting), and anomalous footprints and “hairy hands.” The phenomena usually occur in a home and are associated with a single person; they will often cease to manifest in a particular location when that person leaves, and follow them to a new one. Joshua Cutchin summarizes these features in Where the Footprints End, adding:
English researchers Alan Gauld and A.D. Cornell [in Poltergeists (1979)] were the first to conduct a large-scale analysis of poltergeist infestations in the late 1970s. After examining 500 international cases from 1800, they found 63 points of commonality, including:
64% of cases featured the manipulation of small objects, including movement, disappearances, and apports, or spontaneous transference from one location to another;
58% peaked after nightfall;
48% involved rapping sounds;
36% included the movement of heavy furniture;
24% exceeded 365 days;
16% featured communication between poltergeist and apparent agent;
12% involved opening/closing doors/windows.
November 9, 1994
Q: (L) What is that phenomenon we commonly call a poltergeist?
A: Many causes.
Q: (L) Each situation is different?
A: No. The causes are multiple.
Q: (L) Could you list these?
A: No. There are many causes but some are the same as others. One cause is female pubescent children giving off life-force aura-burst.
Parapsychologist Harry Price made the connection between young girls and poltergeist phenomena in his 1945 book Poltergeist Over England: Three Centuries of Mischievous Ghosts:
If we know so little about the Poltergeist per se, we are certain that there is some connection, between Poltergeists and puberty and that the mysteries of sex enter largely into their doings. And all the available evidence points to the fact that Poltergeists prefer little girls and girl adolescents to boys – the ratio is about 95% to 5% respectively. Though we know there is this connection, we cannot explain it.
Parapsychologists generally have turned away from the ghost hypothesis toward one focusing on particular living poltergeist agent, around whom the phenomena manifest:
Parapsychologists define poltergeist activity as a type of uncontrolled psychokinesis. Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis (RSPK) is a phrase suggested by parapsychologist William G. Roll to denote poltergeist phenomena.
Poltergeist activity tends to occur around a single person called an agent or a focus (typically a prepubescent female). Almost seventy years of research by the Rhine Research Center (Raleigh-Durham, NC USA) has led to the hypothesis among parapsychologists that the “poltergeist effect” is a form of psychokinesis generated by a living human mind (that of the agent). According to researchers at the Rhine Center, the “poltergeist effect” is the outward manifestation of psychological trauma.
Or, as Cutchin writes: “Poltergeists were historically blamed upon demons and spirits of the dead, regularly manifesting during spiritualist seances of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Beginning in the 1930s, contemporary parapsychologists like Nandor Fodor proposed many cases were actually the result of a living agent, often an adolescent female, whose stress or sexual tension generated psychokinetic activity.”
Paul Eno came to reject both these hypotheses. His decades of on-the-ground research on the topic led him to the idea that the primary explanation for poltergeist phenomena is an energetic parasite who has gained enough energy from its target victim(s).
November 19, 1994
Q: (L) In the Ann Haywood case [as told in Nancy Osborn’s The Demon Syndrome (1983)], which is supposed to be a case of demonic possession or obsession, who or what are the beings that are afflicting this woman and her family?
A: 3rd-density section-“B” energy anomalies same as “poltergeist.”
Q: (L) The case that is described in the book The Haunted [by Ed & Lorraine Warren, Robert Curran, Janet & Jack Smurl (1988)], about the Smurl family, with quite a bit of phenomena occurring in their house including the sighting of a Bigfoot-type creature – what is the source of the phenomena in that case?
A: Same.
Around the time of this session, Laura wrote about both cases in her article, “Alien Abduction, Demonic Possession, and the Legend of the Vampire,” which includes this description from The Haunted of a succubus-type creature:
Q. Would you describe her?
A. To be honest, I even hate to think about her. Her skin was paper white, but it was covered in some places with the scaly surface I mentioned, and then in other places with open sores, the kind you’d think a leper would have or something. And these sores were running with pus.
Q. How old was she?
A. I would estimate around sixty-five or seventy. I can’t be sure.
Q. What else did you first notice about her?
A. She had long, white, scrabbly hair and her eyes were all red and the inside of her mouth and her gums were green. Some of her teeth were missing but those she had were very long and vampirelike.
The Cassiopaean session continued:
Q: (L) Well, who are these old hags who have sex with people?
A: Poltergeistal entities.
Q: (L) What is a poltergeist entity?
A: Self-explanatory.
Q: (L) Is the poltergeist entity generated by the subconscious energy of the individual to which the poltergeist effect occurs or takes place?
A: Interaction just like everything else between perceived and perceiver.
Eno writes: “I began to see that what we call the paranormal or the supernatural doesn’t just happen to people. We don’t just sit there like lumps. We all bring something to the experience. We participate in it. And with the typical negative (i.e., demonic) experience, we invite it, then feed it.”
Q: (L) And what is, in this case, being perceived? Is it an energy construct or is it an actual being?
A: Both. Remember, Laura, you too are an energy construct.
Q: (L) OK, in S’s [hypnotic] regression to the time she experienced a meeting on a ship, there was a woman very similar to the woman described in these other cases. Who or what was that woman and why was she there?
A: This “woman” is becoming quite popular isn’t she?
Q: (L) Who, the woman in the hypnosis or S?
A: The “hag.”
The traditional succubus often resembles a hag, witch, or crone, and is associated with sleep paralysis (which had the name “Old Hag Syndrome” in some folklore). Cutchin and Renner associate this image with anomalous “women in white,” apparitions commonly associated with ghosts and hauntings (and, as Renner points out, Bigfoot). Attended by an entourage of hairy wild men, the Teutonic moon goddess Perchta may be archetypal of this phenomenon. As in descriptions of witches, “She could appear as young and beautiful or elderly and haggard.”
January 7, 1995
Q: (L) OK, what was it that [A] experienced [being awakened by a rustling in her room and thinking that she heard a squeaky voice calling her name]?
A: 4th-density “resident.”
Q: (L) And what kind of 4th-density resident was this?
A: Om.
Q: (L) Who is Om? (V) Is it a name? […]
A: Type.
Q: (L) What is a type Om?
A: You would rather not know!
Q: (L) No, I would rather know. If something is going to be visiting my daughter in her bedroom, I definitely want to know who or what it is.
A: Who says this will be regular event?
Q: (V) So, in other words, if it is not going to happen all the time, don’t worry about it, is that right?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) This was just a one-time event?
A: Yes.
Q: (V) Was the reason A was so aware of this is because she is psychically open when she is asleep?
A: Yes.
January 10, 1995
Q: (L) Is Om an abbreviation for a type of being?
A: No, it is full word.
Q: (L) What is an Om being, for the benefit of the whole world which waits breathlessly to discover the nature of this type of being?
A: Poltergeist-type being.
Q: (L) Was that Om being brought in because of the dimensional overlap or is it strictly related to my daughter?
A: Former mostly.
Q: (L) So poltergeist-type beings can enter our density through these dimensional overlaps?
A: Sure.
This suggests that both competing theories may be true: the phenomenon begins with an energy anomaly of some sort (whether of the location or living agent), opening the door to an actual entity who then harasses the living agent.
March 29, 1997
Q: (Laura) Anything that you wish to convey to us, consider the question asked!
A: Energies at your Gainesville locator.
Q: (Terry) What about the energies there?
A: Negative.
Q: (Laura) Yes, it’s pretty and all, but…
A: No. The house!
Q: (Terry) What’s causing the negative energy at this house?
A: Poltergeist.
November 19, 2005
Q: (Bubbles) What were the weird, little, black things I saw running around in the field in En Laurenc?
A: Study poltergeist phenomena.
According to the Cassiopaeans’ cosmology and taxonomy, the phenomena listed so far each have several types. It may be that several competing hypotheses are true in part. When it comes to ghosts, some may simply be “replays” of “place-memories,” temporary “time-slips,” while others may be actual discarnate spirits. Some poltergeist phenomena may be RSPK, energy anomalies directed by a living agent psychokinetically manifesting their own internal states. Others may be actual beings that manifest due to their interaction with a place or living agent, perhaps feeding on or utilizing the energy present. This interaction is similar to that described in the excerpts on window-fallers, where “thoughts” are made manifest due to their interaction with the perceivers.
Further reading
Joshua Cutchin
A Trojan Feast: The Food and Drink Offerings of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch (2015)
Thieves in the Night: A Brief History of Supernatural Child Abduction (2018)
Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon (2020, with Timothy Renner)
William G. Roll: The Poltergeist (1972)
Alan Gauld and A.D. Cornell: Poltergeists (1979)
William Roll and Valerie Storey: Unleashed: Of Poltergeists and Murder: The Curious Story of Tina Resch (2004)
Michael Clarkson: The Poltergeist Phenomenon: An In-depth Investigation Into Floating Beds, Smashing Glass, and Other Unexplained Disturbances (2011)
Paul Eno: Dancing Past the Graveyard: Poltergeists, Parasites, Parallel Worlds, and God (2019)
John Fraser: Poltergeist! A New Investigation Into Destructive Haunting (2020)
Next: Part 2 - Demons, possession and exorcism
Along the same lines, the Indian mystic Sri Aurobindo wrote in a letter (I don't know the date of it, but it was obviously before 1950):
What do you mean by a ghost? The word “ghost” as used in popular parlance covers an enormous number of distinct phenomena which have no necessary connection with each other. To name a few only:
1. An actual contact with the soul of a human being in its subtle body and transcribed to our mind by the appearance of an image or the hearing of a voice.
2. A mental formation stamped by the thoughts and feelings of a departed human being on the atmosphere of a place or locality, wandering about there or repeating itself, till that formation either exhausts itself or is dissolved by one means or another. This is the explanation of such phenomena as the haunted house in which the scenes attending or surrounding or preceding a murder are repeated over and over again and many other similar phenomena.
3. A being of the lower vital planes who has assumed the discarded vital sheath of a departed human being or a fragment of his vital personality and appears and acts in the form and perhaps with the surface thoughts and memories of that person.
4. A being of the lower vital plane who by the medium of a living human being or by some other means or agency is able to materialise itself sufficiently so as to appear and act in a visible form or speak with an audible voice or, without so appearing, to move about material things, e.g., furniture or to materialise objects or to shift them from place to place. This accounts for what are called poltergeists, phenomena of stone-throwing, tree-inhabiting Bhutas, and other well-known phenomena.
5. Apparitions which are the formations of one’s own mind and take to the senses an objective appearance.
6. Temporary possession of people by vital beings who sometimes pretend to be departed relatives etc.
7. Thought-images of themselves projected, often by people at the moment of death, which appear at that time or a few hours afterwards to their friends or relatives.