These things are not “aliens”! They’re demons! Hybrids from the fallen angels, that continue to produce more. This is of satan. While I am not disparaging the rest, as in the forms or the way they must take nourishment (which makes sense), I reject that these are anything else other than demonic entities from hell! As more and more portals are being exposed, everything about this subject is being mainstream in order to normalize. Soft disclosure for decades from Hollywood and the likes as their being benevolent beings! Ludicrous! Hence the Lucifer! These “aliens” are being touted as our creators, our salvation from ourselves! I’m praying more wake up to the extreme deception! Including this lie of “creating what we think” and “God platform” evil that Milhacea just spewed! All from the very depths of hell in deception!

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Do you think the medical industry are so eager to do surgery and blood tests because they selling them our body parts and blood samples???

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Probably not - there are cheaper ways of getting samples! ;) But John Keel does tell a funny story about a UFO trying to make off with a bloodmobile!

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That is wild!! I always imagine vampire coffins in the floorboards of the bus just feeding the blood into them through a tube... lol!!!! Demon blood mobile bus.

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Thx, this is excellent!

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