How does one account for the fact that in so many popular accounts of experiencers, researchers and so on, on you tube and other so-called alternative media, 5th density is almost always associated with embodied extraterrestrial races living in other star systems? Pleiadeans, Orion system, Alpha Centauri etc. In other accounts it is 6th density that is associated with the afterlife and life review. Does anybody have an answer to this?

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Could you give some of the sources for these things? I'm mostly familiar with the NDE research, and as far as I can tell, they don't usually mention embodied ET races living in other star systems. Usually they just depict an alternate world, usually a nature setting and sometimes involving cities, with not explicit mention of where this is.

There are many sources that give their take on the densities. The term itself seems to trace back to channeling in the mid-century by Mark Probert, but it was only elucidated in the Ra Material (which didn't assign the afterlife to 5D). After the C's material, several sources gave additional contradictory takes on it.

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It's all over the internet - people talking about various galactic races - mostly - supposedly 5th density. There are many dealing with this and can't vouch for their veracity but it is a ubiquitous subject at the moment. - Elena Danaan has published a whole book of star races -For example here is Alex Colliers list: Sorry this chart didn't translate so well

E.T. Races Sentient Being Body Types Inhabited Star Systems

1 Ciakar Reptilian Alpha Draconis smaller star solar system Thuban-(Anwar) Giansar, Grumium, Eltanin.

2 Vega / Lyrans Human Small star systems which orbit Sulafat, Albireo.

3 Orion Human / Reptilian Small star systems that orbit Alnilam; stars named: Syclopesus, Rigel, Betelgeuse.

4 Cygnus Alpha Human / Aquatic / Bird Smaller star solar systems which orbit around the Central Suns: Deneb, Sadr, Gienah, Albireo.

5 Arcturians Human / Reptilian Smaller star systems around Bootes.

6 Pleadians Human Small star solar systems which orbit Taygeta, Maia, Merope, Pleione, Alcyone.

7 Reticulans (Zeta) Reptilian / Plant Small star solar systems that orbit between that stars Achernar and Canopus.

8 Sirians Human / Reptilian / Aquatic Muliphen, Murzim (small sister star) stars between Wezen and Aludra.

9 Alderbaran Human / Reptilian Small cluster of solar systems that orbit around the star Alderbaran.

10 Andromeda Human Many star systems that orbit Almach and Mirach Central Suns.

11 Mizarians Human Large star solar systems located between Alcor and Mizor.

12 Mintakains Human / Aquatic Orion- small stars around Central Sun.

13 Cassiopians Insectual / Aquatic Caph, Ruchbah, smaller stars; 19 solar systems.

14 Canes Venatici Reptilian (Benevolent) Triple Sun system; no name.

15 Pictorians Animal / Human / Yeti (Sasquatch) Double Star System near Kapteyn’s Star.

16 Antarians Human Solar systems lie in a binary star System that orbits the star.

17 Sagittaria Human / Feline Very large star systems between Nunki, Ascella, Media, and Kaus Australis.

18 Nibiruan (Annunaki) Human / Reptilian Bootes (Tarshem).

19 Tau Cetians Human Star solar system that orbits between Menkar and Mira.

20 Capellians Reptilian (Neutral Now) Three star solar systems held by gravity of the Central Star Capella.

21 Procyons Human Single and binary star solar Systems- rich in mineral Deposits.

22 Hyades Human Binary star solar system near Alderbaran.

According to these reports various embodied beings are 4th, 5th, 6th and maybe 7th densities - then they become more formless or plasma based as you go up. In these systems densities refer to the spectrum of frequencies whereas dimensions refer to parallel worlds.

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Ahh, I understand now. I thought the sources you mentioned were associating the *afterlife realm* with embodied ET races.

This basically comes down to a contradiction between channeled sources. The C's claim all "ET" races are basically 4D. 5D is an ethereal realm equivalent to the afterlife, and 6D is a realm of "unified thought forms"/light beings.

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