With all this talk about souls... I read in the Nag Hammadi Library that the archons (lizards, grays) are "soul stealers".

I also read in the Corrado Malanga material (Italian scientist/physicist who took on the study of abductions) that when a person is not integrated with their own self, that is, their mind, soul, spirit and body, then they are easy to be abducted by the aliens and they also take the soul, a whole lot! And when he was talking to the soul through hypnosis, because he could talk to each individually, the soul, or the mind, or the spirit, and when he was talking to the soul, he would ask the soul to burn out the implants in the body, and it did, it zapped them out. He also asked the soul to burn out those alien presences, and sometimes it would whereas other times it wouldn't because it thought that they were a real being and it didn't want to murder them. Lol.

And then, I heard some of Jessica Arael Marrocco's sessions on her YouTube channel, that these aliens stole little children's souls in order to use them as energy to run their spaceship. I also heard this said elsewhere, I just don't remember exactly where though.

So, in here, from Nov. 26, 1994:

"A: DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal."

I would like to know, if the Cassiopaeans can help us to understand something....I would like to know if this "Light" of those "Light waves" that they used, were from other beings' stolen soul energy? Are they using souls who were stolen and imprisoned in their technology, to burn off the DNA in a whole planet's bodily systems?

Edit: Ok, I remember now. It was in one of Jessica Arael Marrocco's Peter the Insider Disclosure videos. He works for the ACIO, and he said, a few months ago, or last year, that he and a few super soldiers had seen a huge wormhole that the cabal were working on, and they wanted to stabilize it so that it was able to bring through large space ships. But he said they didn't have enough souls yet in order to do that, therefore it was very unstable and unable to be used as yet. In other words, they are stealing souls from Human's bodies, while they're in bed sleeping, etc, so that they can use/misuse them to pack them into this wormhole for their purposes only! Sickening!

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Based on the details described in this post, I suspect that the odds that Nancy Pelosi could be a Robotoid are very high...

"In a rare bit of honesty, Pelosi boasts that she’s ‘reptilian’ and ‘cold blooded’"


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