Jul 8Liked by The Cassiopaea Experiment

I've got two questions,

1. Why would the removal of an implant cause death?

2. I always thought the abductions were on a much larger scale, but just 2% and people from the sessions being among them and abducted from young age, why are they being abducted from such a young age, and abducted people having affinity for this stuff?

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Author

1. Good question which was never asked in the sessions. Maybe it is something simple like basic physiology; their location in the brain might be in places that are inoperable? Or maybe it is something weirder than that.

2. Two percent is still a guess based on the figure they gave for how many people have implants and how many are programmed (this will be in the next part). If all abductees are programmed and/or have implants, however, then it might be accurate.

As for the young age, maybe it is easier to begin the "programming" process on the young. They may be easier to groom and obtain their coerced consent. Again, a guess.

A couple possibilities for the affinity: an unintended consequence of experiencing weird things. E.g., if a person has a spontaneous OBE, they may gravitate towards researching such topics in order to understand it. Another option: maybe some of that interest is at least in part "programmed" into them?

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Jul 8Liked by The Cassiopaea Experiment

It could perhaps be something like if the implant is removed, the abductee would immediately feel the difference so acutely they'd be able to immediately discern what its purpose was.

And perhaps if the reason for the implant was discovered, this would provide some sort of insight into its construction, its creator & potential ways to take control of the technology.

As such, the aliens may be willing to cause the abductee to die rather than risk such information being uncovered.

Just my random 2 cents, no idea if it's remotely true.

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Jul 9Liked by The Cassiopaea Experiment

I can relate to this high pitch tone which suddenly comes from time to time in the ear, similar to what (T) mentioned in the session quoted above and also relate to how his anger likely got amplified if he wasn't vigilant.

Another thing is a small cylindrical thing in my left thigh which came close to the surface after doing a lot of HBOT sessions over the last couple of years. As it came to the surface just under the skin, there was a bare circular patch around it with no body hair. Now as I checked, the body hair has come back. It might be nothing, but the description mentioned above and also that it is always on the left side of the body, was something I could relate to.

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Jul 9Liked by The Cassiopaea Experiment

I have heard several stories of people having implants or something coming out of them and they just throw it away and only later realize, holy shit what was that?. speaks to the programing and influence. and i know this may be silly to say I have heard regular old "stud" detectors can sometimes find them. That might be from an interview with Mr. Lovelace. i think it was someone I at least cared enough to

remember they said it so they were probably credible. Too some extent. i got a couple of "painful spots, mysterious injury spots" that go off. Probably old tech they would probably fix that ya think. Thanks yall

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Derrel Sims and Roger Leir used stud finders. There's a shot in Patient Seventeen of them using one, too.

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Jul 9Liked by The Cassiopaea Experiment

That was it. Well that's always fun having yer "wild" suspicions confirmed. I kinda had an idea. Got some "inate" abilities as well as learned so. If i wasn't so scared of doctors id go have an x-ray. Talk about STS being right. Modern doctors, super scary.Knowledge protects right. And I like how you spoke to the "sometimes-edness" of entities in general. Remember I said as above so below. Agendas abound. I bet there ain't much space between shitty politicians here and sneaky fuck entities everywhere. Stay "fleet of thought" everyone. So good take care yall ✌

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