(A little black humor) I hope there is something more than cigarettes that can create a good INDIGESTION for these clandestine-aliens & Co...

Reading this post this film came to mind:

"Under The Skin" https://youtu.be/J7bAZCOk0Sc?feature=shared

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Great film, and the source book (Michel Faber) is also very worthwhile. I dislike Scarlett Johannsen as an actress - she is so wooden and expressionless, cold - she is perfectly cast in Under The Skin..

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The interesting point would be to discover what the aliens - Clandestinos & Co. do not tolerate from human beings.

It is evident that the physical-biological rules are very different from those of humans. But if a simple Bacteria-virus-organic and inorganic molecule and physical elements can do so much harm to us as a species, I wonder what can harm "them"?...

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Yes: and the rules of science we are so attached to (like it or not!) may not be as universal as we assume.

The exposure to Earth germs as the downfall of invaders was the deux ex machina of War Of The Worlds of course.. History says (which doesn't make it 'true') that the inhabitants of central and southern America could not cope with the germs and ailments transmitted by the conquistadores. So it seems quite plausible.

In another of Michel Faber's books (spoiler alert) a missionary to the planet Oasis is injured, transported to the hospital, then returns to the 'native' settlement. As they do not recover from any injury, no matter how slight, this confirms for them that he is a supernatural/Christ-like figure.

There's a great deal more to it than that, but this revelation is not made clear until quite late on in the narrative, hence the spoiler warning.

It's called The Book Of Strange New Things, which is what the Oasans call the Bible.

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Anyway, my previous comment has a "materialistic" approach, it is likely that the rules are different, but my point is: What can make the Aliens-Clandestines & Co. vulnerable or undesirable as humans?

One point is clear, according to what I remember from the C sections, there is a high percentage that the Nordic human race is the most desirable for them...

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Big Thank you for the series

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I've BEEN saying with all this stuff. it is not one thing, its all the things. Its the only way to truly explain the amazing variance in all these "paranormal" stories. So many powers at play in our daily lives. I hate to tell you there are other bad shit besides just aliens. Terrifying. How many poor souls have had a glimpse of the true reality and just had their brain break. Never come back or erase the whole thingy and back to Netflix/Soma like a good energy slave. "Knowing is half the battle", "The more you know", "Knowledge is power". You get it. We got to look no matter how bad or scary. And i get it trust me. I've been looking and its fuckin scary, "Courage is being the only one who knows your fuckin terrified". Truly not being dramatic here, we have to look to save our souls, our children, possibly humanity. " "Character is doing the right thing when no one is looking", "With great power/knowledge comes great responsibility". Come on Uncle ben lets go kill some fuckin aliens!!

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