About the Cassiopaean Experiment
For over thirty years, Laura Knight-Jadczyk and various associates have engaged in a “channeling” experiment that is unique in the parapsychological literature. The team has striven to approach this endeavor with both open minds and critical rigor. Their motto has been “10% inspiration, 90% perspiration.” This means that the material received is not taken as infallible truth, but as data to inspire additional research among a world-wide network of people who value the truth more than the comfort of belief, lies and illusion.
As in other parapsychological methods, like remote viewing, the data received often cannot be verified. In such cases, it should be taken as a mere possibility, to either be confirmed or denied by further research, or tested against the other material for consistency. Sometimes supporting or disconfirming evidence comes only years later. And while some lines of questioning may ultimately lead to dead ends, material that seemed too far out at the time often finds support in surprising ways.
Except for a handful of experimental early sessions, the team does not utilize a trance channeling method, preferring to conduct sessions with a spirit board instrument (similar to a Ouija board) and multiple people who are fully awake and conscious. In the team’s experience such a method allows for greater participation of conscious alertness and critical rigor during the course of a session.
Currently standing at over 1.2 million words of material, the archive of transcribed sessions can be unwieldy for new readers, so this Substack aims at presenting the material in relatively short, topic-based collections.
Notes about Excerpts
Individual sessions are referenced by the date on which they were held, either as a subheading (e.g. July 16, 1994) or as a date in parentheses (e.g. 1994-7-16).
Statements by participants are usually preceded by an initial, e.g. (L), or online handle/nickname, e.g. (Pierre).
Background Material
Full sessions are available in numerous media, e.g. on the Cassiopaea Forum, the Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search Page, and in book form (1994 to mid 1997).
We also offer the following reading suggestions for new readers. The historical background to the experiment is given in Laura’s autobiography, Amazing Grace.
The Wave (a series of 8 volumes) collects many excerpts from the sessions, provides background information and context about events surrounding the sessions, as well as original research inspired by the material.
More background material is available on the Cassiopaea website.