We are currently working on collecting the previous articles on this Substack for publication in book form, so updates will be sporadic for the next few weeks. When we resume regular posting, we will finish collecting all the material relating to UAP and NHI, including series on UFOs, alien races, alien-government interactions, MJ-12, crash retrievals, disclosure, and more on the alien agenda. After that we will move on to other topics, e.g. densities and prehistory.
In the meantime, here is an update from the latest session, where we asked a question from the comments section here on Substack.
September 21, 2024
Q: (Hyperdimensional Ape on the Cassiopaean Experiment Substack) Why would the removal of an implant cause death?
A: Not all implants, only those associated with direct organ function. Most implants are such.
Q: (L) When you say organ function, what organs do you mean in particular?
A: Mainly brain.
The sessions in 1994 mentioned several specific implant cases, most of which involved the brain (e.g. “brain behind sinus” and “brain stem and behind eye”). One was referenced as being in a leg bone. When commenting on the contradiction between responses claiming that implants could not be removed, and that doing so would cause death, we wrote:
Note the disparity between responses. The first was a definitive no. Now it seems that removal may be possible, but only in the case that the implant has become inoperative. (It’s also possible the early comments applied to brain implants. All the alleged expelled or removed implants came from extremities.)
That would imply that the implants which have been studied (whether expelled naturally or removed sugically) are not “associated with direct organ function,” but serve other purposes, perhaps tracking. The C’s had said in 1995: “some implants are used merely for tracking. Others are used to alter consciousness, and still others are designed to be mind-altering or motor-altering mechanisms.”
Q: (Hyperdimensional Ape on the Cassiopaean Experiment Substack) I always thought that the abductions were on a much larger scale, but just 2% and people from the sessions being among them and abducted from young age… (L) OK, so this is a very poorly framed question. Let me start with just 2%.
A: 2% of the population is a large number.
Q: (L) Do you mean, global population?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So 2% of 8 billion is how many? All right, you mathematicians, get out your calculators. (IrjO) 160 million. (L) That’s a lot of people. It’s a lot of activity. (Joe) Like the entire population of a large country like Russia. (L) Yeah! It's like the entire population of Russia. The U.S. has 300 and some million. So it would be about half the US population. (Niall) Or a third! We don't know what the U.S. population is. [Laughter] (Andromeda) Oh yeah, good point. (L) And I guess you’re talking about it being concentrated in some areas, and especially the U.S., because the U.S. gave permission for it, right? So it would be a lot of people in the U.S. That’s a lot of people! OK.
This figure of 2% was an inference based on two answers: the number of people who are “programmed” and the number who have implants. If, as we speculated, the main purpose of abductions is to imstall such programming, then all abductees will also be programmed. It also suggests that all abductees have implants of one sort or another.
Hyperdimensional Ape also asked why abduction starts at such a young age, though this question wasn’t asked during the session. In the section on “permission” we wrote:
Commenting on the case of Linda (#14), whose abductors told her “You agreed to this,” Terry Lovelace says that statements like this are “documented in perhaps a hundred emails I’ve received from others. The question is, was this agreement made in this lifetime? Or was it perhaps made from the other side in preparation for this life?” Alternately, was a form of “consent” coerced in childhood?
Recall the use of “lures” mentioned here. “Aliens” often appear in a form seemingly designed to disarm young children: animals (circus monkeys, owls, deer, raccoons, cats, opossums), clowns, dolls, glowing orbs, Disney characters, “clothes on a hanger” (see Lovelace, The Reckoning). Hopkins shares a darkly humorous account of another variation on this “deeply disorienting persuasion”:
‘More indicative of the sheer persistence of the aliens’ strategy, however, is a case in which an abducted child was told, “We’re your real parents.” The child demurred. “No, you’re not. My real mommy and daddy are sleeping down there in their bed.” The resourceful alien then retreated to his backup position: “We’re your parents’ best friends,” he replied, without missing a beat.’
We have also added the following to the section just quoted for the book version:
The aliens’ interactions with children often resemble those of pedophiles. For example, in Lost Was the Key, Leah Haley recalls: “My little friend told me that this was supposed to be a secret and he’d take me home now, but not to tell anybody. He said, ‘This will be our little secret.’” Yvonne Smith includes several such examples in Chosen:
“Laci” was told “she had been reproducing through them since the age twelve.”
“John” recalled: “They tell me that this is where we’re going to play. ‘We’re going to do some things to see how you react, it’s going to be fun.’”
John Long: “In the back of my mind, it had always been like a secret we weren’t supposed to talk about. [...] We agree that I can go there any time, but I can’t tell anybody what happened. [...] if I need to, I have to lie about it, make up stories.”
Perhaps it is easier to begin the “programming” process on the young, who are more impressionable than adults. They may be easier to groom and obtain their coerced consent.
Food for Thought
Here is how the C’s close this session:
Q: (L) All right. If there’s anything we need to ask or should have asked what we didn’t ask that’s essential to our wellbeing or whatever, please consider it asked.
A: Not now! You have enough for now. Explosive revelations and events coming! Goodbye.
That ending sound intriguing. I can't remember if they have said anything like that before. I'm down for "something" to happen. We need some explosive revelations in the world right now. Knowledge protects, i feel like that will come into play in forementioned scenarios. Good thing were all laced up thanks to yall, and the C's, mostly yall. Much appreciated. Lookin forward to the book. Got to have that on my coffee table. Just imagine the conversations. Thanks guys hope everyone there is well take care.
"When we resume regular posting, we will finish collecting all the material relating to UAP and NHI, including series on UFOs, alien races, alien-government interactions, MJ-12, crash retrievals, disclosure, and more on the alien agenda. After that we will move on to other topics, e.g., densities and prehistory."
This sounds like a fantastic idea! May I ask if there will be a specific topic on the Illuminati?
Recently, the Cs mentioned that figures like the Rothschilds and Soros are not actual Illuminati families but rather red herrings. They also said that the Illuminati, along with the Quorum, operates within Masonic orders and once described Masons as a lower branch of the Illuminati. A blog post exploring this topic would be really interesting.
Additionally, would it be possible for you to ask the Cs three questions about Freemasonry?
First, I’m curious if someone advancing to the 33rd degree in Rose-Croix (Scottish Rite), which the Cs said is over 7,000 years old, would be anywhere close to interacting with the real Illuminati, which is said to be mostly human. So, if someone reaches the 33rd degree, are they closer to (or part of) the Illuminati? Would they have any exposure to real Illuminati families?
Second, how can the 33rd degree be 7,000 years old when it includes elements related to Frederick the Second, King of Prussia, and the Knights of Malta? Could it be that a much older ritual was altered with more recent events as a cover-up?
Reference: https://stichtingargus.nl/vrijmetselarij/aasr_r33b.html
Finally, assuming the 33rd degree in the Scottish Rite (AKA Free and Accepted Rite) is truly 7,000 years old, are there even older degrees in other Masonic orders, such as the "Order of Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests," which has degrees that are more difficult to attain?
Reference: https://masonicjewellery.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Masonic_appendant_bodies_in_England_and_Wales.jpg
As someone interested in Freemasonry and with many Freemason friends in the UK, it would be incredible if the Cs could answer these questions. My own Masonic journey has already begun, and I’m enjoying it far more than I ever expected, and I would like to know more about it, if possible.
Thank you for reading!