The 2024 Election
Before getting to the questions asked about the most recent U.S. presidential election, we include relevant excerpts dealing with past elections, starting in 2004.
October 23, 2004
Q: (L) Who is going to win the election in the U.S.?
A: There are no elections.
According to analysis by, starting in 2004, U.S. presidential elections saw a large, anomalous rise in voter turnout: an increase of around 17 million votes, whereas the usual increase for the past 50 years averaged under 4 million per election cycle. This anomaly persisted during the 2008, 2012 and 2016 elections. The 2020 election saw this anomaly double, with an additional 21.5 million votes. By 2020, this represented a pool of around 30+ million potential fraudulent votes to be doled out to the desired candidate using various means of vote fraud. They were presumably added in 2004 in order to secure George W. Bush’s reelection. (Bush won 50.7% of the popular vote, and just 3 million more votes than John Kerry.)
If we plot the 1952-2000 trend with subsequent elections, it looks like this:
November 12, 2016
Q: First of all, did Hillary actually win the popular vote as is being said at the present time?
A: Not by a long shot!
Q: (L) Why are they saying so?
A: Vote manipulation ex eventu [i.e. after the fact].
Based on analysis of the subsequent 2020 election, election fraud seems to use the following elements. As early, mail-in and election day ballots are counted, algorithms are used to decide how many votes need to be flipped or created in order to result in the desired outcome. Some votes are flipped, while others are created using “phantom voters”—voters on the rolls who either don’t exist, have moved out of state or are predicted not to vote in the election in question (resulting in some of said voters showing up to vote, only to be told they have already voted). This seems to be a dynamic process sensitive to actual voting trends, with only a set pool of phantom voters and perhaps some sort of limit on where and how many votes can be flipped. If the undesired candidate’s actual vote share is larger than predicted, a massive “vote dump” must be injected to give the desired result, resulting in the infamous “F” curves of 2020. Otherwise, it seems that the intent is to create overall results that are close to 50/50, leaving the decisive votes to the “contested” swing states in order to secure an electoral college win.
Q: (Joe) What was the real percentage of the popular vote that Trump got?
A: 63 percent.
Trump officially received only 46.1% of the popular vote (63 million votes). Clinton received 48.2% (65.9 million votes), and third party candidates received 5.7%.
Q: (Niall) What percentage of eligible voters actually voted?
A: 58.
Officially, the percentage of eligible voters who voted in 2016 was 59.2%: 136.8 million out of 230.9 million eligible voters. If the actual number were 58%, that would imply a turnout of something like 133.9 million votes. However, adjusting for actual turnout using the green trend line on the chart above suggests a total of only 120.5 million votes in 2016, or:
Trump: approximately 76 million votes (63% of 120.5 million)
Clinton: approximately 37 million votes (31% of 120.5 million)
This implies 13 million flipped Trump votes and an additional 16 million added to Clinton’s total, which is close to the number of phantom voters seemingly injected in 2004. This may imply that the total pool of phantom voters was allotted to Clinton, an additional 13 million flipped from Trump, but that these were not enough to ensure Clinton won the electoral college.
Q: (Joe) Did they give her the popular vote in an attempt to secure a win for her?
A: They are trying to foment revolution.
Q: (Joe) So they give her the popular vote so that all these people can say, “She won the popular vote. He’s not my president!” And that’s what all these people in the streets are using right now.
A: Yes.
August 15, 2020
Q: (Joe) What are the odds of Trump winning the U.S. election?
A: Good.
October 10, 2020
Q: (L) OK, here’s the $64,000 question: Is Trump going to win the election? (Joe) We asked that last time! (Andromeda) They said yes. (Joe) They said there’s a very good chance. (L) Are his chances getting better?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) How likely is it that there will be some major public chaos or civil chaos if Trump wins?
A: Very likely and will lead to martial law.
As we saw, this did not occur. Trump conceded the election, while never actually acccepting the results, insisting the vote was rigged. According to the C’s, this was in fact the case.
January 30, 2021
Q: (L) Were Trump and his team able to assemble any credible evidence for election fraud?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was the election rigged in such a way that there was no presentable evidence?
A: No.
See the evidence collected at, for example, as well as analyses by Seth Keshel and Edward Solomon (see a recent interview with Solomon here).
Q: (L) So why didn’t this evidence prevail? (Joe) It didn’t get a hearing. We know that part. No one would go near it.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So it couldn’t get a hearing. Despite the fact that Trump stacked the courts, they still couldn’t get a hearing. The deep state had tentacles reaching that far. What happened to all of these judges and so forth that Trump put in place who SHOULD have helped deal with this election fraud?
A: Deep state visits.
Q: (L) So in other words, it was kinda like Men in Black who visit you and say, “This is the way it’s going to be.”
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) The claim was that those Supreme Court justices were talking and someone overheard them. Apparently, they were getting quite worked up, and one of them who was in favor of looking at the evidence mentioned Bush and Gore and that this has happened before. But the others said yes, but Bush and Gore didn’t have the prospect of riots. So I’m wondering if those guys weren’t warned off taking that case because of dire predictions of mass unrest as a result of Trump overturning the election. They didn’t want to have that on their conscience. (Ark) But I don’t understand. What prevented Trump from publishing this evidence?
A: Deep state controls.
July 17, 2022
Q: (irjo) What are the chances that Trump will be re-elected as president of the USA in the coming elections?
A: Remote.
Q: (L) Does that mean that other weird things might happen?
A: Yes.
Q: (Joe) Does that mean there won’t be a presidential election in 2024?
A: Not exactly. Wait and see!
In retrospect, and based on other things the C’s said in late 2024, it seems that the original plan was for Trump to be dead. (See, for example, the brief discussion in the article on divine intervention.)
November 23, 2024
Q: (Carl) How many real living U.S. citizens cast a legitimate vote for Donald Trump in the recent election, to the nearest million? (Joe) Real citizens? (L) Real citizens that are registered to vote.
A: Close to 100.
Q: (L) Close to 100 million?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And for Kamala?
A: Less than 23.
Q: (Joe) So [approximately] 75% for Trump. (Andromeda) That’s what I guessed. (Chu) That’s what we always said. (L) So they not only stole votes from Trump, they added votes to Kamala and added extra votes to Kamala... (Joe) There’s the illegals... (L) Plus illegal votes. Is that pretty much the picture?
A: Yes.
Absurdly, over a month after the election, final numbers are still not available. However, based on the results published so far, Trump won 49.9% of the popular vote (77.3 million votes) and Harris won 48.4% (75 million). While third party candidates officially received 5.7% of the vote in 2016, in 2024 they allegedly only received 1.7% (or 3.1 million votes). This means that, according to the C’s numbers, around 23 million of Trump’s votes were flipped for Harris, and as many as an additional 29 million illegal votes allotted to Harris (whether from illegal or phantom voters).
Returning to the turnout trend analysis, the green trend line suggests that the actual turnout for 2024 should have been 128 million. This is remarkably close to the figure implied by the C’s: 100 (Trump) + 23 (Harris) + 3 (third party) = 126 million. It suggests third party candidates may have actually received an additional 2 million votes, which were flipped for Harris. If turnout was in fact 128 million, this implies that Trump won 78% of the popular vote, 15% more than 2016.
In the leadup to the election, the Republican Party managed to clean some voter rolls in select states, eliminating a small portion of potential phantom voters, and secure other election integrity measures through lawsuits. This, combined with the sheer number of new Republican registrations and Democrats and Indpendents voting for Trump, seems to have made the 2024 election “too big to rig,” resulting in a new “F” curve depicted in the image at the beginning of this article.
The next excerpt relates to the following experience shared by Tucker Carlson:
November 23, 2024
Q: (Ennio) Tucker recently stated in an interview that he woke up one night over a year ago in pain to find claw marks on his ribs and shoulder. Whatever happened, his wife and four dogs, all light sleepers, slept through the attack or event that caused the injuries. The alleged attack, whatever it was, seemed to have a deep enough effect on him that he started reading scripture. We also know that Tucker made some interesting statements in some interviews over the past year to the effect that he believes there is a spiritual battle occurring and that there is an alien reality. So the question here is just what happened to him that night? (L) Now, Ennio, you read The Wave, right? […] (Ennio) Yes. (L) And you read about the gal who was interacting with the reptoid types and had scratches and you saw the picture […] (Joe) Can we ask a more pertinent question as to why it happened and what the point of it was? […] (Niall) He [started] reading scripture, [started] telling the American people that the CIA killed Kennedy, [got] fired from Fox. That’s what happened in sequence. This had an effect on him and he went ballistic. (Joe) Not a lot of people wake up with that. If it’s what we assume it is, not a lot of people wake up after having been scratched by a reptoid... (L) Alright, so Joe thinks the question is: Why? (Joe) Or was there a specific purpose to it or was it just attack?
A: It was hoped by wishfully thinking STS entities that Tucker would be frightened off.
Q: (L) Anything else?
A: Also that he might think that his experience was secret-gov[ernment] generated.
Q: (L) So they were thinking that they would do this and that he might think that the secret government had some kind of weird powers and program and that they would scare him off. OK. But the result was that he took it in a very different way. (Joe) He went fundie. He went biblical. (L) Yeah, he went biblical. (Niall) He started saying, “I think evil is real, it’s all around us, it’s supernatural.” He started saying it on a podcast, then he started saying it to the American people on Fox. And then soon after, he was fired, and here he is today! He finally actually talked about the incident, but he was talking metaphorically about it for 18 months. (L) Yeah. So basically that was something that kind of backfired on him, even though talking about it in a biblical way is sometimes not very helpful. It still is better than assuming that everything is all materialistic phenomena.
A: Yes.
Q: […] (T.C.) I guess biblical is his closest/best frame of reference.
Very interesting the stuff about Tucker and his biblical world view. I get frustrated with the Abrahamic fairy tales. But I must say I agree with the fact he has had a legitimate epiphany and is starting to understand. He still believes that one person from Red team or Blue team will save us and doesn't talk about one of the biggest tragedies going on right now. Gaza because his Red Team savior is funded to the gills by what I think is the epitamy of STS beings fuckin Zionists. So he has come far but, still has many miles to go before he sleeps. Boy, ol' Frosty said something then didn't he. Thanks y'all. What's up with the book I need it in my coffee table. Take care guys thanks for all your work