window: A traversable convergence point between dimensions and/or densities; an opening to different states via electromagnetic grid points. Opening and closing are dependent on the frequency of energy patterns of the area, which can be altered through electromagnetic pulses.
Point Pleasant, West Virginia, is a typical “window” area. There are hundreds of others throughout the United States, each marked by continuous UFO activity over long periods of time, bizarre monster sightings, and the mysterious comings and goings of unusual persons. —John Keel, Complete Guide, p. 267
John Keel introduced the concept of “window areas.” The Law of One made similar references, such as this:
Ra: […] The only beings who are able to penetrate the quarantine [an alleged energetic barrier between third density and higher ones] are those who discover windows or distortions in the space/time continua surrounding your planet’s energy fields. Through these windows they come. These windows are rare and unpredictable.
Questioner: Does this account for what we call the “UFO Flaps” where a large number of UFOs show up like in 1973?
Ra: […] This is correct.
How do windows form? In the compilations on “Other-Dimensional Window-Fallers,” we learned that windows seem to be formed primarily by certain electromagnetic conditions, like wave bursts “along frequency border variation” (1996-2-3), and “at points of realm border weaknesses” due to phenomena related to the approaching “Wave” (2014-10-11). The EM phenomena produced by our technologies transcend our own realm, and can be perceived in other dimensions, feeding beings there and enabling their entry here (2015-3-21). Major earthquakes, like the New Madrid Earthquake, can create “good EM conditions for breaching of the curtain” as the Earth settles afterwards (2018-9-22). Meteorite fireball explosions can open windows and do so “rather often” (2023-6-24).
Additionally, according to the Cassiopaeans, interactions with Grays (as in the case of Karla Turner) can open a household up to multiple types of phenomena not directly related to the alien experiences, such as poltergeist activity and Bigfoot encounters: “When there is excessive activity of this sort it leaves open channels or ‘windows’ which allows all sorts of things to come through” (1994-11-19). The telepathic link between Grays and people is not dependent on distance; it is complex, but “follows dimensional windows” (1995-9-9).
Communication with higher intelligences like the Cs can similarly “blast open” a window in the area in question, causing UFO flaps. The more such channeling and associated activity, the bigger the window (1995-2-18). During one such session, many UFOs were sighted as a result of such a window “blast” (1996-1-7).
While the above describe relatively spontaneously formed windows, others are more permanent in nature due to certain geographic features. In line with what Keel wrote, there are “many windows on Earth” (1995-6-3). One is in Britain, which is why Stonehenge was built there (1994-11-7). Cuernavaca, Mexico, is “Earth’s most intense window area,” which is why many UFOs are sighted there; “magnetic/volcanic influences contribute to the presence of a super-vortex” (1997-11-15). Another is associated with Palomar Mountain and the Palomar Observatory (2009-3-7), where infamous contactee and hoaxer George Adamski lived. Atlantean energy-focusing technology exists underwater in the Bermuda Triangle area1 (as well as off the coast of Japan, in Brazil, the Ural mountains, the North and South Poles, and on the Moon and Mars). When it is activated and produces EM waves (1995-3-18), a “transdimensional window is blasted open” (1994-11-19). In reference to the Marfa lights in Texas, they said: “Window to this dimension leaves static” (1995-6-3).
It is probable that many strange locations and “anomalous zones,” such as those described in Nick Redfern’s book The World’s Weirdest Places (2012), are also associated with windows, such as Rendlesham Forest. Other locations highlighted by AAWSAP as similar to Skinwalker Ranch include Dulce, NM; the San Luis Valley, CO; Cascade County, MT; and Pennsylvania.
The following excerpts from the transcripts describe more window-related features and phenomena:
July 18, 1998
Q: (L) OK, another thing that Imbrogno noted [in Contact of the 5th Kind(1997), with Marianne Horrigan] was that they graphed the UFO sightings in this area, and what they found was that they occurred in these places over and over again. So, the guy goes out and investigates the sites and found, more often than not, these standing stones or stone chambers [e.g. in New York State] […] Well, there was a considerable series of sightings of these black boomerang–type craft. Are these stones markers of doorways between densities?
A: Windows.
Q: (L) Do these windows open and close arbitrarily?
A: Electrical storm.
Q: (L) Can they be opened and closed by deliberate, engineered factors?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) […] why is it that […] the stones and chambers seem to be connected with the black boomerangs?
A: If you build a house, then someone comes along and installs a 220 volt plug in it, what connection do you have with the clothes dryer?
Q: (T) Two different things. You build a house, somebody comes along and installs an improvement and uses it in another way.
A: Crystals make density and dimensional windows open from “time to time” thus making the oblivious quite obvious.
Q: (L) Are the craft always there and the crystalline structure of the stone causes the windows to open and make them visible?
A: If certain factors mitigate...
August 20, 2001
Q: I’m getting the feeling that there have been bleed-in, bleed-out situations with 4th density on this planet a lot more often than we suspect.
A: Yes.
Q: Are these situations sometimes manufactured by those who know how?
A: Close.
Q: Do they just happen to know where those window points are?
A: Yes.
Q: Is it significant that Rock Lake is on the same longitude line as Tikal?
A: Yes.
Q: Does it have to do with the windows we just talked about?
A: Close.
Another window is located at Rennes-le-Château in France, and perhaps Monument Valley on the Utah–Arizona state line:
December 5, 1998
Q: OK, Mike asks further: The six mountains at Rennes-le-Château form a natural pentagon surrounded by a circle. This reminds me of ancient spell-casters surrounding themselves with a circle when summoning spirits or demons. Was this area set up as a giant gateway or place of summoning?
A: Gateways occur where the conditions are right.
Q: Is this area a gateway?
A: Window.
Q: If it is, do the five surrounding peaks contain or shield whatever...
A: Contain is O.K.
Q: So, he is right, it does contain. Does this have to do with Atlantean technology and energy production?
A: In an offhand way.
Q: Are there other significant natural formations that follow similar patterns that we should be looking for?
A: Yes, of course. And they are numerous. Monument Valley is but one example. […]
Q: So, the instructions or clues found in this place, may, in fact, apply to some other location? Is that it?
A: Or to a grid. […]
Q: What grid are we talking about? An EM grid...
A: Yes. Meridians...
The next session follows up on this line of questioning and provides some definitions:
December 12, 1998
Q: (M) You said that this place over Rennes-le-Château was a window. What is a window? (L) Now, I realize that we have all assumed that we know what a window is, but we have never really asked for a definition. Could you define for us a “window”?
A: Convergence; opening to alternative states via energy grid points.
Q: Are windows where you can pass back and forth? Moving between realms?
A: It is possible.
Q: How does a window differ from a “portal”?
A: Window is open, portal is crafted.
Q: A window is naturally occurring portal?
A: Close.
Q: Does a window remain open all the time, or does it open and close for various reasons?
A: Closer to latter.
Q: What determines its opening and closing?
A: Frequency.
Q: Frequency of what?
A: Energy patterns.
Q: Frequency patterns of the area itself, or of people, or of people in interaction with the area?
A: Former.
Q: What could occur to change the frequency of the area?
A: EM pulse.
Q: Where do these EM pulses originate from?
A: They are transmutable. […]
Q: I suggested that one of the things you may have meant by suggesting, last week, an investigation of pyrotechnics, might be as simple as finding where, on the planet, are the highest number of lightning strikes, and that these might indicate foci of grid points. Would this be, in fact, a good line to follow?
A: One of them. […]
Q: [Mike] writes: were these huts really used for honey production? That doesn't seem logical. Were they built in the 19th century by the agrarians you mentioned, or just used by them? Because some of them are completely filled with rocks.
A: Crystals figure in here. […]
Q: He asks if there is a technology buried in the area to facilitate the workings of the window?
Michel postulated so-called “alignments”: straight lines that corresponded to large circles traced and centered on the earth. Michel claimed that UFO sightings could be clustered along these grid lines. He proposed, for example, that there was a line known as “BaVic,” pointing from Bayonne to Vichy, where, out of nine UFO observations cited in the press on 24 September 1954, six aligned (Bayonne, Lencouacq, Tulle, Ussel, Gelles, Vichy).
David R. Saunders verified the phenomenon, writing:
The BAVIC configuration is of interest because of its apparent linearity. The close conformity of all six geographic locations to a single straight line (or great circle) is striking. Confronted by his discovery not only of BAVIC but of other strongly linear configurations occurring on other dates in the fall of 1954, when France experienced a major UFO-flap, Michel concluded that such linearity is a meaningful feature of the UFO phenomenon, and in 1958 he introduced the concept of orthoteny to the literature. …
In fact, the BAVIC line does not correspond to any natural or artificial feature, such as a mountain range or river or highway. Neither does it correspond to an alignment of important population centres. It seems unlikely, therefore, that our conclusion results from use of a poor model to represent chance.
On a larger scale, planets and stars themselves are windows (1996-6-15), including our sun (1995-3-4): “All spheres of a cosmic nature are windows” (1999-9-25). “The ‘center of the sphere’ is a window” (2008-9-3). These windows cause the need for new physics in the center of the planet (2001-10-31). And such windows can be utilized as wormholes (1998-9-12).
Uranus (2023), NASA / ESA / CSA
March 1, 1997
Q: (T) You had a question about transmitting from Cassiopaea, Arkadiusz. What was the question? (A) I think the question was, why do they need a particular place in the universe to transmit from?
A: We transmit “through” the opening that is presented in the locator you represent as Cassiopaea, due to the strong radio pulses aligned from Cassiopaea, due to pulsar3 from neutron star 300 light years behind it, as seen from your locator. […] This facilitates a clear channel transmission from 6th density to 3rd density. […]
Cassiopeia A appears here as a spherical cloud. The neon blue represents data from NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory; the turquoise blue represents data from NASA's Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE); and the gold is courtesy of the NASA/European Space Agency Hubble Space Telescope.
Q: (A) OK, there is something about pulsar, because it brings these pulses with a certain frequency. But, of course, it is not these pulses that are important for transmission, because the pulses take hundreds of years to get here. This we know. (L) But, the pulsar is the window […] between densities. (A) Yes, but what is the pulsar that is so specific that it makes a window? Is it this frequency? Or, is it something else? Which physical phenomenon is responsible for making this window? Can we specify, something more exactly than saying that it’s just quantum physics?
A: What is the nature of neutron stars, supernovae, “black holes,” et cetera? […] All are the junction of matter/antimatter... the borderline between realities as you know them... material realms/etheric realms, density-level junctures, realities. One can pass through these windows with ease; remember, the stars and planets are windows too.
Q: (L) And stars and planets were described as being giant atoms. Is an atom a window?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Is a proton a window?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) OK, so it is. And it’s massive, so let me ask. Is photon a window, too?
A: Yes.
It is not just window-faller beings that can pass through. Base atoms can, too, along with larger objects:
March 15, 1997
A: Gravity center of planet is also “window” to all other density levels and dimensional planes of existence, which is why electrically charged atoms “ground” in order to pass on to other planes through gravity binder.
April 23, 2022
Q: (Joe) On March 21st, the China Eastern Airline that flew straight into the ground... What was the cause?
A: Guidance system run amok after airburst.
Q: (Pierre) And what was the cause of the airburst?
A: Meteoric object breaching realm barrier.
Q: (Andromeda) That was my first guess. (Pierre) Yeah, me too. We agreed on that. Breaching the realm barrier... (Niall) The meteor wasn’t coming through space. It merged... (Andromeda) It came through a portal, pretty much. (Niall) Was it a merging of... (Pierre) From 4D?
A: Every object entering your realm does not have to come from 4D. Refer back to Ark’s questions about dimensions. Also consider what has been said about window-fallers and Flight 19.
But what would happen if a human were to pass through the window?
November 19, 1994
Q: (L) Say a person was sailing along in the Bermuda Triangle and the window was blasted open and these people passed through or were engulfed in it or whatever, in what condition would they find themselves?
A: Something akin to suspended animation.
Q: (L) Would they be conscious of their state of suspended animation or would their consciousness also be suspended?
A: Either/or.
Q: (L) Do they stay in this state forever, or do they come back out, or do they come out somewhere else?
A: Open. All are possible. […]
March 18, 1995
Q: (L) What causes some planes, people and ships to disappear in the Bermuda Triangle? […]
A: Of course some are just crashes and sinkings, but when accompanied by unusual phenomena, it is because of irregular anomalies.
Q: (L) Where do they go? […]
A: To parallel reality.
Q: (L) Is this parallel reality like being on a parallel Earth?
A: No. […] Varies according to circumstances.
Q: (L) What happened to the infamous Flight 19? […]
A: They are still trying to get their bearings. […] In their thought reference, like being “lost souls.”
Q: (L) […] Does this mean that they are “stuck” in time? […]
A: Bingo!
Q: (L) Is there any possibility that they could fly out of this place that they are stuck in and back into our reality?
A: Absolutely, remember, the Wave is approaching, and as it gets “nearer”, more and more unusual events take place, witness crop circles, for example. […] Now, some more information about Flight 19. Do you remember a few years ago that a team of researchers claimed to have found the planes, then retracted? […]
Q: (S) I wonder where the planes came from. (L) That is the obvious question!
A: Parallel reality, you see, when something crosses into another reality, it accesses something called, for lack of a better term, the “thought plane”, and as long as that reality is misunderstood, the window remains open, thus all perceptions of possibility may manifest concretely, though only temporarily, as thought plane material is constantly fluid.4
Q: (L) Does this mean that this was a “Flight 19” of a parallel reality that went through a window into our reality?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Was this part of or connected to the loss of our “Flight 19”? Did we exchange realities here?
A: It is the thought patterns that effect the reality[;] when that window is opened, all thought can become physical reality, though only temporarily.
Q: (L) Does this mean that the divers’ and searchers’ thoughts about this became reality?
A: And all others.
Q: (T) All others involved in the search?
A: All others on the planet.
Q: (T) Even those that did not believe that the searchers were going to find them?
A: Yes. Researchers found what they expected to find, but when others heard the news, other things started to happen according to which thought patterns dominated.
Q: (L) So, in other words, if somebody believed that it was Flight 19, it appeared, and if somebody did not believe it was Flight 19, it disappeared?
A: Yes.
The expedition that claimed to have found the planes was led by Graham Hawkes in 1991:
Hawkes announced that the wreckage of five Avengers had been discovered off the coast of Florida, but their tail numbers revealed they were not Flight 19. In 2004, a BBC documentary showed Hawkes returning with a new submersible 12 years later and identifying one of the planes by its bureau number (a clearly readable 23990) as a flight lost at sea on October 9, 1943, over two years before Flight 19 (its crew all survived), but he was unable to definitively identify the other planes; the documentary concluded that “Despite the odds, they are just a random collection of accidents that came to rest in the same place 12 miles [19 km] from home.”
[footnote: Hawkes has since changed his story. Now he says both he (because his investors didn’t want to waste valuable time on an investigation) and the Pentagon (because they had more important things to worry about) had an interest in making the story go away. He admits that while he didn’t find conclusive evidence that the planes were the same group that went missing in 1945, he consulted a statistician to establish the probability that they were not. “He said, ‘You’ve got Flight 19,’ ” Hawkes says.]
November 9, 1994: “Energy collector trans-level; Stonehenge was one. Stonehenge is a coil. The missing stones form a coil arrangement. People have been ‘zapped’ at Stonehenge.”
A pulsar is “a highly magnetized rotating neutron star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation out of its magnetic poles.” While no pulses have been detected from Cassiopeia A, in 2017 a pulsar was discovered in the constellation, 6,500 light years away. Cas A, the youngest known galactic supernova remnant, would have become visible on Earth around 1667, approximately 330 years before this session.
In the context of window-fallers, then, the state of confusion, uncertainty, and terror can maintain both the window and the thought-manifestations associated with it.